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Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
Height: 6'
Weight: 250 lbs.
Year Turned Pro: 1993
Catch Phrase: "Don't Sing It, Swing It"
Trademark Move: The Swing Shift
Championships Held:

Swinger may very well be the all around perfect wrestling package. He's got the look, the walk, the ability and most of all, the attitude.
You can't miss the attitude, since arrogance is just dripping off him.
An extremely solid youngster with impressive scientific wrestling skills, Swinger comes to ECW with experience from wrestling internationally, yet seems more concerned with his looks than being victorious inside the squared circle.
This had brought concern to Swinger's tag team partner Simon Diamond, who was obsessed with breaking out of the pack in ECW and being recognized as a legitimate force within the promotion.
That concern ceased with the appearance of C.W. Anderson, who has used his intense personality to keep Swinger in line and focused on success.
Anderson's presence has already benefited the duo greatly, leading them all the way to the finals of the ECW World Tag Team championship tournament.
Despite his extracurricular interest in himself, Swinger wields a dangerous finishing maneuver, a combination cobra clutch-Russian legsweep he uses to put away opponents, titled The Swing Shift.
As the tag team competition in Extreme Championship Wrestling heats up, Swinger looks to impress everyone as much as he impresses himself.