Tourniquet starts up on the loud speakers. The crowd gets to their feet and starts to collectively headbang... then they realize that this is LWF Lockdown and they hold up all their signs and cheer wildly... Let's see what some of the artistic work of the crowd today...

"You cannot melt the Ice!"
"Arelas does not Fear!"
"CoolJ saved my itchy feet!"
"Rocky sucks!"

Mav: Well I don't know where that last sign came from. But this is LWF: Lockdown!!! And tonight we prepare for the big yearly event known as the Massive Melee. Joining me is Joshman, and I'm telling ya, we've got some matches that could have huge implications on Sunday's matches

Joshman: That's right Mav. All 4 of the teams that will be involved in Tag Team Turmoil will be in action tonight and each of them has a partner.

Mav: That's right, we'll also see the participants for Sunday's Vigilante match in action and 2 of the favorites for the Melee itself, Phoenix and Emperor.

Joshman: Hey Mav, I bet you can't say Tag Team Turmoil ten times fast.

Mav: Tag Team Turmoil
Tag Team Turmoil
Bag Deem Durmoil
Bad Tea Motor Oil
... I'd like to see you try it...

Joshman: Tag Team Turmoil Ten Times fast, ha ha, got you again Mav. That makes the score

Joshman: 10,000,000
Mav: Nothing

Mav: Let's just get to the action...

Phoenix/Code Red/Red Fusion versus Emperor/Ruff Ryder/Lock

Joshman: Do you ever get tired of it Mav?

Mav: Tired of what?

Joshman: Ya know, the routine. Music plays, guys come out, pose a little then fight...

Mav: You ever heard of tradition, Joshman? You know what, just watch the match...

Rise hits and Phoenix comes out followed closely by Code Red and Red Fusion. They enter the ring and all stare up the ramp waiting for their opponents. Greed hits and Emperor comes out on stage. He starts walking down the ramp, eyes fixed on Phoenix. My World hits and Lock and Ryder join Emperor. They climb in the ring together and collectively get in the faces of their opponents. Discussions follow... Lock and Ryder shove the tag belts in the faces of Red Fusion and Code Red. Suddenly and simultaneously Phoenix and Code Fusion start battering Emperor, Lock, and Ruff Ryder with right hands.

Phoenix gains the upper hand on Emperor and Code Red gets the upper hand on Ruff Ryder and a clothseline later Emperor and Ruff Ryder find themselves on the floor. Phoenix and Code red follow them out leaving Lock and Red Fusion in the ring. The bell finally rings and this match is officially underway.

Mav: You realize that if that happens Sunday, then Ruff Ryder and Emperor will not be getting that title shot at Lockmania.

Lock takes control sending Red Fusion into the ropes. Fusion comes off into a hard knee from Lock sending Red Fusion to the mat and clutching his midsection. Red Fusion gets to his feet and Lock hits a couple of cross chops before getting a waistlock on Red Fusion. Red Fusion blocks a suplex attempt on Lock before being able to reverse the waistlock and hit a suplex of his own! Red Fusion gets up and tags in Code Red.

Code Red enters the ring and starts on Lock with some right hands. He builds momentum before sending Lock into the corner. Lock bounces off and Code Red is there to meet him and send Lock into the opposite corner. Lock falls down and Ruff Ryder comes charging into the ring. Code Red meets him with a clothesline. Emperor follows and Code Red backdrops him to the outside. He shouts something out to Emperor before turning around and finding that Lock and Ryder are both on their feet. They lift him into a double flapjack!
The referee finally suggests that Ryder exits the ring. He makes his way to the corner. Meanwhile, Lock drags up Code Red and brings him into the corner of the Regime and Lock tags in Ryder. Lock holds Code Red as Ryder enters the ring and Ryder delivers a kick to the midsection to Code Red.

Ryder now methodically works on Code Red's midsection. He lifts Code Red up and delivers a gutbuster. Code Red gets to his feet but as he does Ryder locks in an abdominal stretch and Code Red is in obvious pain. The ref comes over and sees if Code Red wants to give up, but Code Red shakes his head furiously. He taps his foot to try and get the crowd behind him and starts to hit a couple of elbows gaining a little separation. Ryder tries to tighten the lock but Code Red lifts him into a modified DVD. Both men are now down and the ref starts a 10 count. Phoenix and Emperor are both wild in their corners wanting a tag. At 5, they're both making their way to their corner. Ryder makes a tag first and Emperor comes charging in the ring and lands a punch on Phoenix and Red Fusion before Code Red can make it!!!

Emperor lifts up Code Red and whips him to the corner. Code Red reverses the whip and Emperor bounces out of the corner and Code Red lifts him up setting up the Cyclone!!! However, all the work done to weaken his midsection is showing and Code Red falls to the mat. The ref counts the pin attempt! 1...2... Phoenix leaps off the top rope and hits Ashes to Ashes on Emperor!!! Emperor is down and Code Red wants to take advantage tries to crawl over to his corner to make a tag to the outstretched hand of Phoenix who has returned to the corner, but Emperor grabs the leg of Code Red. Code Red winces as he makes it to his feet and then delivers an Enziguri to Emperor! Code Red dives and makes the tag to Phoenix!!!

Phoenix enters the ring and starts delivering right hands to Emperor! He sends Emperor into the corner. Emperor comes off and is met by a huge backdrop from Phoenix. Lock and Ryder come charging into the ring but they're met by Code Fusion who sends them to the outside and then follows. Meanwhile Phoenix stalks Emperor and as he gets to his feet is lifted into Rise no More!!! Phoenix covers...1...2...3!!!

Winners: Phoenix, Code Red, and Red Fusion by Pinfall

Mav: A decided upper hand in confidence with that victory tonight by Phoenix.

Joshman: Maybe, but it really means nothing. Phoenix will have to contend with 19 other people if he wants to make it to Lockmania.

Backstage: CoolJ is laying on his stomach, bandages covering his back reading a book. One of the flourescent lights above him starts to flicker. CoolJ gets on the phone...

CoolJ: Hi, Maintenance? Yeah, one of the lights in my locker room is acting funny, can you have someone come change it??? Wow, that quick great.

A knock is at the door. A maintenance worker comes in with a ladder. CoolJ points out the offending light then goes back to reading his book. The worker takes a long flourescent light and begins to climb the ladder. He gets about halfway up before taking off his hat. It's MMM!!! MMM leaps off the ladder and comes down shattering the light across the injured back of CoolJ. Glass shatters everywhere.

MMM: Sunday, that title will be mine once again. I wanna thank you for taking good care of it for me. But understand, that title is mine!!!

MMM picks up the title and nails CoolJ in the face with it leaving CoolJ a bloody mess on the floor. He drops the title on top of CoolJ and leaves the room as the flickering light goes out...

Joshman: Is there any doubt that MMM will take back that title Sunday night Mav?

Mav: Well, let me tell ya Joshman. Even if he's taken out CoolJ here tonight, which is highly unlikely. You realize that he still has to deal with Xecutioner and Nomad as well. No Joshman, nothing is a lock at this point

Fear/Nightmare/Synn versus Psiko/Alan Fernandez/Arelas

Angel of Death hits to a pop and Arelas makes his way down to the ring. He slides in the ring, unsheathes the Sword of Justice and raises it to the sky sending White Pyro shooting from the ringposts. Arelas takes a mic.

Arelas: I've been quiet these past few days. But that's because I wanted to come out here tonight and talk to everyone here. So, here's what I have to say

Sometimes being a wrestler is a lot like being a political candidate. The people have the choice of one side or the other and in the end the people will only choose one side to choose for. Its that side that the people will help cheer on, hopefully to victory. This can be a decided advantage for the individual. Over the past few months since my return the people have cheered for me. They cheered me as the People's champion before the title was changed into Lock's playtoy... They cheered me as a faced off for the #1 contendership last month when I was defeated by CoolJ.

However, this month. I have had some personal attacks made against me. I came out at the beginning of the month and said I had a goal. And that goal was to add the one title I had never won to my resume. The Cross-Hemisphere title. Of course to do that, I'd have to defeat Fear, a man who's put together quite a name for himself during his time in office. Having never defeated me 1 on 1 though, he was forced to use words to attack me, and in doing so, he's tried to turn you, the people against me.

He's claimed that I don't care about anyone but myself, that I've put myself in the way of things I've booked, just for my own personal gain. On this matter, I will say there is definitely some truth to it. Over my stay here, you've seen my method of doing things. And often times, I become so focused on my goal that it is the only thing that matters. On this, I leave the opinion to you. Sometimes this has caused you to cheer me, sometimes you've booed me. Neither time has it deviated me from my actions.

Fear has also claimed that I bring nothing but Chaos into this federation. I don't understand this claim really. Is it not the unexpected that you come out to see here twice a week? If everything happened the way it was supposed to would you still watch? I don't think so. Chaos is what makes this federation thrive. And Fear if I am Chaos then I take it as a compliment. Now, I know you're votes will come on Sunday during the match. But tonight I'd like to introduce a couple of people who've often supported me during my campaigns here in the federation.

Renegades of Funk hits and here comes Alan and Psiko charging down to the ring. They each grab one of Arelas's arms and raise it drawing a large pop from the crowd. Suddenly the loud speakers start playing Faint and the cheers turn to a chorus of boos as Fear comes out, also with a mic in hand.

Fear - You just don't get it. I don't care if these sheep cheer you on on Sunday. The fact remains that you've done nothing but keep things in your favor this month. The fact that you're allowed to be in such a position as commisioner is a joke and a shame to this federation and come Sunday, these sheep will realize that they are cheering a weakling who had to hide behind his power this month when I retain this. No one is ever going to take my precious away from me.... Now I'd like to bring out a couple of people who're behind me on this as well. Nightmare, Synn, come on let's kick some ass.

Nightmare and Synn join Fear on the stage and collectively they climb onto the ring. Arelas and Psiko exit, and Alan and Synn will begin this matchup. The two circle each other and the bell rings, beginning this matchup. They lock up, and Synn takes control with a headlock. Alan quickly pushes Synn off and into the ropes, and Synn comes off and hits a dropkick into the knees of Alan. She then grabs Alan's head and hits Lick the Pavement. Alan grabs his face and is in serious pain. Synn makes her way to her corner and tags in Nightmare.

Joshman: What do you think is going on between those two anyway?

Mav: Do you really want to know?

Joshman: mm, good point.

Nightmare climbs the ropes as he's tagged in. He leaps off hitting a top-rope legdrop on Alan. He covers..1...2... kickout by Alan. Nightmare keeps up the pressure, locking in the Never Hold on Alan! Alan is really in pain. Psiko runs in though and breaks up the lock. Nightmare gets up and takes a swing at Psiko and is met by Psikotik!!! Psikotik to Nightmare!!! Both men start crawling to their corners. Nightmare makes the tag to Fear and Alan tags in Psiko.

They both charge into the ring and Psiko hits Fear with a clothesline. Fear gets right back up and Psiko begins to hit cross chops on Fear backing him into the corner. Psiko whips Fear towards the opposite corner and Fear jumps up on the turnbuckle and nails the Fainting!!! Cover...1...2... kickout by Psiko! Fear climbs the turnbuckle to look for the Meteor Press but Psiko pops up and gets to the second rope and hits Poetic Justice on Fear!!! Cover...1...2... Nightmare pulls the ref out of the ring!!!

As the ref is pulled out, Alan enters the ring along with Nightmare. Alan catches Nightmare with a Panda Buster and then signals for Psiko to climb the turnbuckle. Alan lifts up Nightmare and whips him across the ring. He comes off and Alan hits a spinebuster and Psiko hits Bombs Away! They call it Lightning Crashes!! Synn is in the ring now and sneaks up behind Alan and hits the Ruiner!!! Psiko catches Synn and signals to Arelas who sets up on the 2nd rope Psiko whips Synn across the ring and Arelas leaps off hitting the Redeemer on Synn!!! Nightmare is up and hits Psiko with Sweet Dreams, but Arelas is there and lifts him into the Eternal Slam!!! Fear is behind Arelas now and hits the Numbing! The referee is back in. Fear covers Arelas! 1...2...3!!!

Winners : Fear, Nightmare, and Synn by Pinfall

Joshman: I really see what Fear meant Mav. That was pure chaos. That has no place in this federation.

Mav: That certainly was something Joshman. I don't even know if Arelas and Fear were the legal men in that matchup, but the ref sure didn't care and Fear makes a statement here to Arelas before they will battle it out in Vigilante Rules this Sunday.

The Outlaw Torn hits to a mixed reaction and Nomad makes his way down to the ring with a ladder. He sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring, and takes a seat on one of the steps and grabs a mic.

Nomad: Too long have I been held back by other people. I've been held back by CoolJ, mocked by MMM. The time has come for the Nomad to make his name known in this federation. Finally time for this name to be respected as I climb the ladder and take the title for myself.

Suddenly the arena goes black

New Flesh

The lights come back on in the arena and Xecutioner is in the middle of the ring with his hand around the throat of Nomad. He lifts Nomad off the ladder into the Demanufacturer!!! Xecutioner signals for the ringposts to be lit ablaze and as they shoot with red pyro, MMM makes his way through the crowd with a chair in hand. He enters the ring and smashes it into the back of Xecutioner. MMM holds the chair over his head and suddenly a cheer goes throughout the crowd. An injured CoolJ, heavily bandaged is making his way down the ramp. MMM smirks as he enters the ring. CoolJ stares at MMM. MMM takes a swing at CoolJ and CoolJ ducks it and hits the Shader!!! Shader to MMM!!!! CoolJ climbs the ladder and stands on top of it holding the title above his head over the 3 fallen contenders.

Mav: See, Joshman, this battle on Sunday is anybody's match.

Joshman: And yet, the backs of Xecutioner, Nomad, and CoolJ have all been further injured tonight. MMM knows that and is sure to take advantage of it.

Mav: Yes, he probably will...

Ghostdad versus Lone Wolf

Bark at the Moon hits, and Lone Wolf walks down the ramp, pausing halfway to raise his arm and set of explosions around the arena. He gets into the ring and stands on the turnbuckles as Halloween hits, and Ghostdad comes down the ramp and steps into the ring as the bell rings to start the match.

Ghostdad and Lone Wolf circle each other, but suddenly the white stage pyro explodes as These Days hits to a strong pop. Iceman comes out from backstage and walks down the ramp, and he steps through the ropes and into the ring. The referee tries to stop him, but Iceman throws the referee over the ropes and out of the ring.

Mav: You realize that if this happens on Sunday, the referee would be eliminated!

Joshman: You realize you're a moron?

Iceman knocks Ghostdad down with a right hand, then grabs Lone Wolf and throws him out of the ring. Ghostdad tries to get up, but Iceman scoops him right into the Icy Depths! Iceman pulls Ghostdad up and throws him out of the ring!

Winner: No Contest

Mister Mav: If this were the Massive Melee, Joshman, right now Iceman would be the last man standing, and can Iceman, the final entrant into the Melee, win the match this Sunday and secure himself a place in the main event of Lockmania!

Joshman: You've got to shut up about Sunday.

Greed hits to strong heat, and Emperor walks out to the stage, staring at Iceman. He walks down the ramp and steps into the ring, and Emperor and Iceman brawl, but Emperor ducks a clothesline, then kicks Iceman in the chest and hits the Deathbow! Iceman staggers into the ropes, and Emperor clotheslines him to the outside. Emperor raises his arms to heat from the crowd, but Rise hits to a massive pop! Phoenix rushes down the ramp and slides into the ring. He charges at Emperor, ducks a clothesline, and bulldogs Emperor down from behind. Emperor tries to get right up, and Phoenix lifts him into Rise No More! Phoenix pulls Emperor up and throws him from the ring! The crowd starts chanting for Phoenix, but Faint hits to strong heat! Fear runs down the ramp and slides into the ring, and Phoenix tries to nail him with a superkick, but Fear dodges it, then smashes Phoenix right in the face with the Cross-Hemisphere Title! Fear stands over Phoenix, and Angel of Death hits to a massive pop! Arelas runs down and slides into the ring, and he ducks a swing of the title from Fear and lifts him into the Eternal Slam! Phoenix gets back up, and he and Arelas together press Fear over their heads and throw him from the ring!

Arelas and Phoenix are left in the ring, and they stare at each other as flashbulbs go off around the arena, but Master of Puppets hits to strong heat, and Lock, Ruff Ryder, and Doctor K run down and slide into the ring! Arelas and Phoenix try to fight them off, but they are outnumbered until Alan Fernandez, Psiko, and Firestar run down the ramp and slide into the ring! Iceman, Emperor, Lone Wolf, and Ghostdad are all back up, and they rejoin the fray! Red Fusion and Code Red come out of the crowd and join the battle! Nightmare and Synn run down and slide into the ring! BDT rushes out and joins the chaos, but somehow gets hurled out of the ring and crashes through the announce table!

Mister Mav: It’s pure chaos, and this is a preview of what we’ll see this Sunday, at the Massive Melee, live, on Pay-Per-View!

End Show