euphoria. ~ part III

Late evening. The streets empty and deserted, the light glow of moonlight contorting figures into discreet shadows. The annoying cackle of drunken chaps and teenage lads searching for obvious entertainment rang out into the chilly night before disappearing as soon as they came.

Despite it all, a handsome blonde kneeled in the back alleyway, a curtain of scattered blonde falling over his knowing gaze, his eyebrow lifted in dire suspicion. A warm fingertip traced the outline of a cold puddle of blood, sapphire eyes glinting darkly as he lifted his hand to his mouth, his tongue swirling against the pale crimson residue. Fuck. Beautiful orbs of melted navy and cerulean peered out from wire-rimmed glasses, the prescription of the lenses light and thin.

Golden honey tresses fell from the tight ponytail rested atop his head, a thin piece of pale blue suede holding up the lovely strands. A few locks of blonde spilled against the soft glow of his face, caressing his flushed cheeks in a tender embrace. Beneath the light gray petticoat, a sky blue, linen shirt clung to his muscular chest, the sleeves long and the buttons preferably open at the French-cuffs. The thick ties to the coat hung loosely, the large, round buttons binding the material tight to his shivering body. A cobalt pair of pants squeezed tight to his waist, the mysterious sexiness of his hips lying beneath the coarse silk and brushing against the material with each step. A pair of brown leather boots joined the garb, the thin laces untied and clinking against the rubber heels. Jericho. Christopher Jericho. Extensively stunning all in his own right, a certain presence and aire of the marvelously-attractive official.

His knee dug into the gritty cobblestone, the quiet, scuffled squeak of rats and mice frolicking in the traces of sewer attracting his attention. He stood up immediately, perfect lips releasing a soft sigh as he leaned against the brick wall, his arms hanging at his sides. He had good pretense to smoke a cigarette. But he couldn’t. It would distract his work. So he stood drumming his fingers against the wall, searching for an answer to it all. The Hardy Brothers couldn’t be in London. He had made sure they stayed in southwest England, where they belonged. He nearly chuckled. As if they were even partially normal. The man glanced down at his wristwatch, the worn, brown leather wrapped to his wrist as the soft tick of the minute-hand set upon the Roman numeral X. 10 ‘till 11. They would be back. They always were. Just to remind themselves of the horrid murder they had just executed, and of course to place the bloody body in a special position. Jericho smiled. His particular favorite was victim number 17. Ah, the expensive surgical scissors replacing the victim’s cock. They had even been so clever to remove his balls; somehow binding the metal instrument to the body’s forgotten groin. The thought alone almost turned his stomach, but he managed to force the bile to remain in the churning sack of muscle.

Oh, yeah. Maybe you’d like to know how he knew so much. As any sane person would. Well, he was a talented inspector, or detective as many classified it as. He had relentlessly studied their murderous rhythm for many years, and he knew he was the only person alive that could catch them. Obsessed he became, to the point where he became invisible to his family, his child and wife. Oh well. It was for the better anyway. He never had time for the various responsibilities of fatherhood, or being a husband. It would’ve hurt if he wasn’t so unaffected, his calm and collected demeanor based on his laid-back personality. He sighed, his solid back pressed to the wall as his forlorn gaze studied the patterns flashing in front of his face. Suddenly, the distinct movement out of the corner of his eye caught the reflection of his glasses, instantly turning around to face the brunette.

“Jericho of Wales, is it?”, Matthew smirked, reaching out to straighten the collar of the wool coat the blonde wore. Smiling, Jericho shrugged his hand away, his voice cool and knowing.

“Don’t fuck with me, Matthew..”, Jericho breathed softly, his piercing gaze burning into the fiery blaze of the brunette’s. The chemistry between them was enough to make Jericho’s cock react, nearly biting through his bottom lip at the force of his sudden arousal. Matthew just chuckled, playfully shaking his head at the blonde.

“I don’t recall you ever asking me to not fuck you..”, the brunette drawled, seductively licking his lips as he cocked a lovely eyebrow. Jericho turned away, the blush setting onto his cheeks evidence of the former pleasures they shared not so long ago. 3 months, to be exact.

Matthew was actually his lover on the side for years. Or at least until he began to notice the psychological change in the brunette. He actually had the chance to kill and capture Matthew many times before, but his heart was never into it. Or maybe that was the problem. It was.

Jericho’s gaze rose to study the brunette. Matthew wore a sheer, ruffled, dark blue shirt, the length stopping just short of his knees. Their sleeves melted into the biceps of his arms, accentuating each flex or clench of muscle. One button remained unlatched just beneath his delicious pecs, the fine mesh embracing his body like he had so many times before. A striking, sheer skirt coordinated perfectly with the outfit, blatantly revealing the fact that he never wore underwear. At least not tonight. Tall, platform boots addressed his feet, snuggled into the muscles of his calves and tightly tied clear up to his knees. Jericho’s eyes closed. He looked more than any mortal man, more than any lover or murderer, more than any god. He was everything that represented indulgence and transgression, and as horrible as it was, his heart beat for him. Jericho snarled at the sudden impending emotions, grabbing Matthew by the collar and tugging him close.

“I know what you’ve done, and I can’t let you get away with it..”, Jericho frowned, his voice beginning to waver slightly, “Not now nor ever..”, Jericho fought back his passion as hard as he could, but obviously Matthew was weaker than he.

The brunette pressed his mouth to Jericho’s, kissing him deeply as his tongue locked tight to the blonde’s, their searing embrace stiffening Jericho’s erection. Matthew knowingly peered over Jericho’s shoulder as he broke away from the kiss, his chocolate eyes full of mock despair.

“Don’t forget me, Jericho..”, Matthew whispered softly, his purr ringing in Jericho’s ears, “And tell God I’ve said hello...”, the brunette hissed coldly, the look of confusion on Jericho’s face shadowed by Jeffrey’s figure, the knife he held rudely plunging into the blonde’s ear.

A rush of warm blood poured from the deep wound, a stunned Jericho numbly blinking as Jeffrey grunted and pushed the slick blade even further. The dark grin capturing Matthew’s features was the last he recalled, as Jericho sunk to the street below, his skull cracking against the cobblestone as Jeffrey let him fall.

“Some people never learn..”, Jeffrey harshly rolled his eyes, the lower half of his face smeared in fresh blood. It stained his clothes and skin, and ran down his arm to crowd at his hand. The very same hand that held the heavy black case of wonder.

He carefully placed the rectangular box to the street, coated fingertips snapping open the lock and displaying the flashing gleam of bright metal. He looked up to meet Matthew’s gaze once more, his brother apparently smitten with the familiar exhibit of metallic utensils. Smiling, Jeffrey leaned over to turn Jericho onto his back, making himself busy with undressing the specimen of his acquired wardrobe, ripping each piece of clothing to the damp street. Meticulously removing his eyeglasses, Matthew placed them inside the rich purple, velvet casing, his fingertips running over the silver frames with calculated fascination. Intently grabbing the heavy handle of the biggest scalpel the case contained, he turned back towards the body, the brunette’s mysterious gaze drinking in the wonderful sight.

Jericho lay still, his lips freshly parted as a reminder of the forbidden kiss they’d shared only a few minutes prior. His ear was carved through, mounds of blood seeping from the thorough cut and dribbling out through the crevices of the dirty, infected street. His hair remained in the ponytail, the few strands falling over his face dripping with plasma and plague-inducing sewer. His breathing was no longer visible, for the tiny breath of air disappeared from his lungs; stilling his heart and bodily functions.

Bright, expressionless eyes were turned up towards the night sky, the twinkling array of stars reflecting the blue intensity of his blank gape. An ideal set of pectoral muscles lay unaffected to a slashing. Well, at least for now. Light pink nipples stood weakly from his chest, hardened and firm. Forgotten wisps of blonde lead down to his abdominal muscles, a straight path of fine, pale curls of hair.

His erection jutted up from a full set of balls, the small patch of fuzz covering the base of his cock sticky with his own pre-cum. His thighs remained untouched, be that for a tiny scar resting between the tender skin of muscle near his groin. Matthew knew where it came from, but he didn’t need to think of that. Instead, he allowed his eyes to wander to where Jeffrey was viciously plunging the thick blade of the knife into Jericho’s anus, the blonde’s entrance a composition of blood and shredded skin. The scene was almost enough to lose consciousness over.

Jeffrey rammed the instrument in and out of Jericho’s ass almost methodically, the small moans and sighs tearing from his lip a symphony of intense pleasure. His hands were covered with scarlet wetness, the plasma engulfing his hand like a warm whirlwind. He lifted Jericho’s ass to roughly invade the stretching hole with the entire 11-inch blade, even taking time to violently scrape against his contracted insides, forever scarring the blonde’s walls. He had plans for Jericho. Big plans.

Smirking, he began to concentrate on separating the muscles that formed Jericho’s anus, listening to the grotesque sound of the tight ring pulling from the body completely. Using his finger to spread the bloody entrance apart, he selected a thick rod from the black case, pitilessly shoving the instrument into Jericho’s insides. His emerald gaze lifted to inspect Jericho’s cock, his hand pumping the metal pole in and out of the expanded opening. The blonde’s cock twitched slightly as he aimed it towards a certain spot. Perfect. He found the exact spot where Jericho’s prostate rested. He would need that in a few minutes.

Grinning, Jeffrey’s hand halted its movements, the overwhelming weight of his cock throbbing in his pants quickened his pulse. Climbing up onto Jericho’s abdomen, facing away from the blonde’s wretched face, his warm hand enclosed around the body’s pulsing dick, impulsively stroking the slickened shaft.

Into his coat pocket he went, to pull out a thick, rusted cockring, the jagged spikes lying within the metal circle only serving to intensify his ardor. He cruelly slipped the dangerous ring onto Jericho’s cock, closely watching the spikes drag their deep slits of blood into the throbbing member. He bent to lick the plasma from the taut skin of the blonde’s dick as he locked the circle tight to the base of Jericho’s shaft, his head falling back and his eyes fluttering shut as he followed his desires into a thick cloud of violent yearning..

Matthew managed to turn his head, knowing what would result if he joined his brother. He reached up to slit the nipples straight from Jericho’s body, smirking as he placed the bloody nubs of responsive tissue into the black case. Grabbing the thin, skillful scissors, he crawled up towards Jericho’s mouth, planting a soft kiss upon his moist lips before tilting his head to view the blonde’s distinct nose. He always wanted to do this, and now he would.

The brunette allowed the metal edges to snip the blonde’s nostrils, shoving his finger into the tiny holes to loosen the skin. Studying carefully, he slit the tiny bridge of skin in the center of Jericho’s nose, before thrusting the instrument clear up the blonde’s nasal passage. He continued to work diligently, his face a mask of instruction as he sliced through the cartilage resting in Jericho’s nose, snipping the tiny fluid sacs and muscles until he reached the gooey, squishy thud of the brain. The brunette moaned deeply. Finally.

With shaky, expecting hands, he placed the scissors to the ground, only to replace them with the thin, flexible blade of a clean razor knife. He cut a perfect semi-circle around the circumference of Jericho’s forehead, digging deep into the bloody flesh, but not too deep. Soon enough, he completely separated the blonde’s scalp and top layer of skull, innocently tearing the rest of the wet skin away with his bare hands. Jericho’s brain, gray and dense, lay firmly inside the palace of the blonde’s skull, the soft, sloshing sound of the razor separating the folds filling his ears. He made a careful indentation clear through Jericho’s brain with the circular motion of his wrist, utterly delighted when the instrument came back out through the gaping entry of his nose.

He scooted himself up to sit atop Jericho’s upper chest, his buttocks digging into the smooth, unaltered flesh of the blonde’s neck. The heels of his boots dug into the street, a small sigh escaping his pleased lips as his cock sprung free of the sheer captivity of the short skirt. Pressing forward, he pressed the pulsating dribble of his cockhead at Jericho’s bloody nose, a wondrous gasp leaving his lips as he pushed up into the small tunnel.

His cock penetrated the entire length of the nasal cavity, the sticky, pre-cum drenched tip of his shaft poking just up through Jericho’s brain. Moaning intensely, the tingling sensation flowing throughout his body numbed his senses for a mere moment, his gaze clearly full of perverted pleasure. But inside, he wanted to giggle so badly. A lobotomy performed by his cock. Smirking, he rocked his hips up towards the bloody mass of Jericho’s remaining face, indeed fucking his brains out.

Jeffrey sat atop Jericho’s straining cock, lewdly grinding his hips back against the warm, rigid thickness of the blonde’s shaft. He could feel the metal ring burn a scorching brand at his entrance, his own cock awkwardly bobbing between his legs as he bounced atop Jericho’s lap with expert fluency. Allowing himself to lavish in the increasing pleasure of the moment, he worked his prostate against the head of the blonde’s cock, the small, decreasing throbs of Jericho’s length thumping against his insides. His fingers gripped Jericho’s thighs, squeezing and digging into the relaxed muscle as he rode him silly. The other hand, still attached to the thick blade of the razor-knife, carved perfectly down between his own spread legs, dragging into Jericho‘s abdomen. The bloody trail left in its wake excited Jeffrey to the farthest extremities, his breath coming in short gasps as he stabbed Jericho’s lifeless body with the edge of the blade.

When he was sure of the correct incision, he allowed the knife to fall to the ground, his fingers immediately plunging below the flesh in search for the one sensitive spot he sought after for so long. He smiled brightly as he felt the metal rod intruding upwards from Jericho’s anus, the small nub of smooth muscle twitching against his fingertips as he pressed at it again and again. When he was bored of that, he sunk his fingers into the veins and arteries holding Jericho’s plump muscle to his tunnel, moaning as he completely removed it from the blonde’s body. Pulling his hands from the deep wound, his fingers sparkled with crimson plasma, and his new keepsake. Jericho’s prostate.

Matthew’s cock continued its horrid assault of Jericho’s nose, sliding up between the warm tunnel of blood and muscle. The way it clamped around his cock was unbelievable, his bottom lip sacrificing itself to his upper row of teeth as he bit and gnawed. His mind blurred with sin and refused redemption, his mouth agape as he forcefully buried his cock into Jericho’s face. The warm, liquid cytoplasm of the blonde’s brain mixed with his own blood, providing an intense lube that only heightened the friction of his cock brutally driving through the ripped muscles.

He gasped as he felt Jeffrey’s sizable cock pushing at his entrance, his brother’s length slick with syrupy warmth. His brother’s hands instantly began to descend down his body, plucking at his nipples before smoothing their way down to his abdomen, the blonde’s fingers giving a gentle squeeze before plunging deep into his ass. Matthew fell forward with a sharp shriek. The sensations were all too much.

The throbbing of Jeffrey’s cock against his prostate, the light spasms of Jericho’s brain against his protruding shaft, and the continuous hum of his pleasure all washed over him in one violent wave; controlling his body with severe tempo. Matthew groaned lightly, wet spirals of purple and hazel falling over his unfocused gaze as his body froze into a state of psychotic sanity. His hips powerfully jerked forward, igniting the sharp rip of his cock parting Jericho’s brain into 2 squished halves. Release.

Wild streams of wetness spurted up from his cock, the white substance perverting the street below, dribbling and running out against the faint gray ridges of Jericho’s brain. Scratching and clawing his nails into Jericho’s upper shoulders, he slammed his hips back against Jeffrey’s cock, the shrill cry reaped from his throat chiming out into the crisp midnight air. And then he felt something new. A sublime feeling of euphoria; more irresistible than any high, or touch of a lover’s kiss, or any slitting of a helpless victim’s throat. Well, almost..

Jeffrey forcibly pounded into Matthew’s backside, turning his head to press his mouth against the brunette’s neck as he lost himself to the transcendent benefit of orgasm. He wasn’t even sure he could understand what breathing was. In fact, his heart skipped several beats at once. Painted nails twisted deep at Matthew’s sides, grinding up into the scorching heat of the brunette’s ass as his teeth sunk into his brother’s neck muscles, lashing and swirling at the quickly-pulsing veins. His cock emptied itself until he could barely stand it; boiling jets of cum claiming the brunette’s prostate with each strong roll of his hips.

Finally, he slumped against Matthew’s back, his erect nipples burning their mark into his brother’s spine, his breathing ragged and unnaturally harsh. Smirking against the brunette’s neck, he allowed himself a brief wink of his left eye, his fingers still clutching at the expensive mesh of Matthew’s skirt. The brunette turned his head to capture Jeffrey’s lips in a breathtaking array of passion, their tongues slipping together in a dance of blood and extraordinary lust.

Soon enough, Jeffrey slipped out from Matthew’s delicious ass, stumbling down to arrange the instruments back in their specific slots in the case. Before his fingers flipped the shiny, metal lock closed once more, Matthew reached over to grab the bloody muscle of Jericho’s prostate and the blonde’s eyeglasses, dropping both items into his brother‘s coat pocket.

The brunette grinned lazily, his infamous smirk tucked and saved away for another occasion. He straightened out his skirt, hobbling towards the horse-drawn carriage they had readily awaiting their latest venture. Jeffrey softly kissed his brother on the mouth, leaving behind a suckling, bloody bruise before strolling down the alley to enter their carriage. A man sat, yanking at the reigns as his eyes searched down the alleyway for the second-half of the duo.

Matthew’s gaze floated back over to Jericho’s dismembered body, smiling quietly as he kneeled down and planted a light kiss to the blonde’s cheek. His rosy lipstick left a soft stain onto the pale skin, a reminder of their forgotten relationship. He looked down at the vicious cockring still firmly wrung around Jericho’s cock, almost laughing as he instantly thought of Jeffrey. His fingers reached beneath his skirt to weakly pump the remainder of his load into Jericho’s parted mouth, a thick trail of cum falling from the blonde’s lower lip.

The cruel handle of the knife still remained in Jericho’s lower abdomen, his nose bloody and rammed; his body a true testament of underlying insanity. The brunette gave the softest smile he could allow before turning away to join his brother; tossing several pounds up to the man before stepping up into the carriage and shutting the door. London. The wheels creaked and turned slowly before dragging the carriage down the cobblestone lined streets. Jeffrey smiled at his brother and reached into his bloody pocket to pull out Jericho’s eyeglasses, reaching over to attach them to Matthew’s beautiful face.

“Where shall you say we embark now?”, Jeffrey raised an eyebrow, his hand discreetly resting in Matthew’s lap. His fingers stroked at the brunette’s cock, sighing softly at the feeling of throbbing muscle lying beneath his palm. The brunette stared out the tiny window before turning his gaze to Jeffrey, the shimmer of the lenses upon his face absolutely intriguing.

“Anyplace where there’s brunettes..”, Matthew smirked darkly, the burnt amber of his gaze sparkling with sinister mischief, “Honestly, I’m quite sick of blondes...”

The End?

return to slash jazz.