sinful confessions 2.

Brighton Church. The site of not only one unholy encounter in the past week, but two. The evil spirits laugh inside, planning on slaughtering the innocent on the eve of September 13th. The 61st anniversary of the death of Professor William Fleet. Oh, you remember him. The man that mysteriously burst into flames in 1940. Little did he know that 666 years before his time, a young woman and child were burned alive inside the church due to 'unfortunate circumstances'.

666. The Devil’s number. Ha. Satan laughs in the face of even his own believers. No one really knows what 666 stands for. Nor will they ever know. There’s a good reason this church has remained standing for thousands of years. To seduce and persuade the most secretive inner thoughts of its visitors, and allow them a small taste of Hell before death. There’s an old saying about Brighton Church, and’s kinda true.

“No one ever lives to leave the premises more than once..”, a deep voice chimed in the darkness, cutting through the silence like a jagged butcher knife. Or an exquisitely-sharpened axe.

The voice chuckled, its humor wavering as it became deathly serious. He expected a show. A wickedly entertaining show. And oh yes, as always--he would be watching in the shadows..

Matt grinned up at the church, his eyes dark and evil. He snaked his pierced tongue out, gently touching the tip and signing it with a cross. He had never felt anything more powerful than being with Jeff in this place. For whatever reasons, strength and desire flowed through his veins like never before, his heart pounding with expectation. He had succumbed to his unsatable craving before, but for the entire 3 days since he’d left the church, he’d been in a daze. He felt as if something was pulling him back to the chapel, something unexplainable...something inhuman.

He chuckled quietly up at the metal cross firmly planted at the top of the building, his eyes glinting devilishly. He bowed his head and touched his forehead, closing his eyes as he lost himself in thought. He wanted to feel that sensation once more, wanted to be controlled and owned. Possessed, but not unwillingly. Of course not. He would give himself to Satan, and the Devil would reward him like only he knew how. With the sweetness that was his brother.

Once more, he would allow Jeff to take him inside these very walls. But he wasn’t done. Oh no. He had brought two friends along. Edge and Christian. Matt smiled back at them as they waited on the steps, a healing wound on Edge’s left cheek, and a sparkle in Christian’s eyes. That certain sparkle sent bolts of heat directly to Matt’s groin. He would fuck him tonight. And not only him..

Jeff glanced up at the church, his emerald eyes dancing as he caught Matt’s gaze. Yes, he loved his older brother. Maybe love wasn’t the word. Perhaps obsessed. Jeff smiled. Possibly. Teal and navy strands of hair blew in the heavy wind, obscuring the knowing look in his eyes. He was reluctant to visit the church once more, but now that he was here, he knew what it had in store for him. Extreme passion and unbelievable sex.

He almost giggled, managing to hold it in as not to frighten the onlookers. His dick had never been as hard as it was inside this chapel. Fucking in a church? Hee! He wanted it all, and even more. What he felt as he was inside of Matt, pounding into his awaiting ass, was simply unreal. To even think he could attire the same satisfaction outside of the holy walls, was just ignorant. Who could deny that religion wasn’t something sinister? Order and control?

Jeff shook his head. That had never been his favorite ideas of fun. He smiled innocently, wanting, needing to be filled with particularly evil ardor. He winked into Matt’s eyes, gasping as his older brother squeezed at his already hardening cock. He bit his lip, running his tongue over the small hoop he had pierced in it a few days before. It kinda stung, but other than that, he was always ready for a fuck..

Edge sighed, jamming his hands into his pockets as he looked upon the building nervously. Sure, he had the most intense orgasm of his life inside these very walls, but it was still a church for God’s sakes! Edge frowned. No, not for God’s sakes. He really couldn’t say that anymore, could he? He had thrown away God’s trust and love to submit himself to a darker realm.

The realm of evil and mystery. He rolled his eyes in disgust, biting back a comment as his gaze came to rest upon Christian. His lover hadn’t been the same person ever since they left the church. Edge walked over to the smaller blonde, carefully wrapping his arm around Christian and squeezing him tight against his body.

Edge looked at the heavy wooden doors at the entrance of the church, a small shudder running through his body. Christian hadn’t allowed him to fuck him ever since their time spent alone in the church. Edge scoffed. Alone. That was the key word. They were never alone. There was something evil about this church, something that inspired him to go beyond his usual range of thoughts. His eyes closed in misery.

He wanted Christian so badly, and if his lover only wanted to have sex in this particular church, than so be it. He only wondered if he could ever reform to his old ways, because once he stepped inside, he was gone forever..

Christian smiled. He was expected to be here. The whispering he heard beckoning him, calling him, wanting him to submit to their urgings. He had been in that place before. And by all means, he wanted to be again. He had been gentle all of his life, always apologetic and remorseful. That was the old Christian, and inside this church was the brand new personality. The person that was bold, demanding, and willing to do whatever it took to get what he wanted.

Christian leaned his head against Edge’s shoulder, breathing in the wonderful smell of his lover’s cologne. One last time.., he told himself reassuringly, it wouldn‘t happen again. Ha. He looked down at the gritty sidewalk, his eyes slipping closed briefly. Who the fuck was he kidding?

He loved the gash on the side of Edge’s face, and almost grinned at the fact that he put it there. Christian snickered to himself. As soon as they stepped through the doors, he would make sure that Edge knew his place. And that place was underneath him..

Somehow, they all made it into the church. With the heavy wooden doors locked behind them, Matt lead them to a large circle made out of grayish-blue marble, exquisite details carved into the stone. He smirked and kneeled down at one of the rounded ends of the circular shape, gingerly touching his forehead to the cold material as his black curls spilled down his face. He could feel it. The seduction, the pain, the devout faith instilled within these four walls.

Passion and desire flowed through his body, making his cock stir slightly. Matt rose his hands to his face, grinning wickedly as his palms pressed against each other. He was praying. Not for world peace, a blessing, or the guidance of God. Praying for unholy salvation. To become one with the others, and fuck the hell out of each and every one. A threesome? Nah, not enough people. A foursome. Matt smiled. That’s where the fun came in..

The other men looked on in curiosity, forming a tight semi-circle as they all sat down next to Matt. They watched as Matt stood, his white baggy pants flowing as he walked over to the altar, grabbing a huge golden cup. He sat down next to Jeff, his eyes sparkling as he took a long sip of the holy wine, letting the liquor run down his throat.

Matt smirked and handed the cup to Jeff, watching intently as his little brother swallowed a bit of the crimson liquid. Jeff locked his eyes with Matt’s, licking at his lips suggestively before handing the goblet to Edge. Edge sighed and took a quick gulp, his green eyes glowing dimly as he helped Christian drink as well. Christian winked at Matt, running his tongue over his lips as he sipped at the dark scarlet wine.

Matt casually leaned over to kiss Jeff deeply, his mouth crushed against his baby brother’s lips as they shared the rich, full taste of the liquor. He still believed that Jeff’s mouth was sweeter than any wine or beverage, holy or not. As Jeff moaned against his mouth, Matt slipped his tongue into his awaiting mouth, kissing him as passionately as ever.

Matt listened to the slight clink of his stud hitting against Jeff’s lip piercing, which made the embrace even hotter. The older man let his hands wander all over Jeff’s tender body, closing his eyes as he became lost in the affectionate warmth of his little brother’s mouth.

Edge and Christian watched on with lusty gazes, biting back moans at the heated embrace Matt and Jeff had become enthralled in. The brothers’ tongues tangled briefly, the soft, wet sound of their lips smacking together filling the room. Edge gasped, turning to stare into Christian’s eyes as he felt the younger man’s hand stroking the fly of his zipper, teasingly pulling it down and then zipping it back up.

Christian lifted an eyebrow, closing his eyes as he let out a breathy moan, leaning back to display that he already had quite the erection. Something about witnessing the passion between the two brothers set him afire inside.

Besides, he had seen the look Matt had been giving him ever since they stepped foot in the room. Christian wanted Matt as badly as he knew the brunette wanted him, he had sensed their electricity from the start. Christian moaned. He wanted to taste Matt’s dark chocolate in his mouth. Fuck Hershey.

Christian reached over and unzipped Edge’s tight pants, clothes quickly shed as he subconsciously flashed a grin up to the statue. In his mind, the statue smirked back. And maybe it did. Christian slid off his clothes, taking a seat atop his lover’s lap.

If Edge wasn’t aroused by now, he would be soon. Christian purposely opted to wear a tiny leather thong, since the natural material was once of power and prominence. Leather defined strength and depth, but most importantly control and dominance.

Christian suddenly yanked Edge’s face up to his, roughly rubbing his lover’s chin with his fingers. He reached down and squeezed the side of Edge’s face, tugging the taller man’s mouth up to his. Christian smirked against Edge, momentarily brushing his lips against his lover’s before forcefully pushing him away. Edge landed on his back with a groan, hearing a few sharp pops in his spine as he landed against the marble floor.

He gasped as Christian crawled over to kneel beside him, closing his eyes as he felt his lover’s hot, sticky tongue licking against his cheek. Christian laughed evilly as the tip of his tongue swirled against Edge’s healing cut, a tiny scab already forming.

Christian looked down at his fingernails with a smile. He had sharpened them a few hours before, knowing they were to return to the church. There were now dangerous and almost as jagged as knives. He wanted to make his lover pay for defying his wishes in the first place. The more he looked at the healing wound, the closer his finger came to the cut. Spontaneously, he slashed the side of Edge’s face with his fingernail, re-opening the gash and somehow deepening it.

Edge shrieked in pain, trembling as he felt blood running down his cheek, dripping onto the marble interior. He reached up to touch the side of his face, but Christian slapped his hand away, his eyes darkly challenging. Edge quickly shut his mouth, biting at his lower lip as he felt Christian’s mouth sucking at his fresh blood, mewling against his skin as he drank it down.

Matt pulled away from Jeff’s lips, nearly breathless with lust and desire as he sagged against his little brother’s body. He needed to be fucked, and punished for his actions. Punished for being so weak, so handsome, so unruly. He smirked and set his chocolate eyes on the huge organ at the head of the church, a tiny chuckle parting from his swollen lips.

Jeff instantly got the intuition, grinning as he ran his fingers through Matt’s dark curls. Jeff sighed. Matt smelled so fragrant, so sweet. For such a man to be his brother, he was doomed from birth. How could he be so close to darkness and evil, and not be tempted to at least test the waters? He held his stiff middle finger up to the statue of Christ.

“Fuck you..”, Jeff whispered, his emerald gaze burning through the fixed eyes of the carving. Matt grinned, leaning over to swallow Jeff’s finger, sucking lightly as his tongue slipped up to his baby brother’s painted nail.

“How about you fuck me instead?”, Matt murmured against Jeff’s skin, dipping down to run his tongue through the webbed space in between the younger man’s fingers. His tongue skillfully lapped against Jeff’s knuckles, smoothly running against his brother’s wonderful-tasting flesh.

Jeff moaned softly at the sight, feeling his cock already beginning to throb as he stretched down to press his mouth against his older brother’s. Jeff nodded, biting back a grin as he walked up to the stage, carelessly running his fingertips over the ivory keys before climbing up to take a seat on the cover of the instrument.

Christian had finally allowed Edge to touch him, moaning at the taller man’s ear as he kneaded the firm globes of Christian’s ass. Edge’s cock was unbelievably hard, pulsing and resting snugly at Christian’s stomach. The tip of his cock brushed against the silver hoop pierced through the smaller blonde’s navel.

A bit of his pre-cum smeared against the piercing, making Christian gasp for a moment. Surprisingly, the feeling of Christian inflicting pain was deeply arousing, and the cut represented his ownership to the younger man. Edge let out a deep sigh as Christian began grinding in his lap, nibbling at the smaller blonde’s lips as he gasped in pleasure.

The friction of his body rubbing against Christian’s made his eyes close in desire, relishing in the feeling of Christian’s leather thong chafing against his hardened length.

Christian smiled as he felt a soft pair of lips at his neck, suckling, pulling at his skin. He tilted his head back to meet an intriguing pair of eyes, nearly melting as Matt ghosted his luscious lips over his. Matt offered the blonde his most suggestive wink, softly kissing Christian’s brow as his eyes met Edge’s.

He seductively pouted his lips at the taller blonde, grinning mischievously as he let his tongue stud slide past his upper row of teeth. Edge sharply inhaled, sucking in his breath as Matt ran his tongue against a trickle of blood that stained his cheek. He shuddered against Matt’s lips, pale green eyes burning into dark brown as Matt gradually pulled away.

Matt held out his tongue, offering a taste of the fresh plasma to the older blonde. Their kiss, though brief, contained astounding amounts of passion and desire. Matt pulled away, leaving Edge limply hanging to Christian’s chest, that renowned smirk covering his darkly handsome features.

Matt strolled back over to Jeff, moaning as he watched his baby brother furiously stroke his gorgeous cock atop of the church organ. This one was different than any others he had seen before. There were several rows of pipes behind the spacious case, of which was onyx-colored.

Jeff’s head was tossed back, spirals of colorful locks flowing down his back as he arched his hips up to his hand, nearly shaking as his hand slipped up and down his shaft. Matt watched with calculated calmness, slipping into the chair and sliding his fingers over the keys.

With a smirk, Matt began to play a slow, simple melody, keeping his gaze locked on Jeff’s as he licked his lips. His fingers worked with the keys with astounding ease, watching his brother jerk himself off as he sped up the tempo.

Matt laughed evilly. He never knew he could play the piano, much less an organ. He smirked devilishly, his fingers manipulating the keys into playing a difficult symphony. As in of cue, he paused for a moment to lick at Jeff’s ankle, his teeth playfully grabbing the beaded bracelet before letting it go with a snap.

Jeff stared down at his brother. Nothing could turn him on more than seeing Matt naked. In the nude, his older brother was truly wonderfully beautiful. His creamy, tanned skin glistened with sweat, dripping down his finely-toned chest.

From such a high stance, Jeff could see that Matt’s cock was unusually hard. He smirked. Somehow Matt had grown even sexier since the last time they were here together, if that was even possible. He shuddered as Matt crawled up onto the glossy finish of the musical instrument, his older brother’s voice breathy and yearning.

“Fuck me nice and hard.”, Matt sighed out, grinding his cock against Jeff’s as he leaned over to plant a kiss on Jeff’s earlobe. His teeth dipped down to worry at the tiny platinum cross on Jeff’s neck, almost yanking it completely off the black choker it belonged to.

Matt smiled against Jeff’s neck, his fingers teasing at his baby brother’s rock-hard cock. He wrapped his fist around the warm, thick shaft, stroking it firmly before letting it go, hearing Jeff’s slight frustration.

Jeff growled and rolled over on top of Matt, the meticulous rhythm his older brother played still ringing in his ears. The erotic possibilities of what he could do to his brother flooding his brain and making him temporarily dizzy. Jeff rose up on his hands and knees, licking at his lovely lips as he slowly crawled his way up to Matt’s mouth, breathing hard as he rubbed his cock against Matt’s thigh.

“Spread your legs good and wide for the Lord..”, Jeff moaned loudly, his heated gaze flicking over to watch Edge and Christian momentarily.

The two blondes were tangled in a deep web of passion, their tongues dancing the kiss of death as Christian roughly fingered the taller man. Edge’s mouth gaped open slightly as he chanted Christian’s name like the sacraments themselves, his eyes hazy and lust-filled as he begged. Begged to be fucked. Begged to be saved. Saved? From himself. Jeff smiled. He almost didn’t want to turn away, the two blondes were so fuckin’ hot..


You let me violate you..
You let me desecrate you..
. You let me penetrate you..
You let me complicate you..

I broke apart my insides..
I've got no soul to sell..
. The only thing that works for me..
Help me get away..
. I wanna fuck you..
I wanna taste you..
I wanna feel you..
I wanna be you..

You can have my isolation..
You can have the hate that it brings..
. You can have my absence of faith..
You can have my everything..
. You tear down all my reason..
You see through what I hide..
You make me perfect..
Help me get inside..
. I wanna fuck you..
I wanna taste you..
I wanna feel you..
I wanna be you..

Christian moaned, his tongue lapping at Edge’s neck as his fingers wetly slid in and out of his entrance. He briefly stopped to listen to his lover’s uncharacteristic whimpers and pleading, which made him shiver all over. Christian wanted Edge to know exactly who was in control at all times. He pushed his fingers harder, surprised as Edge began humping his hand, his lover’s whines quite loud.

Christian smirked, letting his tongue trail in the sticky wetness dribbling from the tip of Edge’s cock. Christian barely sucked at the head of his lover’s cock, hearing Edge’s surprised gasps and groans as his mouth manipulated and tortured relentlessly. After a few moments, Christian slid his mouth off of the taller man’s cock, staring intently into his lover’s eyes.

Aching desire began to overpower Christian’s ability to think of anything else. How could he divert his attention when his lover was lying on his back, legs spread wide. Christian had never seen Edge look so desirable, so...wanton. Christian grinned, wrapping his fingers around his pulsating cock as he pressed the head at his lover’s awaiting entrance. He suddenly frowned. He wasn’t about to give over his control so easily this time.

“Up on your knees.”, Christian hissed, his eyes dark and possessed. He dug his fingernails into the delicate flesh of his lover’s thigh, waiting until Edge groaned and rolled over, struggling to rise up on his hands and knees.

Christian smiled proudly, his fiery eyes drinking in the smoothness of Edge’s bare back. The statue seemed to be calling his name. He looked up into the stone gaze, noticing the carved wounds and cuts in Christ’s body. A dark, evil voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

Jesus paid the price for you to sin..he received 30 blows to the body by a dangerous whip..”, the odd voice chuckled softly, “I think you know what to do..

Christian winced briefly. 30 lashes. Christian’s eyes diverted down to his sharpened nails. 5 fingers. It would take 6 claws to Edge’s back to face the equivalent. His other hand was locked into the perfect curve of Edge’s hip, squeezing it lightly. As he grinned, a mysterious, beautiful light reflected off the center of his eyes. He felt it again. He had ever since he walked into the church for the second time. The Devil was within his body, his soul, his heart. He moaned inwardly, his desire boiling to an almost perilous pinnacle. His cock was exceptionally stiff, but he knew it was only gonna get harder..

Christian crawled over to his lover’s trembling body, leaning over to plant gentle butterfly kisses down the straight path of Edge’s spine. His tongue soothed against the freckles and tiny moles covering the lower back of the taller blonde. The soft skin of Christian’s palm rubbed and massaged the tensing muscles in Edge’s back, until his lover finally relaxed enough to let out a deep, keening sigh.

Christian delicately ran his fingernails against the supple skin of his lover’s back, eyes glinting as he raised his hand and brought it down against Edge’s body. Christian barely heard Edge’s gasps of pain as he lashed his back over and over, digging his nails deeply into his lover’s skin.

That’s it, make him pay..”, the sinister voice encouraged, delight seemingly invading his thick vocal chords as he laughed outloud.

The two brothers were absorbed in their own passionate realm, Matt scandalously riding Jeff’s cock, their sweaty legs hanging off the edge of the pipe organ. Jeff’s vibrant-colored nails were digging into Matt’s hips, his accent heavy and thick in his older brother’s ear. Matt leaned back into his brother’s arms, moaning softly as he slipped up and down on Jeff’s thick cock, reveling in the way it stretched his walls.

With one hand tightly wrapped around his cock, and the other tangled back in Jeff’s colorful locks, Matt rose up and down his baby brother’s lap. Matt stroked his dripping cock, teasing himself by prolonging his release. He would bring himself to the edge and then squeeze the base of his cock, gasping and moaning as he skillfully worked his hips. Occasionally, Matt’s toe would dip down to strike against the keys, inducing a soft, dull note.

Jeff thrust up into the delicious heat of Matt’s ass, nipping and sucking at the tiny earring, a small silver cross hanging off his older brother’s earlobe. Jeff struggled to keep his eyes open, his fingers darting up to pluck and tease at Matt’s nipple ring, tugging the tiny bud to tautness.

The way his older brother shuddered and trembled against his body was simply incredible. He had never seen Matt in such a heated, controllable state, but he loved it. To know that his name was rolling off his brother’s tongue filled Jeff with such a longing, a heartfelt desire, an unsatisfiable craving. As Jeff’s tongue swirled against the outer shell of Matt’s ear, his lust-filled emerald orbs glanced up at the statue once more, his face snarling as he subconsciously began to pump into his brother’s body even harder.

Matt smirked, “That’s it, Jeff..”, Matt paused to lick his lips, piercing his upper lip with the pointed spike on his tongue, “Fuck me like you’ve always wanted to..”, Matt violently slammed his hips against Jeff’s as he moaned out his baby brother’s name. Jeff felt so wonderful inside of him, and the more he thought about it, he knew he wouldn’t have it any another way. Sin or salvation, Jeff would always be his. Forever. Matt smirked. He liked the sound of that..

Edge moaned wordlessly, his lips slightly parted as he felt his body being impaled on Christian’s cock time and time again. Healthy, blonde strands of hair fell over his beautiful gaze as Christian’s shaking body rocked against his. He ached all over. His cheek stung so badly, and well..
.his back, it felt like hell. Edge groaned at the irony.

The cuts and lashes on his back were numb. In a sick way, he was heavily aroused at the pain. He had never felt anything like it before, and it was almost as rewarding as pleasure. He shuddered as he felt Christian’s fingernails digging into his sides as the smaller man’s cock throbbed against his prostate. Edge’s eyes closed as he felt Christian’s hand slipping up and down his pulsing cock.

He grunted and rhythmically worked his hips back against Christian’s length, his head hanging in obvious defeat. He let out a startled gasp as Christian’s hips snapped against his, tears springing from his eyes as he came. Cum spurted from his hardened cock, landing against the smooth, flat surface of the marble floor. Edge shuddered uncontrollably, gasping in air as he heard a seductive voice purring at his ear.

You like that, don’t you?“, the voice stopped to laugh, almost taunting Edge for his weakness, “Satan’s little slut..”, the apparent smirk could be heard in the being’s voice.

Christian smirked, thrusting in and out of the marvelous tightness of his lover’s ass. He tilted his head back with a soft moan, feeling himself spiraling closer and closer to one of the most powerful orgasms of his life. He felt so...dominating. Ripples of power rolled through Christian’s body as he felt his heart beating rapidly, his passion silently urging him on.

With one last forceful push, Christian submitted to the vocal hallucinations ringing in his ears, biting his bruised lip as he flooded Edge’s sweltering insides. Christian’s body froze with his release, loose, blonde curls spilling down his back as his eyes rolled back in his skull. With a deep, incensed shudder, he collapsed against Edge’s bloody back. Smearing his lips in the wet blood, he sighed against his lover’s inflicted gashes, a tiny smile crossing his features.

Matt’s eyes spontaneously snapped open, his hips jerky as he rode out the strong ripples of his release. His raven-colored curls flowed down his back in a cascading wave, much to the delight of his little brother. Matt sighed deeply, licking the remnants of the holy wine from his lips as he fainted back against Jeff’s body.

The soothing touch of Jeff’s arms wrapped around his trembling body provided the most comfort he had ever known. Why look to God for love when you could have the real thing? Jeff was everything that Christ wasn’t. Eternally understanding and unrestricted. He didn’t place boundaries on love, feelings, and sexual preferences. Matt smirked. The Bible mentioned the dangers and evils of homosexuality, some passages even expressing that such homosexuals were to be condemned forever. Matt giggled to himself. Obviously Jesus never had any sexual affairs with men. Too bad. He didn’t know what he was missing out on..

Jeff ran his fingers through Matt’s dark curls, breathing in his brother’s sweet scent as he rested inside of the older man’s ass. His cock was still slightly hard, something about the church didn’t allow him to lose his desire, or his erection. His body molded perfectly against Matt’s, his chin resting in the crook of his brother’s neck as he gently squeezed the older man against his chest.

Jeff tenderly rubbed his cheek against Matt’s shoulder, the intricate pattern shaved on his face meeting at a cross on the cleft of his chin. He had bleached the tiny cross a colorless white, to make it stand out against the labyrinth of darker hair. He lightly twisted one of Matt’s curls against his fingers before nestling his chin amidst the abundance of his brother’s hair.

Incest. Jeff frowned. It was supposedly forbidden, as demonstrated in the Bible. But if you and your sibling were so much alike that you were sexually attracted..
.was it so wrong?

Love thy brother..“, the dark voice chortled with laughter, “Mmm.”, the voice disappeared as soon as it appeared, leaving Jeff in silent awe.

Matt opened his eyes and slid off of Jeff’s lap with a groan, crawling down from atop the instrument to peer up at a large white cross firmly cemented at the altar. Matt blinked. He hadn’t seen it standing here earlier. His fingers ran over the smooth, ivory-colored wood, smirking as an idea flashed into his brain. He wanted to be tied up to the crucifix, and fucked silly. But who would be powerful enough to fill him with that surge of energy, or even wicked enough to fuck him? He grinned. He knew just the person..

Edge sighed at the feeling of Christian licking at his exposed wounds, his cock beginning to stiffen once more as his lover’s tongue traced the perimeter of the lashes on his body. He had sacrificed his body to Christian’s passion, which greatly overwhelmed him in a way. He couldn’t explain what had came over him or Christian, but it sure brought stars to his eyes. His vision blurred momentarily when he came, and he was almost positive he was gonna lose consciousness.

But the voice he heard, he knew it wasn’t Christian’s. Nor was it anything pure or innocent. Christian’s warm mouth quickly melted his resolve, calming his nerves as he rested against the floor. When Christian lifted his head, Matt was strapped a white cross, his head slightly bowed. The plain sight tore a moan from the smaller blonde’s lips, licking the plasma from his mouth as his cock instantly sprang to life.

Matt’s curls blew around his face in an unexplainable breeze, his muscular arms horizontally extended as he gently tugged at the restraints binding his wrists to the wooden cross. His hips were bound to the cross by a white gown, presumably one of the altar boy’s outfits. His legs were free though, slightly spread as he seductively ground his ass back against the crucifix. Matt knew just how incredibly sexy he was attached to the holy symbol, and he seemed to enjoy knowing someone couldn’t refuse his handsome smile. If Satan was a brunette, his name would surely be Matt Hardy.

Matt smirked. His chocolate eyes seemingly beckoned Christian to immediately fill his ass with a nice, big cock. Christian shuddered at the thought, watching as Jeff held a shiny cross in his hands, rubbing the slick rounded ends against his brother’s beautiful body. He nearly melted as the brunette snaked his tongue out to lick at the smooth metal crucifix, sucking it into his mouth as his tongue lapped at the slickened underside.

Jeff dropped to his knees, pulling the wet cross out of his older brother’s mouth to rest on the crimson-colored carpet at his heels. Matt winked at the blonde one last time, turning his attentions to his kneeling brother, who happened to be sucking him off quite expertly. Matt let out a lusty sigh, slightly lifting his hips to bury his cock deeper down Jeff’s throat.

The colorful head bobbed with ease, swiftly suckling at his older brother’s hot, thick shaft. Jeff nuzzled his nose against the small patch of curls nestled at the base of Matt’s cock, nearly falling over at the pleasing scent. Matt’s scent was like fresh roses spiced with pure sugar. Matt smelled good enough to eat. Which is why one could conclude Jeff was on his knees..

Edge groaned as he watched the brothers, falling into a thick fog as erotic images flashed into his brain. He wanted so badly to join the two, but it was as if something was holding him back. Something stopping him from completely giving over to his darker side. Edge frowned. Fuck it. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and he surely wasn’t going to let it pass by being reluctant.

He looked over into Christian’s eyes, giving him a deeply passionate kiss before taking his hand. His green eyes glimpsed up at the domed ceiling, taking in the intricate stained-glass paintings. He gasped. There was a depiction of one of God’s apostles swarming in a ring of fire, devil horns attached to his head along with burnt wings. A fallen angel. Edge sighed. Maybe that’s just what he was..

Nevertheless, Edge and Christian found their way over to the head of the church, sporting wonderfully impressive erections.

The tips of their cocks already glistened with droplets of pre-cum, deliciously bobbing as they walked. Matt licked his plump lips, his entire body beginning to throb as Jeff’s fabulous mouth worked his cock ferociously sucking at his aching length. Matt moaned, gritting his teeth as he reluctantly slipped himself from the breathtaking heat of his baby brother’s mouth. He smirked, lifting an eyebrow as Christian shared a tempting kiss with Jeff, his gaze burning into the blonde’s the entire time.

Matt knew what Christian wanted, it was so insanely obvious. It was what just about every male and female wanted from him. Love? No, not exactly. Sex? He smiled. His form of passion and desire was almost too dark for some. His eyes diverted down to the cross he held in his hands, smirking to himself. Even too dark and mysterious for Christ himself. The man that supposedly forgave all sinners for their wrongdoings.

Matt silently wondered. Would he be forgiven after committing the worst type of adultery while tied to a cross? Sodomy. Mockery. Matt gasped, closing his eyes as he felt Christian’s lips pressed against his torso.

Christian’s pink tongue licked up and down Matt’s body, stopping to calmly bite at the curve of his hip. His fingers, still wet from Edge’s blood, trailed up his stomach, leaving a streak of bright red. Christian looked up into Matt’s gorgeous smirk, knowing the brunette had something meticulously prepared. The blonde grinned for a moment, pulling his mouth from Matt’s body to reveal a sharp knife, the handle thick and golden.

He remembered reading somewhere that priests use the knife to sometimes sacrifice the blood of a sinful man, to cleanse and purify his spirit. He dangerously twirled the long blade against his fingers, watching as Matt’s dark eyes glinted. An even wider smirk set in on Matt’s face as he noticed the sparkle of Christian‘s cock piercing. A thick, silver barbell ran through the head of the blonde’s cock, which immediately made Matt smile. He had never noticed it before..

Christian ran the cool edge against Matt’s chest, slowly dragging the holy scalpel against the young man’s perfect flesh. Christian made sure not to press too deep, but deep enough to leave a faint scar. A momentum of things to come. He carefully carved out a crucifix into Matt’s upper body, watching the blood trickle down his tight abs and puddle against the carpet.

“Close your eyes..”, Christian breathed out, stepping back to admire the beautiful view. Matt willingly obeyed, his eyelids falling shut as he shuddered uncontrollably. Thick blood ran down the tanned skin of the brunette, dripping down against his large cock. Christian nearly lost it as he watched tiny streams of blood trickle down to Matt’s balls, the red liquid hanging off his silken sack before falling to the carpet. Christian picked up the heavy metal cup, noting that it was halfway full of the same holy wine they had shared earlier.

Christian grinned wickedly, walking over to expecting younger man. He gingerly poured the alcohol over the open wound of the cross, watching the wine mix in with Matt’s blood. The brunette moaned incoherently, his head rolling back and forth on the wooden crucifix. Christian gently reached out to squeeze Matt’s arms as his tongue licked up the tasty, liquified mixture, feeling Matt’s muscles tense up against his body.

With one last longing look at Matt hanging on the cross, Christian spun the blade in his hand, cutting the ties that bound Matt to the crucifix. A smirk set in on the blonde’s face. He would fuck Matt, and make him beg for it too..

Matt slumped to the carpet, panting as he looked up into Christian’s evil turquoise eyes. His fingers curled to pick up the crucifix at his feet, running his wet tongue against the metal with a knowing smirk. As he crawled his way over to Christian, he stopped to lie on his back, peering down at his bloody pectoral muscles.

With a groan, Matt dipped the long end of the cross into his own blood, vertically running the rod up and down his wounds. When it was slick enough, Matt raised his knees to his chest, moaning as he suddenly thrust the cross into his puckered opening. He smiled. He was still nice and loose from the fucking that he received from his little brother. Speaking of Jeff, he happened to be offering his services to Edge..

Jeff moaned against the warm length of the taller man’s cock, his pretty little head buried between the muscled thighs of the blonde. His tongue lapped at the rigid length, sucking Edge’s cock down his throat as he bobbed swiftly up and down the older man’s shaft.

The breathy groans he was pulling from Edge’s mouth seemed to urge him on further. He momentarily rose up to suckle at the tip of the blonde’s cock, before growling and taking the entire length once more. Edge gasped, the velvet heat of Jeff’s mouth was pushing him closer to the edge. Spirals of colors floated in front of the blonde’s face as Jeff moaned around his cock, sending vibrations throughout his trembling body. Edge bit his lip, his tiny platinum chin stud standing at attention.

He gasped suddenly as his vision focused onto Matt and Christian, watching the brunette invading him roughly with the shiny cross. His eyes flickered closed as the image played over and over in his mind, his temperature building to a feverish pitch. Edge moaned, shaking violently as he gripped Jeff’s hair tightly, pulling him up to his mouth for a heavy kiss.

“W-We should join them..
”, Edge stuttered out, a bit breathless as Jeff’s curious eyes blinked at him. Jeff licked his lips, a smile curving on his perfect lips as he brushed his mouth against Edge’s. Jeff nodded, taking the taller man’s hand and leading him over to the other couple.

Matt’s legs were shamelessly spread, his cock rubbing against his stomach, eyes closed tight in pure rapture. He wantonly plunged the wet end of the crucifix into his tight opening, grinding his hips against the cross. His calf muscles clenched with each push, aiming the smooth end to jab against his prostate. Matt darted his tongue out to lick at his bruised lips, letting out a deep sigh as he removed the cross from his ass.

“Anyone up for a fuck?”, Matt grinned, lifting an evil eyebrow as he raised up onto his hands and knees, raising his deliciously round ass in the air. His fingers brushed against the base of the pallid-colored cross, his dark curls covering the evil glint in his eyes as they spilled down against the white crucifix. It almost looked as if he was praying. Praying? Ha. For Christian’s cock, that was.

Christian finally gained the sanity to open his eyes, grunting as he slid behind Matt’s body, gripping tight at his hips. Matt smirked, stealing a glance back into Christian’s heavy-lidded expression.

“I’m gonna make you scream out my name..”, Matt smirked, playing with his tongue stud before returning to his position. Christian laughed to himself. No one had ever made him scream out. Ever. He chuckled. He’d love to see Matt try..

Edge and Jeff slithered over to Matt and Christian, their hazy green eyes filled with a deep, unabashed yearning. Matt was on his hands and knees, brutally slamming back against Christian’s cock as the blonde stretched his inner walls. He smirked when Edge kneeled in front of him, obviously begging for his cock to be sucked. Matt groaned against Edge’s skin, darting his tongue out to taste the beads of cum that had already collected at the tip. The brunette dipped down to suck at the blonde’s sack, which was heavy with his arousal. He could feel Edge’s thick cock bobbing against his hair, some of his sticky cum getting caught in Matt’s dark curls.

Matt’s skillful tongue wrapped around the blonde’s length, moaning against the girth of his shaft as Christian pumped into his ass a little harder. Jeff snuck behind Edge, biting back a moan as he wrapped his fingers around his dripping length, teasingly signing a cross at the blonde’s tight opening. With a groan, Jeff sunk into the tight sweetness of Edge’s ass, grateful he had thought of fingering the taller man while he was sucking him off.

Christian breathed heavily, knowing he wouldn’t, couldn’t last long with the sights and sounds coupled with the irresistible sensation of filling Matt to the hilt. The jerky movements of the brunette’s hips were driving him crazy, nearly choking on his own breath as he rocked into his ass. He threw his head back and moaned, shuddering unwillingly as Matt bounced up and down his cock.

Christian could hear Matt murmuring around Edge’s thickness, his voice thick and lusty. He was amazed that Matt could expertly take his entire length, and not only that, he wanted even more..

Edge tangled his fingers into the stunning curls of Matt’s hair, moaning at the incredible friction of the older man’s mouth. He knew he was going to lose it soon. Jeff was thrusting into his ass from behind. Deep and hard. Edge shuddered. Just how he liked it. He reached up to entwine his fingers in Jeff’s hair, hearing the younger man’s growls as he nipped and sucked at his fingers.

“Let it go..”, Jeff hissed at his ear, giving the blonde’s nipple a hard pinch. Edge gasped out. That was it. He trembled violently as he felt his cum shooting down Matt’s throat, feeling slightly faint as Jeff’s cock expertly tapped against his prostate. Edge struggled to breathe, his eyes falling shut as he slumped back against Jeff’s body, his head hanging lifelessly.

Jeff’s broken moan signaled his release as well, his fingernails digging into Edge’s plump ass as he filled him with his hot seed. The exquisite feeling of the taut inner muscles squeezing and engulfing his throbbing cock made him gasp out the blonde’s name repeatedly. He pushed up into the blonde’s tightness one last time before slipping out of his ass, flames burning in his eyes as he leaned down to lick his essence spilling from Edge’s stretched opening. Jeff kept his eyes on the statue in front of him, that renowned smirk setting in on his handsome face before a dizziness overtook him. He slumped to the ground, closing his eyes with a pained moan..

Christian moaned aloud as he shoved his cock into Matt‘s ass, the blonde’s soft grunts and whimpers turning into shrieks. The tight inner muscles of Matt’s ass pleasantly clenched around his cock, squeezing the oxygen and orgasm from his body. Christian attempted to bite back Matt’s name, but the way the man was making him feel..
.it was too incredible to hold back.

The last thing he saw was Matt’s face smirking back at him as he screamed out the brunette’s name with his release. His hips continued to grind back against Christian’s sensitive cock as spurt after thick spurt shot into his ass. With a soft sob, Christian fainted, his body lying motionless against Matt’s back.

That was good, wasn‘t it?“, the deep voice whispered against the blonde’s ear, “You can never refuse sin.“, the voice cackled evilly, the deceptive sneer clearly heard in the creature’s voice.

With a deep gasp, Matt rose up off his hands and knees, smirking as he felt Christian’s cum oozing running down his legs. Matt had been saving his orgasm for the one person that deserved it. It wasn’t his brother. Nor Edge. Neither Christian. Matt shook his head as he glanced around at the limp bodies lying on the carpet. They were too weak for his liking.

Matt glanced up at the statue of Jesus. He scoffed lightly. Died for his sins? What if Jesus died for his own personal transgressions? What if God was nothing like everyone thought? Perhaps Heaven wasn’t really Heaven at all. When you got there, what if you couldn’t do the things you wanted to? Forbidden. Matt reached up to grab his gown. The sleeves were stained with his own blood. Red. He threw the white gown on, the blood from the carved crucifix on his chest seeping through the silk material. His fingers grabbed a single lit candle from the altar as he turned to slowly walk down the carpeted aisle.

As he gradually made his way out of the church, his chocolate eyes turned a bright ruby, gleaming with the power of flames. Matt smirked like the devil he was. And had been ever since he was born. The church suddenly lit up in a whirl of fire, the building encased in a barrage of flames. Dark, evil laughter could be heard instead the church as it slowly burnt to the ground..

*~ Sin: 1. a: an offense against religious or moral law. b: an action that is or felt to be highly reprehensible. c: an often serious shortcoming. 2. a: transgression of the law of God. b: a vitiated state of the human nature in which the self is estranged from God. ~*

the end.