The pyros explode as Tourniquet plays.
Mister Mav: Welcome, one and all, to Lockdown! Let’s scan the crowd!
Joshman: No, let’s get right to the action.
Mister Mav: Let’s get right to the action!
Winner Faces
Cross-Hemisphere Champion at Maul
Fear versus Red Fusion
Faint hits to strong heat, and Fear comes out from backstage and makes his way to the ring. Hell Raiser by Ozzy Osbourne hits, and Red Fusion runs out from backstage and slides the ring.
Mister Mav: This match is going to determine the number one contender to Diablo’s Cross-Hemisphere Title.
Red Fusion charges, but Fear lifts him into a face pancake. Red Fusion staggers to his feet, but Fear wraps him up in a waistlock and hits a German Suplex. Fear maintains the hold, then pulls Fusion back up, but Red Fusion elbows out of the waistlock. Fear steps back, and Red Fusion kicks him in the chest and bounces off the ropes, but Fear counters with a belly to belly overhead toss. Fear stands up and goes to the turnbuckle. Fear climbs to the top rope, then leaps off for the Meteor Press, but Red Fusion rolls out of the way and Fear tastes mat. Fear staggers up and Red Fusion hits a belly to belly suplex, then floats into the cover, one, two, Fear kicks out. Red Fusion pulls Fear up and starts to set up a powerbomb, but Fear backdrops out of it, then hits a standing moonsault and hooks the leg, one, two, Red Fusion kicks out!
Mister Mav: A nice moonsault there by Fear, standing version.
Joshman: Red Fusion is going to have to turn on the juice here if he doesn’t want to be Red Fission.
Fear bounces off the ropes and charges, but runs into a big boot from Fusion. Fusion sets up and hits a pump handle slam, then covers, one, two, Fear kicks out. Red Fusion starts to pull Fear up, but Fear shoves him into the corner, then charges at him and slams into him with a spear. Fear sets up Red Fusion on the top rope, but Red Fusion kicks him away, then leaps off the top rope for a diving spear, and covers Fear, one, two, Fear kicks out!
Mister Mav: A near fall for Red Fusion, who desperately wants to win this match and get another shot at the Cross-Hemisphere Title.
Red Fusion pulls Fear up and over to the corner and sets him up on the top rope, then climbs for a superplex, but Fear shoves him off. Fear stands and leaps off the top, but Red Fusion is back up and catches him in the Pain Train! He goes to the corner and climbs to the top rope, then leaps for the Fusion Bomb, but Fear gets his knees up and Red Fusion crashes on top of them! He rolls away, holding his back, and Fear gets to his feet. He pulls Red Fusion up for the Numbing, but Fusion elbows him away. Fear staggers off the ropes, and Red Fusion slams into him with the Derailer, knocking him through the ropes to ringside.
Joshman: Shoulder block! Yes!
The referee tells Red Fusion to stay in the ring, but he ignores the ref and heads out anyway. Red Fusion starts to pull Fear up, but Fear grabs him and whips him into the steel steps! Fear drags Red Fusion to the announcer’s table and slams his head into the table, then rolls him on top of the table. Fear rolls back into the ring, then bounces off the far ropes, charges, then leaps onto the top rope and uses it as a spring board to hit the Meteor Press, driving Red Fusion through the table! The crowd can’t believe what they just saw! Both men are out, and the referee meanwhile is counting them out. Fear starts to stir and crawl towards the ring, and Red Fusion follows a moment later, but they can’t get their in time, and the referee counts both men out!
Winner: Double Countout; Match is a Draw
Angel of Death hits to a strong pop, and Arelas walks out to the stage with a mike in hand.
Arelas: Nice job, guys. You battled to a draw, that really doesn’t help us any. There are a slew of solutions we could pursue here, but I’d like to get the input from the Cross-Hemisphere Champion himself. Diablo, come on out.
Hells Bells hits, and Diablo joins Arelas on the stage, carrying his Cross-Hemisphere Title.
Arelas: Now, Diablo, would you rather face Fear or Red Fusion at Maul, hell do you want to just face them both? I’ll let you decide.
Diablo has his own mike, and he thinks for a few moments.
Diablo: I suppose there are a few things I could do here. I could face Red Fusion, but then again I just did that a few weeks ago and retained my title. I could face Fear, and elevate my career against one of the greatest Cross-Hemisphere Champions of all time. I could face them both, but you know what? All triple threat matches create are excuses. I’ve made my decision. This match at Maul is going to be possibly my biggest challenge yet, but I’ve been looking forward to it for awhile now, and I won’t be cheated out of it. I want Fear.
Arelas: That does it! At Maul, it will be Diablo, defending the Cross-Hemisphere Title against Fear! And that is signed, sealed, and slashed!
Fear smiles and signals around his own waist, while Red Fusion looks very angry.
Arelas is shown at his desk.
Arelas: Hello, everyone. I’m very busy, so I’ll get right to the point. You may have seen the end of Warzone this past Monday, when the Talk of the Town, Alan Fernandez, saw fit to put me through a table because he was unable to earn a spot in the King of the Hill Match at Maul. Well, Alan is about to learn that what goes around, comes around, because the Tag Title Match at Maul just became…a Table Match. And that is signed, sealed, and slashed.
"Battle Without
Honor or Humanity" hits to strong heat from the crowd as the white pyro
flares. Iceman makes his way down the ramp and taunts the crowd to more boos.
And he waits, as "Greed" hits to a slightly stronger reaction, filled
with mass amounts of heat. And Emperor makes his way to the ring, but Iceman
meets him halfway and they brawl on the outside. Iceman whips Emperor toward
the ring but Emperor reverses it and Iceman puts on the breaks and slides into
the ring. Emperor follows.
Patxi: Hola amigos.
Aitor: Señor Mav y
Joshman está teniendo dificultades técnicas, así que le tratarán a nosotros por
el tiempo que es.
The two lock up, and
Emperor gains control with an armbar. Iceman reverses it and sends Emperor into
the ropes. He comes off with a clothesline but misses and Iceman drills him
with a superkick. Emperor is down and Iceman covers. 1...2...kick out by
Emperor. Iceman picks him up and hits a snap suplex. He rolls through and hits
another, then another, then covers. 1...2...kick out, by Emperor. Iceman gets
frustrated then covers again. 1...2…kick out.
Patxi: Iceman está comenzando a conseguir frustrado.
Aitor: Él debe caer un bloque del hielo en la cabeza de Emperor
Iceman lifts Emperor
up and whips him into the ropes, but Emperor grabs the ropes and dips out to a
chorus of boos. Iceman yells at Emperor to get back in the ring as the ref is
counting. The ref gets to 6 as Emperor slowly climbs back in the ring where
Iceman is waiting for him. Iceman begins pounding on him until the referee
breaks it up. He yells at Iceman to back off or he will disqualify him. This
allows Emperor to get to his feet and be ready to attack Iceman. Emperor goes
for a clothesline but Iceman ducks it and hits a fisherman suplex and keeps the
leg hooked for the cover. 1...2...kickout.
Patxi: No pienso que sería apropiado que él caiga un bloque del hielo en Emperor.
Aitor: ¿Usted tiene algo contra el hielo? ¿Es usted un odiator del hielo?
Emperor gets up,
slightly dazed. Iceman then sets Emperor up for a powerbomb and hits it. He
then gives the finger to the crowd to a hurricane of boos. Emperor is
motionless on the canvas. Iceman lifts up Emperor but Emperor pushes Iceman
away, then kicks him in the chest and hits the Deathbow, and both men are
Patxi: ¡Los dos hombres están abajo!
Aitor: Gozo de esto, el árbitro tengo que contar a diez. Es
mi parte preferida de la demostración.
The referee begins
to utilize the 10 count. He reaches 7 and both men begin to stir. Iceman is up
first, and then Emperor. Iceman goes for a clothesline and misses and Emperor
grabs him from behind and goes for the Lights Out, but Iceman elbows him away
and grabs him for the Deep Freezer. He hits it and goes to the top rope and
signals for the View From the North Pole. Iceman leaps off, and before he hits
Emperor, Emperor grabs the referee and pulls him to the ground and moves,
allowing Iceman to hit the referee with the maneuver.
Patxi: ¡Iceman golpear a árbitro hacia fuera!
Aitor: Impar, él incluso no necesitó un bloque del hielo.
Patxi: ¿Usted lo golpearía apagado con los bloques del
Emperor is up and
laughing. He goes out to get a chair when all of the sudden CoolJ and Ruff
Rabbi bolt out from the back and run in to the ring. CoolJ lifts Iceman up for
the Shader as Ruff Rabbi grabs Emperor and hits the Meshuganator. Emperor rolls
out of the ring as CoolJ tells Rabbi to go up top. Rabbi does and hits the Fate
of Gamorah on Iceman.
Winner: No Contest
Grey Coppi is with the New Blood.
Coppi: Red Fusion, how do you feel about not being chosen by Diablo to face him at Maul, when he could have at least chosen to face both you and Fear?
Red Fusion: I’ll tell you how it feels, Grey. It sucks, and it pisses me off. Arelas should have just outright made that match a triple threat match. I’m sick and tired of being held down here in LWF. Nobody wants to give me a chance. There is a glass ceiling, but you know what? I’ll be the one to shatter it. There is a new power rising here, the New Blood is rising. Lone Wolf and me, we’re headed straight to the top. You won’t give me the credit I’m due? We’ll take it, a piece at a time.
Dr. K wanders into the picture.
Doctor K: You too think you’re something special well you’re nothing compared to the Regime we can’t be stopped and I’m a three time Havok Champion and nobody is taking this belt away from me because I’m unbeatable and anytime we want the Regime will crush you both when we feel like it.
Dr. K takes a deep breath and wanders off. Red Fusion and Lone Wolf exchange puzzled looks as they watch him walk away.
Title Match
Diablo © versus Doctor K
Piggy Pie hits to loud heat, and Dr. K comes down to the ring, carrying the Havok Title, which is not on the line in this match. He steps through the ropes into the ring and spins around, then drops to his knees and extends his arms. Hells Bells hits to a strong pop, and Diablo walks down the ramp, the Cross-Hemisphere Title secured around his waist. He steps into the ring and takes off the title, handing it to the referee as the bell rings.
Patxi: El doctor K es desafiador aquí para el título de la Cruz-Hemispehre, pero su título de Havok no está en la línea.
Doctor K goes right after Diablo, and they exchange blows in the center of the ring. Diablo fights Dr. K back into the ropes, but Dr. K catches him with a hard chop to the chest, then whips him off the ropes into a hip toss and finishes it as a neck breaker. Dr. K floats into a quick cover, but Diablo gets the shoulder up right away. Dr. K quickly hits some mounted punches, then pulls Diablo up and starts to whip him, then pulls him right back into a knee to the chest, and Diablo flips over the knee onto his back. Dr. K pulls Diablo into a side headlock, then cuts behind him and lifts him into a suplex. Dr. K covers again, one, two, Diablo kicks out.
Aitor: No estoy seguro que puedo continuar hablando con usted.
Patxi: ¿Por qué no?
Aitor: Usted es en polarización negativa contra el hielo.
Dr. K pulls Diablo up and whips him into the corner, then goes for a running splash, but Diablo moves out of the way and Dr. K crashes into the corner. Diablo whips him into the opposite corner, then charges and slams in with a hard clothesline. Dr. K staggers out of the corner, and Diablo presses him overhead for several seconds and slams him to the mat. Dr. K holds his back and tries to scoot away, but Diablo pulls him up and whips him off the ropes into a big boot. Diablo stands over Dr. K and starts to pull him up, but Dr. K grabs his arm and pulls him down into the Prescription! Diablo struggles and stretches, and he manages to grab hold of the ropes.
Patxi: ¡Diablo se coge en el Prescription!
Aitor: Que me recuerda, yo necesite conseguir mi prescripción llenada. He estado sin mi medicación por una semana.
Patxi: Había notado.
The referee forces Dr. K to break the hold, and he stands and starts stomping away on Diablo. He pulls him away from the ropes and into a double underhook powerbomb, then covers and hooks the leg, one, two, Diablo gets his shoulder up. Dr. K pulls him up and whips him into the corner, then charges and this time hits the corner splash. He lifts Diablo onto his shoulder and goes for a running powerslam, but Diablo floats off the back. Dr. K turns around, and Diablo scoops him into Hell’s Grasp! Diablo covers, one, two, three!
Winner: Diablo via Pinfall to retain the Cross-Hemisphere Title
The referee gives Diablo his title belt, but Fear runs down and slides into the ring behind him, and lifts him into the Numbing! Fear picks up the dropped belt and holds it up to heat from the crowd, as Dr. K starts to recover. Fear says something to him, and Dr. K pulls Diablo up and holds up, and Fear smashes Diablo right in the face with the title belt! Fear and Dr. K stomp on Diablo, but Red Fusion runs out from backstage and slides into the ring! Fear bails out of the ring as Red Fusion drills Dr. K with the Fusion Kick! Red Fusion glares at Fear for a moment, then pulls Dr. K up and into the Fuse-Box! The referee is holding Dr. K’s Havok Title, and Red Fusion takes it from him and studies it for a moment, then drops it on top of Dr. K and stares at Fear.
Clips are shown from Warzone, when Xecutioner attacked Triple M with a flame thrower.
Patxi: Señoras y caballeros, en caso de que usted lo faltara, Matt Marauder no está aquí esta noche porque el Xecutioner fíjelo en el fuego en Warzone. Deseamos Triple M una recuperación rápida, y la rumor lo tiene que podemos verlo tan pronto como lunes en Warzone.
A commercial is shown for LWF: Maul. The theme for Maul is The Noose by A Perfect Circle.
Psiko © versus Lone Wolf
Bark at the Moon hits, and Lone Wolf makes his way down the ramp to the ring. No More Mister Nice Guy hits to massive heat, and Psiko walks out from backstage and travels to the ring.
Patxi: Este fósforo está para el título del LWF de Psiko.
Psiko charges and delivers multiple blows to Lone Wolf, forcing him into the
ropes. Psiko whips Lone Wolf across the ring, then charges and spears him to
the mat. Psiko hits several mounted punches, then climbs the turnbuckle. Lone
Wolf gets up and Psiko goes for a missile dropkick, but Lone Wolf sidesteps it.
Psiko scurries up into a hard scoop slam from Lone Wolf. Lone Wolf whips Psiko
across the ring, then floors him with a super kick. Psiko tries to get up, and
Lone Wolf hits springboard diving facecrusher. Lone Wolf covers, one, two,
Psiko gets the shoulder up!
Patxi: Un movimiento innovador por Lone Wolf.
Aitor: Él está teniendo un fósforo impresionante aquí esta noche. Él es molesto. Final de la historia.
Lone Wolf whips Psiko across the ring and goes for a backdrop, but Psiko
counters with a facebuster. Psiko pulls Lone Wolf up and shoves him into the
corner, stomping away on the challenger. Psiko goes to whip him to the opposite
corner, but Lone Wolf reverses it, then follows Psiko, but Psiko reaches the
other corner and slams his hands onto the ropes, lifting himself up as Lone
Wolf runs under him and crashes into the turnbuckle! Psiko goes pulls him down
into a school boy pin, one, two, Lone Wolf kicks Psiko off. Psiko rolls to his
feet, but Lone Wolf is back up and hits several right hands on Psiko, backing
him into the corner, and Lone Wolf stomps him down. Lone Wolf pulls him out and
into a dragon sleeper, but Psiko elbows out of it, then kicks him in the chest
and hits a flowing DDT. Psiko covers, one, two, Lone Wolf kicks out.
Patxi: Le apostaré que nuestros ventiladores que no hablan nuestra lengua son muy confusos cuando usted dice que alguien es molesto.
Aitor: ¿Por qué es eso?
Patxi: Les suena como usted está diciendo ese Lone Wolf está tocando inadecuado a alguien.
Aitor: Que interesante.
Psiko starts to pull Lone Wolf up, but Lone Wolf grabs him by the arm and whips
him off the ropes into the Wolf Pounce.
Lone Wolf hits several mounted punches, then rolls off and waves at the
champion to get up. Lone Wolf kicks him
in the chest as he is trying to get up and sets up a powerbomb, and holds it
for a pin, one, two, Psiko breaks out of it. Lone Wolf pulls Psiko up and sets
him up for a second powerbomb, but Psiko backdrops out of it. Lone Wolf tries
to get right up, but Psiko grabs him and hits the Touch of Insanity! Psiko steps to the other side of Lone Wolf,
then picks up his leg and puts him into the People’s Punishment! Lone Wolf can’t get to the ropes, and he has
to tap out!
Winner: Psiko via Submission to retain the LWF Title
The match has ended, but Psiko refuses to release the hold. The referee tries to get Psiko to let go, but Psiko clips the ref’s knee out from under him with his arm. Psiko laughs as he continues to damage Lone Wolf, but Rise suddenly hits to a tremendous pop!
Patxi: ¡Phoenix está aquí!
Aitor: Él estropea siempre la fiesta.
Psiko releases the hold and Lone Wolf rolls out of the ring as Phoenix rises from the flames to the stage. He walks down the ramp as Psiko watches him and checks on Lone Wolf, who nods to him, and Phoenix gets into the ring. He and Psiko stare at each other for several seconds, toe to toe as the fans are on their feet, and Psiko backs away and steps out of the ring to massive heat.
Patxi: ¡Psiko mueve hacia atrás lejos de Phoenix esta noche, pero él tendrá ciertamente una respuesta en Warzone! Para nuestros ventiladores de discurso ingleses, señor Mav y Covert Jay si esté detrás y aliste para ir, debe ser una gran demostración, como el camino al Maul continúa!
End Show