euphoria. ~ part I

You give me the reason..
You give me control..
I gave you my purity..
My purity you stole...
Did you think I wouldn't recognize this compromise..
Am I just too stupid to realize..
Stale incense, old sweat and lies, lies, lies..

It comes down to this..
Your kiss..
Your fist..
And your strain..
It gets under my skin..
Take in the extent of my sin...

You give me the anger..
You give me the nerve..
Carry out the sentence..
I get what I deserve..
I'm just an effigy to be defaced..
To be disgraced..
Your need for me has been replaced..
And if I can't have everything, well then, just give me a taste..

It comes down to this..
Your kiss..
Your fist..
And your strain...
It gets under my skin..
Take in the extent of my sin..

London. 1889. The depths of plague and silence of the lower class; the rich with a supreme advantage over the English countryside. While peasants searched and scrounged for shillings, thrust deep into the unfortunate circumstances of starvation and hunger. Prostitutes and beggars, hustlers and swindlers; all fighting for a dim voice in the rich clatter of money and power. The streets dirty, the working class poor; the impending rebellion lying underneath the depression and unjust realities.

On the other hand, the bourgeoisie lived lavishly; their phenomenal wealth and political status only serving to make them even happier. Businesses flourished, as well as social drug-use, their fine wines and gluttonous feasts carefully disguising the quiet insanity of the upper class. Wealthy doctors and businessmen, the priests and royals; enjoying a life of dominance and stable prosperity; selfishly assuring their assets and possessions as their own.

But in the midst of it all, there was something else developing in the town; a certain guiltless evil festering deep within the city. A certain knowledge passed between two men, their underlying secrets and identities swarming in a deranged world of mystery. But the simple fact was that no one would ever know. For they were too clever and flawless to be suspected, their intricate plans a demonstration of true genius and flawless disturbance. Portraying an ideal performance of murder and vicious violence, their innocent slayings would be forever etched in history..

The light flutter of soggy newspapers in the autumn breeze, indigo ink staining the thin paper with dark blotches and mindless text. The streets were desolate and empty, be that for the occasional drunkard stray from the various pubs and taverns lining the dark streets. Dawn was soon arriving, for the earliest of morning was upon the town, the dim light from the moon casting obscured shadows on the glowing lampposts. Oil lanterns shone through the transparent shoppe windows, their conniving flames brightly flickering on the windowsills and reflecting back through the glass.

Scuffed, leather boots crunched through the cobblestone streets, the roads tattered and worn with the evidence of weather and horse-drawn carriages. The smooth, black material bore the remnants of numerous stumbles, the heels busily worn. The young prostitute, bundled in a short, wool jacket, strolled through the silent night; a sparkling set of turquoise eyes cast downwards. The frayed skirt he wore bunched around his thighs as he walked, the tender skin hidden between his legs bruised and full of slashes and scars. He wore only a thin, cotton shirt beneath the coat, the buttons gone and ripped from the threads.

A torn pair of gloves accompanied his hands, his body lightly shivering as his fingers reached up to gently push a few strands of blonde from his forlorn gaze. His lips, luscious and tender, were still slick with the evidence of his latest customer. His knees, rubbed together as he continued to walk, a few pebbles stuck to the skin as a reminder of the recent blowjob. His pockets, clinking with the coins he earned from his collected efforts, were empty otherwise, almost completely ripped at the seams. He managed to smile despite himself, trudging down the sidewalk to the rhythm of his boots dragging against the street. Silence. Greenish-sapphire eyes blinked in surprise, freezing as the scuffle of footsteps reached a threatening cresendo.

Two men appeared from the light fog, one resting his head onto the other’s solid shoulder. The blonde arched an eyebrow, the brim of the onyx-colored, felt, bowler hat resting atop his head shadowed his pleased expression. Strands of deep magenta, rich pink, and sky blue were beautifully-manipulated into thick, perfect spiral curls that brushed against his shoulders as he walked.

His clothes fit perfectly, the crisp, black overcoat hugging his body like a forbidden lover. The sleeves stopped just below his wrists, expertly tailored to squeeze his muscled biceps and cling to his rounded shoulders. The long coattails fluttered in the cold wind, the gold buttons stitched into the smooth fabric sparkling almost mischievously. The smoke-gray vest he wore underneath hugged tight to his broad chest, coordinating with the crisp, ruffled white shirt beneath. Snug, black pants embraced his lower half, revealing the prominent curve of his delicious backside. A thin cigarette hung from his perfect lips, buried between the moist cleft of his mouth.

Jeffrey. Jeffrey Hardy. Gorgeous. Seductive. Manipulative. Homicidal. He smirked. So everyone had their flaws, eh? His gaze fell down to Matthew, his older brother and partner in numerous projects. The sight of Matthew’s face glowing in the halo of the muted moonlight caused his cock to stir in the confined restriction of his pants; and made his mind float. He smoothly reached up to extract the cigarette from his mouth, almost offering Matthew a drag, but instead tossing it to the ground. His foot snuffed the thin stick, a small wisp of smoke peeking from just under his shoe as he extinguished the tiny flame.

“What about him?”, Jeffrey’s lips parted slightly as his dark emerald gaze swept over the young prostitute, “He looks like a screamer...”, the blonde smirked, one eyebrow elegantly arched. Matthew almost giggled, snuggling closer to the blonde as silken tendrils of dark brown and indigo-violet spilled from the dark gray top hat perched atop his head.

His burnt chocolate gaze glistened with sheer amusement, a sadistic grin covering his face. The silver crucifix bounced against his chest as he walked, the thin necklace bound to his neck by a small clasp. The costly Italian leather of his boots shone with a fresh polish, the light clunk of the heel against the street ringing out in the night. Beautiful, toned calves led up to a wonderful pair of thighs; his flesh still damp with the condensed moisture of an early bath. His curvacious hips swayed with liquid seduction, the black skirt soft and luxurious against his succulent skin.

He leaned over to kiss Jeffrey softly, reaching up to brush his gloved fingers against the blonde’s cheek. They kissed passionately, shamelessly. The soft sound of their tongues lewdly tangling only served to reawaken their unsatisfiable desire, both brothers moaning lustily as their mouths melted together. With a breathless sigh, Jeffrey reached down to sunk his nails into the firm muscle of his brother’s ass, reluctantly breaking the kiss as he pulled away. For good reason, of course..

Christian sped up, nearly tripping over his own feet as he walked even faster. He swore he couldn’t hear the moans, or the faint whispers ringing in his ears. It was all an illusion. Or at least that’s what he tried to assure himself of. Biting his lip to keep from sighing outloud, he kept up his quick pace, hoping the noises he heard weren‘t really there at all. He had recently heard stories of horrid murders and slayings around the town, and at first, he just laughed it off, hoping it was only rumor. Though it seemed as if the killings were starting to pick up once more, and it frightened him tremendously. When he reached the back alley where he resided, he maintained to let out the tiny breath he had horribly attempted to hold, his body trembling uncontrollably. With a shaky gasp, he turned to face the silent fog, smiling lightly before turning around once more. He suddenly froze as the voice, deep and viciously knowing, purred at his ear.

“Who were you expecting?”, Jeffrey smirked darkly, damp, pink curls spilling over his gaze as his voice echoed in his ears. Instantly, his warm lips planted a soft kiss to the back of the Christian’s neck as he lifted the wide, jagged blade to reflect the prostitute’s reaction. His gaze flickered up to inspect the complete look of terror covering the blonde‘s features. Perfect.

His skillful fingers gripped tight to the leather handle as his wrist flicked in a quick, swift motion; he slit the prostitute’s throat, viciously dragging the blade deep as it could go. Vibrant, olive eyes glinted with satisfaction as he listened to the wet gurgles of blood flow from the blonde’s mouth, leaning down to capture Christian’s trembling lips with his own. He kissed him deeply, his tongue sliding against the crimson rush spewed from the blonde’s gaping mouth. Almost severing his head, Jeffrey brutally yanked the knife from Christian’s trachea, the shimmer of thick plasma against the metal instrument cutting through the blackness of the night. Quickly, he stabbed the younger man in the chest, violently slashing the blonde with the sharpened edge of metal. Blood sprayed up onto his face, staining his cheeks and nose as the warm liquid dripped from his chin.

His arms, once held tight around the blonde, carelessly released their hold. The body lifelessly slumped to the street, Christian’s throat completely ripped open. The blood ran through the cracks of the stones lining the street, pooling around Jeffrey’s expensive shoes and staining his rubber heels. His full lips, smeared with the scarlet residue of his sinful crime. Jeffrey smirked. The warm underside of his tongue slipped against his bottom lip, his eyes dangerously glaring down at the hunched-over body. Fuck. He hadn’t felt that good in a long time. Dominating the innocent, the guiltless. That’s what made him shudder at night, made him want something more, make him take what he couldn’t have. And that’s what it was all about. That’s all it had ever been about. Killing. Torturing. Abusing. He really couldn’t help but to smile.

Matthew blinked before calmly strolling over to the motionless form, the large, black case dangerously swinging in his hand. A box of tricks. He almost laughed. Bending down to kneel onto the ground, skilled fingers clicked open the lock of the leather attache briefcase, his eyes instantly lighting up. Several rows of surgeon’s instruments lay in the dark velvet lining, the plush, cushiony material swallowing the glinting tools into a safe embrace. His gaze thoroughly scanned the contents of the case, his hand running over the cool silver molded into numerous shapes. His palm twitched in anticipation, a soft moan escaping his lips as he lifted the thick scalpel, twirling the pointed object against his fingers. His attention flickered up to the body of the young whore, and then to his brother, motioning his head for the blonde to undress the ravaged body.

Jeffrey obediently sliced through the shabby threads of the blonde’s clothes with the perimeter of the bloody knife, ripping the fabric completely from Christian’s body. Matthew watched closely, wicked thoughts forming in his head as the nude form of the young blonde obscenely laid in front of him, pleased as Jeffrey even took the time to spread the prostitute’s legs.

Matthew smiled. There was no doubt that the boy was indeed beautiful. His features tender and innocent, slashed through by the unforgiving steel blade, streams of blood pouring from the gaping wound that was no longer his throat. A tiny beam of light from the full moon shone through the deep cut, his neck awkwardly twisted to the side and his lips still parted. The tips of his hair were stained with his own blood, a fine contrast to the woven golden blonde caressing the comatose expression of his face. His chest, penetrated by various stabs and piercings of a broad knife, glittered with bright red plasma, his nipples protruding from the sliced pectoral muscles.

Matthew’s deep auburn gaze intently studied the incisions Jeffrey was busy making, his heart pounding in his chest at the intensity of it all. It hadn’t been the first they’d killed. 21 victims. 21 murders. From town to town, their name was known well, in fact, a little too well. ‘Brothers, awarded top honors of medicine at ages 19 and 22’, ‘Vicious murders in the town point to the Hardy brothers’. It was all true. They were both intelligent, well-regarded surgeons. Well, at first. That is until it all got uncommonly boring. The performances, the experiments, the procedures. Much too plain. It began to eat away at his brain, the evil voices in his head starting to get the better of him. So they did the only thing they could do. Begin a murderous rampage. Or at least that’s what it was generally regarded as. I mean, would a brutal killer refer to himself as a slaughterer? Not really. Maybe a misunderstood genius. Matthew smirked. Eh, he liked the sound of that better.

Plunged deep into slippery flesh, the firm blade spun and danced beneath Christian’s skin. It cut through veins and arteries, slicing through the taut muscles stretched across the blonde’s abdomen; leaving a dribbling trail of blood in its wake. It carved and etched perfect swirls and twists in the bloody surface, almost buried to the handle in warmth and wetness.

Jeffrey allowed his curled fingers to drag the knife down the cleft running through Christian’s stomach, his gaze intent as his free hand squeezed lightly at the unresponsive hips, rolling his fingertips in the blood collected there. The faint path of blonde hair leading down to Christian’s groin was briefly untouched, be that for the cruel separation of flesh just beneath his navel. Jeffrey ripped the blade through the pale skin, his face glowing in pleasure as he leaned down to press his lips to the blonde’s cock, his tongue roughly sliding up and down the twitching member. The base of Christian’s cock was covered in a fine fuzz of honey-colored hair, the prominent vein on the underside of his shaft throbbing its slowly-decreasing melody.

Jeffrey had good right to sink his teeth into it, but that was to come for later. Instead, he yanked the knife from the blonde’s lower abdomen, watching the pools of blood rise to the surface and spill in miscellaneous directions on the skin. In the faint light, it looked almost a dark shade of navy, the underlying ruby glint reflecting the ray with an almost certain gorgeousness.

Tearing his eyes away from the mesmerizing sight, he glanced up to notice his brother engraving a small circle just under Christian’s chin, the motionless head tilted back in complete misery. He watched as Matthew carved a wound just above what was left of Christian’s neck, the smoky smoothness of his brother’s gloves covered in blood. It was surprising how exact Matthew was with a scalpel, but somehow he managed to skillfully cut out the perfect section he desired, straight up through Christian’s mouth and through his tongue. It was almost as if he was preparing for something. Matthew easily twisted the instrument against his hand, smiling as his gaze met his brother’s in a heated rush.

He scooted up to straddle Christian’s chest, squatting so that one leg rested on either side of the blonde’s shoulders. His hips swiveled against Christian’s upper half, a small sigh leaving his lips as his pulsing erection ground against the bloody mess of the blonde’s neck. His cock thumped beneath the linen material of his skirt, almost begging to be fondled and stroked. The brunette moaned softly, the sticky heat of his ass absorbing the moist residue covering Christian’s abdomen; his heavy balls chafing against the gooey wetness of the wound. Dazed by the high of the kill, he braced his hands against the mixed gravel covering the ground, rubbing his anus up and down the blood pool formed in Christian’s tiny belly-button. His eyes fluttered shut with the tantalizing rhythm of his movements, his hips seductive in their tango against the dead body.

In his mind, he imagined the blonde responding to him by guiding his waist, his arousal reaching a perilous culmination as he felt his brother’s sticky fingers creep up his thighs to lock tight around his cock. He reached down to still his brother’s hand. He wasn’t done yet.

He leaned forward to accept Jeffrey’s kiss, tilting his head to the side to suck at his brother’s tongue. Warm and gratuitous, their embrace as anew as undying passion itself, their mouths meeting in a licking caress. The clink of metal hitting the street rang in Jeffrey’s ears, his hands possessively roaming the brunette’s body with unbridled ardor. They had fucked not more than a few hours earlier, but it wasn’t enough. Nor would it ever be. Jeffrey’s hand shamelessly guided Matthew’s cock up into the small, hollow laceration on the underside of Christian’s chin, the sharp gasp torn from the brunette’s mouth buzzing against his mouth.

Matthew’s cock pushed up into the thin membrane, moaning as the shaft broke through the muscles just beneath Christian’s inert tongue. It was the most deliriously tight ring of veins and tender muscle, the slick warmth of the blood serving as wonderful lubricant. His cock vertically stretched Christian’s jaws open, the tip of his throbbing shaft throbbing against the rigid roof of the prostitute’s mouth. Eh, at least he didn’t have to worry about his teeth..

He moaned and held himself there for a steady moment, the swimming sensation swirling in his head overtaking his thoughts and leaving him with mild coherency. Jeffrey watched his brother squirm and fuck Christian’s jaws apart, the squishy sound of the brunette’s cock cruelly slipping in and out of the inflicted wound arousing him to a heightened degree. He reached over to wrap his fingers around Matthew’s shaft, his fist firmly stroking his brother’s cock up into the stretched, forced opening. Christian’s head jerked slightly with each brutal thrust, the blank whites of his eyes focused on the bleak brick wall next to an inn.

Matthew moaned and slowly allowed his eyes to flicker open, each successful grind of his hips plunging his dick upwards through Christian’s neck, the marvelous blood covering his cock spilling from the blonde’s mouth and trickling from his expanded lips. He managed to sigh out Jeffrey’s name, his free hand already buried in his brother’s pants and brazenly squeezing his cock. He would’ve loved for Jeffrey to fuck him right here in the street, but sunrise came in an hour, and knowing his brother, that was barely enough time. Matthew smirked. Not that a quick blowjob wasn’t in order.

“Let me suck your cock..”, Matthew whispered devilishly, his hips still working in perfect accord as the glint in his eyes spoke wonders. Jeffrey moaned, somehow standing to his feet and tugging down his trousers to puddle at his ankles, his thick cock springing free and rudely slapping against his brother’s cheek.

A wet trail of pre-cum blemished his brother’s flushed skin, resembling a lash of arousal. In the brightening darkness, he could see Matthew’s fingers encircle his cock, swiftly pumping his cock as his trembling tongue lapped its way around his sizable set of balls. He quickly reached down to grip the back of his brother’s head, which was still covered in the top hat, and shoved his cock down his throat.

Matthew moaned against Jeffrey’s dick, his jaws widened to accommodate the thick girth of his baby brother’s shaft. Skillfully, he worked his cock, his moist lips tightened around the base with each powerful clench of his throat, the slick rhythm eliciting a few whimpers from Jeffrey’s mouth. He was somehow able to deep-throat his brother’s cock, his bloody chin nestled in the small patch of pale wisps of pubic hair covering the blonde’s sack. His head bobbed with perverse ease, his moans and sighs of pleasure muffled around his brother’s delicious shaft.

Still, Matthew’s hips rocked in perfect synchronization with his mouth, his cock stuffed up the maliciously-deep gash and breaching the torn muscles that once sealed Christian’s throat. Grazing his incisor teeth against his brother’s twitching erection, he closed his eyes in pure bliss, moving his head to the guiding hand resting on the back of his hat. Nothing was better than sucking his brother’s cock. Well..killing was pretty involving, and so was getting fucked..

Jeffrey tossed his head back with a contracted gasp, the muscles in his thighs tightening as he felt himself spiraling closer to the psychotic realm of his orgasm. It always took everything out of him. Physically and mentally. Not that he had anything left in the mental department. Nonetheless, twisted images would lead him down a path of bittersweet release, which actually only fueled his murderous urges and sharpened his violent side. He smirked subconsciously. Fuck.

And with a snap of his hips, he jerked his cock up towards Matthew’s face, his fingers clutching the back of the brunette’s neck as he came down his brother’s throat. A slur of senseless moans spilled from his mouth as he felt spurt after warm spurt milked from his cock, his body shivering in the chilly breeze of the impending daylight. The only thing he could feel was Matthew’s tongue lashing at his cockhead, and then his brother’s fist pumping his cock as his load splattered onto his face.

Matthew moaned. Jeffrey’s cum shot against his cheeks, the bridge of his nose, his chin, and his forehead. It spilled from his mouth like a creamy fountain of his brother’s tribute, the ivory substance sizzling against his sweaty flesh. And that was all it took. He felt his body freeze as his back arched violently, a ragged shriek leaving his mouth as he released in Christian’s mouth. Streams of cum shot up against the bloody roof of his mouth, some strands hitting the blonde’s limp tongue.

He slumped against Christian’s carcass for a few moments, his cock still strongly throbbing against muscles that would no longer perform their former actions, the life completely drained from the young blonde. Somehow, he managed to slip his cock from the elastic expansion of used muscle, weakly pumping the last of his load onto Christian’s blood-covered thighs. Damn.

Jeffrey pulled up his pants, smirking quietly as he admired their handiwork. Christian looked like he’d just been through Hell. And in a way, he had. Jeffrey reached over to pick up the stained instruments, neatly placing them back into the open case and shutting the shiny lock. His bright gaze extended toward the sky, the light blue-gray morning replacing the dark intensity of the night. He straightened the bowler hat atop his head, his fingertips tracing the felt circumference of the brim.

He watched as Matthew tilted his top hat, leaving it crooked atop his head and wiggling his bloody fingers into the white gloves accompanying his outfit. His skirt was rumpled, his lips kissed and bruised, his skin sweaty and damp. Wordlessly, they grinned at each other, seeming to know what the other was contemplating. Pausing to share a passionate kiss before grabbing Christian’s arms, dragging the pillaged body through the back alley and into the world of ravenous pleasure..
