Tourniquet plays over the loudspeakers and the crowd comes to their feet and rocks out to the sound. Lockdown has once again come. The pyros flare and light up the arena in many colors. The crowd starts to hold their signs up. What have the brought for us tonight?

"End the injustice!"
"Third time still isn't the charm for MMM"
"The ice has cracked"
"Oolay! (It's French)"

Mav: Welcome one and all to another edition of Lockdown. I'm still Mav, and he's still Joshman.

Joshman: Damn you and your daily doubles Mav.

Mav: ...that's Joshman, not Sean Connery

Joshman: That's not what your mother said last night.

Mav: Quite the zinger, Joshman, quite the zinger. Anyway, its time to get to the action tonight.

Fallen Angel hits to strong heat, and Triple M walks down the ramp and steps into the ring, calling for a mic.

Mav: Looks like I spoke to soon, as MMM is not scheduled to have a match tonight.

Joshman: That is correct Mav. MMM's name has not been signed, sealed, nor slashed onto tonight's card.

Mav: ... let's just see what he has to say.

Triple M: A month ago, the situation here in LWF mirrored what it is right now. A month ago, I was the LWF Champion, and CoolJ was the number one contender. CoolJ came out here one night and said he didn’t want to wait until the Massive Melee, he wanted to face me right then and there. A couple hours later, I’m betrayed by my brother, and CoolJ steals away the LWF Title. Now, it looks like we’re back in the same boat again. CoolJ is the LWF Champion, and now I alone am the number one contender. Well guess what, CoolJ. I don’t want to wait until Maximum Carnage to get my title back. I want you, right here, tonight!

The Fight Song hits to a strong pop, and CoolJ struts out to the stage, mic in hand.

Joshman: What's he doing out here?

Mav: What do you mean? It doesnt look like we're going to have to wait long to get our answer!

CoolJ: You want our title match tonight? Well, Triple M, last month you gave it to me, so it’s only fair that I grant you the same. You and me, LWF Title, tonight! In fact, in the name of true justice, I will give you not one, not two, but three chances at that title! CoolJ versus Triple M, LWF Title, in a Two out of Three Falls match! Tonight, Triple M gets his final justice!

Joshman: Right here, right now, I'm gonna say it. Triple M will win this match tonight.

Mav: Bold prediction Joshman.

Joshman: I stand by it 100 percent. Hear me clearly...

Mav: I heard ya the first time Josh.

Joshman: Alright, I just wanted to make sure.

The Fight Song hits again as CoolJ stares into the ring, and Triple M just smiles back at him.

Lone Wolf versus Doctor K
Non-Title Havok Rules Match

Bark at the Moon hits to a mixed reaction and Lone Wolf walks down to the ring and enters. Remedy hits to heat and Dr. K comes down to the ring once again carrying a bag of unbeknownst goodies. He tosses the bag into the ring, nearly hitting Lone Wolf in the process. He enters the ring and immediately delivers a kick to the midsection of Lone Wolf cueing the bell to the ring.

Mav: Lemme tell you Joshman, these last few days, these two have had an incredible amount of heat going. We could be in for some real fireworks tonight.

Joshman: We already did though, didn't you see the ones that went off at the beginning of the show???

Doctor K pulls Lone Wolf into a quick suplex and goes over to his bag of stuff. He dumps the contents out over the ring and then waits for Lone Wolf to get up. As he gets up, Lone Wolf is met by the bag of stuff being pulled over his head. Lone Wolf struggles to escape, meanwhile, Dr. K picks up a 2x4 and smashes it into the gut of Lone Wolf doubling him over. Dr. K follows this up by hitting the butt end of the 2x4 on the head of Lone Wolf, and Lone Wolf slumps to the mat. Dr. K!!! Lone Wolf somehow has managed to kick out!

Dr. K goes to look for some more firepower, and during that time, Lone Wolf is able to remove himself from the bag o' stuff. Dr. K gets a trash can and attempts to put it over the head of Lone Wolf, but Lone Wolf dodges and gets behind Dr. K and hits a dropkick. Dr. K trips over the garbage can and falls flat on his back. Lone Wolf gets a hold of the trash can, and slams it on top of Dr. K and then climbs the turnbuckle and leaps off and hits a legdrop right on top of the trashcan. Lone Wolf covers...1...2...and that may have been even closer than when Lone Wolf kicked out.

Lone Wolf drags Dr. K to his feet and sends him towards the ropes. Dr. K reverses and Lone Wolf comes off the ropes and Dr. K hits a drop toe-hold sending Lone Wolf falling right into a traffic sign. Dr. K gets right on top of Lone Wolf and locks in the Medication! Lone Wolf is struggling and he looks up and he sees a flask that's just out of his reach.

Joshman: Ye flask has returned!!!

Mav: Yes, this is very similar to last week. Then Alan could not get hold of the flask and was forced to tap out.

Lone Wolf strains and strains and gets a hold of the flask and reaches back and smashes it over the head of Dr. K

Joshman: Lone Wolf got ye flask! I tell you, he has the power of graphics that Alan must not.

Lone Wolf collapses as Dr. K is sent reeling. Dr. K is the first to his feet and he climbs the ropes. Red Fusion comes charging down the ramp with a baseball bat in hand and hits a shot to the back of the knee of Dr. K and he slumps down off the turnbuckle. Both men are down and the referee starts a count. Dr. K is the first to stir, and he gets up and shouts something towards Red Fusion but Lone Wolf is up and delivers the Howler to Dr.K!!! Lone Wolf pins...1...2...3!

Winner: Lone Wolf by Pinfall

Red Fusion begins to walk up the ramp as Lone Wolf begins to celebrate the victory, then suddenly Red Fusion turns around and sprints back towards the ring, picks up the Havok title, slides in the ring and smashes Lone Wolf in the face. He lays into Dr. K some more with some kicks before raising the title over his head to mixed heat.

Mav: Both Red Fusion and Lone Wolf making strong statements tonight about wanting that Havok title. I'm sure this may lead to some major carnage in a few weeks.

Joshman: Some Maximum Carnage perhaps.

Mav: ...

Alan Fernandez versus Red Fusion

Supernova goes pop hits to a mixed reaction and Red Fusion comes out to the stage and raises his fist in the air before he makes his way into the ring. Vow hits to a large pop and Alan comes out to the stage and rocks out for a minute before charging down the ramp and sliding in the ring. Red Fusion bails out and Alan climbs a turnbuckle and rocks out for a few more seconds before getting down. Red Fusion enters the ring and the two circle each other as the bell rings.

Alan and Red Fusion meet in the center of the ring in an elbow tie-up, and Red Fusion cuts behind Alan for a full nelson slam, but Alan twists out of it and whips Red Fusion off the ropes into a topspin facebuster. Alan bounces right off the ropes for the Terrible Secret of Space, but Red Fusion pulls back out of the way. He grabs Alan into a side headlock, but Alan snapmares out of it. Alan pulls Red Fusion into a headlock, but Red Fusion elbows out of it. Alan staggers away, and Red Fusion pulls him into a waistlock and executes a german suplex. Red Fusion steps on Alan’s neck and stands on it for a moment before stepping off. Alan gasps for breath, and Red Fusion pulls him by the hair and pulls him up, but Alan reaches and grabs him arm, then pulls him into a whip. Alan goes to whip Red Fusion across the ring, but pulls him back into the Panda Buster. Alan bounces off the ropes and hits the Terrible Secret of Space! Red Fusion rolls to the ropes and tries to pull himself up, and Alan charges, but Red Fusion backdrops him right over the ropes to ringside!

Mav: Seems like Alan is a little off his game here tonight

Joshman: First rule of LWF, always bring your A game

Mav: Didn't you say that the first rule was if the referee doesn't see it it's all legal.

Joshman: That's the other first rule.

Alan gets to his feet at ringside, but Red Fusion baseball slides under the bottom rope and knocks him down. Red Fusion lifts Alan up and drops him on the barricade, then grabs the slumping Alan by the head and slams him neck first into the barricade. Red Fusion pulls Alan by the hair and rolls him into the ring.

Red Fusion slides into the ring and whips Alan off the ropes into a pendulum backbreaker. Red Fusion lifts the Talk of the Town for a vertical suplex, but Alan floats off into a crossface halo! Alan covers, one, two, Red Fusion kicks out! Alan rolls off and kips up, then signals to a loud pop. Red Fusion staggers to his feet and Alan lifts him for Human Wreckage, but Red Fusion floats off and shoves Alan away, and Alan crashes right into the referee. Alan turns back around, but Red Fusion pulls his legs out from under him, and Red Fusion turns Alan over into the Fuz-mission! Fuz-mission to Alan Fernandez! Alan stretches and crawls for the ropes, and he grabs them! Alan has the ropes, but the referee is down! Alan screams and lets go of the ropes, and Red Fusion pulls them back to the center of the ring! Alan is forced to tap!

Winner: Red Fusion by Submission

Mav: Quite possibly the most impressive victory so far in the career of Red Fusion

Joshman: Yeah, and the bad day continues for Alan. First, Lone Wolf got ye flask, which Alan could not do last week, and now he loses to Red Fusion.

These Days hits to jeers from the crowd, and Iceman walks down the ramp to the ring. He gets himself a mic.

Joshman: Let me tell you Mav, I wasn't sure about this guy for a long time. But now, I have a new found respect for him. I can't wait to hear what wisdom he will bestow upon us lesser beings tonight.

Mav: Why am I not surprised. I just hope I don't need to get a crowbar to remove your nose from his ass.

Iceman: I have had enough. For too long I’ve come out here for the fans, and I’ve gotten nothing. I am a two time LWF Champion, and where in the hell is my respect? I’m sick of giving everything I have, and being left feeling like I’ve fallen off the planet. Do you all know what it feels like to feel like you’ve fallen off the planet? It sucks, and that is the icy cold truth. What also sucks, is the future, for one Robert Ooley. You see, Frenchie, when you beat me with that bat, you were beating yourself. This is an all new Iceman, and at Maximum Carnage—

Hells Bells hits, and Diablo walks out to the stage, holding a mic of his own.

Joshman: Diablo? What does he want?

Iceman: What in the hell do you want?

Joshman: Yeah, that's what I want to know.

Diablo: You.

The crowd roars in approval, and Diablo stares at Iceman from the stage.

Mav: And there's your answer Joshman, and the crowd seems to love it!

Diablo: I want you, Iceman. You see, not only am I back in LWF, but I am on a track that is going to lead me all the way to the LWF Title, and who better to start with, who better to begin my rise up the ladder, than you. As you said yourself, a two time LWF Champion. You want Ooley, but he already has a match at Maximum Carnage. That means you’re available. So at Maximum Carnage, I’m taking the next step on my path to the LWF Title, and I’m taking you down.

Iceman: You want me at Carnage? Fine, you got me. I’m going to tear you apart, Diablo, and it will be a message sent to Ooley.

Diablo: You can send all the messages you want, Iceman. You say you feel like you fell off the planet? That’s convenient, because at Maximum Carnage, you’re going to learn what hell feels like.

Hells Bells hits again, and Diablo raises his arms on the stage as Iceman stares at him from the ring.

Mav: You've heard it here first. Iceman, Diablo will meet at Maximum Carnage.

Joshman: Looks like Arelas has got some extra paperwork to do tonight.

Fear versus Robert Ooley

Angel of Death hits to a tremendous pop. And Arelas comes out on stage. He raises the Sword of Justice in the air sending white pyro off around the stage. He sheathes the sword and walks down and takes a seat at the announcer's table.

Mav: Speaking of Arelas, here is the commisioner himself.

Joshman: And why do we have to put up with you tonight???

Arelas: Well, Joshman, I figured since I didn't have a match tonight, I'd come take a close look at Ooley. After all, I ha-

Fight Song hits to an equally tremendous pop and CoolJ comes out on stage and makes a beeline for the announcer's table and takes a seat.

Mav: Well, it sure is getting a little crowded here now...

Arelas: CoolJ...

CoolJ: Arelas...

Arelas: Don't you have a match you should be preparing for?

Faint hits to huge heat and Fear comes out on stage and sprints into the ring.

CoolJ; I do, but first I have some business that I have to take care of.

Arelas: Oh yeah, and what's that?

CoolJ: Well, when I heard that you were coming out here for Robert Ooley's match, I figured there was a good chance you might think about interfering. I wanted to make sure that didn't happen.

Arelas: And why's that. You didn't seem too concerned before when Red Fusion tried to break Dr. K's leg out there.

Damage Inc. hits to a huge pop and Robert Ooley runs down the ramp and slides in the ring and begins to pound away at Fear.

CoolJ: Let's just say this is personal. I don't like the way you conduct things around here.

Arelas: Yeah, I've heard you say that before.

CoolJ: If you're going to use your power to make chaos around here, then I'm going to do everything I can to prevent it.

Mav: Now hold on you two, don't you realize you're on the same side here.

Joshman: Quiet Mav, let them fight.

The crowd pops huge as Ooley hits a huge Lou Thesz press on Fear and begins laying into him with punches and then comes off the ropes with a legdrop. The pin...1...2... Fear kicks out.

Arelas: Is that so? Well, why don't you do something about it then. Why don't we have a little match on Warzone?

CoolJ: Fine by me, and why don't you make it one of those Vigilante things you like so much. I know you'd probably do it anyway.

Arelas: No, that's fine, I think we should fight this out fair and square.

Fear floats out of a suplex attempt from Ooley and dropkicks him sending him over the top rope.

CoolJ; No, I've beaten you in a Vigilante Match before, I'm the only person to do so. I'll take pleasure in doing it again.

Arelas: Fine, consider it signed, sealed, and slashed.

Both Arelas and CoolJ get up and take off up the ramp. Robert Ooley comes by the announcers table and grabs a steel chair. He slides in the ring and swings knocking Fear clear in the face and the ref calls for the bell.

Winner: Fear by Disqualification

Mav: I didn't see a thing that happened there...

Joshman: Yeah, I was watching the two of them bicker.

Mav: In any event, it looks like the tantrums of Robert Ooley continue here tonight as he has laid Fear out in the middle of the ring. He will have to follow that up though if he wants to win the CH title at Maximum Carnage.

Phoenix versus Psiko

Rise hits to a tremendous pop and Phoenix rises from the flames and makes his way down to the ring, Technical title in hand. He climbs in the ring and gets up on a turnbuckle and raises his title in the air, drawing out another pop from the crowd. The crowd is just starting to settle down when Nothin But a Good Time hits, once again sending the crowd into a cheering frenzy. Psiko walks out to stage and down the ramp into the ring. At Lockmania, he may be fighting for the LWF title, a Title that has eluded this veteran here in the LWF.

Mav: Psiko, making this challenge this week saying that this would be a match for the people.

Joshman: Yeah, a match in which he hopes to improve on his lifetime 1-6 record against Phoenix.

Mav: Psiko is also coming in off a loss, he sure doesn't want a losing streak now, not with a title match at Lockmania coming up in just 6 weeks!

Joshman: That's if he can beat Fear at Maximum Carnage.

Psiko and Phoenix lock up in the middle of the ring, and they break apart after a brief struggle. Psiko swings for a clothesline, but Phoenix ducks it and goes after Psiko with right hands, backing him into a corner, and Psiko catches him with a knee, but Phoenix blocks a right hand from Psiko before knocking him back, and Phoenix whips Psiko off the ropes, but he comes back with a shoulder tackle, knocking Phoenix down. Psiko bounces off the ropes, but Phoenix is back up and leap frogs him. Psiko hits the far ropes, but as he comes back Phoenix grabs him and uses his momentum to hurl him over the ropes to ringside, and Psiko looks stunned as he slowly stirs.

Psiko stands and turns back to the ring, but Phoenix comes soaring over the ropes with a crossbody tackle, crashing into Psiko, and again Phoenix beats on Psiko with right hands. Psiko again shoves Phoenix off and retreats around the ring, and Phoenix follows him, but Psiko catches him with a knee to the chest. Psiko pulls Phoenix along and goes to smash his head into the turnbuckle post, but Phoenix blocks it with his leg, then grabs Psiko and cracks his head into the post. Psiko staggers away and rolls into the ring, and Phoenix rolls in after him, and Psiko rolls right on through the ring. Phoenix slides out of another side of the ring. Psiko is catching his breath, but Phoenix runs around the ring and catches him by surprise with a hard clothesline. Phoenix’s momentum takes him a few steps away, and he turns and slowly walks back, pulling Psiko up, but Psiko again catches him with a knee to the chest, then lifts Phoenix and drops him onto the barricade.

Mav: Psiko taking advantage, he is trying everything he can to pull a victory out here tonight.

Psiko rolls back into the ring to break the ten count, and Phoenix slowly gets up at ringside. Psiko reaches over the ropes and grabs Phoenix by the hair, pulling him up, but Phoenix swings his legs up and stiffly boots Psiko away before lifting himself over the ropes and back into the ring. Phoenix knocks Psiko down with a clothesline, then nails him with a dropkick as Psiko tries to quickly get back to his feet. He staggers off the ropes and into a snap suplex from Phoenix. Phoenix goes to the corner and perches on the turnbuckle, and as Psiko is getting up Phoenix leaps off the top rope, but Psiko rolls out of the way! Phoenix lands hard on the mat and Psiko covers, one, two, Phoenix kicks out.

Psiko drags Phoenix up and whips him into the ropes. Phoenix comes off, and catches Psiko and hits a belly-to-belly suplex! Phoenix gets to his feet and waves at Psiko to get up. Psiko staggers to his feet and Phoenix goes for a superkick, but Psiko ducks it. Phoenix spins around and Psiko lifts him into Serpensortia! Psiko covers, one, two, Phoenix kicks out! Psiko looks frustrated, but he pulls into the corner and sets him up for Poetic Justice, but Phoenix floats off, ducks a clothesline from Psiko, and lifts him into Rise No More! Rise No More to Psiko! Phoenix covers, one, two, three!

Winner: Phoenix by Pinfall

Mav: And the losing streak for Psiko continues

Phoenix acknowledges the crowd after his victory. Meanwhile, Psiko looks very disappointed as he gets off the mat. He begins to leave the ring, but Phoenix taps him on the shoulder. Psiko turns around, and Phoenix offers his hand to Psiko. Psiko stares at it for a minute with a depressed look on his face and then accepts it. Phoenix shakes Psiko's hand then lifts it in the air to a huge pop from the crowd.

LWF Title Match
CoolJ © versus Matt Marauder
Two out of Three Falls

Fallen Angel hits to strong heat, and Triple M descends from the titantron to the stage. He walks down the ramp and steps into the ring. The Fight Song hits to a strong pop, and CoolJ struts his way to ringside, the LWF Title around his waist.

Mav: And here we go. This match was booked earlier this evening. Can CoolJ make it 3 for 3 against MMM.

Joshman: It would be a tough feat Mav. Especially considering how focused MMM always is about that title.

Mav: I'd call it more obsessed.

Joshman: Potato, Potahto

Triple M and CoolJ circle around the ring, then lock up. CoolJ pulls Triple M into a headlock, but Triple M shoves him off and across the ring, and CoolJ bounces off the ropes into a dropkick from Triple M. Triple M goes for the quick cover, but CoolJ kicks right out. Triple M rolls away and bounces off the ropes, but CoolJ takes him down with an arm drag. Triple M tries to get right up, but loses his balance and staggers slightly, giving CoolJ time to grab him in a waistlock and hit a German Suplex. CoolJ hits a second German Suplex and pins with a bridge, one, two, Triple M kicks out. CoolJ bounces off the ropes as Triple M is getting up and hits a swinging neckbreaker. The champion picks up the challenger by the leg and goes to turn him over into a half crab, but Triple M pinches CoolJ’s leg and takes him down, then goes to put him into a STF, but CoolJ rolls away. CoolJ rolls towards the outside, but Triple M grabs his leg and pulls him towards the center of the ring. CoolJ balances himself on one leg and goes for an enziguri, but Triple M ducks it and twists CoolJ into an ankle lock! Triple M pulls CoolJ wrenches at the ankle, but CoolJ refuses to submit. CoolJ reaches for the ropes, but they are just out of reach. Triple M wrenches away at CoolJ, who makes one final grasp for the ropes, and he gets hold of them! The referee tells Triple M to break the hold, but he ignores him. The referee starts to count to five, and finally Triple M releases the hold, but the damage may already be done. Triple M waits in the center of the ring as CoolJ pulls himself up with the ropes, and Triple M lifts him into the reverse Death Valley Driver! Triple M covers, one, two, three

Winner of the First Fall: Triple M via Pinfall

Joshman: I told you Mav, its destiny that Mav is going to win back the title here tonight.

Mav: You said nothing of the sort. You just said that he was focused.

Joshman: Tomato, tomahto

Triple M immediately covers CoolJ again, one, two, CoolJ gets the shoulder up just before three. Triple M pulls CoolJ up and whips him towards the ropes, but CoolJ holds the ropes and stays there. Triple M charges, and CoolJ backdrops him over the top rope to the outside. CoolJ rolls to the outside as Triple M staggers up and whips him into the steel steps as the referee starts to count both men out. CoolJ pulls Triple M by the head to the announce table and smacks his head on the table. CoolJ rolls Triple M into the ring to break the count at nine, then pulls him up and whips him off the ropes, taking him down with a spinebuster. CoolJ looks around at the crowd, then puts Triple M into the JMission! JMission to Triple M, and Triple M taps out right away!

Winner of the Second Fall: CoolJ via Submission

Mav: Don't count your prediction just yet Joshman. This match has just been evened up and CoolJ seems to have the clear advantage after gaining that submission.

CoolJ stands up a little surprised, and Triple M suddenly takes him down with a toe hold, and puts him into the Liontamer! Triple M tapped out quickly to minimize the damage done by the JMission, and now he has CoolJ in the Liontamer, and the next fall wins!

Joshman: This is it! This is it right here!!!

Mav: Joshman, he's almost at the ropes.

Joshman: So what, Mav, I don't think you can even begin to imagine the amount of pain CoolJ must be in right now in that liontamer. Even if he grabbed the ropes, it would be because of some sort of divine contradicition.

Mav: Why do they even pay you?

CoolJ stretches out and grabs hold of the ropes. Triple M stands and pulls him viciously by the leg back towards the center of the ring, and CoolJ again gets onto one leg, and this time he hits the enziguri, and both men are down!

The referee starts the ten count, and Triple M is up first at seven, using the ropes to pull himself up. He walks over to CoolJ as he is getting up and staggers him with a right hand, then another, but CoolJ knees Triple M in the chest and hits an Evenflow DDT, and both men are down again. CoolJ rolls over and lays his arm across Triple M, one, two, Triple M gets the shoulder up. After a few moments CoolJ gets up and pulls Triple M up, whipping him off the ropes. CoolJ goes for a clothesline, but Triple M ducks and counters with a neckbreaker. Triple M floats into a cover, one, two, CoolJ kicks out. Triple M gets up and motions for CoolJ to stand up, and CoolJ staggers up and Triple M kicks him in the chest and hooks his arms for an underhook powerbomb, but CoolJ backdrops out! Triple M lands on his feet and ducks a clothesline as CoolJ swings around, and kicks him in the chest again, but this time Triple M steps behind CoolJ, and CoolJ suddenly reaches back for the Shader, but Triple M shoves him away at the last moment. Triple M charges at CoolJ, but CoolJ backdrops him over the ropes to ringside. Triple M tries quickly to get up, but CoolJ leaps over the ropes and splashes him as the referee again starts to count both men out. CoolJ pulls Triple M up by the head, but Triple M shoves him into the barricade, then clotheslines him over it and into the crowd.

Joshman: Get back in the ring MMM!!!

Mav: I think these two are so angry at each other that they don't even notice they're being counted out.

Triple M goes over and beats on CoolJ in the crowd, but the referee is still counting, and he counts both men out!

The bell rings and Triple M comes back over the barricade, a stunned look on his face.

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the third fall of this match has resulted in a double countout, therefore, CoolJ retains the LWF Title!

Winner: No Contest

Joshman: Well, I was right at least that CoolJ wouldn't win.

Mav: You never claimed that. You just said MMM would win

Joshman: Avocado, avocado

Mav: You just said the same thing twice.

Joshman: That's your opinion.

Triple M goes ballistic at ringside, but CoolJ is back on top of the barricade, and he leaps off it and spears Triple M down. CoolJ rolls into the ring where the referee gives him the LWF Title, and CoolJ stands on a turnbuckle and raises it overhead.

Mav: CoolJ has retained his title tonight, though he was not able to pick up a victory. With the failure to capture the title tonight, where does this leave MMM? Has he just forfeited his shot at Maximum Carnage?
