You cannot quit me so quickly..
Is no hope in you for me..
No corner you could squeeze me..
But I got all the time for you, love...
The space between
The tears we cry...
Is the laughter keeps us coming back for more..
The space between
The wicked lies we tell..
And hope to keep us safe from the pain...

But will I hold you again?
These fickle, fuddled words confuse me..
Like 'Will it rain today?'...
Waste the hours with talking, talking..
These twisted game we play...

We're strange allies
With warring hearts..
What wild-eyed beast you be..
The space between
The wicked lies we tell..
And hope to keep us safe from the pain...
Will I hold you again?
Will I hold...

Look at us spinning out in
The madness of a roller coaster..
You know you went off like a devil In a church in the middle of a crowded room..
All we can do, my love
Is hope we don't take this ship down...

The space between
Where you're smiling high..
Is where you'll find me if I get tickled...
The space between
The bullets in our firefight..
Is where I'll be hiding, waiting for you..
The rain that falls
Splash in your heart..
Ran like sadness down the window into...
The space between
Our wicked lies..
Is where we hope to keep safe from pain...

Take my hand..
'Cause we're walking out of here..
Oh, right out of here..
Love is all we need here...
The space between
What's wrong and right..
Is where you'll find me hiding, waiting for you...
The space between
Your heart and mine..
Is the space we'll fill with time...
The space between.

Matt stood next to Jeff, sighing heavily as he watched the empty chairs quickly becoming filled, the busy murmur of conversations ringing in his ears. He looked over at Jeff, who had his emerald gaze set upon the several couples in attendance, biting at his lip nervously. There were a few minutes until the ceremony began, but as unsure as Jeff was, the fact that he had only had mere seconds left until he was married, was just simply...depressing. As much as he liked Chris, he didn’t love him. He couldn’t ever love him. Jeff blinked. His heart belonged to another. A person that was seemingly oblivious to his adoration. A slight frown set upon Jeff’s face. He didn’t want to disappoint Jericho by rejecting his marriage proposal, but how could he continue? Jeff looked over at Matt expectantly, nearly dying to end the silence between them that had been brewing for weeks. Ever since their heated argument from the week before, Jeff hadn’t said a single word to his older brother. A decision he had been regretting for the past few days.

Matt closed his eyes in misery. He could feel Jeff’s eyes glued on him. Matt gave his brother a tiny sideways glance, shifting his eyes uneasily. He knew he should say something, but for once, he didn’t have the words to say. Matt sighed. He had always wanted Jeff for his own, for the longest time. Matt’s guilt began to set in. Why couldn’t he find the courage to tell Jeff he was in love with him? It was too late now, of course. Matt gulped, swallowing his heartache as his lips parted, his soft accent distinct in his voice.

“So...the big day, huh?”, Matt sighed out, fidgeting with his sleeves a bit.

Jeff nodded, “Yup..”, his voice soft and quiet as he looked down at his feet, watching a few ants crawl in the dirt. As much as he wanted to be held in Matt’s arms, he remained hushed, his head hanging slightly.

Silence. Matt didn’t know what else to say. There were no words for losing your true love, or even never having the chance to let that person know about your sentiments.

“You know...if you don’t want to...”, Matt spoke a bit softer, willing the tears flooding his eyes not to spill.

Jeff’s eyes lit up, “Hmm?”, as if he was expecting the one reply that he had direly needed to hear.

“Nothing.”, Matt looked down, barely swallowing past the lump in his throat. He shook his head, raising his eyes to meet Jeff’s. He lost himself in his baby brother’s gape for a few moments, building his spirit before whispering quietly.

“I’m in love with you.”, the breath caught in the back of Matt’s throat as the words slipped out softly, his voice barely audible.

Jeff frowned slightly, the glimmer in his stare lost as he breathed deeply, “Alright...”, he wanted so badly to cry, to crumple to the ground and sob his heart out. But he sighed away his threatening tears, nodding into his brother’s eyes. For a brief second, Jeff could’ve sworn he heard Matt whisper that he was in love with him, but perhaps the sound of Chris’ voice made him forget all about it.

“Come Jeffrey, the ceremony’s starting soon..”, Chris quietly approached the two brothers, planting a small kiss on Jeff’s neck as he moved closer.

Jeff gasped, nodding as he closed his eyes briefly. He shared one last hopeful glance with Matt before walking out of the gazebo.

Matt heaved a sigh, listening to the scuffle of Chris’ shoes as he slowly followed after Jeff, not expecting Chris to still remain standing there. Matt turned on his heels at the sound of Chris’ cold voice.

Failure is a bitch, Matthew.”, Chris scoffed smugly, lifting an eyebrow as he grinned lightly, calmly strolling out of the space.

Matt grit his teeth angrily, sighing as he walked out of the small gazebo. He knew he was in for the worst moment of his life, but he picked up his step and joined the other groomsmen.


The birds were singing the perfect melody, their soprano-pitched tweets in flawless union. The sky was a gray-blue, large, full cumulous clouds blotched against the Heavens. Clear, deep blue water splashed in the distance, providing a beautiful setting. In the horizon, the sun was setting, its warm rays splayed out against the rippled ocean. Green, lush trees surrounded the landscape of the garden, where the beautiful nuptials were to be spoken and cherished.

Matt bowed his head, the long tails of his tuxedo streaming in the calm summer breeze. He looked over at Jeff for a brief moment, letting his dark gaze rest upon the stunning beauty of his brother. Jeff’s head was covered in rose petals, gingerly woven in between scarlet and dark blue strands of hair. Jeff’s colorful hair was curled into medium-sized spirals, coiling down over his back. A body-length sheer mesh robe was wrapped snug against Jeff’s luscious curves, puddling at his platform boots. The long sleeves hung down to Jeff’s hands, the material brushing against his knuckles. Crimson-colored silk rose buds were attached to the fine netting, carefully sprinkled with red glitter. Jeff wore ruby-colored pants, made of crushed velvet. He looked absolutely stunning. Matt forced himself to tear his eyes away from Jeff, gulping back a sigh as he looked away.

“We’re all gathered here today to celebrate the joyous union.”

Matt stood at the altar, apparently in a daze. Joyous?? He scoffed inside, not even bothering to listen to the rest of the minister’s speech. He felt like dying and rotting right there, but somehow he managed to gulp down his disappointment. The time had finally come. Jeff’s wedding Chris. Matt barely fought the urge to regurgitate. Marriage??

A deep longing filled Matt’s heart. He had to have Jeff for his own. The more he stared at him, the more he realized that it was too late. The week before, Matt had argued relentlessly with Jeff to reconsider his marriage plans, which only resulted in Jeff’s furious pouting and screaming. Matt tried to reason that 4 months was too soon to tie the knot, especially since he hardly even knew Chris at all. Matt blurted out that the only reason Chris wanted him in the first place was because Jeff was an easy lay. As soon as the words rolled off the tip of Matt’s tongue, he knew he had made a horrible mistake. A thundering slap in the face from his baby brother cemented his thoughts, and shattered his heart.

“Open your eyes, Matt..“, Jeff hissed, “Chris is the one I love, not you.”, his fiery words only made the hand imprint on Matt’s cheek sizzle. Jeff gasped, a bit surprised at his own words.

Jeff’s upset gaze lingered on Matt’s for a minute, before wet tears replaced the angry sparkle in his emerald eyes. Matt stared at him, refusing to back down in what he believed in...Jeff. He knew Jeff could find someone better for him, someone who could love him like no other... Matt’s eyes closed, submitting to a single tear. Why couldn’t Jeff see that he was that someone? He only wanted to love and care for his little brother, he had devoted his entire life to doing just that. Matt sighed. He couldn’t force his brother to want him in return, or even return his feelings. His mind suddenly went blank as he returned to listening to the clear voice ringing out in the late afternoon air.

“Jeffrey and Christopher, must always remember that love is a gift, from the stars into your hearts. Love is a devotion of soul, body, and mind...and only true love can strengthen even the most difficult of times...For the giving of yourself in love is difficult, for you must learn to give of your love without total submission of yourself. Therefore, in your giving, give your joy, your sadness, your interest, your understanding, your knowledge--all expressions that make up life. But in this giving, remember to preserve yourself--your integrity, your individuality. This is the challenge of love within marriage..”, the minister smiled at Chris momentarily, the older man’s eyes noticing the dark storm clouds hanging over the land. With a gentle rustle of the trees, it began to rain, tiny droplets falling from the sky. Chris shook his head, motioning for the man to remain talking.

Jeff sighed to himself, letting his eyes flicker over to Matt, who appeared solemn and expressionless. He closed his eyes tearfully, nodding to the minister to continue on.

“If anyone here contests the love and devotion of this couple, I warn you to please speak now or hold your peace...”

Matt closed his eyes tight, nearly trembling with all the words he wanted to say. This was his time. His moment, his final chance.. The small garden was filled with silence, light smiles on the faces of the guests in attendance. The minister opened to his mouth to resume the services, but Matt’s voice interrupted him.

“I-I do.”, Matt choked out as he briefly shut his eyes, “I’m in love with Jeff.”

The small crowd gasped in astonishment, quietly talking amongst themselves. Matt let the tears go that he had been holding back, silently sobbing as he stared at Jeff. Jeff shuddered, submitting to the breath he never knew he was secretly holding.

“I'm sorry.”, Matt apologized quickly, turning to dash out of the garden. He heard Jeff calling after him, but he didn’t care. He continued running until he was out of breath, the dizziness of spontaneity clouding his brain. He stumbled over to am empty dock nearby, taking a seat on the stiff wooden planks. Matt gasped, desperately trying to catch his breath as his heart pounded, nearly exploding with passion. Matt pulled his knees up to his chest, weeping as he buried his face in his hands. The rain was all he had. Cold and wet. He sniffled, shivering as he snuggled up to himself, comforted by his own embrace.

Matt listened to the faint sound of rumbling thunder, echoing over the waves in the distance. As bad as he felt, he knew he would feel even worse later. How would he even be the same person without Jeff? He frowned. He suddenly realized that maybe he made a mistake. Guilt began to fill his thoughts. Matt sighed. Maybe he should have let Jeff go..

Jeff jammed his hands in his pockets, steadily walking in the rain. A part of him wanted to smile, and the other half needed to cry. Despite it all, he laughed. His clothes were a mess, his hair in shambles, and his heart afire. He would have never guessed to fall in love with his own brother. Or that Matt would feel the same way about him. He sighed as he looked up, catching a glimpse of Matt sitting at the edge of the waterfront.

With a tiny smile, Jeff quietly walked over to his older brother, biting his lip in expectation. He sucked in a deep breath as he sat down next to Matt, looking out at the choppy waves as he idly fiddled with the platinum engagement band on his finger. A sigh left Jeff’s trembling lips as he leaned over to rest his head on Matt’s damp shoulder, letting his eyelids slip closed as he began to shiver.

Matt’s glanced down at Jeff. His baby brother. But most importantly, his baby. The older man hesitantly reached over to wrap his arms around Jeff’s body, letting go of the breath he had been holding ever since he heard footsteps on the pier.

He sighed against his baby brother’s ear, hugging him close to his chest as he closed his eyes. Raindrops. The soft pitter-patter of precipitation hitting the wooden planks. Matt quickly lost himself to his emotions, shaking into Jeff’s embrace as wet tears rolled down his flushed cheeks.

The two brothers silently sat on the pier, not daring to utter a single word. Too afraid to ruin the moment, waste the pure silence, sacrifice their feelings. After a few timeless minutes, Jeff finally managed to break the peace.

“So, is there any room in your heart for me again?”, Jeff smiled lightly, burying his nose into Matt’s solid shoulder with a soft murmur. Matt looked down at him, managing to laugh softly.

“There always has been.”, Matt seriously stared down into Jeff’s emerald eyes, the brunette’s gaze filled with unbridled sincerity. Jeff smiled brightly, staring down at his left ring finger. With a gentle tug, he slipped the ring from his hand, flinging the sparkling jewelry into the water. Jeff sighed. That part of his past was gone. Maybe not forever, but for this single moment..

Matt’s eyes followed the ring until it plunked into the ocean, swallowed by a rolling wave. Jeff reached up to take a tender hold of Matt’s chin, caressingly tugging the older man’s mouth to his.

Jeff grinned, gently brushing his lips against his brother’s before closing his eyes. Matt gasped softly, allowing himself to melt into the special embrace that was only his brother’s. Their mouths crushed together in a searing kiss, their tongues briefly dancing in a waltz of passion and adoration.

“I love you too...”, Jeff whispered against Matt’s full lips, closing his eyes as he rested his forehead against his older brother’s. Matt didn’t need to respond. Sometimes things were better left unsaid..

the end.