Wrestlers Name

"The AbOmB" Adam Wekon


Detroit, Michigan




243 lbs.



Theme Song

"Bark At The Moon" By Ozzy Osbourne

Managers Name


Description of Manager


Wrestling Style


Favorit Moves

Running Powerslam
Gut wrench powerbomb
Big Boot-after whiping opponent off the ropes
Tilt A Whirl Slam-after whiping opponet of the ropes
Implant DDT
Clothesline off the top rope
Leg Drop From The Top Rope

Name of Finisher

The Wekoner

Description of Finisher

Brainbuster suplex off of the top rope.

Description of Entrance

The lights go off momentarily and then Bark At The Moon by Ozzy Osbourne blares over the PA system. The lights start to flicker blue and out comes "TheAbOmB" onto the steelramp leading to the ring. He holds both his arms out as the crowd cheers loudly. He then walks down to the middle of the ring and puts both arms out.

Wrestlers Background

"THeAbOmB" Adam Wekon started off in a small promotion just outside of his hometown, Detroit, Michigan. There he immediatly captured gold and won the world title in less than a month. "THeAbOmB" as he is called is a huge prescence in the ring being 6'4'' and 243lbs, and he may be one of the best pound for pound technical wrestlers in North America. He came to UWL for competition, something he feels was lacking in his old fed. Only time will tell if he will find someone at his level or if he will continue to destroy everything in his path.

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