self destruct.

I am the voice inside your head..
I am the lover in your bed..
I am the sex that you provide..
I am the hate you try to hide..
And I control you..

I take you where you want to go..
I give you all you need to know..
. I drag you down, I use you up..
Mr. self-destruct..

I speak religion's message clear..
I am denial, guilt, and fear..
I am the prayers of the niave..
I am the lie that you believe..
And I control you..

I take you where you want to go..
I give you all you need to know..
. I drag you down i use you up..
Mr. self-destruct..

You let me do this to you..
. I am an exit..

I am the needle in your vein..
I am the high you can't sustain..
I am the pusher, I'm a whore..
I am the need you in you for more..
I am the bullet in the gun..
I am the truth from which you run..
I am the silencing machine..
I am the end of all your dreams..
And I control you..

I take you where you want to go..
I give you all you need to know..
. I drag you down, I use you up..
Mr. self-destruct..

The darkened clouds rolled in silently, swiftly, dangerously. With a bright flash of lightening, the roaring boom of thunder followed close behind. Rain poured down uncharacteristically hard for the middle of August, panging loudly against the exposed windows of the house.

The bright red, glossy paint coated on the shutters began to run down the grain of the wood, almost as if it wasn’t paint at all. Crimson soon mixed with the rainwater, staining the pale-colored house a light maroon. A rusted, handle-rotted shovel rested in the unearthed ground, slightly standing upright in the dark soil.

A brunette man stood in the window, smirking as his dark gaze extended throughout the black midnight. Splaying his hands out against the glass, a pierced tongue licked up the window, leaving a sticky trail of saliva in its wake. The silver jewelry glinted briefly, before the man drew his tongue back into his warm mouth. With a flick of his wrist, the sleek, metal blinds dropped down to cover the bare windowpane. He chuckled quietly, turning on his heels to disappear down the hallway..

Shannon jammed his hands into the damp denim pockets of his baggy jeans. Light blue streaks ran through his blonde locks, hanging loosely against his shoulders and spilling down the back of his hockey jersey. A pair of timid, emerald gaze skittered over the space, peering through the downpour quite nervously. Why Jeff had asked him here, he had no clue. A mysterious phone call. Shannon rolled his eyes. Jeff begged him to halt his peaceful slumber for a late-night fuck, believably claiming that he was unbearably horny.

A frown crossed Shannon’s handsome face. It had been awhile since Jeff last called him, or kissed him, or even glanced his way. Why did he even allow himself to be used by Jeff time and time again? Why he loved a man who could only promise to love him? He shrugged. Because he loved it. He knew it. He couldn’t get enough of Jeff. Possibly that was his strongest weakness. Forgiveness. So maybe his boyfriend was just a bit withdrawn. Nothing wrong with a little privacy, right?

Shannon glanced down at his beeping watch, the quartz face luminously glowing. It was exactly midnight. He sighed. Jeff never appreciated tardiness, or carelessness. Shannon’s eyes dropped to the muddy gravel underneath his leather boots, observing a puddle already forming against his heels.

With a deep breath, he walked up the tiny staircase leading to the porch, nearly tripping on the top step. He scowled furiously. The steps were suspiciously made of unforgiving cement, as was the porch. If he had fell, well, it wouldn’t have been pretty..

He lifted his hand to knock at the door, a surprised gasp escaping his parted lips as it swung open. Shannon blinked. Jeff stood in the doorway, wearing nothing but a grin. His jade eyes sparkled convincingly, his tongue licking at his wet lips as his gaze melted into younger man’s. His face was almost clean, except for a tiny patch of hair resting just under his bruised lower lip. His cheeks were flushed, perceiving the illusion of being perfectly kissable. His pectoral muscles gleamed with sweat and perspiration, leading down to his deliciously-formed abdomen. One of his muscled arms was hanging at his side, the other hand lewdly gripping his beautiful erection. His cock was obscenely jutting up from a flawless pattern of swirls and spiraled mazes, the tiny barbells of the double-ampallang piercing glinting against the moonlight. The muscles in his thighs were clenching slightly, the tanned skin smooth and soft.

Shannon stood in awe, his mouth slightly gaping at the splendor that stood in front of him. There really were no words to describe how beautiful Jeff really was, or how much Shannon wanted him. His cock stirred in eager anticipation, already throbbing amidst the loose denim of his pants. The younger man silently cursed himself for being so weak, so controlled, so needy.

Jeff’s eyes knowingly traveled to the growing bulge in Shannon’s jeans, wickedly smirking as he stepped a bit closer to whisper at the smaller man’s ear.

“You’re late..”, Jeff murmured softly, his tongue snaking out to lick at the tender outer shell of the blonde’s ear, “And we both know what I like to do to people that don’t adhere to my directions..”, Jeff sneered, letting his free hand scandalously grope Shannon’s confined erection, pulling him closer with a sharp tug.

Shannon gasped, hanging his head in shame. He nodded lightly, a few damp strands of sky-blue falling over his innocent face. Jeff smiled sweetly, curling his fingers under the younger man’s chin and yanking him into a deeply passionate kiss. The taller man let his fingers manipulate Shannon’s cock until he was slumping against Jeff’s chest, nearly shaking with need.

Jeff sighed. Shannon was so pathetic. But also a fantastic fuck. He smiled to himself. He wasn’t in the mood for games tonight. He wanted it rough, no questions asked. Shannon needed to be taught a strict lesson. One of dominance and authoritarian discipline. He clenched the firm globes of Shannon’s ass in his palms, prying the younger man’s lips apart as their tongues briefly tangled.

Shannon moaned against Jeff’s lips, their mouths melting into a searing kiss. He wanted, needed to be fucked. That he couldn’t deny. The friction of Jeff’s body rubbing against his almost made him shudder, but he managed to control himself. For once. He was breathless as Jeff pulled away, panting and willing his head to stop swimming.

Shannon watched Jeff lick his lips, his lover’s hand squeezing and aggressively massaging his swollen cock. The small, ripping sound of his metal zipper being tugged down filled the silent room. The whole house was unusually dark, not a single candle lit. The only light Shannon was provided was through the open door, the radiant beams of the moon casting shadows of their figures in the entranceway.

With a moan, Shannon felt his hockey jersey ripped off his body, being flung to the hardwood floors. He caught a faint glimpse of the red and white New Jersey Devils’ logo before his hazy eyes fluttered shut. Jeff’s fiery mouth insistently sucked his nipples, his sadistically-skilled tongue lashing at the hardened buds. His onyx-painted fingernails raked over Shannon’s smooth chest, straying down to swiftly remove his lover’s rain-soaked jeans with a sharp tug. Shannon groaned as his erection sprung free of its confines, beads of pre-cum already leaking from the tip of his cock. Jeff dropped to his knees, harshly shoving Shannon back against the doorway, his weight immediately slamming the door.

Jeff smiled, leaning forward to wrap his lips around the head of Shannon’s cock, his tongue slurping up the sweetly-sticky strands of pre-cum. With a soft growl, he deep-throated the younger man’s entire length, his clefted chin nuzzling against the fuzzy warmth of Shannon‘s sack. His skillful tongue lapped up and down the rigid underside of Shannon’s swollen cock, smirking around his shaft as his head bobbed with skilled ease. Gorgeous locks of maroon and navy blue fell over Jeff’s incensed gaze, his eyelids slipping closed as his mouth expertly sucked on Shannon’s throbbing shaft.

The younger man sighed, his bare back pressed against the glossy, wooden door. He incoherently moaned out Jeff’s name, rhythmically jerking his hips up into the warm tunnel of his lover’s mouth. His fingers were wound tight in the soft strands of the older man’s hair, shamelessly guiding Jeff’s mouth onto his cock. Jeff’s throat swallowed his thick shaft, mewling against the small patch of blonde curls resting at the base of Shannon’s cock.

Shannon‘s knees almost buckled. His lover’s moaning around his cock sent pleasurable bolts of eroticism straight to his groin, his head lightly rolling against the door. The spasms of Jeff’s throat clenched around his cock felt unbelievably incredible. Why Jeff was so good, he never knew. Why he always gave himself to Jeff’s simple whim, he never wanted to know. Shannon ran his tongue over his dry lips, quickly losing himself to the overwhelming sensations coursing throughout his body.

Jeff hummed around Shannon’s cock, his favorite song at that. His fingers slipped into the shapely curves of Shannon’s hips, pinning him back to the door as his mouth relentlessly worked up and down his cock. He knew Shannon was close. Wasn’t he always? He feverishly brought the younger man close to release, the tender muscles in Shannon’s thighs clenching as he inhaled sharply.

With a cruel smile, Jeff removed his mouth from Shannon’s erection, quickly slipping a metal ring over his lover’s cock. He rose to his feet, the quiet thud of his bare feet filling the space as he strolled back to his bedroom. If Shannon followed him, which he would, there was more awaiting him than he thought..
