Tourniquet plays over the loud speakers and the crowd gets to their feet. The titantron plays the opening montage and the pyros go off. They start up at the titantron and eventually make their way down the ramp to the ring where the 4 ringposts explode.


Mav: Welcome one and all to another exciting edition of Lockdown, I'm Mav and as always I am joined by the one and only Joshman.

Joshman: I don't know about exciting Mav...

Mav: Why not?

Joshman: I don't know why Arelas had to stick his nose into this and book all the matches tonight, I didn't have a problem with the way things are going.

Mav: Well Joshman, he's the commisioner, that's what he does.

Joshman: He never did it before, why change a good thing?


Arelas versus Matt Marauder


Fallen Angel hits and the arena goes dark. The lights come back on and MMM is lowered onto the stage to heat.  Angel of Death hits to a mighty pop. Arelas walks down the ramp and stands on the apron before raising the sword of justice, prompting white pyro to shoot out from the ringpost. Arelas leaves his sword at ringside and the two competitors circle each other and the bell rings to start this match.


Mav: Well, Joshman, looks like you can get a chance to voice your complaints personally, as here is the commisioner himself.

Joshman: On second thought, he IS the commisioner I guess he can do what he wants.

Mav: Oh is that so.

Joshman: Absolutely, why would you think anything differently.


Arelas and MMM lock up in the center of the ring and Arelas hits a cross chop on MMM. MMM hits a rake to the eyes however sending Arelas reeling then ties up the commisioner in a waistlock and hits a suplex. MMM drops down and puts a chokehold on Arelas and the ref comes over and starts a five count, MMM eventually releases the chokehold and Arelas is left gasping for breath.


MMM drags Arelas to his feet and hits a couple of right hands sending Arelas back to the ropes. MMM tosses Arelas into the ropes and pulls Arelas into a sleeper as he comes off. Arelas is fighting the sleeper but unable to do much. The ref is over to check on Arelas but suddenly Arelas lifts MMM into a side suplex!


Arelas kips up and MMM gets to his feet and is met by a bulldog from Arelas, a cover!!! 1...2.. kickout from MMM. Arelas drags MMM to his feet and hits a few cross chops on him, backing him into the corner. Arelas attempts a whip, but MMM reverses and Arelas is whipped across the ring. Arelas leaps onto the second turnbuckle, and as MMM charges, Arelas leaps off and hits a missile dropkick! Another cover...1...2.. again MMM gets the shoulder up.


Both men get to thier feet and Arelas whips MMM off the ropes, MMM come off and ducks a clothesline from Arelas and hits a neckbreaker, and both men are lying on the mat. The ref comes over and starts a ten count. Both men drag themselves to their feet and get to the middle of the ring. Arelas winds up and hits a huge cross chop. MMM answers with one of his own. Arelas answers with another! And another! MMM is backed into the ropes. Arelas whips MMM, but MMM reverses and Arelas is sent into the ropes, he comes off with a flying forearm, and he's pumped up. He stalks MMM and as MMM gets to his feet he's lifted for the Eternal Slam,but he floats out! He grabs Arelas and hits the Inverse DVD!!! Suddenly, the lights in the arena go out.







A voice is heard...


Resurrection... Death only delays the inevitable... The fire still burns...


The lights come back on, and MMM is looking around seeing where the voice was coming from. MMM, is backing up and heading towards a corner. He gets to a corner, but Arelas is up and situated on the second rope. He grabs MMM and hits the Redeemer!!! The cover!!! 1...2..3!!!


Winner: Arelas by Pinfall


Joshman: No!!! MMM was so close.

Mav: Arelas picks up the victory, but give an assist to Xecutioner, who even after death seems to be able to cost MMM important matches.

Joshman: And manages to give Arelas wins.

Mav: I've received word that Grey Coppi is standing backstage with an important interview. Grey??


Grey: That's right Mav, I'm standing here with one of the participants in tonight's upcoming tag match. Red Fusion. Now Fusion you were horribly injured on Sunday and yet you hobbled out at the end of Warzone only to get yourself injured further, why are you wrestling tonight???

Red Fusion: Well Grey, ...
Grey: I mean, really, you were looking to even defend your Havok title tonight!

Red Fusion: Well Grey...

Phoenix: Hey, its been a while but try not to kill yourself out there tonight.

Grey: Wow, you saw it here first folks, Phoenix wishing his opponent luck for his match tonight.

Red Fusion: Well Grey...

Grey: Okay, back to you Mav.



Joshman: Truly gripping journalistic work there by Grey.

Mav: As always...



Psiko and Red Fusion versus Emperor and Phoenix


Greed hits to a pop and Emperor comes out on stage, he enters the ring and stands on a turnbuckle for a second and then jumps off. Rise hits and the crowd explodes as Phoenix rises up to the stage. He enters the ring and jumps up on a turnbuckle and salutes the crowd. No More Mister Nice Guy hits and Psiko appears on stage. He hold his LWF title belt up and points to it  and then in the direction of Emperor and Phoenix. He slides in the ring and hods up his belt, showing it to the crowd drawing more heat. Evolution hits to a mixed reaction and Red Fusion, slowly comes limping out to the stage. He slowly makes his way down the ramp, as the other 3 people in the ring look on impatiently. He gets up on the apron and stands in his corner. Phoenix exits the ring, and Psiko and Emperor will start this matchup. The bell rings and we are underway.


Mav: For those of you just  tuning in, this odd matchup was set up by Arelas, on a whim.

Joshman: He may have called it the best matchup ever, but I call it a pile of crap.

Mav: Well, as not nice as that may be, you do have a point Joshman. Phoenix and Emperor are certainly not on the best of terms, and neither is Psiko and Red Fusion.

Joshman: See, he just does this stuff to amuse himself.


Red Fusion points and waves at somebody in the crowd, and Psiko watches him and shakes his head.  Emperor knocks Psiko down from behind with a blow to the head, then stomps on him.  Emperor pulls Psiko up and whips him off the ropes, knocking him down with a shoulder tackle.  Psiko starts to get up, but Emperor hits an underhook suplex, then pulls him up and whips him into the corner.  Emperor charges and clotheslines Psiko against the post, then whips him with ease into the opposite corner.  Emperor charges, but Psiko steps out of the way and Emperor crashes into the turnbuckle.  He staggers away, and Psiko hits a running bulldog.  Psiko bounces off the ropes as Emperor tries to get right up and hits a swinging neckbreaker.  Psiko hops onto the top rope and waits as Emperor gets up, then leaps for a diving spear.  Psiko covers, one, two, Emperor kicks out.  Red Fusion leans in for a tag, but Psiko laughs at him.


Mav:  Red Fusion is trying to actually function as a team here, but Psiko won’t have any of it.

Joshman:  Of course not!  He’s trying to actually win the match.

Mav:  Red Fusion is a tremendous competitor!  He got the hell beat out of him, bled buckets, and still won the Havok Title at Maul!

Joshman:  Is he the LWF Champion?  No.  Why would you want somebody other than the LWF Champion fighting for your team?


Psiko goes back and starts to pull Emperor up, but Emperor punches him in the gut.  Emperor stands and staggers Psiko with a throat thrust, then bounces off the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but Psiko sidesteps him and hits the Touch of Insanity!  Psiko rolls to the corner and climbs to the top of the turnbuckle, then waves at Emperor to get up.  Emperor staggers to his feet and turns around, and Psiko leaps for Poetic Justice, but Emperor dives out of the way, and Phoenix leans over the ropes and tags himself in.  Psiko gets up and turns around as Phoenix rushes in and brawls him back into the ropes, then whips him across the ring off the ropes into a spinning wheel kick.  Phoenix bounces off the ropes, and as Psiko is getting up Phoenix leaps and takes him down with a hurricarana, and Psiko tries to get right to his feet, but nearly loses his balance, then turns and chops Red Fusion right in the chest, effectively tagging him in.


Mav:  A very hard and aggressive tag there, but Red Fusion is finally in the match.

Joshman:  Well, it’s about time!  I’ve had enough of him being a pansy and just standing there on the apron. 


Red Fusion glares at Psiko, then steps into the ring to face Phoenix.  The two begin to circle each other and then they finally lock up.  Red Fusion gains the advantage with a headlock. Phoenix pushes Fusion off and into the ropes. Red Fusion comes off and hits a shoulder block on Phoenix and immediately grabs his legs and goes for the Fuz-mission. Phoenix easily kicks Fusion off sending him into the ropes once again and as Red Fusion comes off Phoenix meets him with a monkey flip! Phoenix begins to work on the leg of Red Fusion, he gets up and performs a baseball slide into his leg. He then drags up Red Fusion and performs a russian leg sweep sending Fusion back to the mat. Phoenix begins to drag Fusion up and Fusion hits a couple of punches to the midsection of Phoenix, once again gaining the advantage and locks in a sleeper!  Phoenix immediately grabs the head of Fusion, reaching behind him and drops into a jawbreaker.  Red Fusion staggers, and Phoenix knocks him down with a dropkick, then goes to the corner and hits a split-legged moonsault, then hooks the leg, one, two, Red Fusion kicks out!


Mav:  You have to think that Red Fusion is still suffering the effects of that brutal match from just four days ago, is he 100% here?  How long can he last?


Phoenix gets to his feet and makes a tag to Emperor.  Emperor comes in, but Red Fusion is up and hits a belly-to-belly suplex! Red Fusion goes after Emperor and slams him down with a scoop slam, and follows down with an elbow! Quick cover here by Red Fusion, but Emperor kicks out at one and a half! Fusion stays right on Emperor, whipping him to the ropes and nailing him with a spinebuster. Fusion goes for a quick anklelock, but Emperor twists out of it and kicks Fusion away. Emperor up, and he catches Red Fusion with a scoop slam, and then another when Fusion leaps back up! Emperor grabs Fusion and hits him with a full nelson slam!  Emperor covers Red Fusion, one, two, Red Fusion gets the shoulder up!


Mav:  Red Fusion slammed down time and again on that back, and the hard impact on those healing wounds have to be taking their toll!

Emperor slowly picks Fusion up, and measures him.  Emperor hits him with a hard right hand, and then another!  Red Fusion staggers and Emperor bounces off the ropes, but Red Fusion suddenly charges forward and hits the Derailer, knocking him out of the ring!  Red Fusion goes to tag out, but Psiko is watching Phoenix stare back at him from across the ring, and Psiko steps back off the apron!  Red Fusion can’t believe it, and Emperor has slid back into the ring.  Red Fusion turns around, and Emperor pulls the legs out from under him and turns him over into Hell’s Grasp!  Psiko starts to come back into the ring, but Phoenix comes tearing across the ring and spears him through the ropes, and both crash at ringside!  Red Fusion can nearly reach the ropes, but Emperor walks them back to the center of the ring, and Red Fusion has no choice to tap out!

Winner: Emperor and Phoenix by Submission


Mav: Wow, and after I that, I think Red Fusion might possibly be even more injured than he was before this match.

Joshman: Bet you 5 bucks that he tries to have a match on Monday too.

Mav: That's like betting me 5 bucks that I'll breathe at some point.

Joshman: Eh, good point.





Nomad is shown watching a monitor, when Grey Coppi walks by.


Coppi: Nomad, don’t people around here usually scout matches from ringside?


Nomad:  What?  The Eternal Wanderer ain’t going nowhere near that lunatic if he don’t have to.


Nomad turns back around, but Iceman is standing in front of him.  Nomad screams and dives away, and Iceman chuckles and walks off.



Technical Title #1 Contender's Match

Iceman versus Lone Wolf


Bark at the Moon hits to a pop and Lone Wolf appears on stage. He salutes the crowd for a few moments before heading down to the ring. He enters the ring and gets situated. Battle Without Honor or Humanity hits to huge heat and Iceman appears on stage. He purposefully walks down to ring side then gets up on the apron and taunts the crowd before entering the ring. He points at Lone Wolf and says something which causes Lone Wolf to come charging at him. The bell rings and the match is underway.


Mav: The winner of this match will face Nomad on Monday for the LWF Technical Title.

Joshman: I can't wait to see Iceman as the technical champion.

Mav: Why is that?

Joshman: Cause the time has come for all to fear the mighty power of the Freezing Point!!!

Mav: Right...


Lone Wolf charges and runs right into a big boot from Iceman. Iceman starts kicking away at the member of the New Blood. He kicks him into the corner until the ref makes him stop. Lone Wolf gets to his feet, and Iceman whips him into the other corner. Lone Wolf bounces out, and Iceman grabs him and sends him into the original corner. Lone Wolf hits chest first and bounces out and is lifted into a backdrop from Iceman. Iceman waits for Lone Wolf to get up, tanuting him as he lays there. Lone Wolf gets to his feet and Iceman whips him across the ring. Lone Wolf comes off the ropes and is met by a Lou Thesz Press from Iceman, who follows it up with a Freezing Point!!!


Joshman: There it is... Lone Wolf really must be some competitor to have taken that and not give up.

Mav: Do you remember anyone ever giving up to it.

Joshman: No... but I know I'd give up to it.

Mav: That's true, I did see that 9 year old kid beat you at mercy the other day.

Joshman: You saaw that?!?!?!?


Iceman stands up and taunts the crowd once more and begins to head for the ropes. He starts to step through them but Lone Wolf grabs him and pulls him back over. Lone Wolf lays into Iceman with a few cross chops and then lifts him into a side suplex. He attempts to lock in The Rabid Bite but Iceman fights out and uses his legs to toss Lone Wolf to the ground. Iceman gets to his feet, as does Lone Wolf. Lone Wolf swings for a clothesline and misses, and he turns around only to be scooped up by Iceman into the Icy Depths!!!!  Iceman covers...1...2... wait, Iceman got up. He goes over and asks for a mic.


Mav: Now what? Iceman had that match won!


Iceman: I don't care about any of this technical title, for all I care you can have it


Iceman exits through the ropes and walks up the ramp. Lone Wolf is still out in the middle of the ring as the bell rings.


Winner: Lone Wolf by Countout


Mav: Well, as unorthodox as that was, it looks like Lone Wolf picks up the victory here tonight and has earned himself a rematch agaainst Nomad for the techniical title.

Joshman: But more importantly we've discovered something even more important.

Mav: And what's that?

Joshman: That Iceman is the most caring individual in the LWF.

Mav: How do you figure that.

Joshman: Cause he knew that if he was technical champion he could never lose. No one can stand up to the freezing point.

Mav: Lone Wolf just got hit by the Freezing Point and he didn't give up.

Joshman: Yeah, well, that's your opinion.


Mav: Now, if you missed it, the big story this week has been the change in heart of one Alan Fernandez.

Joshman: Damn right it was a big story, it was the best thing ever.

Mav: Well, I don't know about that. Here's what happened.


*Clip plays of Alan attacking Arelas after Creative Control defended their tag titles on Warzone*


Joshman: That was great, can we watch that again?

Mav: No.

Joshman: Please?

Mav: No.


Alan Fernandez versus Lock


My World hits to big heat and the billowing presence of the owner of the LWF is felt throughout the arena. Lock makes his way down the ramp and hands his sunglasses and trenchcoat to the timekeeper and enters the ring. Phucking Phreak by Velvet Acid Christ hits for a minute and the crowd waits, not sure what is happening. Then Alan Fernandez appears on stage and the crowd erupts with heat. Alan has brought a mic out to stage, along with his mallet per usual.


Joshman: You think that Mallet can crack an egg?

Mav: Well, we can find out if it will crack your skull if we ask nicely.

Joshman: Are you kidding? My head is as hard as a rock. You're funny Mav.


Alan: So, I beat down on ONE good for nothing commissioner with an Angel fetish and a control complex, and I'm everyone's least favorite guy, huh?  Well, hey, that's fine.  Just peachy.  Just another in the long line of crap that's been going wrong that is totally not my fault.  The refs suck.  The commissioner makes a bunch of dubious calls as far as who wrestles who.  My sister gets injured, and it's Arelas' fault, and on top of that, the commissioner and the freakin' owner of the company tag up to take away the tag titles. 


Well, fine buddy.  I'll play it your way.  You're all about the vigilantism, right?  Well, I'll outdo anything you could've ever dreamed up.  Remember, freaks are everywhere.  Freaks are nowhere.  When you least expect it, you'll get a nice sized dent in your head from my Mallet.  And those tag titles WILL be mine again.  Which means, Lock, tonight, I have no problem kicking your ass, This is a message to Arelas. This, I vow."


Mav: And here we go.

Joshman: Yes, here here, wonderful speech Alan.


Alan drops the mallet and charges down the ramp and slides in the ring. As Alan slides in, Lock begins kicking away at him. This does not deter Alan however, and Alan gets to his feet and immediately begins pummeling Lock with right hands. Lock is backed up into the ropes, and Alan sends him to the other side. Lock comes off the ropes and Alan grabs him and hits a Panda Buster! A quick cover!!!, Lock looks a bit shocked, but he manages to get a shoulder up.


Mav: Alan getting off to quite the fast start there. Looked like it surprised Lock a bit.

Joshman: It may have looked that way, but it takes more than that to surprise someone with the superior intellect of Lock.

Mav: I thought you were rooting for Alan...

Joshman: Oh yeah, go Alan!


Alan drags Lock to his feet and hits a few cross chops on the owner of the LWF, but a swift kick to the midsection by Lock quickly changes the pace of this matchup. Lock takes his time and grabs Alan, lifting him into a vertical suplex. He drags Alan to his feet and wrenches his arm. He wrenches it again and then comes down with his elbow, driving it into the twisted arm, bringing Alan to one knee. Alan fights up, and reverses the hammerlock into one of his own. Lock backs Alan into the ropes and Lock is sent across the ring. Lock comes off the ropes and Alan attempts a roundhouse kick but Lock is able to catch the foot of Alan. Lock then ducks an enziguri attempt from Alan before hitting a dragon screw takedown. Lock holds on to the leg of Alan and locks in a half-crab. Alan pushes himself up, relieving some of the stress on his leg, and is able to eventually drags himself over to the ropes forcing Lock to release the hold.

Alan drags himself to his feet and Lock grabs Alan from behind in a waistlock. He hits a german suplex, and holds on, he rolls over and is able to get a second off. He holds on again and gets to his feet, but Alan starts elbowing at Lock and forces him to release the hold. Alan grabs Lock and tries to whip him in the corner, but Lock reverses and Alan is sent to the corner, but Alan jumps on the turnbuckle and leaps off hitting Lock with Ill Met by Starlight! He goes seemingly into a pinning combination...1....2.... Lock kicks out just before a 3 count.


Mav: Wonderful counter by Alan gets a near-fall.


Alan drags Lock up and sets him up for the Shut-Your Mouth but Lock breaks free and kicks Alan in the midsection, he goes to grab Alan's arms for the Lockdown but Alan dives between Lock's legs!!! Lock turns around to see what happened and he's lifted into Human Wreckage!!!!! A cover!! 1...2...3!!!


Joshman: He's a slippery devil he is

Mav: Yes, and that agility got him the victory here tonight.


Winner: Alan Fernandez by Pinfall


Alan gets up and celebrates his victory! He slides out of the ring and grabs his mallet. He slides back in the ring and raises the mallet above his head, intent on smashing Lock with it when suddenly the mallet is taken out of Alan's hands! Alan turns around and Arelas is behind him!


Joshman: No!! Get him Get him!
Mav: Seems Arelas is here to return the favor for Monday night.


Alan tries to kick him, but Arelas catches his leg and hits a dragon screw straight into the Last Prayer!!! Alan is crying out in pain.


Mav: Alan may have picked up the victory over Lock here tonight. But he may have lost out in the end as he is now caught in the Last Prayer. Believe you me though, if we know Alan at all you can be assured that he will have a response ready for Monday. Also on Monday, it will be Lone Wolf taking on Nomad for the Technical Title! We hope to see you then!!!

