Application for employment into the Big Sky Wrestling Federation, please read the rules before you enter an application. Thank you for considering the Big Sky as your efed home. |
Just Cut and Paste and Email to the Address Below |
Your Name: | |
Your Email Address/ICQ #/AIM Handle: | |
Your Character's Name: | |
Your Character's Alias,
if any:
(Please note if you want them to be called only by the nickname.) |
How did you hear of the Big Sky? | |
Your Character's Height: | |
Your Character's Weight: | |
Your Character's Hometown: |
What is your character's theme song? | |
Please Give a description of your characters attire and appearance for in the ring and out of the ring. |
Please Give a Brief History of Your Character. |
Is your character a face, heel, doesn't care, tweener? | |
What is your character's finisher called? What does it closely resemble & give a brief description: |
Does your character have any other signature or trademark moves? If so give brief description of them: | |
Please give up to ten other moves your wrestler may use: | |
Is this character a member of a tag-team/stable. If so with whom? Your Name? |
If so, what is your tag team's finisher called? What does it closely resemble & give a brief description: |
Does this character have a valet or a manager. Who is he/her? | |
Please include a brief description of him/her. | |
Please give me a wrestler/person that your character would remind us of: | |
What is your wrestler's
wrestling style?
Brawler, technical, amateur wrestler, skilled brawler, high flyer, tag team, toughman style, ground (Greco) style, unskilled, cheater, hardcore: |
Does your character have a catch-phrase? If so, what is it? | |
1-10 Rating of Characters Attributes, 10 Being best in the categories provided. (Please be realistic. Nobody is a perfect 10 in anything.) You have 70 points available. |
1) Strength | |
2) Wrestling Ability | |
3) Resiliency, Recovery Ability | |
4) Hardcore Ability (Street fighting and weapon proficiency) | |
5) Agility/Speed | |
6) Use of Cheating/Deception | |
7) Intelligence | |
8) Pain Threshold | |
9) Ability to Gain Strength From Crowd. | |
10) Aggressiveness | |
11) Heart | |
12) Risk Taker |
How long have you handled this character? Experience, background of the character's career and yours other's you may have handled. Just in case we've run into each other before. | |
email this application to: | |
In the BSWF we are a contract driven league. Unless agreed with the board, your first contract will be for 2 weeks. Upon that time you will be evaluated and asked to stay or given a warm thank you and goodbye. Please do not run more than 2 characters. | The Board will also start angles for you, or suggest areas your character can work on. We will be very honest, we aren't being mean, we just want this to be a great league. |
Upon submitting this application you agree to the rules of the Big Sky. You also agree to let the Big Sky's board have final say over your character's career. Your roleplaying will ultimately determine the future, but the board's decision's are final until your character is no longer in the league or your contract is up and you decide not to stay in the Fed. | This isn't hard! Just have fun, don't take anything personally and remember that this is just a game and we'll all get along fine. |