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Wrestle_Dude's Ragin' Wrestling
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Me and the Pros

Pay-Per-View History
News & Rumors
WWF Roster
Title History
My Art
WWF's Greatest Matches

Live and in person

The greatest part of wrestling, from my fan point of view, is meeting these great atheletes in person. You get to see these people as people and get a feel of them as theirselves.

Kevin Nash
November 27, 1998

Lex Luger
March 20, 1999

Marcus "Buff" Bagwell
May 2, 1999

Mick Foley
May 20, 2000

Rey Mysterio Jr., Juventud Guerra & Konnan
June 3, 2000

"The Big Show" Paul Wight
July 16, 2000

August 12, 2000

Billy Gunn
August 26, 2000

August 26, 2000

Scott Steiner
September 2, 2000

Faarooq & Bradshaw "The Acolytes"
October 21, 2000

Shawn Michaels
December 2, 2000

Brian (Grandmaster Sexay) Christopher & Scott (Scotty 2 Hotty) Taylor
"Too Cool"
December 16, 2000

Kurt Angle
January 13, 2001

Yes, I was the WWF champ!
January 13, 2001

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan
September ?, 2001

All picture banners and Art pictures are Copyrighted by myself and may be used if credit is given to me or permission is asked. Copyright Wrestle_dude 2001