*Chapter 2*

I slowly smile as Jeff starts grinning and blushing a little, his brother giving me a kiss on the cheek, "Hey Jazzie! How have you been??", he asks with a twang of his southern accent creeping in as he gives me a light hug, while Jeff stands there with the reddest face I've seen him with in a long time.

Matt chuckles and pats his brother on the back, opening the door, "I'll be back later, guys...after you two have gotten...uhmm...re-aqquainted..", he laughs and softly closes the door, heading down the hall to leave us alone.

I quickly take a seat on the couch, looking away from him until he sits down beside me with a smile, pulling me in for a hug, "Hey--I've missed you...where have you been??", he whispers, softly kissing me on the forehead as I weakly smile.

"I've missed you too...", I confess softly, warming up to his embrace and hugging him back, "I've been at school...it's been cool, I guess..", I sigh lightly, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I take it you're not happy to see me, huh??", he pulls away with a smile, staring into my eyes knowingly.

I laugh, "I should be the one saying that, not you..", I stare back at him, suddenly feeling guilty for breaking his heart.

"Why's that?? I truly am glad to see you...it's been a year...", he kisses me on the cheek, standing up to put on a cut-up Hardyz logo-tee snapping it over his head with a light laugh, "Even though I didn't take the way you left too well...", he winks, standing in front of the mirror and dumping out a bottle of Poland Spring over his hair.

"Jeff--about that...I--", I go to explain and he interrupts softly, shaking the water off his hair onto my shirt with a light laugh.

"Everything's cool now, I guess...I don't wanna talk about it right now...I mean your birthday is tomorrow and I want you to be happy for it..", he rubs his eyes free of the droplets of water, bending over to give me another kiss on the cheek before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.