LWF Lockdown 2/12/04
Tourniquet blasts over the loudspeakers and the crowd gets to their feet as the
pyros flare. That's right folks its time again for Lockdown. Let's take our
weekly look through the crowd.
"CoolJ will dish out some Carnage"
"Where was Diablo?"
"Ooley, master of Chaos"
Mav: Welcome one and all to Lockdown. As always I am Mav and as always I am
joined by Joshman, and ladies and gentlemen we are just 3 days away from what
promises to be a slobberknocker of a weekend at Maximum Carnage and folks,
tonight we have some matches which could have direct implications on what will
go down this Sunday and possibly at Lockmania, isn't that right Joshman?
Joshman: Oh no... you're not gonna pull this stuff on me again this month.
Every month its the same damn thing. *Doing Mav Impression* Ladies and
Gentleman, if this happens in 3 days we will have a new blah-da-dee blah-da-dee
blah *End Impression* Its the same old thing every month and I'm tired of it.
So you know what have fun, cause I'm not gonna listen to it.
Mav: Well, there goes Joshman, and it looks like its just Mav tonight as we are
set to begin our action here tonight!
Ooley versus Angelic Devils
Damage Inc. hits to an extremely strong mixed reaction and Robert Ooley makes
his way down to the stage with his baseball bat in hand. These Days hits and
Iceman comes charging down the ramp and slides into the ring while Ooley is
still signaling to the crowd with his baseball bat. Iceman waits for a second
and then spears Ooley to the ground! Iceman lays into Ooley with the Freezing
Mav: Folks, this is not a scheduled matchup. In fact, these two were scheduled
to be tag team partners tonight!
Angel of Death hits to a mighty pop and Arelas and Diablo come out on stage.
They look at the ring and see what's going on and seem to joke to each other
about it. They make their way down the ramp and take a seat at the announce
Iceman pulls Ooley up and goes to whip Ooley but Ooley reverses and hits a hard
clothesline on his partner. He goes to retreive his bat, but Iceman gets to his
feet and ducks a swing from Ooley and hits a hard neckbreaker on him.
Mav: Aren't you guys supposed to be in this matchup?
Arelas: Yeah, but what's the point. They seem to be doing our job for us. I
certainly won't complain. You looked like you needed some help at the table
here this week.
Diablo: Hey, Arelas, I gotta disagree with ya there. Not on the help, cause
obviously Mav needs all the help he can get. But Arelas, I didn't get on the
show at all on Monday and I wanted to make a statement here tonight.
Arelas: Well, tell ya what, man, when these two finish killing each other, you
can clean up the mess, sound good?
Diablo: Alright, deal.
Ooley picks up Iceman and sets him up for Damage Inc. but Iceman floats out and
hits a neckbreaker of his own. He climbs to the top rope and leaps off only for
Ooley to roll out of the way and Iceman misses the View from the North Pole.
Ooley grabs his baseball bat and waits for Iceman to get to his feet. Iceman
stumbles to his feet and Ooley swings and connects with Iceman and Iceman
slumps to the ground. Ooley goes to climb through the ropes but Diablo is
behind him and turns him around and lifts him into Hell's Grasp and the bell
rings and folks this match is finally underway! Diablo covers...1...2...3!
Winners: Angelic Devils
by Pinfall
Arelas: Well, everyone is a winner tonight it seems... Iceman finally got to
take a crack at Ooley. Diablo got on the show. And I get to announce with you
tonight Mav.
Mav: And what about Ooley, what did he win?
Arelas: Eh, who cares about Ooley.
Mav: Well, obviously not you. Though, if Ooley gets pinne...
Arelas: Don't you even start Mav, just because Joshman's gone does not give you
liberty to start spouting that nonsense about implications and what have you.
Mav: ...
Arelas: That's better.
Doctor K
versus Lone Wolf
Technical Rules Match
Bark at the Moon hits to a pop and LoneWolf makes his way down to the ring.
Remedy hits and Dr. K makes his way to the ring in a chorus of boos. He slides
in the ring and puts the LWF Havok Title in the face of Lone Wolf which earns
him a shove from the challenger. The ref breaks up the little encounter takes
the title from Dr. K and signals for the bell to be rung.
Mav: This match should not have too many implications on Carnage. After all,
this match is Non-Title.
Arelas: Yeah, why Lone Wolf didn't request for a title match is beyond me.
The bell rings and the matchup is underway. The two circle each other and lock
up before Dr. K takes advantage with a headlock. He wrenches it in for a couple
of seconds before Lone Wolf begins to elbow his way out of it. Lone Wolf frees
himself and then applies a hammerlock to Dr. K. Lone Wolf continues to wrench
the arm, until Dr. K is able to slip under and reverse into a hammer lock of
his own. Lone Wolf backs Dr. K into the ropes and bounces off sending him
towards the other ropes. Dr. K meets him with a sleeper hold, but Lone Wolf
quickly lifts Dr. K into a side suplex. Lone Wolf stays on the offensive
getting to his feet and dropping an elbow onto Dr. K, he gets up quickly and
repeats. Dr. K slowly starts to get to his feet and Lone Wolf begins to kick
away at Dr. K. The ref tries to break it up, and Lone Wolf puts himself off the
ropes and hits the Wolf Pounce, but Dr. K quickly reverses and gets on top of
Lone Wolf and goes for the Prescription! Dr. K manages to lock it in, but only
after Lone Wolf was able to scramble towards the ropes and is able to get a
hold of them. Dr. K milks the full 5 second count of the ref before releasing
the hold.
Lone Wolf gets to his feet, but Dr. K is on top of him right away. He back Lone
Wolf into a corner with some cross chops and then sends him across to the other
corner. Dr. K charges and splashes Lone Wolf before whipping back across the
ring. He charges again but this time Lone Wolf avoids Dr. K and he bounces off
the turnbuckle and Lone Wolf hits a bulldog on Dr. K and then goes for the Wolf
Bite... and locks it in! Dr. K is straining... and gets the ropes forcing Lone
Wolf to release the hold. Dr. K gets to his feet and LoneWolf charges and Dr. K
hits a drop toe hold sending Lone Wolf falling into the turnbuckle! Dr. K
charges at Lone Wolf and goes for a splash but Lone Wolf turns around and gets
a boot up. Lone Wolf catches Dr. K and lifts him for the LW piledriver but Dr.
K is able to float out and hit the Medication!!! Medication on Lone Wolf. Dr. K
then locks in the Prescription and Lone Wolf is forced to tap out.
Winner: Dr. K by
Arelas: Strong win here by Dr. K heading in to Maximum Carnage
Mav: Yeah, nearly as strong as that victory you started off tonight with.
Arelas: Hey Mav, physical or mental, a victory is still a victory
Triple M is walking through the hall, and he opens the door to his locker room,
to see everything covered with a white powder.
Triple M: What the…
He looks around and sees a message written in the powder on one wall,
"This is the closest you'll ever come to gold."
Triple M: What? How is this stuff gold…oh. OH.
versus Red Fusion
Non-Title Match
Arelas: Heh, Mav, you see that commercial the other day? *Doing CoolJ
impression* If you're most offensive maneuver is your foot odor, then maybe its
time you tried some Gold Bond *End impression* Let me tell you Mav, he really
is the perfect person to be selling that Mav.
Mav: And why is that
Arelas: Cause let me tell you, that foot odor really is an offensive weapon...
Outlast '02... yikes I wanted outta there.
Mav: Sure ya did.
Evolution by Motorhead hits to a confused reaction and Red Fusion appears on
Arelas: Ya know, I should really stop by and have a talk with the boys in the
back and tell them not to play any new song Cherry over here gives them.
Red Fusion makes his way to the ring to a generally lukewarm and mixed reation
and enters the ring and waits for his opponent. Greed hits to a chorus of boos
and Emperor slowly makes his way down to the ring. He folds up his Imperial
Title and leaves it at ringside. He steps on the apron and turns his back to
the ring to signal something to the crowd, but before he can do this, Red
Fusion grabs him and lifts him over the top rope and into a side suplex! The
bell rings and this match is underway.
Arelas: I'm still bitter from what Lock did to that People's title ya know.
That Imperial title is a travesty to all that is good in this Federation
Mav: I noticed you were a bit peeved at MMM being given his title shot back
Arelas: Excellent point Mav. MMM has as much of a claim to having a shot at
that title as I do. MMM has lost 3 straight matches to CoolJ, What is losing a
4th going to prove? Nothing. That is another travesty done unto this federation
by Lock. He may have reached the end of his time here Mav. This federation
cannot survive under such leadership.
Mav: Well, what do you suggest gets done about it?
Arelas: I don't know Mav, I don't know
Red Fusion goes for the quick pin...1...2... kickout by Emperor. Red Fusion
sends Emperor into the corner with an Irish Whip and then charges at him and is
met by and elbow from Emperor. Fusion is reeling and Emperor follows up with a
swinging neckbreaker. Cover by Emperor...1...2.. Fusion just gets the shoulder
up. Emperor kicks away at the downed Fusion and as Fusion crawls to the corner
to try and pull himself Emperor continues. Emperor sends Red Fusion into the
ropes, and as Fusion comes off, Emperor pulls him into a sleeper hold. Red
Fusion struggles but is unable to break the hold, and it looks like Red Fusion
may be out cold here. Here comes the ref to check on Fusion. He grabs Fusion's
arm and raises it, and it falls on release. He raises it again, and once again
it falls on release. He raises it a third time, and it falls halfway down
before Fusion clenches his fist, and raises it in the air. He elbows Emperor
once, twice, and Emperor hits Lights Out on Red Fusion! The cover! 1...2...
Fusion somehow manages to get a shoulder up.
Fusion gets to his feet but Emperor grabs him around the waist and hits a
reverse belly to belly suplex and Fusion is left folded up in the corner.
Emperor goes over and covers....1..2...Fusion gets his foot on the rope.
Emperor waits for Fusion to get to his feet, and when he does lifts him onto
the turnbuckle. Emperor follows and sets up for a superplex. He comes off and
hits the superplex! Both men are shaken. It takes some time, but Emperor stirs
and makes his way over to Red Fusion and drapes an arm over him...1....2....
red Fusion just gets a shoulder up and that couldn't have been closer. Emperor
is beside himself and drags Red Fusion to his feet. He hits Red Fusion with a
cross chop, and goes for another, and Fusion blocks it! He answers with a right
hand of his own. Another right hand from Fusion! Another! Fusion sends Emperor
off the ropes, Emperor comes off and is met with a huge backdrop! Emperor gets
to his feet and is clotheslined back down.
Mav: Fusion picking up a head of steam here.
Emperor back up and ducks a clothesline from Fusion and kicks him in the chest.
Deathbow!!! Deathbow to Red Fusion out of nowhere!
Arelas: And as quickly as it came, it was gone.
Mav: Yep, it's academic from here.
Suddenly, Rise hits to a tremendous pop! Phoenix rises to the stage and begins
shouting in Emperor's direction, but Emperor looks focused. He falls on
Winner: Emperor
by Pinfall
Arelas: It looked like Phoenix was trying to distract Emperor once again, but
this time Emperor was having none of it.
Mav: It sure did look that way
Arelas: Well, there will be no distractions when these two meet on Sunday. I
think you can bet on that.
A close-up of Nomad's face is shown.
Nomad: Grey Coppi asked me how the Eternal Wanderer intend to win his
submission match this weekend.
The camera zooms out, and Nomad has Coppi in the Leash. Coppi is furiously
tapping, and Nomad lets go and stands up. He slaps Coppi on the head.
Nomad: That how!
Nomad walks off. Grey Coppi slowly staggers up, and Xecutioner walks into the
scene from the other side. Coppi turns around , and Xecutioner kicks him in the
chest, then DDTs him down into the Linchpin! Coppi screams and again starts
tapping as the image fades out.
Evil Scary
Dreams versus Lunacy In Motion
Arelas: Ya like the names there?
Mav: What names?
Arelas: The ones on the page here.
Mav: What page, I'm just watching what's going on.
Arelas: Never break kayfabe do ya Mav... Fear, Nightmare, and Synn... Evil
Scary Dreams!!!
Mav: Witty addition there...
Renegades of Funk hits to a huge pop and Alan Fernandez, Firestar, and Psiko
come out on stage. They all rawk out for a few seconds and charge into the ring
each leaping up on a turnbuckle and saluting the crowd. Welcome to my Nightmare
hits and the trio of Evil Scary Dreams... Fear, Nightmare, and Synn appear on
stage simultaneously. They make their way to the ring and stop before the ring.
Nightmare and Synn raise their tag titles in the air and point towards Alan and
Firestar who they will defend the belts against this Sunday. Finally, Fear and
Synn climb up onto the apron as Nightmare enters the ring. Seeing this,
Firestar and Psiko exit and we will begin this 6-man match up with Alan versus
Alan goes on the attack as the bell rings, hitting a quick kick to the
midsection of Nightmare and following it up with a DDT. Nightmare gets to his
feet but is quickly met with a clothesline from Alan. Nightmare ducks a
clothesline and Irish whips Alan into the corner but, Alan jumps up on the
turnbuckle and leaps off, hitting the Terrible Secret of Space! Quick
cover...1...2.. Fear breaks it up. Alan yells something at his old partner and
then makes a tag to Firestar.
Firestar enters the ring and as Nightmare gets up, she yells at him, seeming to
be asking him to tag Synn in. Nightmare takes a step towards Firestar, but then
Synn yells something back, seems she wants Firestar too. So, Nightmare goes back
to his corner and tags in Synn. Synn enters the ring, and Firestar charges at
her and spears her to the ground. Firestar hits some mounted punches, but Synn
grabs Firestar and reverses their position and hits some mounted punches of her
own. Eventually the ref breaks the two up. Firestar ducks a swing from Synn and
hits a DDT. She follos it up with a cover. 1...2... Fear again breaks up the
count. This time though Psiko comes charging in the ring and clotheslines Fear
over the top rope! Fear seems to hit his leg on the apron on the way down.
The ref is tending to Fear, meanwhile in the ring... Firestar is on her feet
again and whips Synn into the ropes. Firestar grabs Synn for the Shadow Flare,
but Synn pushes Firestar off and then Synn grabs Firestar. Synn hits Firestar
with the Ruiner! Ruiner to Firestar!!! Alan charges in the ring to avenge his
sister and hits Synn with a Panda Buster! Panda Buster to Synn!!! Nightmare
gets behind Alan and Alan turns around right into Sweet Dreams!!! Sweet Dreams
to Alan Fernandez!!!! Psiko comes in behind Nightmare right as the ref reenters
the ring and hits Psikotik!!! Psikotik to Nightmare!!! Psiko covers...1...2...
Fear is back in to break up the count! He still seems to be favoring that bad
leg, but Fear has just saved this matchup. Psiko goes after Fear now, and locks
in a Reverse Figure Four, and Fear screams and barely makes it to the ropes.
Psiko immediately breaks the hold and lifts Fear onto the turnbuckle and then
sets up for Poetic Justice. Fear pushes Psiko off and Psiko hits the mat, and
Fear climbs to the top turnbuckle and leaps off and hits the Meteor Press!!!
Meteor Press to Psiko!!!! Cover! 1...2...3!!!!
Winner: Evil Scary Dreams
by Pinfall
Mav: Fear has persevered and Psiko's losing streak continues on.
Arelas: Yes, but Fear has obviously injured that leg, and it will take a lot to
be able to beat Psiko again this time one-on-one this Sunday, though when its
for a spot in the main event at Lockmania, anything is possible.
Mav: Tune in this Sunday for the last major stop on the road to Lockmania,
Maximum Carnage... Here will be the lineup.
Arelas: Diablo announced his intentions to make it to the top of the LWF. His
first stop will be to face off against Iceman
Mav: They've both taken on Grey Coppi tonight, and on Sunday, they'll square
off against each other when Nomad takes on Xecutioner
Arelas: The only 2 intergender tag teams will meet for the prestigious LWF Tag
titles when Evil Dreams takes on 2/3 of Lunacy in Motion, Alan Fernandez and
Mav: The Havok title has changed hands like a hot cake this month. Who's hands
will it end up in as the month ends, it will be either Red Fusion, Doctor K, or
Lone Wolf as they meet in a triple threat Havok Title match
Arelas: After Sunday, the Technical Title and the Imperial Title will both be
owned by the same person. Emperor and Phoenix are both putting their titles on
the line in what's sure to be a thrilling encounter.
Mav: You look to nip the return of the former commisioner in the bud as you
will put your Cross Hemisphere title on the line agianst Robert Ooley
Arelas: Yeah, wonder the hell he was today anyway, Psiko earned a shot at the
LWF title at Lockmania when he won the Massive Melee, however that spot will be
up for grabs this Sunday as he meets Fear, and we will see if he can overcome
that injured leg.
Mav: And finally, Metalhead Matt Marauder will get a 4th shot at CoolJ this
Sunday and this time it will be in a Hell in the Cell match!
Arelas: In a match I did not book, I want to make that very clear.
Mav: Believe me you have. Tune in this Sunday for all the excitement!!!