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Liger's Top 3 WCW Matches

*I received these matches in a custom comp from Jeff Lynch.

Jushin Liger & Brian Pillman vs. Beef Wellington & Chris Benoit Clash of the Champions XIX 6/16/92
This is going to be good. Benoit and Liger start off it off. They both get out of arm wringers in unique ways. Benoit gets the advantage though with a fireman carry slam. They go into a knucklelock, but Liger takes the advantage with a cool northern lights suplex throw of sorts. They go into a sequence with Liger getting two great armdrags, Liger landing on his feet out of a backdrop, and both of them avoiding each others dropkicks! Stand off! Pillman & Wellington in. Wellington levels Pillman with a shoulderblock. A brief sequence occurs with Pillman getting a monkey flip and dropkicking Wellington outside. Wellington gets back up and on the apron, but Pillman dropkicks him back outside. Wellington gets back up on the apron then Pillman tries the dropkick again, but Wellington meets him a catapult shoulderblock. Wellington follows up with a snap suplex then throws him outside. Pillman has none of it and SUPLEXES him OUTSIDE on to the floor! Great stuff! Back in the ring Liger is tagged in. Liger unloads with kicks, but Wellington takes him down and gets a leg lock of sorts to slow things down. Benoit & Wellington wishbone Liger. Benoit works over Liger with chops and a lariat. Cool sequence occurs with Liger catching a kick, but Benoit enziguring him. Simple yet effective. Wellington in. Wellington picks up Liger for a body slam and tosses him outside! Liger avoids Wellington's pescado though. In the ring Liger gets a monkey flip. Pillman in. Pillman gets a side headlock, but Benoit is tagged in. Sequence occurs with Pillman avoiding a running attack and throwing Benoit outside. Benoit gets a kick in and goes up top, but Pillman stops him and nails a disgusting SUPER BACKDROP DRIVER!! That was just brutal.

Pillman missile dropkicks Benoit and Benoit rolls outside. Pillman doesn't give him a break though nailing an apron dive crossbody. They exchange chops outside. Back in the ring again Wellington is tagged in. Pillman avoids an elbow drop and tags in Liger. Liger avoids a corner avalanche and Wellington tumbles outside. Liger follows up with a superb PLANCHA SUICIDA! In the ring Wellington blocks a crucifix pin with a samoan drop for a two count. Benoit in. Benoit works on Liger, but Liger blocks a top rope backdrop suplex with a crossbody for a weak two count. Liger spinkicks Benoit outside and follows with an ASAI MOONSAULT!! GAH! This is in the US in 92' keep in mind. The crowd is going crazy for it and so am I. In the ring Pillman is tagged in. Benoit blocks a waistlock something by causing Pillman to run into Wellington's leg! Wellington slams Pillman, but Pillman avoids the flying dropkick. Liger in! Liger weakly backdrop suplexes Wellington. Pillman & Benoit exchange chops outside again. Liger & Pillman end up blocking a double team move and push Wellington & Benoit into a each other. Pillman dropkicks Benoit outside. Liger weakly front slams Wellington and follows up with a huge MOONSAULT for the win! Great match. All action! The moves were just spectacular in the match. Liger did some stuff I haven't ever seen him do before. Liger did have a little problem with Wellington's size, but other than that everything was solid. The thing that drops the rating was that it was short and really not developed that much. ****

Jushin Liger vs. Brian Pillman 12/91 Handheld East Rutherford, NJ
Keep in mind this is a house show match and on a handheld camera in the stands. Liger just one the title the WCW Lightheavyweight Title from Pillman on a 12/25 house show. Liger teases some kicks early on. They tie up and exchange arm wringers with Liger getting a kippup. Liger takes down Pillman and locks on an arm wringer. Liger sends Pillman into the corner and Pillman turns it into a corner flying headscissors. Pillman gets a victory roll for a two. Pillman locks on a fujiwara armbar on after a droptoehold. Sequence occurs with Liger getting an enziguri kick. Pillman backdrops Liger on the apron, but Liger shoulderblocks him down and gets a catapult splash for a two. I have not seen Liger do that before. Liger takedowns Pillman, works the leg, and then the arm. Pillman comes back with flying headscissors, a hiptoss, a sweet dropkick, and arm drag takeover. PILLMAN COMBO! Pillman works for a pin, gets a one count, and then gets a hammerlock. Liger backdrops Pillman on the apron and spinkicks him outside. Here we go! Liger gives Pillman a huge baseball slide then does a rope handspring fake. Liger dropkicks (mini baseball slide) Pillman again just cause he can. In the ring Liger locks on a sleeper. They go into a sequence with Pillman doing an odd flying attack to the arm then locking on a cross armbreaker. Pillman snapmares Liger and locks on a ground abdominal stretch. They exchange hammerlocks. Pillman sends Liger outside and mocks him. Liger grabs him (!), throws him into the guardrail, puts into the turnpost, and puts him into a ringside table!! GAH! In the ring Liger snapmares Pillman and nails an awesome running somersault senton, which the crowd pops for! Liger front slams Pillman follows with an off the second rope moonsault for a near fall! This is getting good.

Liger locks on rear chinlock (resthold!). They get into a knucklelock with Pillman getting a monkey flip and then Liger getting a powerslam for a near fall. Liger locks on a leg headscissor (figure four sleeper), but Pillman gets rope. Liger slams Pillman and goes up top, but Pillman dropkicks him outside. Pillman follows up with a baseball slide. Pillman hits Liger with a chair! Where did that come from? " These dogz hate each other!" - camera guy. Liger blocks something and backdrops Pillman on the floor. Liger follows up with his ASAI MOONSAULT 91' almost killing himself in the process!! Liger & Pillman both try to suplex each other, but Liger spinkicks Pillman off the apron right into the table! Back in the ring Pillman surprises Liger with AIR PILLMAN then suplexes him to the outside while standing on the apron. In the ring they collide mid air with a Pillman top rope dropkick and a Liger dropkick. Liger gets a crucifix pin for a 2 7/8 count. Pillman ducks a spinkick and nails him with his own for a near fall. Liger gets a powerbomb for a two. Pillman reverses a tombstone into his own tombstone piledriver for a 2 9/10 count. Sequence occurs and they collide mid air with flying shoulderblocks. Pillman gets a sleeper, but Liger sends Pillman into the corner. Liger tries to followup with a Superplex, but Pillman tosses him off. Pillman does a Flying Crossbody, but Liger rolls through for the quick pin! Surprise finish! THIS MATCH ROCKED so much. Their was some great high flying from both Pillman & Liger. The only problem were the restholds really, but other than that the match was just great. Liger & Pillman were both at the top of their games!! ****1/2

Jushin Liger vs. Brian Pillman Superbrawl II 2/29/92
Here we go! Pillman gets an arm wringer, but Liger kippups and get an arm takedown. Sequence occurs with both of them doing dropkicks at the same time. Pillman droptoeholds Liger and locks on a fujiwara armbar. Pillman gets a hammerlock, but Liger gets rope. Pillman nails his corner flying headscissors and dropkicks him outside. Time to fly! Pillman follows with a an awesome baseball slide, but Liger moves out of dive range. Back in the ring Liger works the leg. The announcers Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura don't think Liger is a big mat wrestler though (?). Pillman escapes and drops a leg on Liger's noggin. Liger out of nowhere gets a huge moonsault press for 2 1/2 count! Liger dropkicks Pillman outside and fakes out Pillman in style! Pillman snapmares Liger and locks on an ground abdominal stretch then lets go for the old figure four sleeper. Geez! Who actually believes anyone will tap out of a figure four sleeper? Liger escapes then goes for the inverted surfboard, but Pillma luckily gets rope. Liger droptoeholds him and goes for the inverted surfboard, but Pillman gets rope again. Liger nails a brutal running corner dropkick! Pillman comes back with a crucifix pin for a two count. Liger rolls up Pillman for a two count. Pillman comes back again with a BACKDROP DRIVER for a 2 1/2 count. Liger avoids a corner running knee smash and works on the leg. Liger gets a shinbreaker and Pillman is hurt. Liger locks on the classic figure four leglock! Pillman almost gets pinned twice. THE CROWD is going nuts! They exchange chops while in the figure four still and the place continues to heat up. U.S.A ..... U.S.A..... U.S.A chants ring out. Pillman gets the FIGHTING SPIRIT, turns over the figure four, and gets rope! Pillman gets some elbows, but Liger kicks his leg out from under him and stomps on it. Liger locks on a modified half crab. U.S.A.... U.S.A chants ring out again. Pillman finds the spirit again and enziguri kicks Liger down! Ross even mentions that Antonio Inoki made the move famous.

Pillman follows up with flying headscissors, but Liger ends the come back by backdropping him outside. Liger follows him out with an Off the Top Rope SOMERSAULT PLANCHA Suicida! Pillman slowly gets on the apron. They both try to suplex each other and Pillman manages to put Liger's face into the turnbuckle. He follows up with a huge AIR PILLMAN and gives Liger his suplex to floor while standing on the apron! The arena is going CRAZY! Pillman gives Liger a PLANCHA SUICIDA. Liger avoids an apron dive cross body and Pillman crashes into the guardrail. Back in the ring Pillman blocks a flying attack with a precise dropkick to the jaw! That is how you do a dropkick! Liger blocks a missile dropkick by dropkicking it. Innovation in 92'! They both go for spinkicks at the same as time as well. Pillman gets a powerslam for a near fall. Liger comes back with a german suplex for a near fall. Pillman blocks a superplex and front suplexes Liger off. Pillman follows up with a flying crossbody for a 2 3/4 count. Near falls! Yeah! Liger powerbombs Pillman for a 2 1/2 count. Pillman counters another powerbomb with a rana for a near fall. Pillman gets a huge DDT, but Liger gets rope. They collide mid air in doing flying attacks. Pillman goes up top, but Liger stops him and gives him a Superplex for a 2 3/4 count! Liger misses a Diving Headbutt Drop then Pillman does an awesome Japanese Leg Roll out of nowhere for the 1...2...3! The winner "Flying" Brian! What a match! Best of the three! From mat wrestling to high flying the match had it all. Pillman was awesome as was Liger. The announcers were great for the most part. And the crowd heat was excellent as well. It was simplier than many junior matches, but still very effective nonetheless. AWESOME EFFORT! ****3/4

Final Analysis: Simple! Get all these matches by show or by comp! They are all great!