The titantron comes to life as Tourniquet blasts over the loudspeakers. The crowd gets to their feet and hold up their signs. The pyros begin to go off around the ring, before a line of them heads straight up the ramp to the stage igniting in a huge flash.

Mister Mav: Welcome all to another edition of Lockdown. I am Mister Mav, and as always I am joined by Joshman.
Joshman: Hello all
Mister Mav: We are a little more than 2 weeks away from Maul, and as you know the card is already starting to take shape.
Joshman: That's right Mav, our main event is set.
Mav: That's right Joshman, we have our 6 competitors who will meet in the ring and try to stay there at Maul for the LWF Title. And tonight we'll have our second match set.
Joshman: Yeah, its about time someone did something about those Tag Titles
Mav: Anyway, 12 men will compete here tonight in a battle royal. Our final 2 competitors will face off against Alan and Firestar at Maul!
Joshman: Isn't it time that people start beating each other up?
Mav: Well put Joshman, let's get things underway

Psiko and Emperor versus CoolJ and Ruff Rabbi

Forest hits to a pop and the resurgent Ruff Rabbi appears on the stage. He slides into the ring and climbs a turnbuckle to salute the crowd. While saluting the Fight Song hits to a massive pop and CoolJ sprints down the ramp and into the ring. He shakes Ruff Rabbis hand and the two wait for their opponents. No More Mister Nice Guy hits to massive hear and Psiko and Emperor, both of the Regime, step out on stage. Psiko leads the pair slowly down the ramp. They get to the bottom of the ramp and Psiko lifts the LWF title above his head. CoolJ and Psiko both make a motion as if to say "Bring It"

Mav: All 4 of these competitors will be fighting for that title come Maul. But for tonight, it seems like they're putting that fact aside and are willing to work together.
Joshman: I don't know, how long can an alliance last when these people are all fighting for the same goal, and only one of them can reach it???
Mav: Wow, that was pretty deep

Psiko and Emperor split up and go around the ring, surrounding CoolJ and Emperor who are now standing back to back. Emperor slides in first and Ruff Rabbi separates and meets him as he enters. Psiko slides in a couple seconds after and CoolJ is there immediately kicking at the champ. Emperor takes control of Ruff Rabbi and sends him across the ring. Rabbi comes off the ropes and is lifted over the top to the outside.

Mav: If that happens to someone later ton...
Joshman: Hey! None of that!
Mav: ...sorry

Emperor now goes over behind CoolJ and turns him around and lifts him into a german suplex. Psiko exits the ring and gets to his corner to recover and finally the bell rings. Emperor bounces himself off the ropes and drops an elbow onto the fallen CoolJ. He stands up and immediately drops back down with another elbow. A quick cover..1...quick kickout from CoolJ. Emperor lifts CoolJ to his feet and sends him into the neutral corner. Emperor charges at CoolJ, but CoolJ gets an elbow up halting Emperor's rush. CoolJ goes to send Emperor across the ring, but Emperor reverses and sends CoolJ across. CoolJ ducks a clothesline attempt from Emperor however as he comes off the other side he is caught by a kick from Emperor who then connects with a DDT. Emperor tags in Psiko who climbs to the second rope and leaps off dropping a leg onto CoolJ. Psiko goes for a cover...1...2... CoolJ manages to get a shoulder up.

Psiko drags CoolJ up, but CoolJ connects with a right hand and then another. But Psiko hits an axe-handle on CoolJ knocking him back down to the mat. Psiko drags CoolJ to his feet and winds up and hits a huge cross chop on CoolJ.

Crowd: WOOOO!!!!

He winds up for another

Crowd: WOOOO!!!!!


Joshman: WOOO!!!!
Mav: You're really getting into this aren't you.

Psiko goes for another but CoolJ ducks it and hits a neckbreaker on the champion! And both men are down. Both Emperor and Ruff Rabbi have their arms outstretched willing their partners to make a tag. Psiko gets to his corner first and makes a tag to Emperor who enters the ring and catches CoolJ by the leg just before he gets to his corner. CoolJ hops up and down a couple of times and then hits an enziguri! He leaps and makes the tag to Ruff Rabbi!!!!

Mav: Oh boy, the Regime is in trouble now

Ruff rabbi enters the ring, and Emperor backs away. Rabbi grabs him and sends him into the corner. He stands on the lowest turnbuckle and waits a second before hitting punch after punch onto Emperor as the crowd counts along..1...2...3...4...5..6...7..8...9... Ruff Rabbi leaps off the turnbuckle and hits #10!!! Psiko comes charging into the ring and Rabbi lifts him into a backdrop. Emperor comes staggering out of the corner and Rabbi lifts him into the Meshuganator!!! He covers!! 1...2... Psiko is able to break up the count!!!
CoolJ comes into the ring and tosses Psiko over the top rope and then follows him out, the two begin to brawl in the ring. Meanwhile, Ruff Rabbi lifts Emperor for the torture rack, but he reverses it into a modified roll up!!!! 1...2...3!!!!

Winners: Emperor and Psiko by Pinfall

Mav: And the Regime is able to steal one here tonight.
Joshman: A hard earned victory to be sure.
Mav: Wait a minute, we have breakingword that Grey Coppi is about to deliver a live hard hitting interview. Let's go to him.


Grey Coppi is in the back with two superstars. They have their backs to the camera. They both turn around at the same time, revealing themselves to be Lone Wolf and Red Fusion.

Coppi: So Fusion, Wolf, how do you both feel about teaming up, after your bitter rivalries with each other, that also featured a brief stint with the Havok Title?

Fusion: Hey, that's the past. Sure, I beat him both times, look at him now! Of course, I have been in matches where he has won, but was I involved in the decision? Nope! But look at him now, the fans love him, and look at his record since the Melee! He has won 17 matches this year. Sure, everyone has their fair share of losses, but he has proved us all wrong with his wins this year.

Wolf: Yeah, 2003, my debut year, wasn't so hot. But in 2004 I turned it right the hell around. There is a New Blood rising in LWF, and trust me, when you hear the bells of the Pain Train, you will know damn well that the bite, isn't far behind.

The two scurry off slapping each other a high five as they head to the ring for the battle royal.

A commercial is shown for LWF: Maul. The theme for Maul is "The Noose" by A Perfect Circle.

Joshman: Man I think I'd have liked that interview more if Grey Coppi was the one getting hit hard... Hey Mav
Mav: Yeah Joshman?
Joshman: I've decided that Maul needs an official mascot.
Mav: Oh did you.
Joshman: Yes
Mav: And I assume you have an idea for said mascot?
Joshman: Of course... here he is!!! Growly the Grizzly Bear
Mav: What qualifies that to be a mascot for a wrestling PPV
Joshman: Well, the PPV is called Maul right?
Mav: Yeah...
Joshman: So, I'll get him to maul you.
Mav: You do realize that thing is stuffed right?
Joshman: Yeah, but if this idea takes off, I'll get a real one, and then we'll see who's laughing.
Mav: I don't think anyone is laughing, Joshman. Its not funny to threaten to have someone seriouly injured like that.
Joshman: ...sorry

Battle Royal
#1 Contendership to Tag Titles for Maul

Master of Puppets hits to strong heat, and Lock and Doctor K walk out from backstage and make their way down the ramp to the ring. The two chat as Evolution hits to a mighty pop, and Red Fusion and Lone Wolf make their way to ringside and climb in.

Mav: This match will be fought under over the top rope elimination rules, both feet have to touch the floor for a person to be eliminated, and the last two people left in the ring will team together at Maul against the Tag Team Champions. The match will not begin until all of the participants are in the ring, and they have all been instructed not to touch each other until the bell rings and the match has officially begun.

Battle Without Honor or Humility hits to a mixed reaction as the white pyro blows on the stage, and Iceman walks down the ramp and climbs into the ring. Rise hits to a tremendous pop, and Phoenix rises from the flames to the stage.

Joshman: Let me take this opportunity to public denounce the actions of Covert Jay on Warzone! Announcers have no place in the ring!
Mav: Didn’t you compete at Outlast?
Joshman: Arelas made me! He is evil!
Mav: I do believe it was an offer that you agreed to.
Joshman: I did no such thing!
Mav: Don't make me find the video tape.
Joshman: Fine. Maybe I did, but that doesn't condone Covert Jay's actions

Where Evil Dwells hits as Phoenix is climbing into the ring, and Xecutioner saunters to the ring. Fallen Angel hits to strong heat, and Matt Marauder descends from the titantron. He steps through the ropes into the ring, keeping his distance from Xecutioner.

Mav: On Warzone Xecutioner and Triple M had seemingly settled their differences and seemed to be possibly on their way to a third reign together as Tag Champions, but Triple M turned again on Xecutioner with the Fallen Angel splash, and abandoned him to suffer Human Wreckage from the Talk of the Town.
Joshman: That's an odd name for Alan's maneuver.
Mav: Why do you say that?
Joshman: Are we really sure that he's human?

The Outlaw Torn hits to heat, and Nomad comes out of the crowd and leaves his Technical Title with officials at ringside before sliding into the ring. He points at Lone Wolf, then taps one of his hands repeatedly against the other. Halloween hits, and Ghostdad comes down the ramp.

Mav: Ghostdad is himself a two time former Tag Team Champion.
Joshman: Don’t bother trying to put him over. He’s going to be a non-factor. I have the inside info.
Mav: That’s not very nice of you to say.
Joshman: Well, that's only because I heard his shipment of roids didn't make it in tonight.
Mav: That hard hitting inside info, eh Joshman

Faint hits to strong heat, and Fear walks out to the stage along with Synn. Synn teases the crowd on her way down the ramp, but Fear heads directly for the ring and rolls in, glancing around at his opponents.

Mav: At Lockmania, Fear and Synn were within inches of winning the tag titles in a captivating Highwire Match, until the innovative use of a paintball gun by Firestar took Fear out of the match and allowed the Talk of the Town to pull down the titles.
Joshman: I'm sure they'd like nothing more than to get another crack at those titles.

Hells Bells hits to a strong pop, and Diablo walks out to the stage, the Cross-Hemisphere Title around his waist. Fear leans over the ropes and stares at Diablo as he makes his way down the ramp, but Diablo is not intimidated. Angel of Death hits to a massive pop, and Arelas walks out to the stage.

Mav: There is the man responsible for this match, Commissioner Arelas. Once he and Diablo get in the ring, all hell will be unleashed!
Joshman: Very clever.
Mav: Huh?
Joshman: They’ll all know what hell feels like. Diablo. Very clever.
Mav: Oh, I didn’t mean that at all actually.

Arelas and Diablo slide into the ring as the bell rings, and an all-out brawl erupts. Iceman battles Lone Wolf in a corner while Fear grapples with Triple M on the opposite side. Xecutioner has Nomad in a third corner and is driving his shoulder into Nomad’s chest, and in the final corner Diablo heaves Red Fusion against the turnbuckle and slams into him with a clothesline. Arelas brawls with Lock as Phoenix fights with Doctor K. Lock and Doctor K both stagger backwards and bump into each other, and as they turn around Arelas and Phoenix dropkick them into each other, and the two Regime members bump heads and drop to the mat. Triple M knocks Fear down with a clothesline and goes after Phoenix, blindsiding him from behind. Triple M stomps away on Phoenix, but Arelas spins him around and the two brawl. Ghostdad has Synn elevated for a suplex, and he holds her in the air for several seconds, but Fear scampers off the mat and slams into him with a spear, and he drops Synn. Fear helps her up and says something to her, and then they pull up Ghostdad and hit a double vertical suplex. Diablo is stomping Red Fusion down in a corner. Synn starts to get up, but Fear grabs her and throws her to the outside!

Elimination: Synn by Fear

Mav: Fear just eliminated Synn! They’re supposed to be partners!
Joshman: There aren’t any partners in this match, Mav! Every person is on their own!
Mav: I guess so. Anyway, we have 1 down and 10 to go.

Synn gets to her feet and stares in shock at Fear, who just shrugs his shoulders, but as he turns around Diablo slams into him with a hard clothesline, and Diablo pulls Fear up and tries to force him over the ropes. Ghostdad staggers up, but Doctor K is back on his feet and slams into him with a clothesline, sending him spilling to ringside.

Elimination: Ghostdad by Doctor K

Joshman: I told you he wouldn't be a factor.
Mav: Yeah yeah
Joshman: *mockingly* Oh, don't make me get the video tape Mav

Dr. K turns around and charges at Phoenix as he is getting up, but Phoenix takes him down with an arm drag and locks in an armbar. Iceman pulls Lone Wolf out of the corner and goes to whip him back in, but Lone Wolf reverses it and whips Iceman into the turnbuckle, then charges and slams into him with the Wolf Charge. Arelas knocks Triple M down with a right hand and bounces off the ropes, but Triple M pops back up and knocks him down with a spinning back crescent kick. Triple M turns around right into Xecutioner, who grabs him by the throat. Triple M knocks his arm away, but Xecutioner grabs him and throws him over the ropes, and Triple M lands on the apron. Xecutioner turned his back, and Triple M reaches over and lifts him over the ropes into the reverse death valley driver, slamming him to ringside!

Elimination: Xecutioner by Triple M

Triple M laughs at Xecutioner as he looks down from the apron, but Lone Wolf drills him in the back of the head with a super kick, knocking him to the ringside area!

Elimination: Triple M by Lone Wolf

Mav: That's the first entire team gone from this contest. And MMM has gained some revenge on Xecutioner for his betrayal of MMM
Joshman: I didn't know Betrayal was this month's PPV?
Mav: It's not... it's Maul... remember, your bear???
Joshman: He has a name!!!!

Lone Wolf turns around, but Lock is waiting, and he kicks Lone Wolf in the chest and hits Lockdown! Lock shouts at Lone Wolf, but Arelas grabs him and hits an inverted DDT! Arelas stands over Lock to a strong pop from the crowd, and he signals for the Angel Wings. Arelas bounces off the ropes, but Iceman gets in his way and takes him down with a Lou Thesz Press, and follows up with the Freezing Point! Iceman points to the turnbuckle, but Red Fusion cuts in front of him and lifts him into the Train Wreck! Diablo pulls Fear up and whips him into the corner, but Red Fusion wraps him up from behind and hits a German suplex. Red Fusion pulls Diablo towards a corner, but Fear gets behind him and lifts him into the Numbing! Fear goes to the corner and climbs to the top rope, then leaps into the air for the Meteor Press, but Diablo catches him in the air and presses him overhead before hurling him to ringside!

Elimination: Fear by Diablo

Diablo turns back around, and Phoenix is standing in the center of the ring, staring at him. Diablo nods his head, and the two circle each other in the center of the ring before locking up. They grapple around the ring near the ropes, and Dr. K charges and tries to eliminate them both at once, but Phoenix and Diablo both block it and elbow him away, and together they double clothesline him down. Nomad suddenly takes Diablo down into the Leash! Phoenix gets to his feet and looks at them, but Dr. K is back up and spins Phoenix around, then lifts him into the Medication! Nomad releases the Leash from Diablo, and tries to take Dr. K down into it, but Dr. K elbows him off. Both men get up and bounce off opposite ropes, and they hit a double clothesline, knocking each other down. Iceman is on the top rope!

Mav: Iceman is on the top rope! There are tons of superstars down in the ring, who is he going for?

Iceman leaps into the air for the Cold Shoulder, driving his elbow right in the chest of Phoenix! The crowd boos as Iceman gets back up with a smile on his face, and Iceman goes back to the corner and signals for the View From the North Pole, then points at Phoenix, but suddenly Red Fusion runs to the corner and shoves him off the top to ringside! Drawing cheers from the crowd!!!

Elimination: Iceman by Red Fusion

Lock is back up in the ring, and he and Red Fusion battle in a corner. Iceman gets back to his feet at ringside, and he is pissed. Iceman turns around and rips the timekeeper off his chair, then snatches up the chair. Iceman slides into the ring as Phoenix is getting back to his feet, and Iceman smacks him right in the face with the steel chair! Iceman smashes Phoenix repeatedly with the chair, and screams. Arelas is getting back up, and Iceman blasts him with the chair. Red Fusion is pounding on Lock in the corner, and Iceman slams him in the back with the chair, and Fusion falls into Lock and both slump to the mat. Dr. K and Nomad both stand up into chairshots, as does Lone Wolf. Diablo gets up into a final chair shot from Iceman, and he hurls the chair out of the ring. Iceman rolls out of the ring and yells at some fans, then turns around at the bottom of the ramp to admire his handiwork, but Phoenix is back up and runs at the ropes, leaping over them and splashing Iceman at ringside!

Elimination: Phoenix by Phoenix

Mav: It obvious that its not the Tag titles that Phoenix and Iceman are concerned about. These two will be part of the King of the Hill match at Maul, and it certainly looks like they're gunning for each other!!!

Arelas starts to get up near the ropes, but Red Fusion charges at him and slams into him with the Derailer! Arelas spills over the ropes!

Joshman: Fusion eliminated Arelas! Fusion eliminated Arelas!
Mav: He came close, but Arelas held the top rope, and the referees are signaling that only one of his feet touched the floor!
Joshman: I dunno... home federation call there by the officials...
Mav: Monday Morning Quarterback.
Joshman: Yeah, its kind of my job... well except on Thursday evenings..
Mav: Eh, more like Friday afternoon
Joshman: True...

Red Fusion is looking for his next target, but Arelas rolls back in and charges at him, grabbing his head and pulling him to the corner for the Redeemer! Lock is back up, and he shoves Arelas into another corner and they battle. Nomad uses the ropes to pull himself back up, then starts to pull up Diablo, but Lone Wolf crashes into Nomad with a hard clothesline that sends him spilling over the ropes to ringside!

Elimination: Nomad by Lone Wolf

Mav: We’re down to six men, and it is three teams still intact! The Angelic Devils, the Regime, and the New Blood, all are still in this match!

Lone Wolf goes to pull Diablo up himself, but Diablo grabs him and whips him into the corner, then charges and slams into him with a hard clothesline. Diablo tries to force Lone Wolf over the ropes, but Lone Wolf struggles against him. Arelas has Lock trapped against the turnbuckle and tears into him with cross chops. Dr. K charges at Arelas from behind, but Arelas moves out of the way and Dr. K splashes Lock. Lock slumps down as Dr. K staggers back out, and Arelas clotheslines him to ringside!

Elimination: Doctor K by Arelas

Arelas turns back around, but Red Fusion is waiting and hits a spine buster. He looks like he is going to try and throw Arelas out, but he looks up and sees Diablo forcing Lone Wolf over the ropes. Red Fusion rushes to his partner’s aid, grabbing Diablo from behind and flipping him over both Lone Wolf and the ropes, sending him crashing to ringside.

Elimination: Diablo by Red Fusion

Red Fusion checks that Lone Wolf is okay as Lock and Arelas both start to get back up, and Fusion goes after Lock as Lone Wolf rushes at Arelas. Red Fusion stomps down on Lock and pulls him to the corner, and Lone Wolf whips Arelas off the ropes, but Arelas comes back with a leaping forearm, knocking him down. Red Fusion gets on the top rope and sets Lock up for a powerbomb, but before he lifts him Lock grabs the top rope and shakes it, crotching Red Fusion on the top rope! Arelas goes to pull Lone Wolf up, but Lone Wolf knocks his arms away. Lone Wolf swings for a clothesline, but Arelas ducks it and lifts Lone Wolf into a Eternal Slam, dropping him over the ropes as Lock shoves Red Fusion off the turnbuckle to ringside!

Winners: Arelas and Lock

The bell rings to signify the end of the match, and Arelas and Lock both turn around to see who their partner is, freezing in shock when they see the other!

Mav: Arelas and Lock will have to team together to face Alan and Firestar for the Tag Titles at Maul!
Joshman: What? Lock is going to have to team with Arelas? That is horrible! Do over!
Mav: As Arelas would say, it’s signed, sealed, and slashed! How will they react?

Arelas and Lock both appear speechless, stunned by the situation, and they are the number one contenders for the Tag Team Championship!

End Show