Trash Bag = Ring Attire
Akeem, the African Dream. And what a dream it was for Akeem. Formerly known as the One Man Gang, the Slickster told us all he had a big surprise involving the One Man Gang...unfortunately, he forgot to mention that Slick was planning on unveiling one of the worst characters in recent history of the WWF. Now, because I have Akeem on my page, does that mean I hate Africans? No..remember that you New Zealanders who think since I have the Bushwhackers on here, I ultimately hate New Zealanders..
Akeem would strut his stuff down the aisle,
and put on a dance so bad that it even makes me look good. He'd come out
the theme song of - Jive Soul Bro - which you may find a lil piece of on
the wrestle crap page itself - the real one. Anyway, when it came to Akeem,
the...something dream dancing, here's what it consisted of...
1. Hand Movements
2. Him waddling back and forth
3. More hand movements...
4. Sticking out his tongue
Why didn't this get
over with the fans?
Quite easily said and
put, Akeem didn't get over with the fans. He did, however, have great Tag
Team status with the Big Bossman, till he and the Bossman broke up and
their GREAT feud ultimately ended at Wrestlemania VI within the confines
of a steel cage that neither one could climb out of..wait..that's not how
it happened...
Bossman and Akeem had
a match, and I guess Bossman saw where this feud was going, so he probably
asked Vince to have the Million Dollar Man attack him before the match,
which he did, so he could get out of this feud with Akeem..which he did..