The pyros explode as Tourniquet plays in the arena.
Mister Mav: Welcome, one and all, to Lockdown! Let’s take a look at signs around the arena!
“Imperialist 5:17”
“Psiko pees his pants”
“Your Ad Here”
Title Match
Diablo © versus Ruff Rabbi
Forest hits to a
pop, and Ruff Rabbi darts out from backstage and slides into the ring. Hells Bells hits to a strong pop and Diablo
walks out on to the stage, with the Cross-Hemisphere Title strapped around his
waist. He climbs into the ring and hands the referee the title, and this match
is underway.
Mister Mav: Diablo is the latest in a history of very
strong holders of the prestigious Cross-Hemisphere Title, and he is a fast
rising star here in LWF, as is his opponent tonight, Ruff Rabbi.
Diablo hits a
clothesline, taking down the Rabbi. Rabbi gets back up and takes another hard
clothesline. Diablo lifts up Rabbi for a suplex and nails it, but keeps his
arms hooked for the bridge pin, 1...2...kick out! Diablo picks up Ruff Rabbi
and whips him into the ropes and hits a spinebuster. He goes to pick up Ruff
Rabbi but Rabbi rolls him up, 1...2...kick out by Diablo! Diablo has a
surprised look on his face, as he stares intently into the eyes of Ruff
Rabbi. They lock up and Rabbi twists
the arm into a hammerlock. Diablo reverses it and goes for a back suplex but
Rabbi flips over him and spins him around, and attempts the Meshuganator, but
Diablo reverses it and sets up Rabbi for a powerbomb, but Ruff Rabbi hits
repeated blows to the face, and Diablo falls back and Ruff Rabbi rolls
away. Diablo is up quick and is met
with a clothesline from Rabbi. Cover, 1...2...kick out by Diablo.
Rabbi picks up
Diablo and whips him into the turnbuckle. He then charges at him and hops for a
body splash, but Diablo jumps out of the way and Rabbi tastes ringpost. Diablo
comes up behind him and hits a full nelson slam. Diablo goes and grabs his leg,
and attempts to wrench the leg, but Rabbi grabs hold of the ropes. Rabbi is up
and so is Diablo. They lock up, yet again, and Rabbi sends Diablo into the
turnbuckle. Rabbi grabs Diablo, but he reverses it, and Diablo sets Rabbi on
the top rope for a superplex. Diablo
pulls once, but Rabbi doesn't budge. Diablo tries it again, but he doesn't
budge. Rabbi then lifts Diablo and slams Diablo into a reverse suplex. Ruff
Rabbi then taunts the crowd, and gets ready to leap for the Fate of Gamorrah.
He goes, but Diablo rolls out of the way and Ruff Rabbi crashes into the mat.
Joshman: The first to his feet has an advantage!
Mister Mav: Stop saying that all the time.
Joshman: Sometimes I can’t think of anything else to
say. It’s better than nothing.
Diablo slowly
staggers to his feet and grabs Rabbi. He lifts him into Hells Grasp but Rabbi
floats out of it. He jumps to the top turnbuckle again, and jumps off. Diablo
catches him and hits Hells Grasp. He covers, 1...2...3!!!
Winner: Diablo via Pinfall to retain the Cross-Hemisphere Title
Highlights are shown from the end of Warzone, when Phoenix tricked Psiko into thinking that the Replica had returned.
Psiko is shown in the Regime locker room watching the same highlights.
Psiko: Gotcha, indeed.
Psiko crushes a Styrofoam cup in his hand.
Lock: Ooh, big man.
Psiko: Shut it.
Lock: We recycle around here by the way. Try a plastic cup, not that crap. I’m gonna go check on the good doctor, I’ll be back.
Imperial Title
Iceman © versus Arelas
"Angel of Death" hits to a massive pop as Arelas walks out onto the stage, the Sword of Justice slung over his shoulder as he makes his way down the ramp. He hops up the stairs and crosses to the center of the apron, holding the Sword of Justice overhead as white pyro flares all around him. "Battle Without Honor or Humanity" hits to strong heat as Iceman walks out onto the stage, the Imperial Title secured around his waist. He heads down the ramp and removes the title, handing it to the referee after sliding into the ring. The bell sounds to start the match, and the two men lock up in the center of the ring.
Mister Mav: This should prove to be an excellent match, pitting two men who have held the Federation Title on multiple occasions against each other.
Joshman: If you ask me...
Mister Mav: Nobody is asking you.
Joshman: Well, I'll say it anyway. They both suck.
Arelas pulls Iceman into a russian leg sweep, but Iceman elbows Arelas in the side. Arelas staggers away and Iceman goes for a flipping neckbreaker, but Arelas reverses it into an awkward powerbomb. Iceman lands hard on his left shoulder, and a loud POP is drowned out by the cheers for Arelas. Iceman clutches his shoulder, wincing in pain. Arelas leans down to check on him, but Iceman kicks him away. Iceman gets to his feet, still rubbing his shoulder, and Arelas shakes his head. Iceman glares at him, demanding that Arelas face him like a real man, but Arelas shakes his head again. Anger seethes from Iceman, whose face becomes bright red as he charges Arelas.
Mister Mav: It looks like that modified version of a powerbomb caused Iceman to dislocate his shoulder, but Iceman refuses to give in.
Joshman: Ha! Serves him right!
Mister Mav: You are actually rooting for Arelas?
Joshman: Hell no! I'm just laughing at Iceman's misfortunes. I still want Arelas to lose, for sure.
Iceman dives for a spear and catches Arelas off guard, driving the commissioner to the mat. Iceman goes for the Freezing Point, but his shoulder is still bothering him, so he settles for a simple mounted punch instead. He lets up after a few, getting to his feet while rubbing his shoulder again. Arelas gets up and tells Iceman they can fight again some other time, but Iceman shakes his head and charges in with a big boot. Arelas catches Iceman's leg and goes to hit a capture suplex, but Iceman lands on his feet and hits a huge clothesline on Arelas.
Mister Mav: Quite an impressive show by Iceman, despite his injury.
Joshman: Anyone looks good compared to Arelas.
Mister Mav: I think you have it backwards.
Joshman: And I think you'd look good with some duct tape over your mouth if you don't shut up.
Arelas pops back to his feet and Iceman kicks Arelas in the chest, setting up a DDT. Arelas elbows out and lifts Iceman into the Eternal Slam! Arelas covers, but Iceman gets his foot on the rope. Arelas pulls Iceman to his feet and lifts him into a spinning backbreaker. Iceman clutches his back, but accidentally reaches back with his bad arm, causing him to scream out in pain. He grasps his shoulder and Arelas shakes his head, walking over to Iceman and locking in an eastern stretch, pulling back on Iceman's back and injured shoulder. Iceman strains to reach the ropes, but they seem to be out of reach!
Mister Mav: This could be the end of Iceman's Imperial Title reign already.
Joshman: He'll never tap out to that. Arelas sucks! Hey...wait a minute...I can hear myself talk!
Mister Mav: Amazing! I wish I didn't have that same problem.
Joshman: No, seriously! Listen! Arelas, you are the biggest piece of garbage in this Federation! You are the worst commissioner we have ever had! You are a bigger jobber than Big Dick Togo himself!
Mister Mav: Dear god, you are right...
Arelas, upon hearing Joshman's taunting, releases the hold and looks around with a confused look on his face. Joshman shouts "Hi mommy!" and waves, and the camera pans to the announcer table, showing Joshman waving on the titantron. Arelas shakes his head and turns around, and walks right into the Icy Depths! Iceman is in tremendous pain, but he refuses to go for the cover. He heads to the top rope, signaling for the View From the North Pole!
Joshman: Here it is folks! Iceman is about to beat the most worthless man on our payroll with his signature move! He leaps, and he hits it! Pinfall! One! Two! Three! Hahahahaha! This is great, people! A jobber just beat a jobber! They should unretire the Jobber Championship and hand it over to Arelas! This is a kodak moment if I ever saw one! Ahahahahaha!
Winner: Iceman via Pinfall to retain the Imperial Title
A shot is shone inside the production truck. Dr. K is sitting at a control panel, snickering. Lock is standing behind him.
Lock: Nicely done.
Lock pats Dr. K on the back and heads out of the truck.
Phucking Phreak hits to strong heat, and Alan Fernandez and Fear come out from backstage and make their way to the ring. Bark at the Moon hits to a loud pop, and Lone Wolf comes down the ramp, carrying his half of the tag team championship.
Mister Mav: The problem with Joshman’s microphone is apparently fixed and meanwhile here comes Lone Wolf, but who has Arelas booked to be his partner here tonight?
My World hits to strong heat, and Lock walks out from backstage. Lone Wolf doesn’t look like he likes it, but Lock just shrugs his shoulders and tells Lone Wolf to get in the ring. Lone Wolf shows Lock his title belt, then leaves it at ringside as he steps into the ring to face off against Alan Fernandez.
Alan and Lone Wolf lock up, and Alan whips Lone Wolf off the
ropes and into a topspin facebuster. Lone Wolf tries to get right up, but Alan fights him back into the
ropes and whips him across the ring, and Lone Wolf comes off the far ropes with
a shoulder tackle that knocks Alan down.
Lone Wolf pulls Alan up and goes to whip him across the ring, but Alan
reverses it and pulls Lone Wolf back into the Panda Buster, then goes to the
corner and tags Fear in. Fear charges
and delivers multiple blows to Lone Wolf, forcing him into the ropes. Fear
whips Lone Wolf across the ring, then charges and spears him to the mat. Fear
hits several mounted punches, then climbs the turnbuckle. Lone Wolf gets up and
Fear goes for a missile dropkick, but Lone Wolf sidesteps it. Fear scurries up
into a hard scoop slam from Lone Wolf. Lone Wolf whips Fear across the ring, then
floors him with a super kick. Fear tries to get up, and Lone Wolf hits
springboard diving facecrusher. Lone Wolf covers, one, two, Fear gets the
shoulder up!
Lone Wolf whips Fear across the ring and goes for a backdrop, but Fear counters
with a facebuster. Fear pulls Lone Wolf up and shoves him into the corner,
stomping away on the challenger. Fear goes to whip him to the opposite corner,
but Lone Wolf reverses it, then follows Fear, but Fear reaches the other corner
and hits the Fainting! Fear goes right into the cover, one, two, Lone Wolf
shoves Fear off. Fear rolls to his feet, but Lone Wolf is back up and hits
several right hands on Fear, backing him into the corner, and Lone Wolf stomps
him down. Lone Wolf pulls him out and into a dragon sleeper, but Fear elbows
out of it, then kicks him in the chest and hits a DDT. Fear covers, one, two,
Lone Wolf kicks out. Fear starts to
pull Lone Wolf up, but Lone Wolf grabs him by the arm and whips him off the
ropes into the Wolf Charge, then rolls to the corner and makes a tag to Lock.
Joshman: You know what we need now? A Locky chant.
Mister Mav: What?
Lock comes into the ring and ducks a clothesline from Fear, then bounces off the far ropes and plows into Fear with a leaping high knee.
Joshman: Lah-key! Lah-key! Lah-key!
Joshman’s chant suddenly comes through on the house speakers, and Lock turns around with a confused look on his face, staring at Joshman. Fear is up behind Lock and grabs him for the Numbing! Fear covers Lock, one, two, three!
Winners: The Freaks via Pinfall
Joshman: Oops.
Mister Mav: That might be a record for shortest amount of time to get pinned after tagging into a match.
Fear stands over Lock and laughs at him as Alan applauds from ringside, but Triple M suddenly runs down the ramp to a strong pop, and he grabs Alan from behind and shoves him into the steps. Triple M slides in behind Fear, grinning as Fear obliviously laughs at Lock. Fear turns around and bumps into Triple M, and he tries to back away, but Triple M pulls his legs out from under him and tries to turn him over into the LionTamer, but Fear manages to kick him away and rolls out of the ring, helping Alan up, and the Freaks retreat up the ramp as Fallen Angel hits the speakers, and Triple M stares at Fear from the ring.
Dr. K is shown again in the production truck, but his mouth is taped shut and he is tied to his chair. Arelas walks by and out of the truck, a smile on his face, and Arelas stops when he sees the camera is on.
Arelas: Hi there. Commissioner Arelas here. I’ll bet you’re all wondering what we’ll be doing this year at the Lord of the Ring. How will the tournament happen? Who, if anyone, will face the LWF Champion for the title? Well, I’ll be signing, sealing, and slashing some major announcements regarding this, next week on Warzone!
Arelas walks out of the truck as Dr. K starts to break out of his bindings.
Havok Title Match
Red Fusion © versus Synn
"Just Like
You" hits to heat and Synn makes her way to the stage. She cracks her whip
to the pyros, and heads down the ramp to the ring. She steps in just as
"In Time" by Mark Collie hits, and red smoke fills the arena, and Red
Fusion walks out from backstage, Havok Title strapped around his waist, and a
kendo stick in his right hand.
Mister Mav: This is a match we anticipated several
months ago, but we’re finally seeing it here tonight.
Red Fusion walks
down the ramp and starts at Synn for a moment. He drops the Havok Title and
slides into the ring. Red Fusion runs at Synn and swings the Kendo stick, but
misses and Synn clotheslines him down. Fusion is back up and gets taken down
again with a hard right hand. He gets back up one more time and Synn grabs him
by the hair and then whips Fusion into the ropes. He comes off with a
clothesline out of desperation.
Red Fusion covers,
1...2...kick out by Synn! He grabs Synn and sends her into the turnbuckle and
charges with a body splash. Synn staggers out against the ropes and Fusion
charges at her and hits the Derailer. Synn goes flying out of the ring. Fusion
grabs the Kendo stick and hops up top. On the outside, Synn is stirring and
finally gets up, and Fusion leaps off the top rope and nails Synn in the head
with the kendo stick. Cover 1...2...kick out!
Mister Mav: Synn kicks out there, she is one tough
cookie, and Joshman, could these two be two of the entrants next month in the
Lord of the Ring tournament?
Joshman: I’m afraid to open my mouth now.
Fusion goes to the
apron and starts looking under the ring for something. Meanwhile the ref is
checking on Synn. Fusion pauses and pulls out a table to a loud pop from the
crowd. He slides it into the ring and sets it up. He rolls back out and grabs
Synn and whips her into the steel steps. Fusion picks Synn up and whips her toward
the turnbuckle but she reverses it and Fusion goes shoulder first into the
steel ringpost. Synn grabs Fusion and rolls him back in the ring. Synn gets on
the apron and goes up top. Fusion
begins to stir and Synn leaps off the turnbuckle, only to be met with a hard
right hand to the stomach. Fusion rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair and
rolls back in. Synn starts to get up, but Fusion cracks her in the head with
the chair. He lays her out on the table and signals for the Fusion Bomb. He
jumps off and nails the Fusion Bomb on Synn and both superstars crash through
the table. But Fusion is still on top of Synn. 1...2...3!!!
Winner: Red Fusion
via pinfall to retain the LWF Havok Championship.
Red Fusion gets up
and the ref hands him his title and he celebrates when all of the sudden JJ
Massacre runs out from backstage with the Technical Title and slides into the
ring. As Fusion turns around, Massacre
nails him with a shot to the face with the Technical Title. Synn begins to stir
and when she sees the damage she begins to laugh. Massacre begins to smile and
appears to be on the same page as Synn, but as Synn turns to leave, Massacre
nails her in the back of the head with the Technical Title.
A commercial is shown for LWF: Lord of the Ring. The theme for Lord of the Ring is Anthem of Our Dying Day by Story of the Year.
Greed hits to a strong pop, and Emperor comes out from backstage and makes his way to the ring, hitting all four turnbuckles and raising his arms to the crowd. His calls for a mic for himself, and one is given to him.
Emperor: Earlier tonight Arelas said he would be announcing on Warzone who is facing Psiko for the LWF Title at Lord of the Ring. Well, I hate to be a spoiler, but that challenger is going to be me. On Warzone I watched Phoenix again try to play mind games with Psiko. Play all the games you want, but that title shot is mine. You had your chance, Phoenix. You had your chance at Resurrection and you walked away empty handed. Your loss. Lord of the Ring is my time. So you and Psiko go ahead and play your games now, because at Lord of the Ring, it is going to be game…over.
Instruments of Destruction hits, and Emperor turns to the stage as Psiko appears, followed moments later by Dr. K, JJ Massacre, and finally, Lock. Emperor throws away the mic and tells Psiko to come into the ring, but the entire foursome comes down the ramp, and Psiko waits at the bottom of the ramp as the other three surround the ring. Emperor glances around and again tells Psiko to come in himself, but all four come in at once, and Emperor tries to fight them off, but is quickly overpowered to loud jeers from the crowd. The jeers turn to cheers as Phoenix runs out from backstage with a steel chair, and he slides in and smashes Lock with it as the other three bail, and Dr. K reaches in and pulls Lock out. Phoenix starts to help Emperor up as the Regime retreats up the ramp, but Emperor suddenly kicks Phoenix in the chest and hits the Death Bow! Emperor stands over Phoenix, then points to Psiko and signals around his own waist as Lockdown fades to black.
End Show