The crowd is ready to go as Tourniquet comes over the loud speakers. They're cheering and on their feet. The pyros go off filling the arena with light and heat and it is time for yet another edition of Lockdown

Mav: Welcome one and all to Lockdown and we are less then 2 weeks away from Lockmania!!! As always I am Mav, and this is Joshman.
Joshman: Yo.

Nothin' But a Good Time hits to a huge pop and Psiko makes his way out to the stage. He slides into the ring and climbs a turnbuckle and raises a fist in the air drawing out more cheers from the crowd. He comes down and awaits his partner...

Mav: You know Joshman. Psiko doesn't know who his partner is going to be tonight.
Joshman: I heard rumors that after the card was posted, LoneWolf volunteered his and Code Red's services.
Mav: After the card was posted??? Uh-oh...

Meanwhile... backstage...

Arelas: Hey, hey, hey, where do you think you're going?
Lone Wolf: I was gonna go be Psiko's partner
Arelas: Now you know quite well when I posted the card Lone Wolf, and when no one assigned themselves to that match I made my own assignments. By the way, for the same reasons, your Havok title match will take place on Warzone. You versus Code Red... versus Dr. K... now get out of here.

Alan Fernandez passes by the pair and makes his way to the stage.

Vow hits to a large pop and Alan sprints down the ramp and slides into the ring. He pats Psiko on the back and the two await their opponents. Faint hits to huge heat and Fear comes out to the stage and smiles in the direction of the ring. His eyes squarely fixed at Alan.

Mav: It looks like Arelas has chosen Fear to be the partner for CoolJ!!!
Joshman: Bring on the title!!!

Psiko and Alan Fernandez versus CoolJ and Fear

The Fight Song hits to a strong reaction and CoolJ slowly walks down the ramp, the Federation title over his shoulder. He gets to ringside and leaves the title on a chair. He nods at Fear and the two slide in opposite sides of the ring, and we immediately start with a brawl.

CoolJ and Psiko brawl in the center of the ring, exchanging blows. CoolJ fights Psiko into the ropes and goes to whip him across the ring, but Psiko reverses it, sending CoolJ bouncing off the far ropes. Psiko kicks CoolJ in the chest and hits a pump handle slam, then drops an elbow as CoolJ is lying on the mat. Psiko covers, but CoolJ kicks right out at one. Psiko pulls CoolJ up into a whip across the ring, but CoolJ reverses it, and Psiko manages to counter again, stepping behind CoolJ and hitting a German suplex. Psiko maintains and hits a second suplex, then a third, and he stands over CoolJ. CoolJ gets to his feet and tears into Psiko with cross chops, and Psiko suddenly shoves CoolJ away. CoolJ charges back at Psiko, but runs into a boot to the face. Psiko dives to his corner and tags in Alan.

Alan rushes in and ducks a clothesline from CoolJ, then grabs him, hits a DDT and goes for a quick cover, but CoolJ kicks out at one. Alan screams at the ref to count quicker. Alan picks up CoolJ and hits a headbutt, then holds on and drops into a jawbreaker, and goes for another quick cover one, two, CoolJ kicks out again

Fear rushes into the ring, and Alan lifts him into a fireman’s carry, but Fear lands on his feet and spins right back around, catches Alan in a powerslam. Fear is right back to his feet, and he steps away from Alan, letting him get back up. Alan charges for a spear, but Fear sidesteps it and shoves Alan down from behind. Fear goes to pull Alan up, but Alan gets up and grabs his arm, whipping him off the ropes. Alan catches Fear off the ropes and prepares for an overhead belly to belly suplex, but Fear plants and beats Alan to it, hitting one of his own.

Fear grabs Alan and whips him into the corner, but Alan jumps up onto the turnbuckle and leaps back into the air for the Fainting, knocking Fear down. Alan is right back to his feet, and he grabs Fear and hits Human Wreckage. Alan points at CoolJ for several seconds, then goes and tries to put Fear into Silence is Golden, but Fear fights out of it. Fear tries to make a tag, but Alan grabs his leg and pulls him back, and Fear hits him with an enziguri kick and makes the tag! CoolJ rushes into the ring, but Alan catches him in a belly to belly suplex. Alan goes to the top rope and signals, then leaps for the Ill Met by Starlight, but CoolJ rolls out of the way! CoolJ kips up and hits the shader on Alan!!! Shader to Alan!!! The cover...1....2..3!

Winners: CoolJ and Fear by Pinfall


Arelas: So let's get started... I've got a plan for Lockmania. You don't like me as commisioner... I don't like your overuse of power... There's no possible way to compromise the situation... so here's what I have planned.

Mav: Well, we seem to have lost our connection to the backstage area there, But I assure you folks we will work tirelessly to regain our connection.
Joshman: I wonder what they could be plotting in there.
Mav: I dunno, Joshman, but knowing them, it could be anything

Iceman and Lock versus Ooley and Diablo

Damage Inc. hits to a large pop and Robert Ooley makes his way out to the stage carrying the Cross Hemisphere Title along with him. He makes his way down to the ring. And waits for his partner. Hells Bells hits to a pop and Diablo comes out to the stage and stares hard at Ooley. He makes his way down to the ring. He enters and the two are face to face and not looking very happy.

Mav: These two will face off at Lockmania for that Cross-Hemisphere title!!!

Battle Without Honor or Humanity Hits to heat and Iceman appears on stage. The two in the ring stop staring at each other and fix their eyes on Iceman.

Joshman: And here's the 3rd competitor in that very match.

Iceman stands smirking at the top of the ramp. My World hits to huge heat, and Iceman stands waiting... but no one comes out!!!

Joshman: Where's Lock!!
Mav: He must still be in that meeting with Arelas!!! Hold on! I've just received word that our feed into the discussion room has been patched up! Let's go live to see what's happening!

Lock: Now you see why I can't take any chances with that.
Arelas: Alright, I'll agree to those terms. But you know, we should make sure that until the match that we keep each other on fair ground.
Lock: What do you have in mind...
Arelas: Well...

Joshman: No! not again!!!
Mav: Well, it seems we've lost our feed again. While you were away, Iceman charged into the ring and has been getting soundly beaten by both Diablo and Ooley.

Diablo grabs Iceman and lift's him into Hell's Grasp!!! He goes for the quick cover..1...2.. Ooley breaks up the cover!!! Ooley lifts Diablo off of Iceman and whps him into the corner. Ooley charges Diablo and splashes him. And follows it up with some kicks. Diablo suddenly grabs Ooley and throws him into the corner. Diablo climbs to the second turnbuckle and the crowd counts as Diablo lays into the Cross-Hemisphere champion with right hands.

Diablo turns around right into a clothesline from Iceman who seems to have made it back to his feet. Ooley stumbles out of the corner and is met by a scoop slam. Iceman climbs the turnbuckle and leaps off looking for the View From the North Pole, but Diablo pulls Ooley out of the way and Iceman crashes to the mat. Diablo goes again for the cover, but once again Ooley pulls Diablo off! Diablo gets to his feet and looks really angry and lifts Ooley over his head in a Gorilla Press and tosses him over the top rope! Iceman is up and spins Diablo around and tosses him to the ropes. Diablo comes off the ropes and is met by a Lou Thesz Press! Iceman lays into Diablo with the Freezing Point! Iceman gets to his feet and begins to climb the turnbuckle. Ooley is up and tries to get in the ring, but the ref is now trying to gain control of this match and makes Ooley wait in his corner. Iceman leaps off and Diablo rolls out of the way!!! Diablo pulls himself up in the corner and as Iceman gets to his feet, Diablo sets him up for Hell's Grasp but Iceman floats out and hits the Deep Freezer on Diablo!!! Deep Freezer on Diablo!!!

Joshman: It looks like though its 2 against 1, Iceman just might pull this one out!!!!
Mav: I think they've really got it fixed this time, let's go check out the breaking story.

Arelas: Alright then its settled.
Lock: Have we both signed?
Arelas: Yes
Lock: May the... best... man win.
Arelas: Yes
The two leave the room

Joshman: Aww man, we missed all the good stuff!
Mav: ...did you go make popcorn???
Joshman: This was drama unfolding here Mav... Drama!
Mav: You realize that there's still a match going on in the ring right?
Joshman: There is?

Iceman is climbing the ropes seemingly looking for that elusive View from the North Pole. From outside the ring, Ooley shoves Iceman off the turnbuckle! Ooley races back to his corner and anxiously awaits a tag. Iceman looks worn out and isn't even stirring. Diablo eventually starts to crawl to his corner. And just as Iceman is starting to stir, Diablo makes the tag to Ooley. Ooley enters the ring and sets up and hits Damage Inc on Iceman!!! Damage Inc to Iceman!!! The cover...1...2...3!!!

Winners: Diablo and Robert Ooley by Pinfall

My World suddenly hits to huge heat and Lock appears on stage with Arelas.

Lock: Ladies and Gentleman, we wanted to inform you that we've reached the end of our negotiations!!! Here is what we have come up with
Arelas: At Lockmania, I have put my commisionership on the line!
Lock: In reply, I will be putting all my booking power on the line as well!
Arelas: On Warzone, it will be myself and Phoenix versus Lock and Emperor
Lock: The winning team gets to pick the gimmick for the match
Arelas: We have also agreed not to book each other in any other matches before Lockmania.
Lock: And what else...
Arelas: *sigh* oh yeah... the winner, will hold all booking power but will be ineligible to participate in an LWF championship match for 6 months...
Lock: Thank you for your time.

Mav: Iceman is in the ring and just looks furious!!!
Joshman: Well yeah, not only did Lock not being out here cost him the match, but he just came out here and acted like nothing ever happened.
Mav: There's a lot of self-importance up on that stage right now.
Joshman: Yeah, and its name is Arelas.
Mav: Well, that's part of it, yes.
Joshman: Did it just seem like Arelas and Lock were getting along there.
Mav: I think they both realize that this is all business. The time for the war will come. They are both master politicians however.

Iceman comes flying up the ramp and as Lock is about to head backstage, Iceman spins him around and scoops him into the Icy Depths!!!

Joshman: Iceman may have lost the match but he's gotten the last laugh here tonight on Lock!!!
Mav: Yes, but its Diablo and Ooley that Iceman will have to worry about come Lockmania

LWF Imperial Title Match
Phoenix versus Red Fusion

Evolution hits to heel heat and Red Fusion makes his way out to the stage. He makes his way into the ring and awaits Phoenix eagerly.

Joshman: You know Mav, Red Fusion has been trying to get an Imperial Title shot for a long time now, its about time Arelas finally let him have one.
Mav: You know as well as I do, that the title was being defended regularly and there was no chance for his shot. But it does seem a little interesting how this match came about. Phoenix seemed very willing to give this shot to Red Fusion.
Joshman: Well, Mav, Phoenix has always been a sucker to never turning down a challenge.
Mav: Yeah, but this is different. Let's look at a clip

*Clip plays of Phoenix's post-Warzone promo*

Joshman: I have no idea what you're talking about Mav.
Mav: Well, maybe it is nothing.

Rise hits to a huge pop and Phoenix rises to the stage. He looks kind of unsure as he makes his way down to the ring. He enters the ring and hands the title to the referee who raises it above his head. He then signals for the bell to be rung. And this match is underway!

Red Fusion immediately takes the early advantage, putting Phoenix into a headlock. Red Fusion turns this into a DDT. He drags Phoenix to his feet and sends Phoenix across the ring. Phoenix comes off the ropes and Red Fusion lays down in the center of the ring. Phoenix trips over Red Fusion and goes crashing into the mat! Red Fusion follows up with a cover!!! 1... kickout by Phoenix.

Mav: What is going on???
Joshman: Maybe Red Fusion has truly risen to the pinnacle of the LWF!!!
Mav: I don't think that's it

Fusion pulls Phoenix up but is met with a hard cross-chop from the Imperial Champion. Fusion answers with a chop of his own. Phoenix hits another chop on Red Fusion and Fusion is sent crashing to the mat. He gets to his feet and Phoenix answers with a drop kick. Red Fusion is back up and ducks a clothesline from Phoenix and hits a neckbreaker. Fusion covers again...1...kickout by Phoenix!

Phoenix gets to his feet quickly and sends Red Fusion across the ring into the ropes. Red Fusion comes off the ropes and is met by a spinebuster from Phoenix! Pheonix takes Red Fusion's legs and turns him over into Dust to Dust!!!!! Fusion pushes himself up and while he looks in pain, he seems to fairly easily get himself to the ropes and Phoenix immediately breaks the hold.

Mav: You see, one minute Phoenix looks unstoppable, and one minute like a pushover. I told you Joshman, something funny is going on here.

Emperor makes his way out the stage and slowly starts walking down the ramp.

Red Fusion gets up and charges at Phoenix and is met with a hiptoss from the champion. He gets up again and Phoenix attempts to whip him across the ring, but Fusion reverses and Phoenix comes off the ropes and Red Fusion lifts him into a spinebuster!!! Red Fusion turns him over into the Fuz-Mission!!! Fuz-Mission to Phoenix!!!

Joshman: You know, Mav, Phoenix doesn't seem to be trying to get to the ropes very hard.
Mav: You're right Joshman! Maybe he's... he's... no it can't be

Suddenly Emperor runs in and kicks Red Fusion in the chest!!! Deathbow! Deathbow to Fusion!!! The referee immediately calls for the bell.

Winner: Phoenix by Disqualification to retain the LWF Imperial Title

Joshman: What was that! Red Fusion was about to win the Imperial Title!!!
Mav: Well, it seems Emperor was keeping his own title chances alive. You know he views that title as his own. And if Fusion won the title, Emperor would not be fighting for it at Lockmania!!1
Joshman: Are you saying that Phoenix was trying to throw the match???
Mav: I... I dunno Joshman, it just couldn't be. No, there must be some other explanation.

Emperor slides out of the ring and grabs the Imperial title. He slides back into the ring as Phoenix gets to his feet, and Emperor smashes Phoenix in the face with the title!!! He then holds the title above his head.

Mav: I really don't know what's going on here. But I do know that there are still many questions to be answered before Lockmania!
Joshman: And we do know that at Lockmania, booking power will be on the line!
Mav: That's right, will it be the Regime that rules once moor, or will Angelic Vengeance show it the door?
Joshman: Heh, that rhymed.
Mav: Monday, it will be Arelas teaming up with Phoenix against Lock and Emperor. And after what happened tonight... who knows what will happen!
Joshman: Also, this Monday, Lone Wolf will put his Havok title on the line against Dr. K, Code Red and.. anyone else who wants a shot at it I guess.
Mav: Tune in Warzone to see all this, and no doubt so much more.
