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Terry Funk
Hometown: The Double Cross Ranch in Amarillo Texas
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 247 lbs.
Turned Pro: 1965
Trademark Move: Spinning Toe Hold, Piledriver, Moonsault
Championships Held:

ECW World Heavyweight Championship
WWF/WWE Tag Team Championship
WCW United States Championship
WCW Hardcore Championsip

Without a doubt Terry Funk is the most recognized name in the wrestling business.
His career has spanned over 3 decades.
It would take me nearly a whole website to document all of his accomplishments, legendary fueds and bloody brawls that he has had.
In December of 1994 Cactus Jack (aka Mick Foley) entered ECW, and guess who his first opponent was.
Thats right his best freind, Terry Funk.
These 2 went to new lengths of EXTREME.
But after Terry had a falling out with ECW management he signed a contract with Victor Quines' IWA in Japan a sicker japanese version of ECW.
But all this fighting came to and end as in febuary of 95, The Public Enemy claiming that they were the Kings of Hardcore in ECW.
So Cactus and Terry teamed up agains PE in one of the most rememeberd matches in the ECW arena. At one piont in the match Funk asked the fans for a chair,in retalliation all the fans in the ECW arena threw chairs in the ring burying the Public Enemy.
After this Funk But after this and a breif stint in between ECW and WCW, a bitter fued with Cactus Jack and Raven with Tommy as his partner,Funk went back into semi retirement.He bascially went back to the Double Cross Ranch and mended his wounds.
Until November of 1996. When Tommy Dreamer called him wanting a partner in his fued against The Triple Threat.
So at November To Remember 96, Funk was brought in as Tommy Dreamers mystery partner. The 2 abslolutely destroyed,Shane Douglas and Brian Lee. The match seen the then 51 year old Funk do a asai moonsault onto the 2 to the outside. Funk had now realized it ECW was the place to be. They Rejuvinated his carrer.
Funk wrestled to perfection in some absolute classics with Sabu, but he wanted to be left off ECWs first PPV Barely Legal. But Tommy Dreamer didnt like it so Dreamer stepped down from his 3 way dance between The Sandman and Stevie Richards, the winner would get a shot at ECW World Heavyweight title after the 3-way, and Funk honerably acepted.
Funk battled The Sandman and Stevie Richards in a bloddy fight, after Funk and The Sandman pinned Richards following a Double Powerbomb, Richards hit his Stevie Kick on The Sandman and Funk pinned the Sandman with a Moonsault. Raven then flew in geting a early start on Funk,raking his face with barbed wire, hitting him with everything he got his hands on. Ravens flock tried to make sure that Funk didnt win, but Tommy Dreamer made the save, and after Raven's Nest atacked him, Dreamer attacked Raven, Funk then reversed Raven's Evenflow DDT with a small package and won the ECW World Heavyweight Title at the age of 53.
Unlike Raven, Funk defended the title against anybody, he engaged in a brutal fued with Sabu.
That lead to a world title Barbed Wire Match ,this match made all his previous Barbed wire matches look tame. Funk lost that match after Sabu wrapped Funk and himself in the wire and put Funk through a table with a jumping Legdrop, getting both me tangeld in the Razor Sharp barbed wire!!!!. In a rematch of sorts at the Hardcore Heaven PPV, a 3 way dance took place between Funk,Shane Douglas and Sabu that Douglas won after Sabu and funk beat the hell out each other so bad that neither man could continue.
Terry Funk will always be remembered as one of the toughest men to lace up a pair of boots.Thanks for the memories Terry, I for one will miss you.