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Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 285 lbs.
Year Turned Pro: 1999
Catch Phrase: "You'll always remember the name of, Rhino!"
Trademark Moves: Gore, Piledriver
Championships Held:

ECW World Heavyweight Championship
ECW World Television Championship
WWF/WWE Hardcore Championship
WCW United States Championship

Rhino is a frightening young man. Rhino is massive, strong and intense.
One punch from this behemoth could shatter a man's jaw.
One piledriver can break a man's neck.
What is a normal wrestling hold to any other performer, is a lethal weapon in Rhino's arsenal.
Even more frightening is that Cyrus and The Network have pledged their loyalty to Rhino, naming him their hand-picked champion here in ECW.
Despite ECW's best efforts, Rhino captured the World Television Championship from Yoshihiro Tajiri and has been out to decimate anyone who dares stand up to The Network since.
Nothing is beneath this intense competitor.
He's broke the leg of Little Spike Dudley.
He's beaten The Sandman half to death.
Rhino has even used his massive gore to try to break The Sandman's wife Lori Fullington in two.
Nothing seems to stop this behemoth's reign of terror.
With the power of The Network behind him, Rhino is on the warpath.
Even regaining the ECW World Television championship from Kid Kash has done nothing to satiate his hunger for destruction.
An unstoppable monster that continues to run through everyone in his path, Rhino is a force to be reckoned with in Extreme Championship Wrestling.