pyros blare and the crowd gets to their feet. They all know its coming as
Tourniquet blasts over the loud speakers. The crowd lifts all their signs into
the air and it is time yet again for Lockdown, the premier Sports Entertainment
show this side of EZBoard... Let's take our weekly look through the crowd.
and Ninjas and Joshman, oh my!"
Lock, you're in My World tonight"
S and the IWF rules!"
am a Norwegian Athlete"
could have Major implications"
Welcome one and all to Lockdown, of course I am Mister Mav, and I'm joined by
Joshman... who cannot change his name to Firebert.
And why not?
Mav: It
is not a cool commando name.
Says who
Look, I don't like these things to begin with, but let's face facts here, even
Covert Jay thought it was dumb.
Well, he certainly is the expert on things like that.
Let's just get to the action
versus Xecutioner
Rules Match[/b][/center]
but a Good Time hits to a huge pop and Psiko, the #1 contender for the LWF
title at Lockmania makes his way down to the ring. He slides into the ring and
gets himself a mic. He stands for a minute absorbing the cheers of the crowd
before they finally quiet down. He puts the mic up to his mouth and the crowd
starts up a chant
Psi-ko! Psi-ko!"
once again forces Psiko to wait to begin his speech. The crowd finally settles
down and Psiko begins.
weeks, CoolJ. That's how much time you have left before that belt of yours ends
up around my waist. 3 weeks longer than you are the man. I've noticed that
you've been very quiet lately. You've always been kind of quiet CoolJ, always
let your actions speak louder than your words. Its very admirable. But you're
going to have to speak pretty loudly at Lockmania to stop me. I've been around
this federation and I've payed my dues. It's time that the title comes home to
the people. Now bring on Xecutioner."
throws down his microphone and waits for his opponent to arrive. My World plays
over the loudspeaker and Lock comes out to the stage and makes his way to the
What is Lock doing out here, this isn't the match he's signed for tonight.
Quiet, Mav, he p0wns you, keep that in mind.
p0wns? Where'd you learn to speak like that?
Everquest, what were you doing in Everquest
Kicking it.
Look Psiko, I realize you're excited about being in the main event at
Lockmania. After all, it is the goal of every wrestler that enters my
federation. But don't get married to the idea that its CoolJ you're going to be
facing. After all, this is MY federation, and I've decided I'd like to be the
one going into MY main event as champion. Therefore, this Monday on Warzone I
will face CoolJ for the LWF title!
This is ridiculous. Lock is certainly not the #1 contender for the title, that
honor belongs to Psiko.
Its his federation Mav, he can do what he wants.
Yes, but its just not right.
A boo
rises heavily over the crowd. Angel of Death hits to a huge pop and Arelas
comes out to the stage with a mic of his own.
Oh, Lock, I don't think so. Whether its your dream or not to be in Lockmania
with the title, you've forgotten the little fact that the business you need to
finish is with me. There's no way I'm signing that match.
Oh, I see, jealous are you Arelas?... well tell you what. I'll give you a
chance to stop my title match. This Monday on Warzone then you will fight a
match. If you win, you can get a shot at CoolJ for the title. If you lose, I
get that shot.
Fine, you have yourself a deal.
Oh, you know what, I've changed my mind. You won't just fight one match, you'll
compete in a gauntlet. You won't even know who you're fighting. And before you
can say anything Arelas... you can consider that Signed, Sealed, and Slashed
You hear that Mav! Arelas has to run the Gauntlet this Monday!
Yeah, he's got something up his sleeve does Lock. You can be sure of that.
and Arelas drop their mics. They exchange some words for a minute. Arelas then
smiles at Lock and tells him to turn around. Lock turns around and Psiko is
standing there and he kicks Lock and hits the Psikotik!!! Psikotik to Lock!!!
Arelas then walks backstage. Psiko climbs a turnbuckle and raises his fist to
the crowd drawing out more cheers. Lock begins to stir and Psiko hops down and
stalks him waiting for him to get to his feet. Lock eventually gets to his feet
and Psiko grabs him for another Psikotik when from behind Xecutioner smacks
Psiko in the back of the head with his mace and the bell rings and the match is
Looks like Psiko forgot why he was down here for a minute. He's gonna pay for
doing that to Lock!
Cheap shot from Xecutioner here and it looks like he may pick up an easy
victory here.
looks like he's out cold after that mace shot and Lock and Xecutioner start
kicking away at Psiko. Psiko finally starts to stir and Lock goads him as he
gets to his feet. And Lock kicks Psiko in the chest and delivers the Lockdown!!
Lockdown to Psiko!!!
Its the Lockdown on Lockdown!!!!
You've been saving that one haven't you?
What? It was a good one.
exits the ring and Xecutioner stands over Psiko as the ref counts...1...2...3!
[b]Xecutioner[/b] by Pinfall
What was that all about anyway...
Well, I think Lock was trying to deliver a message to Psiko that he's serious
about getting that title shot.
Mav: If
that's true than both Psiko and Arelas could be in a world of trouble.
commercial is shown for Lockmania. The
theme for Lockmania is The Dawning by Bloody Raven.
Fusion versus Nomad[/b][/center]
Evolution hits to loud heat, and Red Fusion walks
down the ramp to the ring.
Mav: We’ve seen quite a torrid streak from Red
Fusion as of late, even a brief stint with the Havok Title, but the return of
Code Red has thrown a wrench in his plans!
Code Red has no business interfering with Red Fusion!
The Outlaw Torn hits, and Nomad comes out of the
crowd and slides into the ring.
Mav: This is
the first time in over a month that Nomad will face an opponent that is not
CoolJ, Triple M, or Xecutioner.
Maybe he might actually win a match then. I think he is 0 for 2004.
Nomad applies a
waistlock, then takes out one of the legs and locks in an ankle lock to Red
Fusion. Fusion screams in pain, but grabs the ropes in frustration. Nomad
breaks the hold. Both men circle up, and they grapple, but Nomad quickly
turns it into a headlock. After cinching in the hold, a headlock
takedown, followed by a body scissors, again Red Fusion screams, but struggles
and finally gets to the ropes!
Joshman: Are
these fans actually cheering for Nomad?
I thought they hated him now!
Mav: Nomad
didn’t turn his back on his own tag team partner.
Yeah he did.
Mav: Nomad
didn’t turn his back on his own tag team partner in the past week.
Nomad gives Red Fusion a DDT, then tries to go for a
figure four leg lock, he has it! Fusion is screaming, but he is nowhere near
the ropes, he struggles, and shakes his head adamantly NO to the referee, and
the crowd cheers as Nomad squeezes as hard as he can. Red Fusion starts
to turn over, trying to roll Nomad over onto his stomach, little by little he
is starting to have success, until he finally turns Nomad completely over and
reverses the pressure against Nomad! Nomad screams, but refuses to give up.
That is an excellent reversal!
Red Fusion breaks the hold and quickly goes for a crippler crossface, Nomad struggles, but slowly crawls closer and closer to the ropes. He is finally just mere inches away, but he can’t seem to grab the bottom rope. Red Fusion applies even more pressure, as Nomad screams loudly but finally gets to the bottom rope. The referee yells at Red Fusion and gives him a count, Red Fusion breaks the hold and yells at the referee. After a short while Nomad gets to his feet, and Red Fusion turns to see him. He charges at Red Fusion, who gives him a back body drop over the top ropes! Nomad takes a little bit of time to get to his feet, and Red Fusion reaches under the ropes and tugs his leg out from under him. Fusion slides into the ring, grabs Nomad’s legs, and tries to pin him with a bridge, one, two, Nomad kicks out. Red Fusion gets to his feet and goes for the Train Wreck, but Nomad counters it into a DDT, and both men are down. The referee starts the ten count, but Nomad rolls over and lays him arm across Fusion, one, two, Fusion kicks out. Nomad gets up and whips Fusion into the ropes, but Fusion comes back and knocks him down with a shoulder block, and This Time It’s For Real hits.
Mav: It’s Code Red! Code Red is here!
Joshman: No! Go away!
Code Red walks out to the stage, and Fusion screams at
him from the ring, and Nomad reaches up and school boys Red Fusion down, one,
two, three!
[b]Nomad[/b] by Pinfall
rolls right out of the ring, and Red Fusion is shocked. He stares at Code Red, then rolls out of the
ring and sprints up the ramp after him, and Code Red scampers backstage.
Fear is
shown watching a television backstage.
He puts a tape in the VCR. The
footage shown on the TV is Firestar and Fear making out in a locker during
their days together in Freak Shown Central.
Synn creeps up behind Fear.
Synn: Excellent form.
Fear: You like that? Heh, let’s go.
and Synn leave the room with the footage playing on loop. Alan and Firestar come in from another door,
and Firestar screams when she sees the image playing on the screen.
versus Diablo[/b][/center]
Hells Bells hits to a pop, and Diablo slowly walks
down the ramp and climbs into the ring.
Mav: This is
a return match from Maximum Carnage, as Diablo and Iceman will once again face
Great, I’d love to see Diablo beat Iceman again.
The arena darkens as Battle Without Honor or
Humanity begins to play to heat from the crowd, as blue lights begin flashing
as a fog rolls onto the stage. The
white pyro explodes, and Iceman appears on the stage. He makes his way to ringside and steps into the ring.
Mav: Iceman
lost their match at Maximum Carnage after he attacked the referee, and the
referee later repaid him with a fast count.
There was nothing wrong with that count, Iceman is a whiner.
The competitors grapple in the ring, and Iceman tries to force Diablo into a headlock, but Diablo lifts Ice into the air over his head and slams him to the mat. Ice pops right back up but gets obliterated by a strong clothesline from hell. Diablo drops Iceman with a second clothesline, then pulls him up and whips him across the ring, then sets up a back body drop, sending Iceman flying through the air and crashing on the ring. Diablo pulls Iceman up, but Iceman elbows him in the chest and hits a DDT. Ice slowly starts to get to his feet, and Diablo sits right up. Ice gets to his feet and Diablo lifts him into a torture rack, then throws him into the corner. Diablo pounds on Ice in the corner, until Ice reverses it and delivers some hard kidney punches to the big man. Ice pulls Diablo out of the corner and hurls him shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Iceman wraps Diablo up in a waistlock and hits a German suplex, then heads to the top rope. Iceman leaps off and hits the Cold Shoulder! Ice covers, one, two, Diablo kicks out!
Joshman: You know what would be great? If Robert Ooley just came out here and
kicked Iceman’s ass.
Mav: Don’t jinx us.
Iceman pulls
Diablo up and whips him off the ropes, but Diablo comes back and spears Iceman,
and they crash into the referee. Diablo
grabs Iceman by the head and hits a series of blows, then pulls him up and
scoops him for Hell’s Grasp, but Iceman floats off, then grabs Diablo and hits
the Deep Freezer, and both men are down!
Iceman very slowly starts to get back up, but Robert Ooley charges down
the ramp, carrying the Cross-Hemisphere Title!
Mav: It’s Ooley!
Ooley is here!
Joshman: Yes!
Ooley slides
into the ring and charges at Iceman, but Iceman ducks, and Ooley smashes the
title belt right into Diablo’s face as he is getting up! Ooley turns back around, but Iceman boots
him right in the face! Ooley rolls out of the ring, leaving behind the title
belt, and Iceman picks it up and stares at it, then uses it to again smash
Diablo in the head. Iceman tosses aside
the title and covers Diablo as the referee rolls over, one, two, three!
[b]Iceman[/b] by Pinfall
is walking through the hall, and Code Red sprints by him. Phoenix watches him run off, and Red Fusion
smacks into Phoenix from behind.
Fusion: Watch where I’m going!
Red suddenly grabs Red Fusion from behind and drags him into a closet, slamming
the door shut. Phoenix gets to his feet
and rubs the back of his head, but when he turns around Emperor is waiting, and
kicks him in the chest before completing the Death Bow! Emperor stands over Phoenix.
Emperor: I stand over you now, and soon I will when
it counts.
walks off, and the closet door opens back up.
Code Red walks out with a smile on his face, and inside Red Fusion has
been roped to a chair, and his mouth is duct taped shut.
K and Lock versus Lone Wolf and Arelas[/b][/center]
of Puppets hits to huge heat and Dr. K and Lock appear on stage and Lock leads
the pair into the ring. They look very serious as they wait for their
opponents. Bark at the Moon hits to a mdoerate pop and Lone Wolf makes his way
to the bottom of the ramp and waits for his partner. Angel of Death hits to a
huge pop and Arelas appears on stage and raises the sword of Justice in the air
setting off white pyros on stage. He makes his way down the ramp and joins Lone
Wolf, the pair slides in the ring and are immediately attacked by the pair from
the Regime and the bell rings.
Earlier tonight we learned that Lock has signed Arelas into a gauntlet match
and the outcome will determine who gets to face CoolJ for the title going into
Lockmania!!! Joshman, do you realize the implications this could have!
And you were doing so good too Mav. That was like almost entire show without
that word.
What?!? It could, that match could change the very face of the Lockmania card!
The main event itself could be directly impacted.
Well, scream about it when it happens then. I really don't want to hear about
it. You know what, we are in such a fight.
stomps away at Arelas and Dr. K stomps away at Lone Wolf in the ring. Dr. K
forces Lone Wolf to the outside and follows him while Arelas slowly is able to
make his way to his feet. Lock immediately whips Arelas into the corner and
charges at him and hits Arelas with an elbow. Lock digs a boot into the throat
of Arelas and the ref starts a 5 count. Lock keeps the boot in the throat of
Arelas all the way to 5 before releasing it. Lock goes over to his corner and
makes a tag to Dr. K who stays on the offensive whipping Arelas across to the
opposite corner. Dr. K charges, but Arelsa gets a boot up buying him enough
time to tag in Lone Wolf.
Wolf enters the ring and takes a right hand to Dr. K who returns the blow.
Another right hand by Lone Wolf is returned by Dr. K, Lone Wolf goes for number
3 but Dr. K catches Lone Wolf's hand and turns it into a hammerlock. Dr. K
wrenches the arm of Lone Wolf, who reaches back and hits a snapmare takedown on
Dr. K. Lone Wolf follows it up with a headlock. Dr. K slowly gets to his feet
and reaches down and backdrops Lone Wolf, before making a tag to Lock.
enters and grabs Lone Wolf and headbutts him to the mat. Lock climbs to the
second turnbuckle and drops a fist onto Lone Wolf as he gets to his feet. Lock
follows it up with a cover...1...2... kickout from Lone Wolf. Lock drags Lone
Wolf to his feet and hits a vertical suplex and goes for another
cover...1...2...Lone Wolf gets the shoulder up. Lock looks a bit flustered and
takes Lone Wolf into the corner and tags in Dr. K. Lock holds Lone Wolf as Dr.
K enters the ring and Dr. K places a book into the midsection of Lone Wolf. Dr.
K takes a hold of the head of Lone Wolf and wrenches into a huge neckbreaker.
Another cover...1...2.. Again, Lone Wolf gets the shoulder up. Another tag to
Lock and the Regime pair hits a double suplex. Lock covers...1...2.. Arelas
breaks up the count. Lock yells over at Arelas, and Lone Wolf gets to his feet
and hits Lock with a right hand, and another, and another. He goes to send Lock
across the ring, but Lock reverses and Lone Wolf is sent into the ropes. Lone
Wolf comes off and Lock hits a kick to the midsection of Lone Wolf. He sets up
Lone Wolf for the Lockdown!!! Lone Wolf backdrops out of it! He dives and makes
the tag to Arelas!!!
comes in the ring and Dr. K charges at him. Dropkick to Dr. K. Lock is on his
feet and is hiptossed down. Dr. K is back up and Arelas clotheslines him over
the top rope. Lock swings with a clothesline and misses and Arelas picks him up
into the Eternal Slam!!! Cover...1...2...3!!!
[b]Arelas[/b] and [b]Lone Wolf[/b] by Pinfall
Arelas has come out on top tonight, but on Monday, Lock is sure to have some
challenge whipped up for him. Can he win, hell can he survive??? You'll have to
tune in this Monday to find out on LWF: Warzone!!!