Tourniquet blares over the speakers, signaling the beginning of another edition of Lockdown.  The camera pans the crowd, showing the excitement built within the fans as they hold up various signs supporting their favorite superstars here in the LWF.  An impressive display of pyro flares

up on the stage and the crowd falls into a greater frenzy as the show finally begins to get underway.


Mister Mav: Welcome, one and all, to another exciting edition of Lockdown.  I am Mister Mav, and today I am joined once again by Joshman.

Joshman: You know, Mav, I still can't believe that Creative Control lost the tag titles a week ago.  I mean, Lock practically carried that team to glory, and Arelas had to go and lose the titles.

Mister Mav: Yes, quite a shame that the Regime no longer has any booking power.

Joshman: When Lock had the booking power for that brief period of time, our ratings were higher than they had been since Lockmania.

Mister Mav: And I'm sure you are blaming Arelas for the lack of ratings.

Joshman: Didn't I make myself clear enough?



Submission Match

Lone Wolf versus Fear


"Bark at the Moon" hits to a good pop as Lone Wolf walks out onto the stage, looking determined to make an impact in his match tonight.  He heads down the ramp as pyro flares up and down the sides of the ramp, lining his path with flair.  He slides into the ring and goes to hop onto a turnbuckle when "Faint" hits to strong heat.  Fear comes out onto the stage with the Tag Title secured around his waist, an annoyed look on his face as heads down the ramp.  He slides into the ring and Lone Wolf rushes him, but he steps aside and Lone Wolf runs past Fear and bounces off the ropes.  He comes back with a flying forearm, but Fear ducks and Lone Wolf crashes to the mat, his face full of frustration.


Mister Mav: Lone Wolf is trying to get an early offensive advantage here against the veteran Fear, but it seems Fear is able to stay one step ahead of the young superstar.

Joshman: Compare the two, Mav.  Fear was the greatest Cross-Hemisphere Champion ever, and Lone Wolf was just the Havok Champion.  Of course Fear is better than him.


Lone Wolf is back up and he meets Fear in the center of the ring.  The two competitors lock up and Lone Wolf puts Fear into a hammerlock, wrenching away at Fear's arm.  Fear makes no attempt to escape, but rather uses his other hand to stifle a yawn as Lone Wolf furiously tugs on Fear's arm,trying to make him submit.  Finally Lone Wolf releases the hold, realizing his effort was in vain.  Instead, he quickly locks in a sleeper hold on Fear, and Fear dramatically slumps to the ground, as if instantly unconscious.  Lone Wolf immediately releases the hold and holds his arms overhead, thinking he has won the match because Fear passed out, but he turns around and walks right into the Numbing!  Lone Wolf is down, and Fear simply kicks him in the head before walking to a turnbuckle, leaning against the pole to massive heat from the crowd.


Mister Mav: Fear is toying with Lone Wolf!  He isn't even taking his opponent seriously!  How humiliating.

Joshman: No, I don't think this could top what he did to Fusion on Warzone.  That was hilarious!

Mister Mav: No, really it wasn't, and I'm sure it offended Red Fusion tremendously.

Joshman: Who cares what Fusion thought of it?


Lone Wolf is slow getting to his feet, and Fear is there to greet him with a german suplex from behind!  He stands over Lone Wolf, staring at his opponent before grabbing his legs.  He turns Lone Wolf over and has him locked in the Liontamer!  Lone Wolf cries out in pain as he reaches toward the ropes, his fingertips falling centimeters short of salvation.  His eyes begin to tear up as Fear redoubles the pressure within the hold, but he refuses to tap.  Suddenly Fear releases the hold, dashing away from Lone Wolf as fast as he can.  He looks at Lone Wolf in disbelief before looking down at his left boot, which has become rather damp during the course of the submission.


Mister Mav:  ...dare I even say it?

Joshman: Hahaha!  Lone Wolf leaked out of that situation!  You don't see that every day!


Lone Wolf slowly gets back to his feet, and Fear meets him with a boot to the face, using his left boot as a measure of revenge.  Lone Wolf crashes down to the mat and Fear goes to lock in the Millenial Decay, but Lone Wolf reverses it into the Rabid Bite!  Rabid Bite to Fear!  Fear is caught in the center of the ring, and the ropes are all out of reach!  Out of nowhere, Metalhead Matt Marauder appears at ringside and slides into the ring, breaking up the hold.  He lifts Fear up and hits the Emerald Fusion before sliding out of the ring, and now Fear is really out of it!  Lone Wolf goes to reapply the Rabid Bite as Triple M disappears backstage.  Lone Wolf reaches down to lock in his submission, but Fear quickly reverses the move into the Millenial Decay!  Lone Wolf is in the Millenial Decay!  He stretches as far as he can reach, but the ropes are too far!  Lone Wolf taps out!


Winner: Fear via submission


Mister Mav: What a turn of events, with Triple M basically costing Lone Wolf a victory over Fear by exacting his revenge.

Joshman: Fear wouldn't have tapped out to that sissy hold.  We both know that.

Mister Mav; That may be, but now we will never know for sure.



Imperial Title Match

Ruff Rabbi © versus Doctor K


"Piggy Pie" hits to heat as Doctor K comes out onto the stage, laughing manically.  He glances at the crowd with shifty eyes as he makes his way down to the ring.  He slides into the ring and continues to glance around at the crowd when an explosion of pyro goes off on the stage, causing Doc to jump, a panicked look on his face.  "Forest" hits to a strong pop as Ruff Rabbi comes out onto the stage, the Imperial Title secured around his waist.   He wastes little time making his way to the ring, sliding into the ring as he drops the title on the outside.  The two exchange a flurry of blows and Doc takes Rabbi down with a firemans carry.  Rabbi pops back up and walks into a belly to belly release suplex and Doc tosses him over the ropes and Rabbi crashes on the floor at ringside.


Mister Mav: A quick offensive here by Doctor K, and it seems he is sending a message to his opponent at Resurrection.

Joshman: Obviously.  Diablo hasn't learned yet that nobody can mess with the Regime, and the good Doctor is going to teach him that lesson!


Doctor K slides out of the ring and stalks Rabbi, who is favoring his left arm as he gets onto his feet.  He gets onto his feet and Doctor K greets him with some hard rights, but Rabbi strikes back blow for blow.  Rabbi goes to lift Doc into a suplex, but his arm can't support Doc's weight so Doc comes crashing onto the mat.  The ref has reached seven on the count and Ruff Rabbi slides into the ring as Doctor K gets to his feet.  Seeing a window of opportunity, Doctor K grabs Rabbi's legs while his back is turned, tripping up his opponent before dragging him back out of the ring.  He hops onto the apron, and the ref begins the ten count all over again.


Mister Mav: A surprisingly good display being shown so far here by Doctor K.  This is a much more mild style than he usually uses.

Joshman: When will you learn that the Regime always puts on good matches?

Mister Mav: They usually don't.

Joshman: You'll see that I am right later tonight when the rest of the Regime wrestles.


Ruff Rabbi begins to stir at ringside, and Doctor K watches him intently from his perch on the apron.  An evil grin creeps onto his face as he begins to run across the apron toward Ruff Rabbi, taking him down with an intense spear.  Both men are down from the impact, and the ref continues counting.  He reaches five, yet neither man moves. neither man moves an inch.  "Battle Without Honor or Humanity" hits to a solid chorus of jeers as Iceman comes running down the ramp.


Mister Mav: What the hell is Iceman doing down here?

Joshman:  Boo!  Go back to the gutter you crawled out of!

Mister Mav: For once, I agree with you.


The ref hits eight as both Rabbi and Doctor K start to get onto their feet.  Iceman reaches the two and hits a clothesline on Rabbi, then follows it up with the Freezing Point!  He pummels away at Rabbi while Doctor K slides into the ring, laughing at Rabbi's misfortunes as the ref finishes counting Ruff Rabbi out, ending the match.  Doctor K climbs the turnbuckle, hitting a twisting body splash on the prone Rabbi.  Iceman grabs the Imperial Title and raises it overhead to massive heat as Doctor K heads up the ramp, muttering to himself.


Winner: Doctor K via countout, Ruff Rabbi retains the Imperial Title



Alan Fernandez versus Red Fusion; Havok Title Match


"Phucking Phreak" hits to strong heat as Alan Fernandez comes out onto the stage, the Mallet of Doom slung over a shoulder and the Tag Title around his waist.  He slowly makes his way down the ramp, but before he reaches the ring "In Time" hits to a strong pop, cutting Alan's entrance short.  Alan stops in mid-stride, slowly turning around to face Red Fusion, who is walking out onto the stage with an armful of assorted Havok weapons.  Amidst the clutter is his Havok Title, and Fusion prepares to charge down the ramp when his music suddenly cuts off and "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" begins to play over the speakers.  Fusion throws down the weapons, looking back at the stage while breathing laboriously.


Mister Mav: That music is the same one that Fear used when mocking Fusion last week, and it seems that Red Fusion is expecting a two-on-one situation here.

Joshman: Well, it is a Havok match.  He asked for trouble when he challenged one of the Phreaks to a match.

Mister Mav: Since when have you ever been an Alan Fernandez fan?

Joshman: Since he finally saw the light.

Mister Mav: You mean the darkness and corruption, right?


Fusion waves his arms frantically, calling for Fear to come out and fight him.  Alan sneaks up the ramp while Fusion is distracted, cracking him upside the head with the Mallet of Doom.  Fusion slumps onto the ramp and Alan grabs an arm, dragging Fusion through the dropped weaponry and down to the ring.  Alan picks Fusion up onto his shoulder and tosses Fusion into the

ring post, and Fusion's head bounces off the cold steel with a dull thud.


Mister Mav: This isn't a match, this is a massacre!  Somebody get down here and stop Alan before he goes too far!

Joshman: Why don't you go stop him?

Mister Mav: I value my life, so how about no.

Joshman:  I can’t imagine why you do.


Alan goes to cover Fusion, but the ref is inside the ring and tells Alan the match hasn't started yet.  Alan lifts Fusion up and rolls him into the ring, sliding in afterward and pinning Fusion once again as the bell sounds to begin the match.  The ref counts!  One...two...NO!  Fusion manages to get a shoulder up, much to the delight of the crowd!  Alan gets to his feet and slides out of the ring, rummaging underneath for some weapons.  He grabs a bat and slides back into the ring as Fusion gets back onto his feet.  Alan swings with the bat, but Fusion ducks the blow and kicks Alan in the chest, hitting a DDT as Alan drops the bat from his grasp.  Alan gets right back onto his feet and the two men lock up momentarily, and Alan whips Fusion into the ropes.  Fusion grabs the ropes, using the momentum to fall to the outside but he ends up landing on his ass.  Alan shakes his head as he laughs, unable to believe his opponent's stupidity.  Fusion starts digging around under the ring, and tosses the weapons into the ring as he finds them.  A carton of eggs flies further than any of the other objects he throws, and the eggs crack open as they hit Alan in the chest, smearing egg

yolk all over Alan's clothes.


Mister Mav: Looks like Fusion may have just secured the loss of his title with that antic.

Joshman: Who put those eggs there?  We specifically asked for NO EGGS!

Mister Mav: When did you stop liking eggs?

Joshman: I don't dislike eggs, I just thought it was appropriate to fill in for Fear on that one.

Mister Mav: Do me a favor next time and just don't even try to be funny.


Alan darts to the other side of the ring, but Fusion continues to toss in assorted items.  Alan tries his best to dodge the projectiles, but a stray fire extinguisher catches him on the shoulder, slowing him long enough for the ring bell to crash into his head.  Fusion hops onto the turnbuckle with a trash can lid and leaps for the Fusion Bomb, using the lid to harden the impact of the maneuver.  He connects, but the move harms him just as much as it did Alan, and both men are down on the mat.  Fusion drapes an arm over Alan, but only gets a two count.


Mister Mav: They should just eliminate the Havok division completely.  These matches are madness!

Joshman: Why do you think they have such good ratings?  People want to see brutality, and Havok matches give them that.

Mister Mav: How can anyone possibly want to put themselves through this torture?

Joshman: Why don't you ask Psiko when he comes down here for the next match?   He is more Havok than anyone in this Federation, even more so than Doctor K.


Fusion grabs a mop as he gets to his feet, and Alan is already up and brandishing a calculus textbook, approximately two thousand pages in length.   Fusion swings with the mop, but Alan deflects the blow with the textbook.  Fusion thrusts forward with the handle, but Alan is faster once again and the book absorbs the blow.  This time as Fusion prepares to swing, Alan whaps him upside the head with the textbook and Fusion falls to the mat.  Alan goes to cover, but Arelas comes running down the ramp!


Mister Mav: Yes!  Arelas is going to put an end to all this nonsense!

Joshman: Arelas can't stand up to the might of calculus.  Nobody can!


Alan sees Arelas and swings with the textbook, but Arelas ducks and hits the Eternal Slam onto a steel chair!  Fusion gets back onto his feet and grabs a trash can, tossing it at Arelas.  Arelas catches the weapon and whops Fusion with it before lifting him into the Eternal Slam!  Fusion lands on top of Alan and the ref counts the pinfall!  One...two...three!  Fusion wins, but he still doesn't know it!  Arelas heads back up the ramp, leaving the carnage behind him.


Winner: Red Fusion via pinfall to retain the Havok Title



A commercial is shown for LWF: Resurrection.  The theme for Resurrection is Rest in Pieces by Saliva.



Phoenix and Diablo versus Psiko and Lock


"Hells Bells" hits to a grand pop as Diablo struts out onto the stage, the Cross-Hemisphere Title secured around his waist.  He makes his way down the ramp, pumped up for tonight's match.  "Rise" hits to a massive pop as Phoenix rises from the flames and Diablo watches the legend with a look of admiration on his face.  Phoenix comes down to the ring and clasps hands with his partner as "My World" hits to massive heat and Lock walks out onto the stage with Psiko alongside him.  Psiko pauses to polish the Federation Title at the top of the ramp, and Lock's trenchcoat billows.


Mister Mav: Don't even say it.

Joshman: Say what?

Mister Mav: Jay always comments about the Dragons billowing his trenchcoat.

Joshman: I should hit you now for comparing me to that raving lunatic.


The two men make their way down the ramp and pause once again at the bottom.   Lock removes his trenchcoat and folds it into a bundle, setting it on the steel steps while Psiko removes the title and polishes it with his sleeve before holding it overhead to deafening jeers.  A smirk crosses onto his face as the two men hop onto the apron, and they hop off as Diablo and Phoenix charge forward.  the two men in the ring stop, watching their opponents intently.  Diablo tries to provoke Lock, but the leader of the Regime simply shakes his head.  Phoenix slides out of the ring and heads toward Psiko and Lock, and the two members of the Regime slide into the ring.


Mister Mav: What a bunch of cowards those two are, running from a fair fight!

Joshman: Diablo and Phoenix were obviously going to attack them the moment they set foot into that ring.  Lock knows better than to walk into an ambush like that.

Mister Mav: I still say he is afraid.

Joshman: He is the one who laid down this challenge, remember?


Diablo immediately puts the boots to Lock as Phoenix slides in and is greeted by a right from Psiko.  Lock manages to swipe Diablo's feet out from under him, and Psiko takes Phoenix down with a shoulder tackle before sneaking out onto the apron.  Phoenix gets to his feet and glares at Psiko, who simply shrugs as a smug look remains on his face.  Inside the ring, Lock squares off with Diablo and the two go to lock up, but Lock kicks Diablo in the chest.  Taking advantage of his prone opponent, Lock hits a fisherman suplex, bridging into the pinfall, but Diablo kicks out at one.


Joshman: See, he wasn't afraid, he just didn't want to be ambushed by his cheating opponents.

Mister Mav: They don't cheat, Joshman.

Joshman: Why don't you go ask their wives about that, hmm?


Both men pop back to their feet and Lock hits a stiff clothesline on Diablo, then tags in Psiko.  The champion hops into the ring and takes the fight straight to Diablo, jarring him with a series of blows.  He backs Diablo into a corner and then whips him across the ring, following through with a shoulder block.  Diablo staggers out of the corner and Psiko goes to hit a jump swinging DDT, but Diablo powers out of the hold and drops Psiko in a modified version of a powerbomb.  Diablo lifts Psiko to his feet and hits a suplex and Phoenix is calling for the tag.  The crowd goes ballistic as Diablo drags Psiko over to the corner, smashing his head on the turnbuckle before tagging in Phoenix.  Phoenix climbs into the ring as Psiko gets back onto his feet and, as soon as the champion sees who is in the ring with him, Psiko runs toward the opposite corner, going to tag in Lock.  Lock shoots Psiko an angry glance and tells him to show Phoenix who is boss, and Psiko sighs in defeat.


Mister Mav: See, Psiko was afraid of the fight.

Joshman: He said he didn't want to beat Phoenix over and over again until Resurrection, so do you blame him for wanting to let Phoenix off easy?

Mister Mav: Personally, I don't think Psiko has what it takes to beat Phoenix, and he knows it.

Joshman: Poppycock, I say!


Psiko turns around and Phoenix tears into him with an alternating flurry of rights and lefts, sending Psiko into the ropes.  Phoenix whips him across the ring and lifts Psiko into a spinning spinebuster, slamming the champion down hard on the mat.  Phoenix goes to lock in Dust to Dust, but Psiko rolls him into a school boy, grabbing the tights!  One...two...Phoenix kicks out!  Both men are back on their feet and they stare each other down, neither one back down an inch from the other.  Psiko shoves Phoenix, and Phoenix shoves him back even harder.  Psiko shoves Phoenix once again, sending the legend staggering back a step, but Phoenix retaliates, sending Psiko back several steps.  Psiko goes in to shove Phoenix again, but this time kicks Phoenix in the shin as he pushes, and then follows it up with a running bulldog.  Psiko runs to the ropes and hits a springboard moonsault and goes for the cover, but Phoenix powers out after one.


Mister Mav: Even in a shoving contest Psiko had to cheat to beat Phoenix.  How can he possibly beat Phoenix in a wrestling match?

Joshman: Bring lots and lots of garlic.

Mister Mav: Phoenix isn't a vampire, Joshman.

Joshman: I know, but the odor might be strong enough to make Phoenix not want to fight him.


Psiko walks over and tags in Lock, who immediately lays the boots to Phoenix.  He lifts the legend up and hits a snapmare, following through with a sleeper hold.  Diablo comes into the ring to break up the hold, and Doctor K comes running down the ramp.  Diablo breaks the hold and slides out of the ring, intercepting Doctor K outside the ring.  The two men brawl, their fight carrying out into the crowd.  Inside the ring, Lock whips Phoenix across the ring and Psiko knocks Phoenix's feet out from under him.  Lock begins to choke Phoenix in the corner, but the ref breaks him away and starts to tell Lock to keep it within the rules as Psiko chokes Phoenix.  Psiko releases Phoenix as the ref turns back around, and smiles innocently as Phoenix gasps for air.


Mister Mav: Underhanded tactics by the Regime!  You cannot say that was fair!

Joshman: What the ref fails to see is not my problem.

Mister Mav: It is now a handicap match, with Diablo gone battling Doctor K.

Joshman: The brilliance of the Regime.  No man can outsmart Lock, especially not that Arelas guy.


Phoenix is back on the offensive, smashing away at Lock with hard rights.  He hits a quick brainbuster, floating into a pinfall.  Psiko breaks up the pin and Phoenix is back up and he swings at Psiko, but the champion ducks and Phoenix inadvertently hits the referee!  The ref is down, and Psiko goes to hit the Psikotik, but Phoenix reverses it into Rise No More!  Lock is back up and kicks Phoenix in the chest, hitting the Lockdown!  Emperor comes running down the ring, and Lock goes to meet him at the edge of the ring.  Emperor stands outside the ring, yelling at Lock, who leans over the ropes to draw his foe in.  Emperor moves forward to comply, but reaches up and hits a guillotine.  Lock stumbles backward, bumping into Phoenix, who is now back on his feet.  Phoenix spins Lock around, lifting him into Rise No More!   Phoenix covers!  One...two...three!


Winners: Phoenix and Diablo via pinfall


Phoenix stands over Lock, and then looks up at Psiko, as he stares back at him from ringside.


End Show