Tourniquet plays over the loud speakers loudly and this brings the crowd to their feet as it does every week to begin LWF: Lockdown. The pyros shoot off aorund the ring and then head up to the ramp where they crescendo in a trio of explosions at the titantron.

Mav: Welcome one and all to another edition of LWF: Lockdown. I'm Mister Mav, and as always I am joined by the one, the only.
Joshman: Joshman!!! That's me!
Mav: Yes, how perceptive of you, you know your own name.
Joshman: You better believe it. Care to ask me another one, Trebek?
Mav: Proud day for you and your family.
Joshman: We'll play your game again someday you rogue.
Mav: Ugh, let's just get to the action

Fear versus Lone Wolf

Bark at the Moon hits to a loud pop, and Lone Wolf walks down the ramp and pauses halfway, lifting his arm as pyros go off around the arena. He makes his way to ringside and rolls into the ring, going to a turnbuckle and standing with his arms raised to the crowd. Faint hits to strong heat, and Fear comes out from backstage and makes his way to the ring, sliding in as the bell rings to start the match.

Mav: This match actually came about because of an open challenge given by Lone Wolf and answered by Fear
Joshman: Yes, Fear seems intent on ending Lone Wolf's good run so far this year
Mav: If you remember, not too long ago, Fear had quite the streak of his own.
Joshman: True, he was Cross-Hemisphere champ for 6 months. He hasn't done too badly so far this year either.

Fear charges and delivers multiple blows to Lone Wolf, forcing him into the ropes. Fear whips Lone Wolf across the ring, then charges and spears him to the mat. Fear hits several mounted punches, then climbs the turnbuckle. Lone Wolf gets up and Fear goes for a missile dropkick, but Lone Wolf sidesteps it. Fear scurries up into a hard scoop slam from Lone Wolf. Lone Wolf whips Fear across the ring, then floors him with a super kick. Fear tries to get up, and Lone Wolf hits springboard diving facecrusher. Lone Wolf covers, one, two, Fear gets the shoulder up!

Lone Wolf whips Fear across the ring and goes for a backdrop, but Fear counters with a facebuster. Fear pulls Lone Wolf up and shoves him into the corner, stomping away on the challenger. Fear goes to whip him to the opposite corner, but Lone Wolf reverses it, then follows Fear, but Fear reaches the other corner and hits the Fainting! Fear goes right into the cover, one, two, Lone Wolf shoves Fear off. Fear rolls to his feet, but Lone Wolf is back up and hits several right hands on Fear, backing him into the corner, and Lone Wolf stomps him down. Lone Wolf pulls him out and into a dragon sleeper, but Fear elbows out of it, then kicks him in the chest and hits a DDT. Fear covers, one, two, Lone Wolf kicks out.

Fear starts to pull Lone Wolf up, but Lone Wolf grabs him by the arm and whips him off the ropes into the Wolf Charge Lone Wolf kicks him in the chest as he is trying to get up and sets up a powerbomb, and holds it for a pin, one, two, Fear breaks out of it. Lone Wolf pulls Fear up and sets him up for a second powerbomb, but Fear backdrops out of it. Lone Wolf tries to get right up, but Fear grabs him and hits the Numbing! Fear grimaces, but shrugs of the pain and heads for the top rope, leaping and hitting the Meteor Press! Fear covers and hooks the leg, one, two, three!

Winner: Fear via Pinfall

Mav: Fear is victorious here tonight, but certainly not becasue of any lack of effort from Lone Wolf
Joshman: Absolutely, he's proving himself to be quite the up and comer here in the LWF. Ya know Mav. Once they considered me to be quite the up and comer.
Mav: Really? I think maybe they meant they were just waiting for your brain to come out of hiding.
Joshman: Yeah, you're probably right.

Iceman versus Psiko

Battle Without Honor or Humanity hits as the white stage pyro blows, and Iceman appears on the stage. He walks down the ramp and steps through the ropes into the ring. No More Mister Nice Guy hits to massive heat, and Psiko walks out to the stage, the LWF Title around his waist. He makes his way down the ramp and takes the title off, dropping it at ringside as he slides in.

Mav: This is sure to be a quite a fight. Psiko is still looking to prove himself after winning that LWF title. Meanwhile, an Iceman victory would earn him a spot in the King of the Hill match at Maul.
Joshman: You think if I beat Psiko, I could get into the King of the Hill match?
Mav: No

Psiko locks up with Iceman, and after a brief grapple Iceman shoves Psiko down to the mat. Psiko stares up at the larger man, looking surprised, and he gets up and they lock up again. Again the two briefly struggle, and Iceman violently shoves him down again, and Psiko rolls completely out of the ring to regroup himself.

Psiko slowly climbs the steps and comes through the ropes into the ring, eyeing Iceman warily. Iceman and Psiko start circling the ring, measuring each other. They lock up for the third time, and this time Psiko is able to get Iceman into a hammerlock. Iceman reverses it into a suplex, but Psiko floats out of it. Psiko goes for a running bulldog, but Iceman shoves Psiko away. Psiko bounces off the ropes and goes for a spinning heel kick, but Iceman ducks under it. Iceman goes for a suplex, and Psiko again floats out. Psiko swings for a clothesline, but Iceman ducks it, then wraps up Psiko in a waistlock and hits a German Suplex. Iceman stands for a moment and nods his head slowly, and Psiko gets back to his feet. Psiko whips Iceman across the ring, but Iceman comes back with a leaping clothesline!

Iceman covers, one, two, Psiko kicks out! Psiko gets up, but Iceman scoop slams him to the mat. Iceman hops onto the top rope, then leaps off for the View From the North Pole, but Psiko rolls out of the way!

Mav: And Iceman misses with that high-risk maneuver
Joshman: Ya... *cough**cough*
Mav: And Joshman misses with his high-risk maneuver... opening his mouth

Psiko pops to his feet and to the top rope, and hits a frog splash, then hooks the leg, but Iceman kicks out at one and a half. Psiko pulls Iceman up, then sets up and hits the reverse tornado DDT, then covers, one, two, Iceman kicks out! Psiko picks up Iceman's legs and goes for a reverse figure four, but Iceman kicks him away. Iceman gets to his feet, but Psiko kicks him in the chest and sets up the Psikotik! Psiko starts the move, but Iceman counters with a belly to belly suplex! Iceman takes a moment to catch his breath. Psiko staggers up and Ice scoops him for the Icy Depths, but Psiko floats out and rolls Iceman up, using the ropes for leverage, one, two, Iceman aggressively kicks out, and he shoves Psiko right into the referee, knocking him down!

Psiko rolls out of the ring, picking up the dropped LWF Title, as meanwhile Iceman rolls out on the other side of the ring and pulls the timekeeper off his chair. Psiko comes charging around the ring and sprints and leaps at Iceman, swinging the LWF Title, but Iceman spins around and swings the timekeeper's steel chair, smashing it into the LWF Title and the title belt into Psiko's face! The crowd can't believe it, and Psiko is busted open at the feet of Iceman. Iceman drags him up and rolls him into the ring, then goes to the top rope and leaps for the View From the North Pole! Iceman covers Psiko and hooks the leg as the referee comes to, one, two, three!

Winner: Iceman by Pinfall

Mav: Well, I can't approve of his methods, but its official, Iceman has earned the 4th slot in the LWF Title match.
Joshman: Hey, it was Psiko himself who said that all that matters is winning, and at any cost. Sometimes to defeat an enemy you need to get into his mind.
Mav: I hope no one ever tries to defeat you that way, they'd get lost inside that thing you call a brain.
Joshman: Thank you

CoolJ versus Matt Marauder

Fallen Angel hits to strong heat, and Triple M appears on the titantron and descends to the stage. He slowly walks down the ramp and climbs into the ring, staring at the stage. The Fight Song hits to a strong pop, and CoolJ struts out to the stage, walking proudly, however his ribs are taped and a mark can be seen on his neck where Triple M choked him with his I-V on Warzone.

Mav: I can't believe CoolJ is out here fighting tonight after that beating he took on Warzone. Those ribs have got to be sore
Joshman: If you asked my expert opinion, which you should have, I'd say MMM has the clear advantage.

CoolJ gets into the ring, and Triple M throws the first punches. They brawl in the center of the ring until Triple M catches CoolJ with a knee to the chest, and CoolJ cries out in pain in response to the shot to his ribs. Triple M grabs CoolJ by the head and shoves him into the corner, then drives his shoulder repeatedly into CoolJ’s chest. Triple M takes a few steps back and charges, but CoolJ backdrops him, and Triple M grabs the top turnbuckle and twists to land on the apron. He climbs to the top rope as CoolJ staggers away, and Triple M leaps and bulldogs him down. CoolJ tries to get back to his feet, but Triple M hits a headlock side-takeover, and goes to one knee with CoolJ in the headlock. CoolJ tries to stand and forces Triple M to his feet, then elbows him repeatedly in the gut to break the hold. CoolJ bounces off the ropes and charges, but Triple M catches him in a quick powerslam and hooks the leg, one, two, CoolJ kicks out.

Triple M pulls CoolJ up and whips him into the ropes, but CoolJ hooks the ropes with his arms and stays put. Triple M charges at him, but CoolJ ducks and backdrops Triple M over the ropes, sending him spilling to ringside. CoolJ rolls out and charges at Triple M, but Triple M scoops him for a body slam, but adjusts CoolJ onto his shoulder, pointing at the announce table, but CoolJ floats off the back and grabs Triple M by the arm, whipping him into the steel steps. CoolJ rolls Triple M into the ring, then slides in and covers, one, two, Triple M gets the shoulder up. CoolJ gets right to his feet and pulls Triple M up into a snap suplex, then pulls him up again and starts to prepare for a vertical suplex, but Triple M knees him in the chest. Triple M whips CoolJ off the ropes and sets up a backdrop, but CoolJ sees it and counters with a face buster. Triple M staggers, and CoolJ lifts him for a vertical suplex, but Triple M floats off, then clips CoolJ’s knee out from under him. Triple M chokes CoolJ and holds him down with one hand as he starts ripping the bandages off his chest with the other. Triple M unwraps some of the bandages and tears it off, then wraps it around CoolJ’s neck and starts choking him with it. Triple M laughs as CoolJ waves his arms, and the referee pulls Triple M off. Triple M stares at the referee, and the ref threatens to disqualify him as he gets rid of the ripped off bandage. Triple M tells the ref to stay out of his way, then goes to pull CoolJ back off the mat, but CoolJ grabs him and hits the Shader.

Mav: Shader!!! Shader to MMM!!!
Joshman: It doesn't look like CoolJ can take advantage though.
Mav: Both men are out!

The referee starts the ten count, and at eight CoolJ starts to stir, rubbing his neck. He turns and sees Triple M using the ropes to pull himself up and charges, and Triple M steps forward and lifts CoolJ into the air, dropping him neck first onto the ropes! CoolJ staggers back into the ring, holding his throat, and Triple M lifts him into the Reverse Death Valley Driver! Triple M goes to the corner, to the top rope, leaps, and he hits the Fallen Angel Splash! Triple M covers, one, two, three!

Winner: Matt Marauder via Pinfall

The crowd jeers loudly as Triple M stands over CoolJ after having picked him apart like a vulture. He gets himself a mic and stands over CoolJ.

Mav: Oh now what?
Joshman: A victory speech!
Mav: Oh please, after that... I don't know what I'd call it, there's absolutely no need to say anything.


Joshman: What's that!!!
Mav: Its Xecutioner!!!!

Where Evil Dwells hits, and Triple M stares at the stage in shock as Xecutioner runs out and charges down the ramp. Xecutioner slides into the ring as Triple M bails, and Xecutioner pursues him over the barricade and through the crowd. Psiko comes running down the ramp and slides into the ring as CoolJ slowly starts to stir, and Psiko waves at CoolJ to get up, holding the LWF Title menacingly. He shouts at CoolJ and again waves for him to get up, but Rise hits to a explosive pop, and Phoenix rises from the flames to the stage! Psiko stares at the stage, and Phoenix starts to come down the ramp, then slowly backs away. Psiko nods his head at him and points at him to go backstage, but as Psiko turns around CoolJ is waiting and hits the Shader! Shader to Psiko! CoolJ picks up the LWF Title and stands over Psiko, holding it high!

Mav: CoolJ may have been defeated, battered, and bruised in the ring, but he's come out on top tonight.
Joshman: He won't have Phoenix's help come Maul when he's fighting for that title though.
Mav: True, in fact him and Phoenix might be on separate teams come that time.

Arelas versus Red Fusion

Evolution hits to a mixed reaction and Red Fusion makes his way down to the ring. Angel of Death hits o a huge pop and Arelas makes his way to the ring with the Sword of Justice in hand.

Mav: Arelas has had a challenge out for a while, and Red Fusion was the first one to answer it.
Joshman: Just think of what a victory over Arelas would do for Red Fusion. Arelas has promised lots of respect if Joshman proves himself here tonight.
Mav: That he has, and Arelas is a man of his word.

The bell rings and the two competitors lock up in the center of the ring. Red Fusion gains control early with a kick to the midsection of Arelas. He gets behind Arelas and hits a quick suplex. Arelas is on his feet quickly and Red Fusion hits some cross chops on the commisioner backing him into a corner. Red Fusion hits Arelas with a few kicks and then uses his boot to choke Arelas. The referee comes over and delivers a 5 count, and Red Fusion uses every last second. Fusion whips Arelas across the ring to the opposite corner, and Arelas hits chest first and bounces off and Red Fusion meets him with a neckbreaker. A cover from Red Fusion...1...2... could have an upset! No... Arelas gets the shoulder up.

The crowd is chanting "You're a cherry!!! *clap**clap**clap clap clap*"
Joshman: I'd have to say that so far Red Fusion's performance qualifies as impressive so far.
Mav: I'd have to agree with you.

Fusion drags Arelas to his feet and hits a couple of cross chops before sending Arelas across the ring and off the ropes. Arelas comes off with a flying forearm, knocking Red Fusion to the mat. Fusion gets to his feet and charges at Arelas who hits a huge hiptoss! Arelas locks in an armbar on Red Fusion who looks to be in a bit of pain. Red Fusion manages to get a couple elbows and gain some separation from the commisioner, but Arelas steps behind Red Fusion and hits a german suplex. He holds on and hits a second. He goes for a third but Red Fusion reverses the waistlock and hits one of his own. Both men are down.

Suddenly, Lone Wolf comes charging down the ramp with a chair in hand. He waits at ringside and seems to be talking with Red Fusion about something. Then Diablo comes charging down the ramp and attacks Lone Wolf!!! Diablo whips Lone Wolf right into the steel steps!!!! Lone wolf gets to his feet and Diablo clotheslines him over the barricade!!!

Meanwhile, in the ring, both men get to their feet as the referee gets to 8. They trade right and left hands, and Arelas gains control and backs Red Fusion into the ropes. He whips Red Fusion, but Fusion reverses and whips Arelas. Arelas hits the ropes as Red Fusion is charging for the Derailer and Arelas grabs hold and sends Red Fusion flying out of the ring! Fusion managed to hold the bottom rope and pull himself back up and in. Arelas swings for a clothesline but Fusion ducks it and lifts Arelas for the Pain Train but Arelas floats out and hits the Eternal Slam!!!! Cover!!! 1...2...3!!!

Winner: Arelas by Pinfall

Mav: A valiant and hard fought effort from Red Fusion
Joshman: Aww man, he was so close too.

Arelas stands up and gets his sword and stands in the middle of the ring and salutes the crowd. Red Fusion gets to his feet slowly, and looks fairly dejectedly and starts to leave the ring. Arelas calls for him not to leave and Red Fusion makes his way back to the center of the ring. Arelas extends his hand, and Red Fusion looks at it for a sec then accepts it. Arelas raises the sword in the air and white pyro shoots off the ringposts drawing out a cheer from the crowd..

Mav: Seems Fusion has earned some respect tonight after all.

Red Fusion leaves the ring and Arelas grabs a mic.

I promised a lot of announcements tonight. So here they are. First off, concerning the defense of the Technical Title tonight that was promised... well... no one can find Nomad, he must be off wandering somewhere, so we really can't have a defense.

Second, next Thursday on Lockdown, we will have an over the top rope battle royal. The last two men left standing will team up at Maul to face our resident Tag Team Champions!!!! I've already taken the liberty to enroll 6 tag teams worth of participants and anyone else is welcome. There will be!!! The Regime members of Lock and Dr. K!!! Fire and Ice!!!! Lone Wolf and Red Fusion!!! The Angelic Devils!!!! Fear and Synn!!!! And because I'm the commisioner and I feel like amusing myself sometimes... MMM and Xecutioner!!!

And in preparation for this, this Monday I've taken the liberty to book Lone Wolf and Red Fusion versus Lock and Dr. K and The Angelic Devils against Fire and Ice.

Finally, and this is what I know you've all been waiting for. At Maul, as you all know, the LWF title will be defended in a King of the Hill match. Four of the participants are already locked down... Psiko, our reigning LWF Chumpion... CoolJ... Emperor who earned his shot at Lockmania... and Iceman, who just "earned" his place here tonight. So, we have 2 remaining slots. How are we going to fill those? Well, I'll tell you Our main event tonight is a 6-man tag match. I will choose 2 members from the winning team to enter into the King of the Hill Match. Then our main event at Maul will be set!

That's all for now, but I will be back to announce the advancing members of the winning team! One more thing though... you know all of that has been signed... sealed... and slashed!

Mav: Wow, that certainly was a lot of information
Joshman: My head hurts.
Mav: Let's break it down for you. Tonight, the winning team in the main event will have 2 of its members go on to the King of the Hill match at Maul
Joshman: Check
Mav: Next Thursday, there will be a battle royal and the last two people standing have a shot at Maul at the tag titles.
Joshman: Check
Mav: And this Monday on Warzone, Lone Wolf and Red Fusion will take on Dr. K and Lock, and the Angelic Devils will battle Fire and Ice
Joshman: Check
Mav: What are you checking anyway???
Joshman: I dunno

Alan Fernandez, Phoenix, and Ruff Rabbi versus the Regime

Mav: Strangely enough, this match started to come about when Emperor made an open challenge for the Imperial Title.
Joshman: Well, as far as I know that title is not on the line in this match!
Mav: Thank you, Interrupter Jones...
Joshman: I think you've been hanging around with Arelas a little too much

Master of Puppets hits to strong heat, and Lock, Doctor K, and Emperor come out from backstage and make their way down the ramp to the ring. Forest hits to a loud pop, and Ruff Rabbi comes out from backstage and pauses on the ramp. Vow hits a mighty pop, and Alan Fernandez walks out to the stage, wearing his half of the Tag Team Championship. He talks to Ruff Rabbi as Rise hits to a strong pop, and Phoenix rises from the flames to the stage. They head to ringside, and Ruff Rabbi will start this match against Doctor K.

Mav: Anyway, no, the Imperial title is not on the line here, but as we just heard, 2 of the members of the winning team will get a shot at the LWF title.
Joshman: Wow, that's even better than the Imperial title
Mav: Very good.

Doctor K charges and goes for a clothesline, but Rabbi ducks and executes a german suplex. Ruff Rabbi pulls Dr. K up to his feet and whips him across the ring, then goes for a hip toss, but Doctor K blocks it and goes for a hip toss of his own into a neckbreaker. Dr. K stomps on Ruff Rabbi and then turns and knocks Alan Fernandez off the apron with a right hand. Ruff Rabbi staggers to his feet and Dr. K swings for a clothesline, but Ruff Rabbi sidesteps it, then grabs Dr. K and hits a Russian leg sweep. He rolls over and covers Dr. K, one, two, kick out by Dr. K. Ruff Rabbi gets to his feet first and pulls Dr. K up into a capture suplex. Ruff Rabbi lifts Dr. K overhead again into the torture rack, but Dr. K floats off, then kicks Ruff Rabbi in the chest and hits a DDT, then pulls him to the Regime corner and makes a tag to Emperor.

Dr. K holds Ruff Rabbi as Emperor kicks him in the gut, then Dr. K heads out to the apron as Emperor lifts Ruff Rabbi into a scoop slam. Emperor bounces off the ropes and goes for a big boot, but Rabbi sidesteps it and hits a suplex. Emperor tries to get right up, but Rabbi kicks him in the chest and hits a DDT. Rabbi floats into the cover, one, two, Emperor kicks out. Rabbi goes to pull Emperor up, but Emperor kidney punches them, then hits an underhook suplex. Emperor turns Rabbi over into Hell's Grasp! Rabbi is in Hell's Grasp! He stretches, and he reaches the ropes! The referee forces Emperor to break the hold, and Emperor argues with him, giving Rabbi time to get up. Emperor swings for a clothesline, but Rabbi ducks and hits a neckbreaker. Rabbi pulls Emperor into a capture suplex, then covers, one, two, Emperor kicks out! Rabbi stomps on Emperor, then climbs to the top rope. He leaps for the Fate of Gamorah, but Emperor rolls out of the way and Ruff Rabbi crashes into the mat! He staggers up and Emperor goes to kick him, but Rabbi catches the leg and shoves it away, then clotheslines Emperor down, and dives to his corner and makes a tag to Alan Fernandez.

Mav: And Rabbi makes the tag!!!! Alan is a house of fire!!!!
Joshman: How could anyone live in a house of fire??? Sounds like it would get awfully hot.

Alan comes in and ducks a clothesline from Emperor, then kicks him in the chest and goes for a powerbomb, but Emperor stands and backdrops out of the hold. Emperor lays the boots to Alan, stomping him into the mat. He steps over Alan, heading for his corner, but Alan reaches up and school boys him, one, two, Emperor kicks out. Both men pop up, and Alan knocks down the Imperial Champion with a clothesline. Emperor pops back up and Alan goes for another clothesline, but Emperor ducks and counters with a Russian leg sweep. Emperor pulls Alan up into a German suplex, and Emperor has taken control of this matchup. He shoves Alan into the corner and stomps him down, then makes the tag to Lock.

Lock steps into the ring and picks up the stomping where Emperor left off, then pulls Alan out of the corner and into a DDT. Lock covers, one, two, Alan kicks out. Lock kicks Alan again, then pulls him up and whips him off the ropes, but Alan comes back with a flying forearm, knocking down Lock. Lock pops up and Alan goes for a clothesline, but Lock sidesteps it and counters with a full nelson slam. Lock stands behind Alan and waits patiently, and Alan slowly starts to get up, but Lock grabs him and pulls him into the
Lockmission! Lockmission to Alan!

Joshman: That's the Lockmission, I tell you Mav, its all over here!

Alan flails his arms, but the ropes are too far away! Lock tightens his grip, and Alan starts to fade. Phoenix starts clapping his hands as he stands on the apron, and the crowd begins to clap along with him as Ruff Rabbi is leaning over and trying to reach Alan for a tag. The referee lifts Alan' arm, and it drops. He lifts the arm a second time, and again it drops. The referee lifts the arm a third and final time, but it stays up!

Mav: Don't count on it Joshman, it looks like Alan still has some fight left!!!

Lock can't believe it, and Alan shifts his body and breaks out of the hold with the top spin facebuster, and both men are down! The referee starts the ten count, and at six Alan starts to crawl towards his corner. Lock slowly staggers to his feet, and grabs Alan by the leg just before he can make the tag and drags him away. Alan gets himself onto the other leg and hits Lock with an Enziguri, then makes the tag to Phoenix!

Mav: He made the tag!!!
Joshman: NOOOO!!!

Lock dives to his corner and makes the tag to Emperor as Phoenix steps into the ring. They lock up, and Phoenix whips Emperor into the ropes. Phoenix buries the knee in Emperor's chest, knocking him down. Emperor tries to get right up and Phoenix swings for a clothesline, but Emperor ducks and hits a reverse neckbreaker. Emperor pulls Phoenix up and whips him off the ropes, then goes for a powerbomb, but Phoenix reverses it into a hurricarana! Phoenix goes to the top rope, signals, then leaps for Ashes to Ashes, and he hits it! Phoenix covers Emperor, one, two, Emperor gets the shoulder up! Phoenix pulls Emperor up and into a vertical suplex, then grabs him by the legs and goes to turn him over into Dust to Dust, but Emperor kicks him away. Emperor rolls to his corner and Lock leans over for a tag as Phoenix tags out to Ruff Rabbi.

Lock and Ruff Rabbi grapple, and Rabbi pulls Lock into a headlock. Rabbi sets up a side Russian leg sweep, but Lock elbows him in the chest and hits a neckbreaker. Lock pulls Rabbi up and whips him off the ropes, going for a dropkick, but Rabbi holds the ropes and Lock falls to the mat. Lock hurries up, but Rabbi is upon him for a suplex. Ruff Rabbi gets back to his feet and signals, and as Lock gets up Ruff Rabbi lifts him into the Meshuganator! Ruff Rabbi covers Lock, one, two, Dr. K dives into the ring and breaks up the cover. Phoenix charges in after Dr. K, and Emperor and Alan join the fray as well, and Phoenix clotheslines Dr. K to the outside as Alan and Emperor spill through the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. Lock is still down and Ruff Rabbi is on the second rope, and Ruff Rabbi leaps and hits the Fate of Gamorah! Ruff Rabbi covers, one, two, three!

Winner: Ruff Rabbi, Phoenix, and Alan Fernandez via Pinfall

Joshman: So now the big question, who moves on to Maul

Angel of Death hits and Arelas is on stage with a mic in hand.

Mav: Looks like we're about to find out!!!

Arelas: Quite a main event tonight... some serious battling as everyone knew they could earn a shot at that LWF title. But alas, only 2 of you will be moving on. So folks let's give it up for Phoenix!!!!!! And Ruff Rabbi!!!!!

Phoenix and Ruff Rabbi each climb a turnbuckle and salute the crowd. Alan stands in the middle of the ring and stares straight ahead at Arelas.

Mav: You heard it here first folks, we now have the participants set for our main event at Maul. Psiko, CoolJ, Emperor, Iceman, Phoenix, and Ruff Rabbi.
Joshman: Wow, does Alan ever look pissed.
Mav: Well, he should, Joshman, he battled with his heart and soul here tonight and he misses out on his chance at the title just because the commisioner didn't pick him, even though he was in the ring for most of the match.
Joshman: No one ever picked me when we played dodgeball.
Mav: Excuse me while I shed a tear
Joshman: I don't think I will.
Mav: Anyway, Alan is not the type of person to let something like this go without a fight. Tune in next Monday for Warzone to catch all the fallout from tonight's events!
