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Thursday Night Tornado Results

Jim Ross: Hello everybody and welcome to DCW! I'm Good ol' JR alongside Paul Heyman, and Paul, on this night, three titles are guaranteed to change hands!

Paul Heyman: I love it! The Rock, the Hardcore Champion, has quit DCW, leaving the Hardcore Title vacant. The U.S. and sole Tag Team Champion Triple H has temporarily left, vacating those titles. And most importantly, Stone Cold Steve Austin, after being injured, gave up his World Title.

JR: So tonight we will have four matches to determine who will go into a four corners match on Monday for the Hardcore Title, as well as matches for the Tag Team, U.S., and World Heavyweight Championships! This will be a great night! Let's get to the action, with the first of our four hardcore matches!

Hardcore Title Tournament
Kurt Angle vs. Albert

The lights dim as loud booming laughter blasts through the speakers, followed by "head Like A Hole" by Nine Inch Nails. Albert walks out and is met by lots of booing. He walks over to the side of the stage and tries to hide the best a 350 pound man can.

Then "Medal" plays and the fans all cheer as their Olympic Hero comes out. Albert charges him and Angle turns just as Albert hits him with a clothesline. Angle slams agains the steel ground, then Albert begins the stomp on him viciously. Albert spits on Angles face, then leans down and yells at him "Get up, you are boring me. Get up and fight you bastard!"

Albert pulls Angle up after a few more stomps. Albert puts Angle on his shoulder, then runs forward at the metal supports to the DCWTron. Angle's lower back smashes into it and then Albert gorilla presses Angle above his head. Albert presses him up and down a few times, then walks over to the edge of the stage. Albert laughs then throws Kurt Angle off the stage, on to the hard cement floor.

Angle is lying motionless on the ground, and Albert walks around down the ramp and over to him. Albert gets down and covers Angle for a pin. The referee begins the count, but Albert pulls Angle up before the pin is complete. He gets a evil grin on his face, and gets Angle to his feet. Albert looks over a table covered in sounds equipment and grabs Angle by the throat with both hands. Albert runs and Baldobombs Angle through the table, Albert rolls Angle up for a pin afterwards. Then referee counts the 1...2...3.

Winner: ALBERT

JR: Albert will be the first man in the Hardcore Title match, and will be joining three others.

Heyman: The Hardcore Commissioner is in action, and will be sending a message to Ric Flair in that match!

Hardcore Title Tournament
Vampiro vs. Perry Saturn

The sirens blare and the fans cheer for their favorite loser as Perry Saturn comes walking out. He walks to the ring and climbs in, waiting for his opponent.

The lights turn to a dark green and Vampiro's music echoes throughout the arena. After a moment, the Dark Angel emerges, but instead of walking down to the ring, he just stands in the entrance way. Saturn looks confused and then suddenly starts to get it. He turns around to receive a big clothesline from Tazz.

Vampiro rushes the rest of the way down to the ring and the two Wing members proceed to double-team Saturn. They stomp on his body, never giving him the chance to get up. Finally, they lean over to pick him up, but he hits them both with low-blows. He quickly climbs outside the ring and both men follow him.

As they are chasing him, Raven gets a quick opportunity to grab a fire extinguisher from under the ring. He lifts the nozzle and sprays the two men, then leaping forward and smashing the weapon over Tazz' head. He then turns around to do the same to Vampiro, but the Dark Angel catches him and chokeslams him hard to the mat.

Vampiro picks up Saturn again, but suddenly a masked man comes running through the crowd, carrying a kendo stick. He leaps over the railing and starts beating Vampiro with the stick. Once he is satisfied that he has immobilized Vampiro, he turns and leaves.

Saturn sees the masked man running away and looks after him, clearly as confused as the audience. During Saturn's confusion, however, Tazz picks him up over his head and literally tosses him into the ring.

Saturn flies into the ring and lands on the mat as Tazz climbs in. Saturn gets to his feet and runs at Tazz, but the Thug lifts his foot, administering another boot to the gut. Saturn again gets to his feet and charges him again, this time leaping at him with a cross body block.

Tazz catches Saturn and tosses him back over his head. Saturn lands hard, and Vampiro covers him for the win.


JR: And Vampiro is the second man to make it into the Hardcore Title match.

Heyman: You know what that means, JR? Albert and Vampiro are both in that match. It doesn't matter who else makes it in, they don't stand a chance against that awesome force.

JR: That's an arguable point, Cactus Jack has defeated Vampiro in a hardcore environment before, and he can still make it into the match. Even if he doesn't they still have Kane, Gangrel, and Hardcore Holly to worry about.

European Title Match
Trish Stratus (Champ) vs. William Regal

William Regal comes walking out to his music and goes down to the ring after waving to the crowd.

Trish Stratus comes out to her music and walks daintily to the edge of the stage and waves to the crowd. She then walks down to the ring to meet her opponent.

Regal sprints at Trish with full force and pulls off a devastating running clothesline. Trish goes flying backwards and nearly knocks herself out when her head hits the ring post. Regal laughs and starts dancing around the ring in a brittish fashion.

Trish seizes the opportunity and jumps up. She whips out a cigarette and lights it. Then she leans against the turnbuckle, watching Regal and slowly taking a drag.

Regal notices her finally and stops dancing. He lets out a low growl and runs at her. Trish waits until Regal gets right up to her before she dodges out of the way. She spins around and jabs the lit end of the cigarette in Regal's eye, and then while he's screaming, she kicks him right between the legs.

Regal goes down, and she makes the pin, somehow sneaking a whole bunch of illegal moves by the oblivious referee.


JR: Trish Stratus is certainly having a successful run with that title.

Heyman: She just stuck a cigarette in William Regal's eye!

Hardcore Title Tournament
Gangrel vs. Kane

A circle of flames appears in the entrance and creepy music plays. Slowly, Gangrel raises from a hole in the entrance way to the booing of the fans. He walks down to the ring, carrying his goblet. He climbs up onto the apron and takes a drink, spitting it out over the crowd.

Fire blasts out of the entrance way as Kane's music begins. Slowly, the Big, Red Machine emerges from backstage and makes his way down to the ring. He climbs into the ring over the top ropes and raises his arms, slamming them down to send more fire flying about.

Gangrel irish whips Kane and clothes lines him over the top rope. Gangrel waits for Kane to regain his footing then moonsoults him over the ropes. The two men lay there then Gangrel gets up first. He pulls a garbage can from under the mat. Kane turns around and dropkicks the garbage can into Gangrel's face. Then he pulls Gangrel to his feet and beats him up the steel ramp. He grabs his tights and supexes Gangrel into the hard steel. Kane goes for a pin but Gangrel kicks out after two.

They both regain their vertical base and start to fight again. Kane smashes Gangrel with a hard left and grabs his head slamming it into the supports for the DCWTron. Kane backs away waiting for Gangrel to rise. When Gangrel does get up he runs at him. Right before he gets there a Gangrel does a drop toe hold. Kane's face smashes into the ramp. Gangrel lifts him onto his shoulders and runs. He smashes Kane down again into the ramp. Gangrel goes for a pin but Kane kicks out. Gangrel stomps on Kane and then when Kane gets up he kicks him in the gut. Gangrel shoves Kane's head between his legs setting him up for a powerbomb. Gangrel lifts him into the air and slams him down. The steel in the ramp gives and it breaks. Kane falls down through the stage. Gangrel looks down with a sick smile on his face. Then he hops into the hole. The referee follows and counts the one-two-three on Kane.


JR: Gangrel will be joining Albert and his fellow Wing member Vampiro in the hardcore match.

Heyman: So what that means is, be it Hardcore Holly or Cactus Jack, the fourth person in the match will be outnumbered and destroyed.

Tag Team Title Good Housekeeping Match
"The One" Billy Gunn & Tazz vs. The Headbangers

The ring is filled with all kinds of wacky things, like brooms, pizza dishes and even the kitchen sink. Then Raven's old WCW theme song plays, which strangely soundsl ike Even Flow. Tazz and Billy Gunn walk out to the delight of some of the fans. Billy walves and blows kisses as Tazz goes stright into the ring, ready for a fight.

The Kittie plays as the Headbangers come out. Then do their little Headbanger dance and go to down the rampway to the ring. They bounce off the turnbuckles and smash into each other, as Billy and Tazz watch in amusement.

Then bell rings and Tazz instantly hits Mosh over the head with a cookie sheet. Billy wanders around the ring looking for the perfect weapon, then Thrasher jumps him hitting him with a glass pictcher over the back of the head. Thrasher pulls Billy into the corner and starts to climb up him ready to throw some punches. But Tazz runs over and hits Thrasher between the legs with a broom. Then Billy shakes his head clear and grabs Thrasher by the legs. Billy lifts him and powerbombs him on to a pile of silverware. Tazz meanwhile is exchaning hits over the head with Mosh, who is using a wooden spoon and Tazz who is using a tenderizer. Mosh gets a sneaky hit in, by shoving the spoon into Tazz's eye. Then he kicks Tazz in the gut followed by a DDT. Mosh, then climbs up to the top rope and waits for Tazz to get up. When he does Mosh leaps down hitting Tazz with a dropkick, but once he gets up Billy is waiting and throws a sponge in his face. Mosh cathes it and looks confused, then Billy kicks him in the groin. Billy looks around the ring, him being the only man standing and he grabs the serving tongs.

Once Billy gets them Thrasher is up and pulling a fork out of his ass. Billy runs at him with the tongs and grabs Thrasher by the nose with them. Billy squeezes tight and Thrasher nose starts to bleed. Then Billy pulls them off as hard as he can, Thrasher screams in pain as he holds his nose. Mosh then grabs Billy's leg, and pulls him to the mat. Billy's head smashes into the sink and Mosh climbs on him putting a camel clutch on. Mosh is holding the hold on tight, as Tazz gets up. He sees Thrasher, thrashing around as he holds his nose. So he pulls Thrasher up and sets him up for a T-Bone suplex. Tazz smashes Thrasher down and pulls him back up, doing another suplex. Tazz is now happy with Thrasher condition and he walks over to Mosh who is wrenching back on Billy's neck still. Tazz grabs the first thing he sees on the mat, measuring cups, the stackable kind. He looks at them and shrugs before smashing them into the back on Mosh's head. Tazz helps Billy up, then Mosh struggles up and runs at both of them. Billy and Tazz catch him though, and hit a double suplex.

Tazz grabs Thrasher, while Billy gets Mosh. They set them up back to back, as the stagger in the ring. Then Tazz clotheslines Thrasher, then same time Billy dropkicks Mosh. The Headbangers, then bang heads with each other and fall to the mat. Then Tazz tells Billy to grab a table from under the ring, Billy runs and grabs one. Meanwhile Tazz grabs Mosh and is about to pull him up, when Thrasher hits him with a low blow. Mosh and Thrasher both struggle up and start hitting Tazz. Then Mosh knees Tazz in the gut, and pulls him up in the air. Thrasher runs to the other side and they double team Tazz, with a super neckbreaker. Then Billy slides into the ring with the table, to be meet by both Headbangers running at him. They both baseball slide, kicking "The One" in the face. Billy falls to the floor, he tries to land on his feet but his knee buckles and he falls. Billy then grabs his knee and holds it.

In the ring Thrasher, has Tazz on the top turnbuckle. While Mosh is up on the other one. Thrasher superplexes Tazz, then Mosh jumps down hitting the Mosh Pit to Tazz. Mosh covers Tazz thinking they have the win. But somehow Billy jumps up and grabs Mosh's leg pulling him out of the ring. Billy climbs on Mosh and starts to punch him in the face like a crazy man. In the ring Thrasher deciedes he will cover Tazz, the referee counts 1...2...and Tazz kicks out. Thrasher gets up and starts yelling at the referee about how it was a three count. At the same time, Billy has gotten up and slide into the ring. He hobbles over to Thrasher, obviously with his right knee hurting. Then Billy spins Thrahser around and knees him in the gut. Billy runs and bounces off the ropes and jumps, hitting Thrasher with the Fame-Ass-Er. But the move seemed to hurt Billy's knee more and he grabs it in pain. So Tazz runs over and covers Thrasher. The referee counts 1...2...and Mosh kicks Tazz in the head. Tazz quickly gets up and him and Mosh start to battle, throwing hard right hands.

Billy then grabs a frying pan, and starts to beat Thrasher's face with it. Then he throws it and Mosh's head. It connects and Mosh stumbles backwards, Tazz runs around him and locks on the Tazmission. Mosh's face turns purple and he taps out before losing conciousness. The referee calls for the bell and raises Billy and Tazz' hand.

Billy is hopping on one leg and they are about the leave the ring, when Thrasher jumps up a rolling pin in hand and slams it into Billy's knee. Billy screams as he tumbles over the ropes. Tazz grabs the rolling pin from Thrasher, and slams it into Thrasher's face. Then goes out to see if Billy is okay. Then a group of EMTs rush out and help Billy on to a stretcher, as he is still clutching his wounded knee.


JR: After a violent and intense match-up, Billy Gunn and Tazz are our new Tag Team Champions.

Heyman: As they damn well should be! The power of the Wing is stronger than ever!

JR: Am I the only person who notices that ever since Raven has been injured, we haven't heard it called Raven's Wing once?

Hardcore Title Tournament
Cactus Jack vs. Hardcore Holly

Cactus Jack comes out to his music and walks down to the ring.

Hardcore Holly's music blares and he walks out. He looks Cactus Jack up and down before heading down to the ring.

Holly is taken by surprise, and Cactus Jack makes good use of that by hitting him with a big punch to the face. He doesn't let go of Holly's head, though, as he plants him with a DDT. Both men are quickly to their feet, but Cactus Jack retains the advantage by picking him up and slamming him back down with a scoop suplex. While Holly is lying on the mat, Cactus Jack proceeds to drop several knees across his chest.

After a moment, Holly finally fights his way back to his feet. He quickly grabs Cactus Jack's arm and whips him to the ropes, but Cactus Jack counters it and sends Holly flying to the ropes instead. Cactus Jack prepares to catch Holly with another scoop suplex, but is instead greeted by Holly dropkicking him.

Cactus Jack, temporarily subdued, stumbles back a bit. Holly rushes forward and clotheslines him over the top rope, then follows out after him. He grabs Cactus Jack's head and smashes it against the apron, then against the ring steps, and then once against the turnbuckle pole. Once he's done, he finally rolls Cactus Jack back into the ring and follows after him.

Cactus Jack slowly gets to his feet, but Holly is ready for him. He hits Cactus Jack with a snap suplex, and then when Cactus Jack gets back to his feet, he is hit with Holly's Alabama Slam. Holly covers Cactus Jack to win the match.


JR: So the Hardcore Title match on Monday night will be Albert, Vampiro, Gangrel, and Hardcore Holly.

Heyman: I feel so sorry for Hardcore Holly, his career will come to a sudden end on Monday night.

U.S. Title Match
Messiah vs. Chris Jericho

Messiah's music blasts and he comes walking out to the delight of the fans. He raises his arms and runs down to the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope.

The Y2J countdown hits. When it reaches 0, "Break down the walls" blasts and Chris Jericho is seen in the entrance way. He turns around and walks down to the ring, climbing in to face Messiah.

The two tie it up with Jericho gaining the advantage. He kicks Messiah in the gut to break the tie-up, and then hits him with a Russian leg sweep. The two go down and Messiah flips over onto his stomach. Before he can do anything else, though, Jericho is on his back and yanking back his head. Messiah screams in pain as Jericho holds the camel clutch.

Finally, Messiah reaches the ropes and Jericho has to let go. They both get to their feet and as Jericho moves forward, Messiah dives at Jericho's legs and takes him down with a school boy. The ref counts to two and Jericho kicks out, but Messiah has gained the advantage.

As Jericho is getting to his feet, Messiah grabs his arms and whips him. When Jericho bounces back, Messiah hits him with a swinging neck breaker and then gets to his feet. Messiah taunts to the crowd a bit, and then turns around to find that Jericho is to his feet again.

Jericho kicks Messiah in the stomach and runs to the ropes. He bounces off of them, this time of his own volition, and plants Messiah in a face crusher. He then runs to the ropes again and leaps off with a Lionsault onto Messiah. Referee Teddy Long gets to two before Messiah kicks out.

Messiah is about to get to his feet when Jericho grabs his legs and pulls them back until he is in a perfectly executed Walls of Jericho. Messiah screams in pain for a few moments before finally tapping out.

Winner and new U.S. CHAMP: CHRIS JERICHO

JR: Chris Jericho with a successful return to DCW, winning the United States Championship!

Heyman: His new attitude, after turning on Shane Douglas and once again siding with Goldberg has served him well!

World Title Match
Molly Holly vs. Shane Douglas

Molly Holly comes walking out to her music and stands in the ring, impatiently awaiting her opponent.

Shane Douglas' music comes on and he emerges. He walks down the ramp toward Molly, and suddenly, Molly busts out laughing. She appears confident.

Molly Holly regains control of herself just a little too late, and Douglas hits her with a dropkick. He sends Molly flying back to the ropes, then grabs her arm and whips her across the ring. Molly Holly runs to the ropes, bounces off, and Douglas hits her with a hip toss. Molly flies across the ring, and Douglas runs to meet her.

Suddenly Stone Cold Steve Austin appears out of nowhere, and jumps in the ring. He sprints by the ref, knocking him out for a few minutes. Then he runs at Molly Holly and whacks her upside the head. Turning around quickly, Austin sees Douglas coming at him, and throws a mighty swing that connects with Douglas' face, knocking him down.

Then Austin turns and jumps out of the ring, heading backstage.

Molly gets up slowly. So does the ref. Instantly, Douglas is on his feet and moves toward Molly.

Molly Holly spots Douglas coming and trips him up. Douglas falls to the mat and Molly climbs on top of him, pulling him back in an STF. Douglas screams in pain, but is easily in reach of the ropes to break the hold.

Referee Jack Doan breaks up the two, and Molly gets to her feet. She waits for Douglas to get up and very suddenly whips him across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle. Douglas hits the turnbuckle and keels forward a bit, but then Molly charges him with a running clothesline. Douglas almost falls to the mat, but Molly doesn't let him.

Molly shoves Douglas back into the turnbuckle and starts chopping away at him. The fans "Whoo" with every chop, and finally Molly backs off. Douglas falls forward a bit, and Molly lifts her knee into the older star's gut. Douglas tumbles forward and Molly climbs to the top of the turnbuckle. She leaps off, successfully hitting Douglas with a body splash.

Douglas manages to get to his feet before Molly can hurt him any more, and runs to the ropes. He bounces off, but Molly catches him. She throws Douglas to the mat and climbs to the top rope. She crouches there, waiting for Douglas to get to his feet. When he does, she leaps off and hits him with a Molly-Go-Round, pinning him to become the first female champion.


JR: Molly Holly! Congratulations to Molly on becoming the very first female DCW World Champion!

Heyman: That woman does not deserve that honor. This is a dark day for DCW.

JR: Well anyway, it's been a very eventful night for DCW! Goodnight, and we'll see you Monday!