Tourniquet blasts over the loud speakers, the pyros go off
and the crowd is on their feet.
Mav: Welcome one and all to Lockdown. In just 3 days, it will be time for
Lockmania III. And sitting beside me tonight is a man who in just 72 hours
could have complete control of the cards here in LWF for a long time to come,
Arelas: Good the be here Mav, I know Joshman hates these pre-PPV shows, with
all your ramifications mumbo-jumbo and all, and anyway, did you really want
Joshman giving the Lockmania rundown at the end of the show, no way. I booked
the card myself, I can help interpret it better than him.
Mav: We'll be starting today's matches as soon as they can squeeze Arelas's ego
from it.
Arelas: I just want you to be clear on one thing Mav. Anything that goes on
here tonight, is nothing more than a warmup. Sunday, anything can happen, and
nothing that goes on tonight will change that.
Mav: Yeah, sure
Arelas: What is that they're wheeling down here anyway?
Mav: I dunno, but it looks like we're going to find out.
Replays are shown of Xecutioner’s heinous assault on Triple M from Warzone. A
picture of Triple M is shown on the screen.
Matt Marauder
In the ring is a casket with several bunches of flowers around it, a stand with
a portrait of Triple M, and a priest stands in the ring.
Mav: We understand that this ceremony is being held in memory of Triple M, the
victim of a terrible assault just a few days ago, attacked by his own brother.
We have a casket in the ring in symbolic tribute, but folks this casket is
empty, no body was found in the wreckage last Monday night.
Arelas: How could you find anything in that mess?
The priest stands over the casket and gestures the sign of the cross, then is
handed a mike.
Mav: He can’t be here! Xecutioner is supposed to be in jail! He was taken away
in handcuffs by the police on Monday night, what in the hell is he doing here
Xecutioner walks down the ramp and climbs into the ring, and stares at the
priest. Xecutioner is right in the priest’s face, and the frightened holy man
goes to give the mike to Xecutioner, but Xecutioner grabs him by the throat and
lifts him into the Demanufacturer! Xecutioner kicks away the flowers around the
casket, then picks up the portrait of Triple M and smashes it over the casket.
He picks up the dropped mike.
Xecutioner: Metalhead Matt is dead! I killed him! You people should all be
coming down here and kissing my ass, because the man whom you hated, the man
whom you never respected and wanted nothing more than to be rid of, is gone
forever, DEAD, and I killed him! You know, I first joined this federation
nearly three years ago, and while I have been here, I have done it all. I am a
former LWF Champion. I have held every title that this company had to offer.
I’ve had legendary feuds with the greatest talent this business has to offer,
but there is one thing I’ve never done, and that is gotten my hand raised in
victory at Lockmania. Well this Sunday, I’ll have my arm raised in victory,
because Metalhead Matt Marauder is dead, he’s gone forever, and on Sunday I’m
going to march down to this ring, and I will be announced the winner of my
match at Lockmania, by forfeit.
The lights suddenly go out in the arena. The crowd roars, and blood red letters
appear on the titantron, reading "That not dead which eternal lie…"
The lights come back on a few moments later, and Xecutioner is lying in the
center of the ring, busted open and badly bleeding. The casket is open and
Mav: What in the hell just happened here?
Arelas: My guess would be that MMM, unfortunately, really isn't dead, and
therefore will be appearing at Lockmania to go through with the match
Mav: Not one to suspend disbelief are you?
Arelas: Nah, doesn't make for good business
Mav: Well, it seems we finally have the ring clear and we can get started on
tonight's action.
Firestar, and Psiko versus Fear, Nomad, and Synn
Faint hits to huge heat and Fear comes out to the stage followed by Nomad and
Synn. The three slowly and confidently make their way down to the ring. The
three enter the ring and wait for their opponents. Renegades of Funk hits to a
huge pop and Alan and Firestar come on stage. They go about halfway down the
ramp and stare into the ring, waiting for their partner. Nothin But A Good Time
hits to a tremendous pop and Psiko, the #1 contender for the LWF title meets
Alan and Firestar. The three slide into the ring and the heel team bails out.
Lunacy in Motion climb the turnbuckles and salute the crowd. They come down and
Fear, Nomad, and Synn all enter the ring. Each team huddles up and decides who
will begin this match.
Arelas: This will be a good warmup for all. Especially for Psiko who needs to
be on top of his game if he's going to wrest the title from CoolJ this Sunday.
Mav: This is also a preview of Sunday's tag title matchup
Arelas: With a few extra particiapnts
Mav: Well yes
Alan and Synn will begin this matchup. The two circle each other and the bell
rings, beginning this matchup. They lock up, and Synn takes control with a
headlock. Alan quickly pushes Synn off and into the ropes, and Synn comes off
and hits a dropkick into the knees of Alan. She then grabs Alan's head and hits
Lick the Pavement. Alan grabs his face and is in serious pain. Synn makes her
way to her corner and tags in Nomad.
Nomad enters the ring and bounces himself off the ropes and hits a baseball
slide on the prone Alan. He covers..1...2.. Alan gets the shoulder up. Nomad
keeps up the pressure, locking in the Leash on Alan! Alan is really in pain.
Psiko runs in though and breaks up the lock. Nomad gets up and takes a swing at
Psiko and is met by Psikotik!!! Psikotik to Nomad!!! Both men start crawling to
their corners. Nomad makes the tag to Fear and Alan tags in Psiko.
They both charge into the ring and Psiko hits Fear with a clothesline. Fear
gets right back up and Psiko begins to hit cross chops on Fear backing him into
the corner. Psiko whips Fear towards the opposite corner and Fear jumps up on
the turnbuckle and nails the Fainting!!! Cover...1...2... kickout by Psiko!
Fear climbs the turnbuckle to look for the Meteor Press but Psiko pops up and
gets to the second rope and hits Poetic Justice on Fear!!! Cover...1...2...
Nomad pulls the ref out of the ring!!!
As the ref is pulled out, Alan enters the ring along with Nomad. Alan catches
Nomad with a Panda Buster and then signals for Psiko to climb the turnbuckle.
Alan lifts up Nomad and whips him across the ring. He comes off and Alan hits a
spinebuster and Psiko hits Bombs Away, for Lightning Crashes!!! Synn is in the
ring now and sneaks up behind Alan and hits the Ruiner!!! Psiko catches Synn
and signals to Firestar who sets up on the opposite side of the ring. Psiko
whips Synn across the ring and Firestar catches her on hits Shadow Flare on
Synn!!! Nomad is up and locks the Leash onto Firestar!!! but Psiko is there and
lifts him into Psikotik!!! Fear is behind Psiki now and hits the Numbing! The
referee is back in. Fear covers Psiko! 1...2...3!!!
Winners: Fear, Nomad,
and Synn via
Mav: Obviously this is not how Psiko wants to go into Lockmania, Arelas
Arelas: No, Mav, usually you want to go into such an important match on a
winning streak, and Psiko has had a very difficult time putting together a
string of good matches since Massive Melee.
Mav: Do you think Psiko has any chance on Sunday?
Arelas: Oh absolutely, it only takes one chance to take home the LWF title.
Like I said before though, Psiko will absolutely need to be at the top of his
game if he's going to take home the title.
Code Red
versus Dr. K
Special Guest Referee - Red Fusion
Evolution hits to heel heat and Red Fusion emerges from backstage wearing a
referee outfit. He climbs into the ring and grabs a mic.
Red Fusion: Code Red, I hope you enjoy this, your last match ever on Lockdown.
With that in mind, I promise to call this match right down the middle.
Piggy Pie hits to heel heat and Dr. K walks down the ramp and steps through the
ropes into the ring. Red Fusion walks up to him and shakes his hand and seems
to whisper something into his ear. This Time's for Real hits to a pop and Code
Red comes charging into the ring and is trying to go after Dr. K, but Red
Fusion holds him back. He warns Code Red and then turns his back as Dr. K hits
Code Red with a cheap shot. Dr. K begins to choke out Code Red as Red Fusion
sticks his head through the rope and signals the timekeeper to ring the bell
and start the match.
Mav: Now, Arelas, how it your right mind could you sign a match like this?
Arelas: What do you mean.
Mav: Well, I mean, its fairly suicidal towards Code Red. Not only does he have
to deal with Dr. K, but the referee for this match will be looking to end his
career this Sunday.
Arelas: Hey, it was Code Red's open challenge. I can't control what happens
with it.
Mav: Of course you can. That's why you're the commisioner.
Arelas: No, you've got it all wrong Mav.
As Red Fusion turns around, Dr. K is still choking Code Red. Red Fusion
casually walks towards the two who are on the opposite side of the ring and begins
a slow five count. Dr. K releases the hold just before Red Fusion gets to 5 and
Code Red slumps to the mat, seemingly out cold. Red Fusion quickly lifts up
Code Red's arm, and releases it and it falls to the mat. He repeats this very
quickly, and again the arm falls to the mat. He lifts it again immediately, and
Code Red regains control!!! Red Fusion is shocked as Code Red gets to his feet.
Dr. K begins to chop away at Code Red, and eventually backs him into the
corner. He whips Code Red across the ring and Code Red leaps onto the top
turnbuckle. He leaps off and hits Dr. K with Five Alarm Fire!!! Code Red
covers, and Red Fusion delivers an excruciatingly slow
count...1.........2....... Dr. K gets a shoulder up!
Mav: I think Code Red should have had it there.
Arelas: This kind of refereeing will not be stood for when Angelic Justice
rules here.
Mav: You can still go do something about it Arelas
Arelas: Really, Mav, its the principle of the thing.
Code Red gets up and gets in the face of Red Fusion who shoves him back so Code
Red applies the ankle lock to Red Fusion. Red Fusion is tapping like crazy!!!!
Eventually Dr. K gets to his feet and pulls Code Red into the Medication!!! Dr.
K covers. Red Fusion with the quick count...1.2.3!!!
Winner: Dr. K by
Red Fusion raises Dr. K's hand in victory and Code Red starts to stir. Red
Fusion stalks him and as Code Red gets to his feet he is lifted into the Train
Wreck! Train Wreck to Code Red!!! Red Fusion stands over Code Red and raises
his fist in the air, then he laughs and takes off up the ramp
Mav: It seems Red Fusion has brought himself one step closer to completing his
goal of ending Code Red's career here tonight.
Arelas: Like I said before, Mav, anything can happen on Sunday. Red Fusion may
have sent a message to Code Red, but payback is a bitch.
LWF Title
CoolJ versus Lone Wolf
Bark at the Moon hits to a mixed reaction and Lone Wolf makes his way ou to the
stage. He makes his way into the ring and salutes the crowd and waits for his opponent.
Mav: Now why did you say that tonight could have no ramifications. Answer me
this, Mr. Smarty Pants. What happens if Lone Wolf happens to win the title
tonight. You said yourself that anyone could win the title given a chance.
Well, it seems to me that Lone Wolf has a chance right now.
Arelas: I really wouldn't worry about it Mav. This is not bound to end well.
Mav: What are you talking about.
Master of Puppets hits to huge heat and Dr. K, Emperor, and Lock run out from
backstage and down the ramp. Dr. K and Emperor slide into the ring and begin to
beat on Lone Wolf. Lock stands outside the ring and looks towards Arelas.
Mav: Shouldn't you be helping out Lone Wolf in there?
Arelas: Me and Lock signed an agreement that there would be no more warmups
after Warzone, remember. And anyway, I must protect the sanctity of the
announcer's table. I promise you, no one's gonna come over here and break this
Mav: Well, its good to know I'm safe
Arelas: Hmm?? No I said I was protecting the table Mav, don't you listen?
Rise hits to a huge Pop and Phoenix slides into the ring. Emperor charges at
him but Phoenix is able to backdrop him over the top rope to the outside. More
people are now rushing down the ramp, including the members of Lunacy In Motion,
Fear, and Synn. They trade blows in the ring. Bodies are beginning to fly out
of the ring. Phoenix spins Fear around into Rise and Fall. Emperor grabs a hold
of Phoenix's leg and pulls him to the outside. Firestar and Synn take each
other out as do CoolJ delivers a shader to Dr. K and he falls over the top
rope. Meanwhile, Psiko hits Psikotik on Nomad and kicks him to the outside.
Only Psiko and CoolJ remain in the ring. They both back up and eventually bump
into each other. The crowd goes nuts as neither person wants to make the first
move. They both end up turning around at the same time. And they trade right
hands with each other. The crowd is really loving it. Eventually Psiko is able
to back CoolJ into the ropes. He whips CoolJ across the ring and CoolJ grabs a
hold of the ropes on the other side and pulls himself out of the ring. He
begins to back up the ramp and points at Psiko. Psiko motions back that he will
win the belt this Sunday. He then climbs a turnbuckle and raises a fist to the
Winner: No Contest
Mav: Psiko may have been defeated, but he has made a statement to CoolJ to end
his road to Lockmania.
Arelas: So are you excited Mav?
Mav: You bet, the waiting is almost over. All that's left is the show itself.
Let's preview what's coming on Sunday.
Arelas: It will be the first ever Door match in the LWF as the brothers
Marauder, Xecutioner and MMM battle it out.
Mav: One wrestler's career will be ended this Sunday. They were once former LWF
tag team champions, now they fight to avoid their pink slip. Will it be Red
Fusion or Code Red who sticks around?
Arelas: Who knows who will show up this Sunday for the Havok Open. Not even I,
the commisioner can tell. I can tell you this though, Lone Wolf, Doctor K, and
Nomad have all pledged their attendance in what is sure to be a bloody affair.
Mav: The LWF Tag Titles will be on the line in a Highwire Match straight from
the mind of former champion Alan Fernandez. Him and and Firestar will defend
their belts against Fear and Synn.
Arelas: A feud for the ages comes to head this Sunday when Phoenix and Emperor
see who can survive in a last man standing match. The winner will walk out of
the arena with the Imperial title and a shot at the LWF Title at Maul. The
loser is left to think about what's to come.
Mav: The very landscape of the LWF will shift this Sunday. The tenuous
co-existence between Arelas and Lock will end this Sunday. One man will control
the on-air direction of the company. The other will spend the next 6 months
trying to do what the other cannot, win the LWF title.
Arelas: Diablo has made it his quest over his past month to get the
Cross-Hemisphere title. Iceman has been obsessed with getting his hands on
Ooley. Ooley, well he hasn't been around much. It will certainly be explosive
when these three competitors finally get there hands on each other this Sunday.
Mav: And finally, these two have been at nothing less than war for the past
couple months. Everything has been thrown out the window, and I don't think
they can really wait any longer. Only one man can walk out of Lockmania with
the LWF title. Psiko earned his shot at Massive Melee. CoolJ earned his by
winning the belt.
Arelas: Can Psiko finally add the LWF title to an impressive veteran resume? Or
will CoolJ improve on his already stellar resume by walking out of Lockmania
with the LWF title?
Mav: The only way to find out will be to tune in on Sunday. For Lockmania III.