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Monday Night Wrestling

Title: Monday Night Wrestling

Author: Jennifer L. G.

Disclaimer: Don't own Hardyz or Raw

Rated: PG - a little bad language

It was Monday night again, and that meant the Monday Night Wrestling Club was about to meet. Jen and her two cousins, Jason and Marc had formed a club where they got together every Monday night to watch WWF Raw. The three cousins were extremly into wrestling and they often "pretend" wrestled each other on Marc and Jason's trampoline in their back yard. Jen lived right next door, so she was over there practically every day. Recently, the trio had added a new member to the group. Their other cousin Elroy. He was only nine years old, while Marc and Jen were twelve and Jason was thirteen. Despite their young ages they still were into wrestling as much as any teenager or adult. Little did they know, this Monday night, their whole club would change..

"Gimme the remote, dammit!" Jen yelled, whacking Marc in the head with a pillow. "Would you stop cussing in front of Elroy, you moron!" Jay yelled, yanking the remote out of Marc's hand. "Dammit, moron!" Elroy shouted, giggling. The four cousins were sitting in the basement of Jason and Marc's house. The wide screen TV was set to channel 18 and they were counting down the minutes until wrestling. "We still have 15 more minutes!" Jen complained, shooting a nasty look at Marc who had just stuck his tonuge out at her. Out of all of them, Jen and Marc were the most alike, and the two who could never seem to get along! Jay was the mature one, after all he was the oldest, and he thought that meant he was the boss. Elroy was the silly one. He loved hanging out with his big cousins and intimidating everything they did. Jay threw the remote at her and she caught it. "Fine, change the channel, but at 8:55 it's back on USA!" Jay said. Jen smiled happily as she began channel surfing. Suddenly, the door bell rang and Marc jumped up to answer it. "I'll get it!" He shouted, skidding to the front door. He opened it and to his surprise found two boys standing there. The little one had blonde hair and was hiding behind the older boy. The older one had dark hair and looked about the same age as Jason. "Can I help you?" Marc asked, trying to sound formal. "Hi," the dark haired boy began, "my name's Matt Hardy and this is my little brother Jeff. We're kind of new to the neighborhood and we heard you have a wrestling club. We love wrestling, we watched it all the time back home. We just moved in and our TV isn't set up. We really don't want to miss an episode, so could we join your club?" The little boy, Jeff, smiled and Marc said, "sure! Why not? My name is Marc. Downstairs are my cousins, Jen and Elroy and my older brother Jason. Come on in." He let the two new boys in and they followed him to the basement. The trio in the basement stared at the two boys with Marc. Elroy tugged on Jen's shirt. He whispered in her ear, "who's that?" and pointed a chubby finger at Matt and Jeff. Marc introduced them, "Jay, Jen, Elroy, these are our new neighbors, Matt and Jeff Hardy. They wanted to join the Monday Night Wrestling Club and I said sure." Matt gave a weak little wave, and Jeff remained in his spot behind his brother. Jay sat up and said, "whoa, whoa, whoa! Marc, since when do you just 'let' people join?" Marc shrugged, "we just 'let' Elroy join, and you, me and Jen didn't do anything to join." "The three of us were the founders," Jen pointed out. Jason sighed, "excuse us one moment," Jason said to Matt and Jeff. Matt nodded and Jeff clung to his brother's shirt. Jason, Marc and Jen huddled off into the corner to discuss the new members. Elroy stayed over by the two Hardys and waved at Jeff. "Hiya! My name's Elroy! What's yours?" Jeff looked a little scared, but Matt tugged his little brother over by Elroy. "Go ahead, he wants to be your friend," Matt said, reassuringly. Jeff said in a tiny voice, "my name's Jeff. My brother calls me Jeffy." Elroy smiled, "can I call you Jeffy, too?" He asked. Jeff nodded and Elroy asked, "so, Jeffy? How old are you?" "Nine," Jeff replied. "No way! Awesome! I'm nine too! Maybe we will be in the same class in school!" Elroy replied, excitedly. Matt smiled as he watched his younger brother start to loosen up and talk with his new found friend. He just hoped he could make friends with the others as easily as Jeff had with Elroy.

"Okay, what should we do about the newbies?" Jason asked. Jen glanced back at them and noticed Jeff and Elroy talking happily with each other. "Looks like Jeff and Elroy got off to a good start. Why don't we just let them join?" Jen asked. "Because!" Jason stated, "we need to make them do something to join! If we just 'let' them join, every one will be here!" Marc sighed, "Jay, not that many people at our middle school are into wrestling. No one will be banging down the doors to join if we let these two guys in." "No." Jason stated firmly, shaking his head. "Then what the hell are we supposed to do?" Jen asked. She smiled a little and added, "that Matt is really cute. I wonder if he's my age?" "Well, they're definitely not in now! For sure!" Marc complained. "What?!" Jen shrieked. "I don't want our wrestling night turning into Jen drooling over some guy! Forget it! I have to put up with enough of that at school," Marc said. "Oh, shut up! Just because you can't get a girl.." Jen retorted. "I've had plenty of girlfriends, for your information!" Marc shouted back at her. "Who? Cindy!? Don't make me laugh, that wasn't a date! She kissed you because we were playing spin the bottle! You are such a fool, Marc!" Jen yelled at her cousin. "Guys!" Jay shouted, interrupting his brother and cousin, "would you BOTH shut up! We're going to let them in, and I have the perfect plan for their initiation." Marc and Jen stopped glaring at each other and huddled closer to Jay, ready to hear the plan.

Matt stood around awkwardly. Jeff and Elroy were getting along great, and the other three were still huddled in the corner. Suddenly, Marc, Jen and Jason arrived back in front of the TV. "Okay, Jeff, Matt. You guys are in. You can watch Raw with us tonight, but after that you have to complete the initiation," Jason told the two. "And what's that?" Matt asked curiously. "Ooh! It's starting!" Jen yelled excitedly as the beginning music to Raw filled the televison. "You'll find out after the show," Jay stated simply as he sat back in his favorite arm chair. "Sit down, Matt!" Jen said, pulling him in between her and Marc. Marc stuck his tonuge out at her, but she ignored him. Jeff and Elroy had stopped their conversation and now had their eyes glued to the screen. This is how it continued for the next two hours. Jeff, Elroy and Jason were completely silent with eyes glued to the screen, while Jen and Marc poked at each other with Matt sitting uncomfortably inbetween. When the show was finished, all six engaged in a conversation on what had went on. They all had different points of views on the storylines and the wrestlers. After about 45 minutes of arguing, Matt pointed out that it was almost midnight and they had school the next day. "He's right," Jen said, "and we still need to tell them about the initiation." Jason and Marc agreed. Jason began, "well, we figure since Jeff is so young he doesn't need to complete the initiation. Matt can do it, and if he is successful, both him and Jeff will get in. If not, neither Hardy will be in our group. Agreed?" Matt looked nervously at Jeff who was scampering off with Elroy to play a mini game off football on the other side of the room. Matt knew Jeff had no idea about the initiation, he just liked playing with his new buddy, Elroy. Matt wouldn't let Jeff down. These were the first friends they'd made while they'd been here, so he'd do anything to stay apart of it. "Agreed," Matt said. Jen smiled and Marc scowled. Matt didn't think Marc liked him too much, but it could be just because his cousin Jen seemed to like Matt. And Matt started to find himself liking her also. He had felt a little tingle everytime she reached across him to hit Marc during Raw. He smiled and regained focus on the topic at hand. "So, what do I need to do?" He asked. "Well, it's plain and simple. You need to beat all three of us in a wrestling match," Jason said. Matt laughed and Marc looked insulted. "What's so funny, pretty boy? Think you can take me on?" Matt shook his head, trying to cover up his laughter, "no, no, that's not it! I just thought you'd want me to do something stupid like wear my underwear over my jeans to school or something! I think three wrestling matches is fair, and I'm sure you will all be a challenge," Matt added, looking pointedly at Marc. Marc smirked, happy with Matt's answer. Jen and Jason smiled. "So, when will these matches take place?" Matt asked. "Tomorrow night, here at our house, at 8:00 you will wrestle Jen," Jay said and Matt gave a little smile. Jen noticed and couldn't help blushing a little. Jason furrowed his eyebrows at Jen and turned back to business, "Wednesday at 8:00 you will take on Marc," Marc smiled cockily as Jay continued "and, finally on Thursday you will take on me. You must defeat at least two of us for you and your brother to be accepted into our club. Saturday morning we will meet at the pizza place six blocks over. Be on time and be there no matter what. If you lose to both Jen and Marc, but beat me, you could still possibly be accepted. So, show up to the pizza place on Saturday no matter what. Got it?" Matt nodded, "got it." He checked his watch and called to Jeff, "Jeffy, it's midnight, we need to go. Daddy's going to be mad." Jeff and Elroy scampered over to the older kids, "okay, Matty!" Jeff answered cheerfully. Matt turned to Jen, "would you like me to walk you home?" He asked. Jen smiled and turned a little red, "no, thanks. I live right next door and Elroy lives one over. I take him home, then I go. It's alright." Matt nodded and the four walked out the door waving goodbye to Marc and Jason. The street was dark, so Matt insisted on walking Jen to her door. "I need to get Elroy home," she protested, noticing the two younger children yawning. "We'll go with you," Matt said kindly. He walked with Jen to Elroy's house, then next door to her house. "My house is over there," he said pointing the the nice blue house across the street from Marc and Jay's. Jen smiled, then started laughing when it appeared Jeff had fallen asleep standing up! "You better get him home," Jen said warmly. "Will I see you tomorrow at school?" Matt asked, picking up his brother. Jeff stirred, but rested his head on Matt's chest and fell back asleep. Jen smiled, "I'm in seventh grade-" she started when Matt interrupted excitedly, "me too!" Jeff opened his eyes and mummered, "Maaattt.." but the tousled blonde head quickly snuggled back on Matt's chest. Jen smiled, "awesome, see you tomorrow then! Don't forget about our match. I'll kick your butt." She smiled and walked into her house, giving a little wave to the dazed Matt. He skipped all the way home.

"Alright, let's get it on!" Marc shouted, falling to the ground, laughing. "Marc, you aren't even funny. Funny-looking, yes. Funny, no," Jen said, snickering at her remark to her cousin. Marc sat up and yanked her legs out from underneath her, so she fell to the ground. "Hey!" She protested. Marc stood up and wiped grass off his jeans, "just trying to prepare you for Matt, that's all. We need to win!" Jen frowned, not so sure winning was such a huge deal to her. She WANTED Matt and Jeff to join their Monday Night Wrestling Club, especially after school that day. It turned out that Matt was in four of her classes plus lunch! They were lab partners in Science and were partners for an English paper due next week. Jen couldn't help feeling a little bad, though. Marc and her had always been lab partners in Science, and she couldn't help noticing the hurt look on his face when she'd chosen Matt. He got over it quickly, though, because he got to be partners with Katrina, the girl of his dreams. Jen smiled, thinking of how Matt had been totally sweet to her at school even with plenty of girls drooling all over him. Jay popped up beside her and whacked her arm, "hey, snap out of it. Elroy's here, and the other boys should be here in 20 minutes. Did Marc set up the camera?" Jen nodded, gesturing to Marc fumbling with the tripod. "You idiot, you have it backwards," Jay grumbled running to to where Marc was having trouble. They always taped their wrestling matches so that they could watch them later and learn from them. "Hi, Elroy! How's my little cousin?" Jen asked, giving Elroy a big hug. "Eww, cooties," he said, running away from Jen as fast as possible. Jen laughed, remembering when she had thought boys had cooties. Suddenly Matt appeared beside her and she jumped. "Sorry if I scared ya," he said, smiling. "You didn't," she lied. "Hi Jeff!" She said, giving a little wave to the younger boy beside Matt. "Hi! Where's Elroy?" He asked. "Over there," Jen pointed to where Elroy had jumped onto the trampoline. "C'mon, Jeffy! Let's play before the big kids wrestle!" Elroy shouted at his new friend. Jeff happily scampered off and Matt smiled, "I'm so glad he made a new best friend. I was afraid he'd miss Shannon too much. Kind of like how I miss Shane." Jen frowned, "I'm sorry. It's always hard to move away from best friends." "I know," he agreed, "but Jason and Marc are exactly like Shane. So, it's cool, two new best friends.. I hope." Jen smiled, "Three new best friends." She linked arms with him and they moved over to where Jay had finished setting up the camera. "Hey, Matt," Jay greeted Matt while Marc nodded his head at him. "Sup? I'm ready for my match. Cool, you guys video tape them? We did that back home, it makes good practice." Matt answered. Jason nodded in approval. "Alright, I'm the ref, Marc's the cameraman and.. ELROY! JEFF! You guys are the audience, okay?" Jay shouted at the younger kids. They nodded happily, jumping off the trampoline and plopping down side by side in the grass. Matt and Jen approached the trampoline and Matt made sure Jen was on before he hopped on himself. Jay started to fiddle with the camera again, so Jen leaned in and said to Matt, "go easy on me. I want you in, so I'm going to let you win." Matt's eyes sparkled as he asked, "oh, you're going to LET me win?" Jen giggled, "yes, now shush, here comes the ref." Matt also smiled to himself and Jay called for the match to begin. Jen started it off by clotheslining Matt, much harder then he expected. Wow, she's not too bad, he thought. He bounced up and did a DDT to her. She recovered quickly and did a swinging neckbreaker to him. Wow, she knows her stuff, Matt thought. The match continued for several minutes with each opponent giving everything he or she had had. Finally, Matt got her into a submission hold called the Crippler Crossface (Chris Benoit's move) and she tapped out. He quickly let go of her and made sure she was okay. She winked at him and he smiled helping her up. Jeff jumped into the "ring" and knocked Matt over giving him a big hug. "Yay! My brother won! Yippee!" Elroy also got in the "ring" and jumped on Jen. "Yay! My cousin lost! Yippee!" He shouted. Marc and Jason laughed. Elroy had no idea how good it was for him that Jen had lost that match.

The next day at school, Marc cornered Jen at her locker in between 4th and 5th period. It seemed to be the only time of day that she could be found WITHOUT Matt. "Look, Jen, don't think I'm going easy on pretty boy, like you did." He told her as she shoved her huge Algebra book in her locker. "Marc, whatever! I did my best, and I lost. Oh, well! I want Matt and Jeff in the group. So, does Elroy! Jay I'm not too sure about, and you I can definitely see doesn't want them in," Jen replied zipping up her bookbag. "Look, Marc, if this is about me choosing Matt over you in Science, I'll be your lab partner today, okay?" She said, sighing. "Whatever, Jen! I know you let Matt win. And it's not about Science. It's about you and Matt LIKING each other. I thought we had a rule about no dating within the club," Marc retorted. Jen smirked at Marc's mistake, "really? Because the club is just recently expanding to outside the family, so when would that rule have come into play?" Marc frowned, "well, well.. it's a new rule! Me and Jay talked about it! We don't want to watch you and Matt drooling on each other during our wrestling!" Jen stomped her foot on the tile floor, "we're NOT dating, Marc! And we take wrestling seriously. No drooling during club time. Does that sound fair?" "Not really, but I'll whoop his ass so bad tonight, he won't even be in any shape to face Jay tomorrow. There goes his club membership!" Marc smirked and spun around to go to English. Jen shouted after him, "Whatever, Marc! And I didn't let him win!" Marc just laughed and ducked into his class room as Jen seethed at her locker.

Ding Dong, the doorbell at the Hardy residence rang. Matt shouted, "I'll get it!" And raced to the door to see who could be there. "Hi Jen!" He said, happily as he swung open the door and noticed the red head on his steps. "It's only 7:30," he pointed out, "what's up?" He opened the screen door and sat down on the porch steps. Jen sat next to him and looked him in the eye. "You look a little weird, you okay?" He asked. "Yeah," she replied wearily, "it's just me and Marc got in a fight today at school. And I mean a REAL fight. I don't know how to say this, but he really doesn't want you in the club." Matt smiled, "Jen, that's alright. I got the feeling he didn't like me the first night we were over." Jen still hadn't smiled as she continued her story, "well, you were right. He's got problems, I don't understand it. I'm kind of embarassed about this part, but, well, he said he doesn't want you in the club because he's afraid we will drool all over each other when we're supposed to be watching wrestling." She turned bright red and hid her head. Matt's smile continued, "Jen, don't be embarassed. I have been wanting to ask you out. I was just going to wait until after our acceptance into the club, but look's like that'll be tougher then expected." Jen smiled and asked, "you were going to ask me out?" Matt nodded and Jen's smile brightened. Suddenly, her bright smile drooped back into a frown and she said, "it still doesn't explain why Marc would be such an asshole about you and me." Matt shifted his body and faced Jen more directly, "well, I can sort of understand. See, if you and I date, Marc's afraid we'll be mushy during wrestling hours. Also, he's probably worried about letting me into the club, getting to become friends with me, then you and I breaking up and ruining the whole club and all the friends inside of it. You see?" Jen stared at Matt and said, "you are brilliant! How come I didn't think of that?" Matt smiled, "secret guy stuff, you know." He winked at her and she impulsively leaned over and hugged him. "We better go talk to him before the match," Jen said, "he was talking about whooping your ass, and he is kinda strong.." she stopped when she noticed Matt was staring at something across the street. Jen looked up and saw Marc standing in his driveway staring open-mouthed at the two sitting in front of Matt's house. "Shit!" Jen exclaimed, jumping up, realizing her cousin had seen the embrace between Matt and her. She ran across the street, but Marc had already ran to the back of the house. Matt followed Jen and the two ran into the backyard looking for Marc. All they saw was Jay, fiddling with the video camera and Elroy jumping on the trampoline. "Is Jeffy with you?" Elroy asked Matt. "No, go run across the street and get him," Matt answered, searching the backyard for Marc. "Come right back, though, Elroy! Do you hear me?" She shouted to her little cousin who was running toward the front yard. "Ooookay!" His little voice shouted back. "Hey, guys," Jay said, oblivious to the distress of the two. "Jay, where's Marc?" Jen asked urgently. "Whoa, relax, he went inside," Jay answered, noticing her impatience. Matt and Jen ran inside and found Marc sitting at the table drinking a Snapple. "Marc, look-" Jen started. "Shut it!" Marc shouted, "I don't want to hear it Jen! This is why I don't want Matt in the club. You two will date, I'll become friends with him, then you'll break up, and I'll have to stop being friends with him because he broke my cousin's heart! Goddamn, just like Tommy!" "What?" Jen asked, startled, and Matt began to sense this problem had not recently developed. "You know, Tommy. Your ex. My old best friend," Marc answered, swigging his Snapple. Jen looked shocked, "Marc, I didn't know that's why you stopped hanging out with him." Marc looked at her, "no, Jen. That's why he stopped hanging out with ME. He was afraid I'd kick his ass for what he did to you! I did beat him every time we backyard wrestled. He knew I could do it." Jen sat down at the table, across from him. "Marc, I, I, I'm sorry," Jen stammered. "Yeah, well, that doesn't bring Tommy back," he replied solemnly. Matt decided to step in at this point, "Marc, hey. Look, Jen and I are just getting to know each other right now. Nothing life changing is happening, we haven't even been on a date yet! And you and I can still become friends because I doubt Jen and I will break up anytime soon. And if it does happen, we promise to remain friends. With you and with each other." Marc looked at him and at Jen who was still in shock about learning what had truly happened between her cousin and Tommy. "I don't know," he replied. Jen was still silent, so Matt intervined again, "alright, Marc. We'll have our match tonight. If I win, you'll give our friendship plus mine and Jen's relationship a chance. And if you win, I won't join the club or bother you again. Deal?" Marc stood up and shoke Matt's outstretched hand. "Deal."

Jen stepped outside on the porch, watching Jason still fiddling with the camera. It seemed that camera never worked these days. She hadn't said anything to her cousin since she apologized and she didn't know what she planned on doing if Matt lost this match. Jen scanned the backyard for Elroy and Jeff and noticed they weren't there. Her heart skipped a beat as she walked over to Jay and asked him if he'd seen Elroy or Jeff since Elroy had left to go get his buddy. Jay shook his head, "no, go check the Hardys house," he suggested. Jen raced out into her cousin's front yard. She looked around the house, then checked her house. She rang the doorbell at the Hardys and Matt's father answered the door. "Hi, Mr. Hardy," she said, sweetly. "My little cousin and your son don't happen to be here, do they?" He shook his head and her heart began to pound a little faster. "Is everything alright?" He asked a little concerned. "Everything's fine," she lied, "we were just playing hide-in-go-seek." Mr. Hardy smiled, "that is Jeff's favorite game and he's great at it! Good luck." She smiled and ran off to Elroy's house. She searched the yard and was about to ring the bell when she realized her aunt and uncle weren't home. SHE was supposed to be baby-sitting Elroy. Oh, God, where have they gone...

"Where is she?" Matt wondered, standing around on the deck with Marc and Jason. "She went to go play with Elroy and Jeff, I think," Jason answered. "She probably doesn't want to be here for our match," Marc said, "let's just get it on." Jason agreed. "I'll set up the camera so I can be ref, alright?" He started fiddling away on the camera again as Marc and Matt took their places on the trampoline. Jason joined them moments later and called for the match to begin. Matt clotheslined Marc, but Marc managed to yank Matt's legs out from underneath him and the two boys fell on each other. Marc went for an early pin, but Matt easily kicked out. Marc dropped an elbow on Matt and Matt rolled over to catch his breath. They both stood up and Marc went to jab Matt when they both heard a scream coming from the front of the house. "OH MY GOD!!!!" They heard a female voice shrieking. "Jen!" Matt yelled, recognizing the voice. Marc and Matt both jumped off the trampoline with Jason following them. "Jen!" They shouted, trying to find her by her cries. Finally they saw her at the end of the street along with one little figure by her side and another laying on the ground. As they approached closer, Matt recognized the figure next to Jen as Elroy. The tiny figure laying on the ground with blood coming from his leg, was, oh god, JEFF! Matt's thoughts screamed as he saw his baby brother hurt. He rushed to his side and tried to examine the damage. All he could see was the blood coming from Jeff's leg. "Oh my god, Jeff!" Matt yelled, his thoughts getting hazy. If anything happened to Jeff, oh, god, Matt thought, feeling as though thousands of needles were stabbing him right in the heart. Marc and Jay were surrounding Jen. Marc was asking, "what happened? What happened?" Matt just stared the lifeless body of his brother, sprawled on the ground. Jeff.. oh, god...

"Hi, I'm Dr. Angle and I believe your brother is a patient of mine," a nice looking young man said to Matt. Matt nodded, his tear stained cheeks showing visible sign that he was worried out of his mind. "Were you able to contact your father?" Dr. Angle asked. "No!" Matt yelled, "he's not there, I don't know where he want, just please tell me, is Jeff alright?" Dr. Angle put a reassuring hand on Matt's shoulder. "Don't worry, Matthew. Your brother is fine. It looks like he slipped in some glass and cut his leg. He was unconscious when you found him from hitting his head on the sidewalk. He has a nasty bruise on his head and I'm sure it's pounding, but we taped up his leg and gave him a lollipop, he'll be just fine. I would like to keep him here until your father can be contacted, is that alright?" Matt nodded his head and thanked the doctor. He made his way back to the waiting room where Jen, Marc, Jay and Elroy were all sitting silently. "He's going to be fine. Just a nasty bruise on his head. His leg is all taped up," Matt informed the group. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Elroy jumped up and hopped over to Matt. "I'm sorry, Matt. We shouldn't have been playing so near the glass," Elroy apolgized, hanging his head. Matt bent down and gave Elroy a big hug, "it's alright, you did fine. You didn't leave him alone and as soon as you saw Jen you got help," Matt replied. Elroy skipped back to his seat next to Jen and rested his head on her shoulder. Jen looked at Matt, "I'm so sorry. I should of paid more attention to them. And I should of done something else except cry when I found him. I'm so sorry, Matt." Matt reached down and hugged her also, "it's not your fault, Jen. I'm glad you cried! That's how we were able to find you. You did fine." Jen smiled and wiped away a stray tear. Marc and Jason looked at Matt and Jason piped up, "I'm sorry, man. I should of paid closer attention to what Jen said. She wasn't going to play with them, she was looking for them. I should of known something was wrong. I'm sorry." Matt smiled a sad smile at him and said, "it's alright, man." Marc looked up at Matt and also apologized, "We shouldn't of been so preoccupied with the match. I'm sorry, too." Matt looked at him, "don't worry about it. By the way, who won?" He asked, half-joking. Jay piped up, "well, you both did. Double countout." Marc and Matt smiled and Marc said, "I guess that means if you beat Jay you're definitely in." Matt smiled, "yeah, it also means we're gonna be friends." Marc smiled, "that doesn't sound too bad." Jen looked at Marc and Matt and noticed a little gleam in both their eyes. They both were on their way to finding a new best friend in each other, but first.. "Marc, look, I'm so sorry about what happened with Tommy. And I promise it won't happen with Matt, I swear it," Jen said. Marc looked at her and nodded, "I know. It's okay. I'm over it now. I think me and Matt will get along great. You two, too." Marc smiled a devilish little grin and Matt swatted him, "hey, now, little kid here," he said nodding his head toward Elroy. "That's okay, I didn't get it anyway!" Elroy said, and the group laughed. "Jen, call my dad again, please? I'm gonna go see Jeff," Matt said as he headed towards Jeff's room. Jen got on the pay phone and finally was able to reach Mr. Hardy. Apparently he'd been down in his new workshop and hadn't heard any of the phones ring. As Jen explained everything to Matt and Jeff's father, Marc bought Elroy some Skittles. What a day, he thought. What a day.

It was Friday night and the night for Matt's final initiation match. They had changed the date from Thursday to Friday so Jeff could rest up and come on Friday. He was almost %100 better even though his leg was still taped up. Jeff was a happy kid, though, because his Dad had bought him a whole bag of lollipops and he'd gotten to miss Thursday's day of school! Elroy and Jeff sat on the deck in chairs, eagerly awaiting the match. They loved watching the big kids wrestle and both Elroy and Jeff were rooting for Matt. Jen decided to be the camerawoman for this match while Marc was the referee. Matt bounded over next to Jen and she gave him a good luck kiss before the match. Elroy and Jeff both yelled "cooties!" while Jen and Matt laughed. Matt and Jason hopped into the ring and Marc signaled for the match to begin. The match went pretty well and lasted fifteen good minutes. You could tell both men were tired and worn by the end. Matt did a move he called the "twist of fate" and Jen was pretty sure Matt would come out the winner. Matt went for the cover, Marc hopped in the "ring" 1 - 2 - 3 ! Marc held up Matt's hand and declared him the winner. Elroy and Jeff started jumping up and down, giggling happily. Jen jumped off the deck into Matt's arms while Jay winked at Marc. Marc smiled and announced "tomorrow at noon we will officially welcome Matt and Jeff Hardy into our Monday Night Wrestling Club!" All six of the kids cheered. They had new members.

"Mmmm, that smells great!" Jen said, sniffing the pizza pie as the waitress set it down in front of her. Jeff grabbed a slice and started stuffing it in his mouth, not even noticing he had a plate. His leg was still a little sore, but the cuts were healing fine and he was able to bounce around like he usual does. Jen put a piece of pizza on Elroy's plate, then helped herself while Jay, Marc and Matt all grabbed two pieces a piece. The pie was almost gone! They all ate hungrily and through their chewing Matt said, "I'm glad we're apart of this group. You guys are great." Jen smiled, "you aren't so bad yourself." Marc also smiled, "it's great to have you, Matt." Elroy and Jeff smiled at each other then Elroy flung a piece of cheese at Jeff. They giggled and starting engaging in a cheese throwing fight. Jason said, "and on behalf of these two little monsters, we're glad to have you, too." Elroy and Jeff smiled, cheese clinging to their teeth. "Yuck," Jen said, laughing. "A toast," Jason proposed. The four older kids brought up their glasses to each other's and the two little ones brought up their little plastic cups. "A toast to new friendships," Jason said, looking at Matt and Jeff. "A toast to new relationships," Matt said, looking at Jen. "A toast to wrestling," Marc said, looking at all of them. "and definitely a toast to the Monday Night Wrestling Club!" Jen shouted as they all clinked their glasses together. They all smiled happily. They knew they'd cemented these friendships for life.

