March 17th, 2001
Welcome to the latest installment of JV Insanity's commentary. Last night, I worked at CWA's Wait & Bleed show. It was one confusing day. So far this week, I went from having a match with Windstorm Pickle to a tag team match with Absolute Power back to Pickle and then the day of the show to who knows??? So at the last second, "CWA Management" (and you know who you are damnitt!!!!) put me against the recently re-instated (for that night only hopefully) "Maniac" Ted BARTEN(!!!!). OK, I have no problem with it actually, I mean TJ (CWA booker) didn't have anyone to put in and The Barten Twins were there for the show as fans, so he let one of them work one match. Well, my experience with the Barten Twin wasn't very good since there was very little time to plan things out. You'd think that was the reason it didn't go right. Nope!! I already had the match planned out in my head from what I was going to do with Pickle but this Twin wanted to do alot of Japan/Lucha style stuff. Now, I have no problem with that style if you plan out the match beforehand and work it out...not in the last 5 minutes. Well, all in all....I'm glad it over. There was alot of better matches on the show though. BroKen, Voo Doo and Hayashi Kentusabe put on a helluva match. Which atually all the matches were really good. From Showtime/Halfpipe/Bryan Backlund to the main event between Eric Darkstorm/BroKen. Well that's all for now. See you in hell where I'll be stabbing you with pitchforks!!
"Destructive Soul" JV Insanity
Fear is not a option!!