Wrestlers Name



Bronx, New York




240 lbs.



Theme Song

"Reckless Abandon" by Blink-182

Managers Name


Description of Manager


Wrestling Style

Hardcore/Powerful/Impact/Air (sometimes)

Favorit Moves

1. Rare Aire - rounding splash off top ropes
2. Super Boot - Get opponent sitting in corner.. runs off opposite rope.. and kicks them in the head full force.
3. Powerbomb
4. Brainbuster/Brainbuster off the top
5. Frog Splash
6. Missile Dropkick

Name of Finisher

Total Annihilation

Description of Finisher

It's like a brainbuster, but he inverts the opponent, so when they land, they land jaw/neck/upper collarbone first.. it's devestating and can easily break a neck.

Description of Entrance

The lights dim to red. Smoke pours down the ramp. Then, "Reckless Abandon" by Blink-182 hits on the PA system. Red strob lights flicker everywhere. "ONE MAN RIOT" flashes on the UWL-a-Tron. Then, there is an explosion, followed by 4 HUGE pyros, 2 on each side of the stage. Through the mist.. you see Rage. He steps out wearing his -=RaGe=- t-shirt and black cargo pants. He makes his way down toward the ring, walking slowly as usual. When he gets there he stands on the turnbuckles and raises his arms getting a mixed reaction from the crowd. He hops down, and get a mic..

Wrestlers Background

After a brief stint in the ACWL, and capturing the TV title, he left. He entered the NFWA and that where Rage was made the star he is today. After being a 4 time NFWA tag champ, 3 time NFWA X-Treme Champ, 2 time NFWA T.V. Champ, 1 time NFWA I.C. champ, and 1 time NFWA World Champ. He also is the 3rd only NFWA Grand Slam Champion..and obviously and icon in the industry. The road to success was long and hard.. getting cheated out of many key matches, but he overcame them and won.

Rage is often underestimated, due to cockiness. But in the ring he is all business and can back up what he says. He has devestating moves, and is strong, fast, and a smart wrestler. He is sure to make an impact.

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