dangerous liaisons. ~ part viii

Jeffrey awoke the next morning, a bit sore from his sexual escapades the entire day before. Blinking awake, a smile crossed his perfect lips as his head rolled on the pillowcase to take in the sight of Matthew. The brunette’s arm was snugly wrapped around Jeffrey’s waist, his chest rising and falling in rhythm with his soft breathing. Matthew was so beautiful. His curls were lying against the pillow, resting on his side as he slept.

Jeffrey smiled. He couldn’t believe what happened the afternoon before. They had made love for the first time, and it filled him with a strong sense of devotion. The younger man reached up to twirl a few strands of Matthew’s hair against his fingertips, his parted lips faintly pressed to the brunette’s cheek. With a grin, Jeffrey leaned down to plant a soft kiss on the older man’s lips, giggling as Matthew’s mouth melted against his.

The brunette’s eyelids flickered open to reveal a deep set of chocolate eyes. He kissed Jeffrey briefly, sighing as he coldly pulled away. Rolling out of bed to pick up his clothes from the floor and stepping back into them, his face was simply expressionless. He kept his back to the younger man, pulling back his hair once more into a ponytail, letting his curls spill down against his shoulders. It was going to be difficult, but he had to do it. He had to say good-bye. Forever.

Jeffrey sat on the bed, his emerald eyes curious and worried. A few strands of hair fell over his gaze as he watched Matthew dress, his heart racing with uncertainty. Folding his legs under his weight, he witnessed the brunette slip on his sandals, ready to walk out the door.

Matthew turned towards the younger man, his gaze dropping to the floor below, “I do not love you, Jeffrey..”, the brunette’s voice was impeccably cruel and harsh, “I never have and never will...”, Matthew lifted his gaze to stare deep into the hurt of Jeffrey’s eyes. Closing his eyes momentarily, his voice began to waver as his body trembled.

“I just wanted to fuck you, and now that I’ve achieved that goal, I’m through with you..”, Matthew attempted to callously state, tears welling up in his eyes, “Besides, I have another that you don’t even compare to...”, the brunette laughed lightly as he felt a few tears threatening to fall. The look in Jeffrey’s eyes said it all. Matthew bowed his head. It was crushing his heart.

Jeffrey frowned, tears falling from his eyes as he angrily stared into Matthew’s gaze. He was only a simple conquest, a cruel bet placed. He didn’t understand how the brunette could be so sweet one day and so cold the next. Matthew was lying. It was obvious. The older man's body was shaking with his false words. His eyes glossy with wet tears, Jeffrey clenched the sheets tight in his fists, his heart completely shattered.

“Get out...”, Jeffrey hissed softly, his emerald eyes full of hatred and disdain. Matthew shook his head, walking over to grab the younger man’s arms as Jeffrey attempted to struggle.

“Please..”, Matthew begged softly, tears spilling down his face, “Y-You have to understand..”, the brunette tried to reason with the younger man, closing his eyes as Jeffrey slapped him. Twice. Matthew could feel the imprint of the younger man’s hand sizzling against his skin, silently crying as he got up and left the room. Fuck.

“Get the fuck out!”, Jeffrey screamed, his entire body wracked with tears as he began to sob. His hand burned. So did his heart. He didn’t even care anymore. Burying his face in his hands, he cried.

Flinging the sheets off his bed, he threw glasses and crystal around the room, barely listening to them crash against the wall. His chest heaved as he suddenly fell to the floor, hugging his knees close to his body. He was a mess. And that’s how he would be without Matthew.

Closing the door behind him, Matthew’s entire body shook with heartbreak. He quickly exited the residence, sniffling as he stepped into the awaiting carriage. He quietly asked to be driven to Monsieur Jericho’s Bastille. Resting his cheek against the window, he continued to cry. He had given everything up. His love for Jeffrey, his soul, his intentions. Running his fingertips against the glass, his tears stained his own reflection, evidence of his struggle..
