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CW Anderson
Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 230 lbs.
Year Turned Pro: 1992
Catch Phrase: "That's What Happens When You Mess With An Anderson!"
Trademark Moves: Spinebuster, Ferris Wheel
Championships Held:

"The Enforcer" C.W. Anderson is a throwback to the old days of pro wrestling.
The days when wrestlers picked an extremity and worked on it.
When wrestlers stayed to the mat and stretched their opponents.
When wrestlers prided themselves, not on championships, but on how many teeth they knocked out.
Trained at WCW's Power Plant, C.W. Anderson turned down a contract with the promotion to begin his career in the tougher rings of Extreme Championship Wrestling.
True to his surname, Anderson is a tough competitor with one of the best left hands in the business and a devastating spinebuster to boot.
After several months as part of Lou E. Dangerously's Dangerous Alliance, Anderson struck a pact with Simon Diamond and Swinger, helping the team maintain their competitive edge and preventing them from being distracted.
As Anderson's harder edged attitude continues to come out, he has found himself making a bevy of enemies for the trio, including Tommy Dreamer and Beautiful Bobby Eaton.
If C.W. has his way, he'll take them on, one at a time or all at one, it doesn't matter.
After all, he's an Anderson.