It would only seem right that after a great run in the late 1990's of terrible gimmicks that included a Race Car Driving - Bob Holly - a Trash Man - Duke Droese and too many countless others to name, that there might as well be a Magician added to the 'fray.' From what I've heard, Phantasio actually worked in the lower circuits under a different name to great success. However, success is a word that doesn't describe his run in the World Wrestling Federation. Phantasio couldn't have picked a more opportune time to make his WWF debut...and what a debut it was
Phantasio was a rather quirky lil guy who made his way out to the ring wearing a top
hat and even sporting some sort of magician's cane as he made his way down to the ring. He wore some sort of mask that made Kane and Mankind's look semi-comfortable. Phantasio would step through the ropes, and that's when the REAL magic would begin. No, not Phantasio's wrestling ability, literal magic. He would pull crap out of his hat and other such stuff...pulling things that seem to never end out of his mouth...
This guy sounds great doesn't he? A top notch wrestler in the WWC, no? Well..unfortunately for Phantasio, you're right again...he never amounted to anything. Maybe it was his arsenal of moves..I mean, who could possibly be hurt by the 'flying confetti' off the ropes?
No, that possibly couldn't be it. Trust me, I've been through that move personally, and it hurts like there's no tomorrow..I remember back at my friend Tony's house, he hit me with the flying confetti off the ropes..and I was out for days...anyway. The confetti chop was usually the set up for quite possibly the greatest finisher in the WWF, EVER!
That's right folks! The Magic Wedgie! The move that was as surprising at it was stupid. No one saw that coming! That's why everytime he did it, (once) his opponent was so stunned, that Phantasio took the opportunity to roll up the unsuspecting-garmentless-foe. Can't you just picture the Hulk Hogan - Phantasio feud, where Phantasio goes down Hulk's pants, and grabs a hold of Lil Hulkster...This surprises Hulk as well as Phantasio..they both stand there in their moment of bliss...Phantasio's hand still down Hogan's pants....