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Super Crazy
Hometown: Tulanlancingo, Hidalgo, Mexico
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 90 kilos
Year Turned Pro: 1991
Catch Phrase:
Trademark Moves: Moonsault, Powerbomb
Championships Held:

ECW World Television Championship

The most insane of all of Lucha Libre's, Super Crazy has wowed Extreme Championship Wrestling's fans with his uncanny ability to land on his feet like a cat no matter from what position, and his willingness to put his body on the line to attain a victory.
Utilizing a variety of springboard maneuvers, including Asai moonsaults and twisting planchas, Crazy is able to wear down his opponents with his aerial attack.
But, since debuting in the US, he has added American maneuvers like the powerbomb into his repertoire to make him even more dangerous.
Once one of the hottest commodities in Mexico, Crazy has impacted ECW like no other luchador before or since, becoming one of the ECW faithful's favorite performers. Crazy rode that wave of popularity all the way to the ECW World Television championship, defeating both Little Guido and Rhino at Living Dangerously 2000 in the tournament finals.
Now, with his first ECW World championship around his waist, Crazy prepares for a new role, champion.