Jd' The Bloody TV Special
*I received this show from Jeff Lynch as part of my 8-hour joshi comp. It cost me $25.
*Small Jd' intro is shown.
*A lady introduces us to the show. The Bloody is brought on to show after a few clips are shown of her. Commercial break!
*The lady and The Bloody talk for while. Considering I don't speak Japanese it is pretty useless for me. They show pics of her as a little girl, her early wrestling career, and her as Bloody Phoenix. Commercial break!
*They talk a bit more after the break and introduce the first match.
The Bloody vs. Megumi Yabushita 11/26/00
Bloody's theme music is pretty cool. Yabushita kicks Bloody before she gets in the ring and springboard crossbodies her on the ramp. Bloody BRIDGES her way out of the lateral press though. NICE! Bloody german suplexes Yabushita on the rampway. Yabushita blocks another and hits her own release german suplex on the rampway. Bloody somewhat backdrops Yabushita in the ring. Yabushita stops Bloody up top, does a super arm whip of sorts, and tries to apply a cross armbreaker, but Bloody gets rope. Yabushita doesn't let go for a bit though! Heh! Outside now Bloody launches Yabushita into a row of seats! Yabushita actually flips into a row of chairs. Bloody throws Yabushita into some more stuff. Yabushita fights back and they grab each other's hair. Out of nowhere Bloody
gets held and Yabushita does a PLANCHA SUICIDA off a platform. Yabushita
throws a chair at Bloody and then returns to the ring. They go into a knuckle lock test of strength and Yabushita gets the advantage with a huge shotay for a one count. Bloody blocks a slam with a great japanese leg roll
for a near fall. Yabushita comes right back with two face smashes for a 1
count (?). Yabushita snapmares Bloody and locks on a chinlock. Geez! Bloody
gets out it and locks on a sleeper w/body scissors. Yabushita powers out
using a powerbomb of sorts. Yabushita locks on her cross armbreaker. Bloody
fights it and gets rope. Yabushita locks on an ARMBREAKER and her own
sleeper w/body scissors.
Yabushita tries to convert into the cross
armbreaker, but the Bloody luckily gets rope and rolls outside. Back in the
ring Yabushita goes once again for her cross armbreaker, but Bloody gets
rope again. Yabushita gets an underhook suplex, but Bloody stops her up top.
Out of nowhere the Bloody slips off the apron and falls outside (?). That was
odd! The Bloody lets out a yell. They slap each other off the rampway! Back
in the ring Bloody german suplexes Yabushita, but Yabushita comes right back
with SHOTAY power for a 2 ¾ count. The Bloody is limp! The ten count starts
and the Bloody manages to get up at nine! The Bloody blocks another shotay,
Yabushita blocks Bloody Ex (Crossed Arm Knee Back Breaker Hold), and Yabushita body scissors the Bloody for a
two. Yabushita unleashes some more SHOTAYS. Out of nowhere Bloody gets
BLOODY EX!, but she can't seem to a get a good grip. Yabushita blocks
another and they Shotay each other. Bloody SHOTAYS Yabushita for a .1
kickout!! The Bloody ducks a Shotay and release german suplexes Yabushita.
Bloody follows with a SUPER DRAGON SUPLEX! GAH! 1.2..bridge by Yabushita!
Yabushita gets two shotays, but the Bloody blocks a third and locks on a
brutal BLOODY EX. Yabushita submits! Hmmm. Mixed opinions on this one. The
match had a few sloppy spots, some weird no sell spots, and lack of story.
The match did have some cool moves, ok flow, and a great ending though.
* The Bloody puts Bloody EX on some guy and the guy's back makes a sickening
"crack". Ouch! Commercial.
*The Bloody and the lady talk some more. They show a picture of the big four
of Jd': Megumi Yabushita , The Bloody, Sumie Sakai, and Fang Suzuki.
*Clip package is shown from 2/10/01. The talking continues right after.
C'MON! The Bloody starts talking about her necklace and seems to start
getting a little teary eyed. Commercial
The Bloody vs. Aja Kong 3/18/01
Right away. The Bloody gives Aja three release german suplexes (one was
sloppy!). Aja blocks a charge with a Vader attack. The Bloody bridges right
up to her feet! Just a great visual. Bloody flips through a backdrop suplex
and jumps on to Aja with a sleeper hold. Aja tries in vain to get out! She
eventually backs up into a corner to stop the hold though. Aja chops the
Bloody, snapmares her, and kicks her hard in the back. Aja goes right to the
sleeper after. Aja converts the hold into a brutal face hook and drops an
elbow to the head. Aja suplex slams the Bloody and follows with an elbow
drop for a 2 ½ count! Aja locks on a boston crab. The Bloody tries to power
out, but Aja pulls her into the middle of the ring. Aja turns the hold into
a half crab then kicks her leg. The Bloody comes back with an eye rake, but
Aja throws her off attempting a corner move. The Bloody comes back again
with a slingshot back elbow and a double knee drop. The Bloody locks on the
sleeper w/ body scissors, but Aja gets out and drills her elbow into
Bloody's knee. Ouch! Aja follows with a splash to the knee. They exchange
headbutts with Aja easily winning. Aja nails a piledriver for another 2 ½
count. The Bloody avoids a corner avalanche and gets a somersault body
attack for a 1 count. They each block german suplexes and Aja lariats Bloody
for a near fall. The Bloody stops Aja on the second turnbuckle and knocks
her outside. The Bloody follows with a great PLANCHA SUICIDA!
In the ring Aja stops Bloody up top, but Bloody bites her and hits her with a trashcan
bin! Bloody then applies a BLOODY EX variation in the ropes. Weird! Bloody
follows with an awesome FLYING SENTON for a near fall. Aja blocks a Dragon
Suplex by kicking Bloody in the head and then nailing a sick backdrop suplex
for a near fall. Bloody blocks a suplex attempt and Aja blocks a slingshot
back elbow attempt with a kick. Bloody stops Aja up top and gives her a
release german suplex. Bloody ducks a lariat and nails a DRAGON SUPLEX for a
2 ½ count. Bloody locks Bloody EX on (Ouch!), but Aja powers out. Aja blocks
another Bloody EX then BRAINBUSTERS Bloody for a 2 ¾ count! Aja hits Bloody
with the trashcan bin. Bloody blocks the spinning backfist, but falls victim
to a LARIAT for a 1 count!! Aja then manages to level Bloody with her
SPINNING BACKFIST for the 1...2...3 That was a great hit! The match was better
than the last. There wasn't any useless brawling. The match had great
moves and a little story. The selling was nonexistent, but the match still
went well. The match's pace was also very good. This match gave me a better
representation of the Bloody than the last. ***1/2
*The lady and the Bloody talk a bit more. We see a picture of Lioness Aska
and the Bloody.
*A few clips finish off the show.
Recommendation: This tape was okay. There was way too much talking for more liking. The matches themselves were good, but the fact that they dubbed the match commentary with the Bloody's and the lady's voice took the match feel down a notch. When they began to talk the match audio would go down. It was really annoying. Do not get this tape for any reason accept if you want to see some Jd' joshi or The Bloody.
There tons of great joshi tapes you can buy out there. This tape is not one of them though. I suggest getting one of those great ones before ever getting this tape! LOW RECOMMENDATION!