Big Sky Wrestler Information

Title History

Title Reigns


Wrestler's Name: America's Youth
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 235 lbs
Hometown: Atlanta, GA.
Wrestler's theme song: "Oh Well"- Fleetwood Mac

In ring- No shirt, Green pants With America's on one side and Youth on the
other. Black boots also.

Out of the Ring- American Eagle shirt, Navy shorts, and Sketchers sneakers.
He has medium length black hair, usually pulled back.


Nothing is really known. His parents are gone. He lived with his older
sister for a while, and vanished. Just reappeared a short time ago.

Wrestler's Demeanor: Heel
Finishing Move and Description: "Youthanizer"-Resembles WCW
performer Reno's finisher "Roll of the Dice." Reverse spinning neckbreaker
that ends with the person's face on the ground.
 Set-Up/Trademark moves: Inverted standing piledriver (face is out instead of in)

Gravedigger ( Superkick/ Top Rope Leg Drop Combo)

Other moves:

1. Northern Lights Suplex
2. Standing Brainbuster
3. Ankle Lock Submission
4. Swinging Neckbreaker
5. Sharpshooter
6. Diamond Dust ( Reverse Tornado DDT into a stunner off the top rope)
7. Power Slam
8. Snap Suplex
9. Missile Dropkick off the Middle Rope
10. Powerbomb

Manager's Name/Description:

The Time Manager-The Time Manager dresses in a suit and always has an hourglass. He taunts every wrestler that faces Youth.

Tag Team/Stable Name and Partners: NA
Another Person this Wrestler Resembles: An Evil Kurt Angle with James E. Cornette as the manager.


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