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Gore Girls. For Rhyno's Female Fans.
Gore Girls > Results

RAW October 22, 2001
After goring Edge, Mick Foley booked Rhyno in a WCW US Title Match against Kurt Angle. Despite Rhyno's best goring efforts, Kurt Angle captured the US Title.

SMACKDOWN October 25, 2001
After losing the WCW US Title to Angle on Monday, Rhyno was berated by Shane McMahon for the loss, and suspended indefinitely. Anyone else wanna see Shane-O get gored?

PAY-PER-VIEWS No Mercy, October 21, 2001
Although not scheduled to compete at No Mercy, Rhyno made his presence felt (painfully, I'm sure) when he gored the 500-pound Big Show during The Dudley Boys' match against Big Show & Tajiri, helping the Dudleys retain their WWF Tag Team Titles. Backstage, Rhyno told Shane McMahon that he would show everyone that the Alliance is not a joke, even if he had to do it single-handedly.

OTHER Heat, December 30, 2001
Rhyno made his entrance to a rather impressive pop... you could definitely hear the female demographic there. ;) He talks about his neck surgery and says he has pins in his neck and "feels like a million bucks." Tazz asks him what he's doing there when he doesn't even have a job with the WWF. (Some guy in the crowd yells "Gore him!" Ha.) Rhyno says that he had a great year and there's no reason why the WWF wouldn't want him. He talks about all the championships he won, making it to the finals in King of the Ring, and beating undisputed champ Chris Jericho numerous times, and says that he's confident he'll get his job back and he won't have to beg McMahon or Flair. Michael Cole asks Rhyno about his best match this year, and says it was the hardcore match against Raven at Backlash. Pretty short interview, but I guess we can't be greedy! :)

Old Results