The pyros go off and Tourniquet begins to play over the loud speakers. The titantron plays its entrance montage and the crowd is going wild. Folks, it is once again time for Lockdown!!!

Mav: Welcome one and all to Lockdown. I am Mister Mav, and as this is the show right before a PPV... surprisingly I'm joined tonight by Joshman!
Joshman: I hope you've done your taxes Mav.
Mav: In fact I got them done early Joshman.
Joshman: Really? Lucky, I'm hoping that the post office will be open late tonight.
Mav: Let me rephrase. I am surprising joined by Joshman, who may or may not be taken away by the IRS tonight.
Joshman: Well, you know I figure I'll give you one more shot, but I don't want to hear any of that implication crap.
Mav: Understood. We've got 3 exciting matches on the card tonight leading into Maul and its time for us to get started!

Red Fusion versus Lock

My World hits to huge heat and Lock, the owner of the LWF comes out to the stage. He pauses at the top of the ramp and surveys over the crowd before walking down to the stage, his trenchcoat billowing slightly.

Joshman: Why are you staring at me like that?
Mav: Oh, I'm sorry, for a minute I forgot that Covert Jay wasn't here and was waiting for his obligatory comment.
Joshman: You mean about the dragons?
Mav: Yeah, that one.

Evolution hits to a pop and Red Fusion comes out to the stage. He makes his way down the ramp and goes in the ring. The two begin circling each other and the bell sounds to start the match.

Joshman: Why are these two fighting again?
Mav: Something about Lock being Dr. K's friend or something
Joshman: Oh yeah sure why not.

The two lockup and Red Fusion takes control early with a snapmare takedown on Lock and then locks in a jawlock on the owner of the LWF. They rest for a second before Lock makes it to his feet and backs Red Fusion into the ropes where he sends Red Fusion across the ring and meets him with a knee lift as he comes off sending Red Fusion to the mat.

Mav: Oh now what is this.
Joshman: Looks like its time for some scouting.

Dr. K has appeared from backstage and is now making his way down the ramp with a lawn chair in hand. He sets up the lawnchair at the bottom of the ramp and sits down and relaxes. Meanwhile in the ring, Lock comes off the ropes and hits a leg drop on the downed Red Fusion. He comes off the ropes again and Red Fusion rolls out of the way. He waits for Lock to get to his feet and hits a dropkick. Lock gets up right away and Red Fusion hits another dropkick. Lock gets up again and this time ducks a clothesline from the challenger and hits a neckbreaker.

Joshman: Good move from Lock there slowing down Red Fusion, he looked like he was building up a head of steam there.

They both get back to their feet and Red Fusion hits a few chops onto Lock sending him back to the ropes. Red Fusion attempts to whip Lock, but Lock reverses and Red Fusion is sent across the ring. Red Fusion comes off the ropes and hits the Derailer on Lock knocking him to the mat!!!! Fusion lifts Lock to his feet and sets him up for the Train Wreck, then Lock floats out and rolls up Fusion in a sunset flip!!! 1....2... Fusion barely gets a shoulder up!!!

Mav: Close one there after a good counter from Lock.

Lock is to his feet first and kicks Red Fusion in the chest setting him up for the Lockdown. Fusion backdrops Lock though!!! Fusion goes over to Lock and locks in the Fuz-Mission!!! Fuz-Mission to Lock!!! Wait a minute!!! Dr. K slides in the ring with his lawn chiar. He lifts it over his head and smashes it over Red Fusion!!! The ref calls for the bell!

Winner: Red Fusion by Disqualification

Red Fusion slumps down to the bat. Dr. K throws away the now broken lawn chair and slides out of the ring. He lifts up the ring apron looking for something and pulls out a barbed wire bat!!! He enters the ring and holds it above his head. Red Fusion is beginning to stir though he looks a bit dazed. He starts to get up and Dr. K stalks him.

Mav: No Red Fusion, stay down! Stay down!!!
Joshman: Get up Red Fusion!!!

Red Fusion gets to his feet and Dr. K smashes Red Fusion with the barbed wire bat! Red Fusion is lying in a pool of his own blood on the mat. Dr. K grabs the havok title and holds it above his head.

Mav: Looks like Dr. K has sent a message to Red Fusion here tonight.
Joshman: Yeah, I think he told him to pick up his dry cleaning for him.

Lone Wolf versus Metalhead Matt Marauder

Bark At The Moon hits to a loud pop and Lone Wolf comes out from backstage, looking into the crowd. He walks down the ramp and climbs into the ring, just as Fallen Angel hits to massive heat to the crowd. Triple M decends down from the Titantron and walks down the ramp, but stops at the end of the ramp. He laughs and turns around, but as he does, Lone Wolf runs toward the ropes and does a plancha over the top rope and him and Triple M fall to the ground.

The referee yells at them to get in the ring, but he cannot begin the 10 count unless they are both in the ring. They begin to stir on the outside, and Lone Wolf is up first. He picks Triple M up and whips him toward the ringpost but Triple M reverses it and Lone Wolf goes shoulder first into the ringpost. Triple M picks him up and gorilla presses him over his head and drops him, chest first on to the barricade. He picks up Lone WOlf and rolls him into the ring, and he follows in. The bell rings and the match is underway.

Triple M picks up Lone Wolf and lifts him for a suplex. He holds him up for a few seconds then drops him. He picks him up again, and does it again. He picks up Lone Wolf a third time and lifts him up, but Lone Wolf floats over and shoves Triple M into the turnbuckle, then, as Triple M turns around, Lone Wolf hits him with the Wolf Charge. And both men are down. The referee begins the 10 count.

The referee is up to 7 and Triple M is up quick, and stalking Lone Wolf. Lone Wolf gets up, and Triple M hits him with a vicious clothesline. He lifts Lone Wolf up and whips him into the ropes and nails a huge spinebuster. He looks down, and laughs, then spits on Lone Wolf. He climbs to the top turnbuckle, and goes for the Fallen Angel Splash. He is about to leap when all of the sudden Lone Wolf hops up and shakes the top rope, crotching Triple M.

Lone Wolf goes up top and grabs Triple M and sets up for a suplerplex. He hits it, and quickly, goes for the cover. 1...2...Triple M kicks out. Lone Wolf goes to lift him up but Triple M rolls him up, and Lone Wolf kicks out at 1, quickly. Both men are up and Triple M grabs Lone Wolf for a powerbomb but Lone Wolf floats over the back and shoves Triple M right into the referee.

Joshman: What's going on?!?!?!?

Suddenly, the lights in the arena go black...


Mav: Oh my god it's Xecutioner!!!

Xecutioner walks out from backstage and walks down the ramp as Lone Wolf beats on MMM. Xecutioner enters the ring and immediately lifts Lone Wolf off his feet and tosses him out of the ring. Xecutioner then stares down at the fallen MMM before lifting him into a Demanufacturer!!! Demanufacturer to MMM!!!! Xecutioner begins to leave the ring and then he thinks for a minute. He comes back and takes MMM and carries him on his shoulder and heads to the back.

Winner: No Contest

Joshman: Where could they possibly be going???
Mav: I don't know but I'll tell you this, with the sadistic acts Xecutioner has carried out before, anything is possible.
Joshman: You mean he might take a hamster and slaughter it right in front of MMM???
Mav: I seriously doubt it.

Xecutioner carries MMM all the way out to the entrance of the arena. He opens the door, and sitting outside is a dumpster and MMM's motorcycle. He lays MMM on the ground near the dumpster before taking a can from behind it.

Xecutioner pours gasoline on Metalhead Matt's motorcycle and drops a match on it. He stands back and watches in sadistic pleasure. Matt Marauder is seen watching a monitor, and quickly and frantically racing out of the building. The camera cuts back to Xecutioner facing the camera and the explosion of the bike behind him. His evil grin grows into a full-blown psychotic smile at the sound of the explosion. He is facing the door, waiting to ambush MMM as soon as he exits. Matt Marauder opens the door and is quickly speared down by Xecutioner, who gets up revealing Matt Marauder holding his chest in pain. Xecutioner drags him out and lifts him up, then carries him up a small ramp directly over a large dumpster. He then grabs another jug of gasoline and pours it into the dumpster before dropping the jug in.

The camera turns and we see he notices a maintenance worker standing nearby smoking a cigarette. MMM is up and rushes him and punches the guy in the stomach, knocking him doubled over as he spits out the cigarette. MMM grabs the cigarette and chucks it into the dumpster igniting the entire thing! As Xecutioner jumps back in shock, Xecutioner takes advantage of the distraction and grabs him and lifts him up. He's going to slam his brother over his head into the dumpster ablaze!

Mister Mav: NO HE CAN'T BE SERIOUS! How much more heinous and sadistic can Xecutioner possibly get?!

He carries Xecutioner closer and pauses, but his hesitation gives Xecutioner enough time to counter by floating out behind. Metalhead Matt Marauder turns around quickly and catches a superkick in the face from Xecutioner! He flies backwards right into the inferno!

Mister Mav: These two won't quit until they annihilate each other!

Xecutioner stands over the dumpster as the camera shows the fire reflecting off his face. His eyes remain intense as he starts to laugh subtly to himself.

Xecutioner: Burn in Hell you traitorous scavenger!

Mister Mav: If that doesn't kill him, I don't know what will!

Xecutioner stands over the dumpster triumphantly as the reflection of the flames gleams on his face. His eyes are intense but his laugh reveals he is reveling in the sight before him.

X: ...I'm not the one who is gonna burn in Hell!

The crowd is speechless...

Mav: Wow, that was something, and do you know else is going to be something Joshman?
Joshman: The day we finally land on Mars...
Mav: Well, yes.. that certainly will be something, but I was referring more to this Sunday's Pay-Per-View Extravaganza, Maul!
Joshman: Oh... right... that
Mav: And its time to give the monthly, Pre-extravaganza rundown?
Joshman: Huh?
Mav: Oh right... you haven't been here in the past few pre-PPV shows. What we do is list all the matches... and if we feel like it we give a little quip.
Joshman: Sounds like a good time on a Saturday night.
Mav: It's Thursday night Joshman
Joshman: Whatever, let's just start this puppy up.
Mav: You got it. In a fitting conclusion to all of this drama lately, MMM and Xecutioner will meet in LWF's first ever Burn In Hell match
Joshman: Personally, I'm looking forward to Nomad and LoneWolf getting it on until someone taps out and the winner takes home the LWF Technical Title.
Mav: That certainly will be exciting. The New Blood could walk home with two titles this Sunday actually, as Red Fusion has earned himself a shot at the Havok title where he will meet Dr. K in a barbed wire match.
Joshman: I have a feeling Arelas is gonna get what's coming to him this Sunday finally when him and Lock take on Alan Fernandez and Firestar in a table match
Mav: You may want to watch what you say there Joshman
Joshman: Mav, you can't watch words.
Mav: ... anyway, the Cross-Hemisphere title will also be on the line this Sunday, when Fear, holder of the LWF's longest title reign in history tries to regain that Cross Hemisphere title when he goes up against Diablo.
Joshman: And finally, 6 men will enter the ring and the one who can stay in there the longest will walk out with the LWF title.
Mav: Its the second ever King of the Hill match featuring 6 men who had a long and hard road to make it to this point.

Psiko walks in as champion,
Emperor earned his shot as conditional from his Lockmania match.
CoolJ has a rematch from Lockmania
Iceman won his way in
Phoenix and Ruff Rabbi were handpicked by Arelas from a 6 man tag a few weeks ago.

Joshman: And ironically enough these 6 people are about to clash in a 6 man tag. What do you think will happen Mav.
Mav: Only time will tell Joshman

Psiko, Emperor, and Iceman versus Phoenix, CoolJ, and Ruff Rabbi

Forest hits ot a pop and Ruff Rabbi makes his way to the ring. He stands in the center of the ring waiting for his partners. The Fight Song hits to a large pop and CoolJ sprints down the ramp and slides into the ring, he shakes hands with Ruff Rabbi and begins bouncing on his toes, preparing for the upcoming bout. Rise hits to a tremendous pop and Phoenix rises to the stage. He slowly makes his way down to the ring and enters it. The 3 teammates stand in the corner and await the arrival of their opponents.

Battle Without Honor or Humanity hits to heat and Iceman makes his way down the ramp. He pauses at the bottonm. Greed hits to large heat and Emperor appears on stage and makes his way, eventually joining Iceman. No More Mister Nice Guy hits to tremendous heat and Psiko makes his way down the ramp. He gets to the bottom and holds his LWF Title over his head then along with his partners slide in the ring. And all 6 men begin brawling.

Phoenix and Psiko, Emperor and CoolJ and Ruff rabbi and Iceman are paired up and exchanging rights and lefts and they don't seem to want to get down to business at all.

Joshman: Its a complete Melee in there
Mav: Can't argue with that.

CoolJ is slammed to the mat as Ruff Rabbi is sent to the ropes and Ruff Rabbi comes off and is met with a double backdrop by Emperor and Iceman sending Ruff Rabbi to the outside. Phoenix is getting the better of Psiko in the ring. Psiko comes off the ropes and is met by a superkick from Phoenix. Phoenix drags him to his feet and hits him with Rise and Fall!!! Rise and Fall to Psiko! But Emperor is there and sends him to the ropes and tries to push him over bt Phoenix lands on the apron and hits a springboard dropkick on his way back in!!! CoolJ has found Iceman, and has backed him to the ropes with chops... Shader!!! Shader to Iceman!!! And Iceman stumbles over the top ropes!!!

Mav: Wow, Joshman, this is almost like a preview of what could happen at Maul or something...
Joshman: Hey, you're getting a little too close for my liking there.

Phoenix is battling Emperor and Phoenix nails a quick DDT. He finds CoolJ and the two go back to back waiting for the two Regime members to get up. Suddenly CoolJ turns around and hits a shader on Phoenix!!! Shader to Phoenix. CoolJ pops back up and sends Phoenix up and over the top rope.

Joshman: What is going on in there?!?!?
Mav: Looks like everything is thrown out the window here. In the King of the Hill match its every man for himself!!!

CoolJ shouts something to Phoenix but Psiko is up and he sends CoolJ over the top rope with a clothesline. It is just Psiko and Emperor in the ring now, and the two stare uneasily at each other. They start trading rights and lefts!!!! Suddenly Emperor connects with a kick! Deathbow to Psiko!!! Psiko stumbles over the ropes and to the outside!!!

Winner: No Contest

Mav: Looks like Emperor has come out on top tonight in the brawl just as he did in the first King of the Hill match. Could this brawl have made some implications on Sundays match???
Joshman: Noooo!!! You were so close Mav! You almost made it through the whole show!!!
Mav: Will Emperor be able to reign again? Or can Psiko defend his title? Will another challenger step up and gain control of the LWF title. Tune in this Sunday to Maul to find out.