Wrestlers Name

Chester Withington


Long island New York




??? lbs.



Theme Song

"One Step Closer" by Linkin Park

Managers Name

Mike Shanada

Description of Manager

Hes one of those managers that arent afraid to take action. He was a fellow member of linkin park with Chester and they became very good friends. Mikey isnt a manager yet a body guard type of person that can make sure chester goes straight to the top.

Wrestling Style


Favorit Moves

1: Abdominal Stretch
2: Gorrila Press
3: Moon Sault
4: Drop Kick
5: Flying Elbow Drop

Name of Finisher

The Chester Bein Mater

Description of Finisher

He whips his opponent in to the corner so hard he bounces right out and Chester nails a kick straight to his opponents face then nails a power bomb.(Its really a combo but thats the best finisher i have had of all Chesters career in wrestling feds so it should bare well)

Description of Entrance

The lights dim and Linkin parl-One step closer blasts on the PA system and Mikey comes out with a chair in his hand and introduces Chester and they both run down to the ring::

Wrestlers Background

Former TWF World Champion, Hardcore Champion Former HWF top ten member. Former WDC European Champ, Light Heavyweight Champ

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