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Heyman's first official announcing in the WWF and the Hardyz win the tag titles, what an exciting evening it was at the MCI center Monday night!

I attended RAW live this past Monday night and let me just say, there is nothing like the WWF live! It was extremely awesome even though there were three drunk guys sitting in front of me who almost fell out of their seats when Trish started stripping, the 12 year olds behind me though they were so cool because they had a sip of their father's beer, my seats were up in bum fuck egypt and there was a fatass family in my row that got up every 15 minutes to piss or get beer, nonetheless I enjoyed every second of the WWF live! Let me just say that the Hardyz winning the belts was a complete surprise and I suspect it was my being there that caused them the win. ;) I bought so much crap I didn't have enough hands to hold! This is what I got:

  • Austin middle foam finger
  • Rock bull pendant
  • HHH pic
  • Rock 3D drinking bottle
  • t-shirt that says (front) "Finally the Rock has come back... (back)to layeth the smackdowneth in Washington D.C."
  • WWF magazine program
  • During the last commericial break when HHH, Steph, Vince and all them were in the ring, Vince made fun of Lillian Garcia by saying she had something on her skirt. HHH commented that it seemed as though she wasn't wearing a bra. Earl Hebner told HHH to go to hell and HHH responded with "you're lucky you have a brother in the back who counts the money" (or something like that). Then this guy flicked HHH off in like the front row and HHH was like "did that guy just flick me off?" Then he called the guy a fatass or something and made a comment about how guys who are losing their hair always wear baseball caps. Then he pointed to the guy in the audience wearing the hat and said "do you know what I'm talking about?" It was a great show and I can't wait to go to another live event sometime soon! Oh, and another bit of exciting information - my uncle was in a hotel in Arlington, VA and was in the same elevator as VINCE MCMAHON!!!!!!! He told Vince that I was at the show Monday! How completely and totally awesome is that?!!!!!