Lockdown 2/26/04
The pyros flare as Tourniquet comes over the loud speaker. Loud explosions go
off throughout the arena, and the crowd is on there feet people. A normal
beginning to the anything but normal realm that is LWF: Lockdown. The crowd as
always has brought along some signs with them, let's take a look.
"Ooley will meet a Diablo-lical End"
"Your mom"
"Owner and Champion"
"Phoenix tolls the bells for Nomad"
Mav: Welcome one and all to another edition of LWF: Lockdown. The show where
anything can happen.
Joshman: And the points don't matter.
Mav: We don't give out points Joshman
Joshman: That's right, the points are like everything below Mav's waist, it
doesn't matter."
Mav: ...as always I'm joined by the ever-pleasant Joshman.
Joshman: Why thank you Mav, you're too kind.
Mav: oy, well, we have quite a show here tonight don't we Joshman.
Joshman: That's right, and its great, because our no good commisioner won't be
here tonight!
Mav: Of course, Joshman is referring to the events that unfolded on Warzone.
Let's take a look.
*Video clip plays. Arelas is beat down by the members of the Regime. Lock gives
the Lockdown and pins Arelas*
Joshman: And that hard earned victory from Lock means that we could have a new
champion tonight!
Mav: Yes that *hard earned* victory HAS given Lock a title shot against CoolJ
here tonight. Though you have to admit, it was a clear abuse of power on Lock's
Joshman: I'd like to remind everyone that the points still don't matter, just
like everything that comes out of Mav's mouth.
Mav: Isn't it time for the action yet?
LWF Technical
Title Match
Phoenix versus Nomad
Mav: Oh sweet lord it is
Joshman: What are you talking about? I don't see any wrestlers, I don't hear
any music
Mav: Yeah, but look up there it says so in nice centered, bold letters
Joshman: I always knew you'd be the first one to lose it Mav.
Outlaw Torn hits to some heat and Nomad walks out to the stage.
Mav: See, see, I am not crazy, I am the one in the right mind!!!! I AM
Joshman: Sure ya are... as sane as BDT on a good day
Rise hits to a massive pop, and Phoenix rises to the stage, he makes his way to
the ring. He stares across at Nomad, and Greed hits to strong heat, and Emperor
comes down wearing a referee shirt.
Mav: Oh, I’m sure this will go well.
Joshman: Of course it will! Lock made Emperor the referee to ensure a pure and
impartial match and environment.
Mav: And you say I’m the sane one.
Phoenix stares at Emperor as he comes down the ramp, and Nomad attacks him from
behind. Nomad knocks him down, then bounces off the ropes, but Phoenix lifts
him into a fireman’s carry. Emperor climbs into the ring and Phoenix watches
him, but Nomad sweeps his leg out from under him. Nomad tries to turn Phoenix
into the half crab, but the Phoenix rolls through and out of it, taking Nomad
down in the process. Both men get to their feet, but Nomad turns right into a
superkick from Phoenix. He staggers into and off of the ropes, and Phoenix
lifts him into a spinebuster, then stands and turns him over into Dust to Dust!
Phoenix is going to finish this match quick! Dust to Dust in the center of the
ring, and Nomad is tapping out, but wait a minute! Emperor has something in his
eye! Emperor itches at his eye, and Phoenix releases the hold with frustration.
Phoenix approaches Emperor, but Emperor stops itching his eye, blinks, and
triumphantly announces that he can see now. Phoenix shakes his head and turns
back to pull Nomad up, but Emperor kicks him right in the back of the head!
Nomad gets up and puts Phoenix into the Leash! Phoenix reaches for the ropes,
and Emperor suddenly calls for the bell! Emperor is claiming that Nomad has won
the match!
Winner: Nomad via Submission to become the Technical Champion
Mav: Emperor has just cost Phoenix the title!
Joshman: I don’t know what you’re talking about. Phoenix clearly tapped an
Emperor made the correct call.
Mav: Well, there will be a replay Joshman, and when we see it, you will see
that I am the one that is correct
Emperor hands Nomad the title and the new champion celebrates with the title.
Emperor applauds the champ, but Phoenix kips up behind him and lifts him into
Rise No More! Nomad turns around and Phoenix scoops his legs from under him and
turns him over into Dust to Dust, and Nomad furiously begins tapping! Phoenix slams
down his legs and heads backstage.
Replays are shown that confirm that Phoenix never tapped out.
Mav: Ah ha!!! Point Mav
Joshman: Just to remind our viewers, points are worth nothing, just like shares
of LWF stock.
Fallen Angel hits, and Triple M walks down the ramp to the ring and gets
a mike.
Triple M: Last Monday I did Lock a favor. It was fun really, beating up CoolJ,
I would have done it for nothing. But instead I got something that I wanted. A
match, for Lockmania, and Lock has given it to me. The Fallen Angel, one on
one, against Xecutioner! Brother versus brother!
Where Evil Dwells hits, and Xecutioner walks out to the stage.
Xecutioner: That's the best news I've heard all day. You see when you threw me
through a door, you reminded me of something. Long ago, Triple M broke the door
to my room. It pissed me off. This is the legend of the metal head, this lunk
head but his head straight through my door! And I'm still mad about it. So
at Lockmania, we'll have a match alright, a Door Match! The first person to put
their opponent through a door will win! And that is how it's going to be.
Mav: Did you hear that Joshman!!! Another exciting match for Lockmania!!! It
will be Xecutioner versus MMM!!!
Joshman: In a door match none the less! Let me tell you Mav, I have never been
so excited in my entire life.
MAv: Not even when Covert Jay told you that there was a dragon living in your
Joshman: Oh yeah…
Diablo is with Grey Coppi.
Diablo: I'm sick of being held down around here. This federation is full of
corruption, from the top to the bottom. Iceman is going after Ooley, but I have
more right to that title than Iceman, and I'm taking it! Iceman, it's time for
YOU to step aside, because the person taking the Cross-Hemisphere Title from
Ooley is yours truly.
Iceman watches Diablo on a monitor.
Iceman: No way! Diablooley is NOT stealing my title shot from me! I want Ooley!
I want Ooley!
Lock: Don’t worry about it.
Iceman spins, surprised to see Lock behind him.
Lock: You’ve got a match, Ice. Psiko has been frustrating me. Take care of him,
and I’ll take care of you. You know I’m good for it.
Iceman looks skeptical, but he looks again at Diablo on the monitor, and smiles
Mav: What deviousness is this, I don’t like the sound of it. I tell ya Joshman,
this stuff wouldn’t be happening if Arelas was here tonight.
Joshman: Well, Mav, Lock put him out of his misery on Lockdown, and I say good
Mav: Well, with the way Lock has acted lately nothing would surprise me for
what he has in mind for Iceman and Psiko
Joshman: Me neither, ain’t it great?
Lone Wolf and
Psiko versus Dr. K, Iceman, and Red Fusion
"Remedy" hits to major heat as Doctor K walks out onto the stage,
flanked by Red Fusion and Iceman. They walk down to the ring and slide into the
ring, each of them going to a corner of the ring and taunting the crowd as they
wait for their opponents to arrive. "Bark at the Moon" hits to a
decent pop and the Havok Champion, Lone Wolf, struts onto the stage, the Havok
Title secured around his waist. He pauses midway down the ramp, waiting for his
partner to join him. "Nothin' But A Good Time" hits to a massive pop
and Psiko makes his way out from the back, welcomed by the cheering fans. He
meets Lone Wolf on the ramp and they sprint to the ring, sliding in only to be
welcomed by a flurry of hard stomps by their opponents. The referee tries to
regain some order in the ring, and finally Doctor K and Red Fusion climb out
onto the apron, and it looks like this match is underway with LoneWolf facing
Iceman to start things off.
Mav: Rare 5 men tag action here.
Joshman: …so many jokes from there
Mav: …
The two men go to lock up, but Iceman lifts his knee into Lone Wolf's abdomen,
causing the Havok Champ to double over, clutching his midsection. Iceman
follows up on his advantage with a hard scissors kick, sending Lone Wolf down
onto the mat. Iceman pulls the rookie up into a snap suplex and then tags in
Red Fusion, who is eager to get in on the fight. Fusion hops over the ropes and
pulls Lone Wolf up, but he is met with a hard right to the face! The two men
exchange blows and Lone Wolf backs Fusion into a corner and then whips him
across the ring. The Havok Champion charges after him, but Fusion welcomes him
with a massive boot to the face, laying out Lone Wolf. Fusion goes to lift Lone
Wolf up, but Lone Wolf reverses it, pulling Fusion into the Rabid Bite! Rabid
Bite out of nowhere! He has Fusion in the center of the ring, but Doctor K
comes in and stomps on Lone Wolf, breaking the hold. The ref forces Doctor K
back onto the apron, and Fusion capitalizes with a low blow before hitting a
double underhook suplex. What a move by Fusion, and it looks like Lone Wolf is
in trouble here!
Fusion follows up and lifts Lone Wolf into an armdrag and then tags in Doctor
K, who leapfrogs over the ropes and hits a legdrop on the prone Havok Champion.
Psiko doesn't seem to like the double teaming, and he charges into the ring,
but the referee stops him and tries to get him to return to his corner. The
other men take advantage of this distraction and Fusion teams with Doctor K to
hit a powerbomb on Lone Wolf, and then they hold him in place while Iceman
climbs up top and hits the View From The North Pole! Iceman and Fusion climb
out of the ring as the ref finally forces Psiko back into the corner, and
Doctor K covers. One...two...thr...no! Lone Wolf kicks out moments before the
Mav: Lone Wolf is being isolated here, he needs to make a tag to Psiko
Joshman: No he doesn’t. Lone Wolf can sit in there and rot, and then he’ll
eventually lose.
Mav: When has that ever happened?
Joshman: Good point
Mav: Worthless right?
Joshman: Now you’re catching on
Doctor K gets back to his feet and begins to argue the count with the ref,
allowing Lone Wolf to have enough time to get back to his feet. He stalks
behind Doctor K, who is still trying to convince the ref that it was a three
count. Doctor K turns around and walks right into the LW Piledriver! LW
Piledriver to Doctor K! Red Fusion is in the ring and connects with the Pain
Train! The ref forces Fusion back to his corner, but the damage is done. Both
Lone Wolf and Doctor K are down, and Psiko is begging for the tag. The ref
starts the count, and both men start to stir at five. They inch their way
toward their corners to tag, and the fans are showing their support for Lone
Wolf. Doctor K tags in Iceman, who rushes in to try and stop the tag. He grabs
Lone Wolf's leg, but he is too late. Lone Wolf makes the tag, and Psiko bounds
up the turnbuckle and leaps off, taking Iceman down with a corkscrew moonsault.
Psiko is back on his feet and meets Iceman with a hard spear, driving the
larger man down onto the mat. Psiko whips Iceman into the corner and charges,
but Iceman leapfrogs over Psiko, who hits the turnbuckle hard and staggers,
holding his chest.
Iceman whips Psiko off the ropes and hits the Freezing Point, pummeling the
number one contender with hard lefts and rights. Iceman gets back to his feet
and heads over to his corner, pulling Psiko with him. He slams Psiko's head on
the turnbuckle and tags in Red Fusion, who greets Psiko with a hard jab. Fusion
goes to hit the Pain Train on Psiko, but Psiko floats out of it, landing on his
feet behind Red Fusion. Fusion turns around and Psiko kicks him in the chest,
setting up for the Psikotik. The fans begin to chant for Psiko, but Fusion
catches Psiko with a blatant low blow, sending Psiko staggering into the ropes.
Fusion whips Psiko across the ring, charges forward and knocking Psiko over the
ropes with a hard shoulder block.
Joshman: It’s! It’s! It’s!!!
Mav: A shoulder block
Joshman: Derailer!!! Derailer to Psiko!!! Derailer to Psiko!!!
Mav: I’m glad you got that out of your system
Chaos erupts into the ring as Lone Wolf meets both Iceman and Doctor K,
alternatively punching both men. He takes Doctor K down with a Wolf Pounce, but
Iceman catches Lone Wolf with a german suplex. He maintains his grip and hits
another german suplex, and holds one again to try to hit one more german
suplex, but Lone Wolf elbows out. He kicks Iceman in the chest and sets him up
for a LW Piledriver, but Doctor K pulls him into the Prescription! Prescription
to Lone Wolf. Outside the ring, Psiko nails Red Fusion with the Touch of
Insanity, and sees his partner in trouble. He rushes into the ring, bashing
Doctor K in the face with a hard kick. Iceman is up and hits a Deep Freezer on
Psiko and goes for a cover, but the ref refuses to count. Iceman isn't the
legal man right now! Iceman is furious and he slides out of the ring, reaching
under the ring to find something. Psiko is back on his feet and he hits a
Tornado DDT on Red Fusion before tagging in Lone Wolf. Lone Wolf stalks Fusion
in the ring, hitting a hard dropkick, sending Fusion over the ropes to the
outside right by Iceman, who seems to have found what he was looking for. Its a
bat! He has a baseball bat! Psiko sees this and runs along the apron,
propelling off the turnbuckle and taking down Iceman and Red Fusion with a body
splash. The fans love it!
Back in the ring Lone Wolf is getting the better of Doctor K, taking him down
with a hard suplex. He goes to lock in the Rabid Bite, but Doctor K reverses it
into the Prescription! He has Lone Wolf locked in the Prescription in the
center of the ring! Iceman has Psiko on the outside and Red Fusion lays him out
with a chair shot! Iceman lifts him up and Fusion hits him again! Inside the
ring Lone Wolf is screaming in agony as he tries to reach the ropes, but they
are too far! He taps out and the ref calls for the bell!
Winner: Iceman, Doctor K and Red Fusion via Submission
The ref tries to make Doctor K release the hold, but he refuses to let go.
Fusion is back in the ring, and he starts stomping away on the prone Lone Wolf,
who is still tapping out. Meanwhile, outside the ring Iceman lays out Psiko
with the baseball bat! The bat breaks in two, sending shard of splinters flying
out into the crowd! Psiko has been busted open with that intense swing, and a
horde of officials rush to the ring to regain order. Doctor K releases the
hold, and the three men walk backstage, leaving Psiko and Lone Wolf laying
broken in the ring, but Diablo and Code Red run out, attacking them on the
ramp. They lay a beating on Iceman and Red Fusion, but Doctor K lifts Code Red into
the Medication, right on the ramp! Diablo decks Doctor K with a right hand, but
Ooley comes tearing out from backstage and smashes Diablo with his slugger!
Ooley flips Diablo off and heads backstage!
Mav: Diablo will not be denied here it seems
Joshman: This is not fair, Iceman is the legitimate #1 contender for Ooley’s
Mav: When? He never won a match for that title shot…
Joshman: But, but, he’s been complaining about Ooley ever since he got back
Mav: So? You’ve been complaining about Arelas for years and that doesn’t make
you #1 contender for the commissionership.
Joshman: Well, maybe it does!!! Imagine it Mav, commissioner Joshman.
Mav: The thought pains me.
Joshman: Make sure to continue that thought then.
A commercial is shown for Lockmania. The theme for Lockmania is The Dawning by
Bloody Raven.
LWF Title Match
CoolJ © versus Lock
My World hits to massive heat, and Lock comes out, his trenchcoat billowing
slightly at the entrance. He walks down to the ring, and climbs in, taking his
trenchcoat off and folding it carefully before handing it to the ring announcer
and telling him to be careful with it.
The Fight Song hits to a tremendous pop, and CoolJ walks out on to the stage,
with the LWF Title strapped around his waist. He walks down the ramp, and slaps
a few hands before entering the ring. He gets in and stares Lock down, and
hands his title to the ref.
Joshman: Here we have it, the time for the coronation of our owner and truly
the most fearsome competitor ever in this federation to occur.
Mav: I think CoolJ may have something to say about that Joshman
The bell rings and the match is underway. The two lockup in the center of the
ring, and Lock twists CoolJ's arm around into a hammerlock. Lock pushes CoolJ
into the ropes and knocks him down with a hard clothesline and covers, one,
two, kick out. Lock taunts CoolJ to get back up, and CoolJ hops up to a loud
pop. Lock turns around and gets speared down by CoolJ, who then hammers away at
him with rights and lefts, until the ref breaks it up. CoolJ gets in his face
about it, but then goes right back to Lock. CoolJ whips Lock into the ropes and
hits a back body drop.
CoolJ picks Lock up and hits a suplex, then rolls over, and hits another one,
then another one. He pins with a bridge, one, two, Lock kicks out! He picks up
Lock again, and goes for the Shader, but Lock pushes him into the ropes and
hits a Lock Buster out of desperation. The ref begins to utilize the 10 count.
Both men begin to stir at 6 and CoolJ is first up. Then Lock gets up, and ducks
a clothesline. Lock superkicks CoolJ as he turns around and CoolJ falls flat on
his back. Lock lifts him up and whips him into the ropes, but CoolJ reverses it
and sends Lock right into the referee, knocking the ref to the outside. CoolJ
stares at the fallen ref, then turns around right into a kick to the chest,
Lockdown! Lock hops out of the ring and drags up the referee, shoving him back
into the ring. Lock slides in and tells the ref to wake up and pay attention,
but Arelas suddenly comes out of the crowd and slides into the ring!
Joshman: He’s supposed to be in the hospital, he’s ruining everything!!!!
Mav: It was hard to believe that Arelas was going to take the end of that
gauntlet match lying down.
Joshman: Ooh, nice pun.
Mav: Thank you
Arelas is behind Lock, and he lifts him right into the Eternal Slam! Arelas
rolls out of the ring, and CoolJ staggers to his feet. The referee finally
comes to, and CoolJ pulls Lock up and into a Shader! CoolJ covers, one, two,
Winner: CoolJ via Pinfall to retain the LWF Title
Mav: Arelas has just cost Lock his dream of headlining the greatest show his
federation has to offer.
Joshman: You can be sure that Lock will make Arelas pay for this.
Mav: Maybe, but you saw the amount of damage done by Lock in Arelas’s brief
absence. Phoenix has been stripped of the Technical Title by Emperor, and the
Cross Hemisphere title picture is complete Chaos. Arelas will certainly have
something to say about that!
Joshman: Weren’t we just talking about how chaos was Arelas’s domain a couple
months ago?
Mav: Yeah… good point
Joshman: And once again the final score. Joshman 3 – Mav 1
Mav: But it means nothing.
Joshman: Correct
Mav: Well, tune in this Monday for Warzone when the road to Lockmania