The pyros explode in the arena as Tourniquet plays.


Mister Mav:  Welcome to Lockdown!  Joshman has strep throat and has asked that I, in an act of solidarity, speak only when necessary, so let’s get to the action as I carefully choose when I speak tonight!



Tag Title Match

The New Blood © versus Lock and JJ Massacre


Instruments of Destruction hits to strong heat as Lock strolls onto the stage, flanked by JJ Massacre.  Lock's trenchcoat billows slightly as he makes his way down the ramp and slides into the ring, walking to the nearest turnbuckle and stands on the second rope, staring out into the crowd.  Massacre picks a turnbuckle for himself and imitates Lock, glaring at the fans with a crazed look on his face.  Evolution hits to a pop, and Lone Wolf and Red Fusion walk out to the stage.  The two of them nod slightly at each other before darting down the ramp and sliding into the ring, but Lock and Massacre bail out.  Lock begins to yell at Fusion, demanding that he go to his corner as Lock climbs onto the apron, letting Massacre begin the match against Lone Wolf.


The two men lock up and Lone Wolf gets Massacre into a hammerlock before taking him down with an arm drag.  Massacre pops back onto his feet and walks right into a samoan drop.  This time Massacre is a little slow getting to his feet and Lone Wolf goes to pull him up, but Massacre hits Lone Wolf with a quick low blow, sending Lone Wolf to the mat.  The ref confronts Massacre, telling him not to do that again, but Massacre just grins and tags in Lock.  Lone Wolf gets onto his feet, but Lock kicks him in the chest.  Lone Wolf doubles over and Lock bounces off the ropes and hits a hard scissors kick, sending Lone Wolf back down to the mat.  Fusion starts yelling at Lock, but Lock brushes him off before stomping on Lone Wolf.  Lock pulls Lone Wolf to his feet and whips him into the ropes.  Lone Wolf tries coming off with a clothesline, but Lock ducks the attack and locks in the Lockmission!  Lockmission to Lone Wolf!


Lone Wolf struggles to reach the ropes, but Lock has him in the center of the ring.  Red Fusion tries to come into the ring, but the ref cuts him off.   Massacre notices the distraction and heads into the ring, hitting a few hard jabs in Lone Wolf's ribs before sneaking back into his corner.  The ref finally gets Fusion back onto the apron and it looks like Lone Wolf can't hold out much longer.  Lock tightens his grip, but Lone Wolf backs into the corner, slamming Lock into the turnbuckle.  Lock manages to maintain his grip, but Lone Wolf has the ropes.  The ref threatens to disqualify Lock, but Lock releases the hold.  Lone Wolf begins to stagger toward his corner to tag in Fusion, but Lock catches him and hits a sleeper slam.


The crowd begins to chant for the cherry as Lone Wolf struggles to get to his corner.  Lock tags in Massacre, who rushes into the ring and grabs Lone Wolf's leg, dragging him back to the center of the ring right as he was about to make the tag.  The fans start to boo as Massacre drops a few elbows onto Lone Wolf's back before lifting Lone Wolf onto his feet.  Massacre sets up the Prescription, but Lone Wolf staggers Massacre with a hard elbow to the gut and hits the LW Piledriver.  LW Piledriver out of nowhere, and it looks like that move took everything that Lone Wolf had left in him!  Both men are down, and the ref begins the ten count.


At seven both men begin to stir, both of them struggling to reach their corner and make the tag.  Fusion is standing on the second rope, reaching in as far as he can, and the crowd wants him in the match.  Massacre makes the tag to Lock, who tries to stop Lone Wolf, but Fusion stretches even further and gets the tag.  Fusion makes his way into the ring and ducks a clothesline from Lock before answering with a clothesline of his own.  Lock gets to his feet and takes a swing at Fusion, but Fusion blocks and answers with a right of his own.  Lock swings again, but Fusion blocks and counters again, staggering the owner.  Lock goes for a superkick out of desperation, but Fusion sidesteps and hits a belly to belly suplex on Lock.  Fusion screams at Lock, demanding that he get up, and Lock struggles to his feet.  Lock goes to hit Fusion with a hard right, but Fusion blocks it and hits the Pain Train.  Pain Train to Lock!  Fusion goes for the cover!  One...two...NO!  Massacre managed to break up the pinfall, and then charges at Lone Wolf, who is trying to maintain his balance on the apron.  Massacre dives through the ropes, taking Lone Wolf down with a hard spear!  Both men land outside the ring, and it looks as though that maneuver did as much damage to Massacre as it did to Lone Wolf.  Neither man is moving!


Back in the ring Fusion is up and pulls Lock to his feet, but Lock elbows Fusion in the chest and sets up the Lockdown, but Fusion backdrops out of it.  Lock staggers back onto his feet and Fusion goes for the Pain Train, but Lock floats out and kicks Fusion in the chest, setting up the Lockdown again.  Fusion backdrops out again, but Lock lands on his feet!  Fusion turns around and Lock goes to kick him in the chest once more, but Fusion catches his leg and hits an intense clothesline!  Fusion drags Lock back onto his feet and hits the Pain Train!  Red Fusion covers, one, two, three!


Winners:  The New Blood via Pinfall to retain the Tag Titles


Red Fusion stands over Lock and shouts at him, but Massacre suddenly tears into the picture and drills Fusion with the Fall Out! 


Mister Mav:  Red Fusion gets a measure of revenge, but the fall out of this match saw just that, JJ Massacre connecting on Red Fusion, and those two could meet in ten days in the Lord of the Ring Tournament!





Fear is shown in a dimly lit room, surrounded by mirrors.


Fear:  We’re getting close, Marauder.  You and I are going to jerk the curtains at Lord of the Ring, with one of us getting a shot at the richest prize in this business, and the other being left with seemingly insurmountable odds in his way to get the same.  But I’m not even concerned about that yet, because at Lord of the Ring, it is time that I finish what I started almost two months ago.  The undoing of Triple M.  We’ve talked about mirrors, we’ve used them to assault each other, and that is where our fate lies.  We open Lord of the Ring, Triple M, but not in just any old match.  You think you can humiliate me?  Face me in the match that I made famous, face me…in the Hall of Mirrors.  That’s right, one of the most difficult and strenuous matches, a unique gem that makes LWF famous, and will we see which of us—


The mirror behind Fear suddenly shatters, knocking him down, and Triple M emerges from the hole, standing over Fear and staring down at him.


Triple M:  Challenge…accepted.



Psiko and Iceman versus CoolJ and ???


No More Mister Nice Guy hits to massive heat, and Psiko comes down the ramp, the LWF Title around his waist.  Battle Without Honor or Humanity hits, and Iceman, the Imperial Champion, joins Psiko in the ring.  The Fight Song hits to a strong pop, and CoolJ struts down the ramp.


Mister Mav:  CoolJ is here, but who is his partner? 


The Outlaw Torn hits, and Nomad comes out from backstage, joining his former tag champion partner on the ramp.  CoolJ stares at him for a few seconds, then nods in agreement and they head to ringside, with Nomad sliding in.


Psiko locks up with Nomad to start it off, and Nomad grabs Psiko into a side headlock, and then around into a hammerlock, which Psiko bends around out of and into his own hammerlock on Nomad, who grabs Psiko under his chin and flips him over into a snapmare!  Nomad keeping the pressure on with a quick chinlock, but Psiko pushes him out of it and off the ropes, and Psiko hiptosses Nomad towards his team’s corner, where Iceman holds him while Psiko runs in with a clothesline!  Quick tag, and Psiko wrings Nomad's arm while Iceman comes off the top with an axehandle onto Nomad's shoulder! 


Iceman in now, and he drops Nomad with an inverted DDT, and goes for a cover, one, two, and Nomad with a kickout!  Iceman off the ropes and into a swinging neckbreaker, and bounces off the ropes again with a falling elbowdrop, and into another quick pin, one, two, and Nomad kicks out again!  Iceman pulls Nomad up, but Nomad comes back with hard punches, and a quick spinning belly to belly suplex!  Nomad staggers over and tags in CoolJ, who's ready and waiting for it, and he runs in and pounces on Iceman!  CoolJ with an overhead belly to belly suplex on Iceman!  CoolJ drops an elbow on Iceman, and covers, one, two, and Iceman with a kickout!  CoolJ drags Iceman up, and hits a t-bone suplex!  CoolJ walks over to the prone Iceman, and lifts him up with a wheelbarrow suplex!  CoolJ over for another cover, one, two, and Psiko hits a missle dropkick to break it up!  Nomad in to beat Psiko away, and there's chaos in the ring!  Nomad beats Psiko into the corner, as Iceman recovers and beats CoolJ into the opposite corner!  Iceman with lefts and rights, and he whips CoolJ off the ropes into a Lou Thesz Press!  Iceman slides right into the Freezing POint, but Nomad notices and yanks Iceman into the Leash!  Nomad has the Leash locked in, but Psiko recovers and does a dropkick to knock Nomad off of Iceman!  Psiko pulls Nomad into a Psikotik!  CoolJ comes out of nowhere and goes for a runby Shader on Psiko, but Psiko shoves him off into the corner!  Iceman recovers and lifts CoolJ up for the Icy Depths, but CoolJ floats out and locks in the Jmission!  Iceman is in the other Technician's hold, but Psiko breaks that up with a kneeclip!  Nomad charges at Psiko, but Psiko tosses him over the ropes to ringside, then heads out and puts him into the People’s Punishment!  Iceman pulls CoolJ up and goes for the Deep Freezer but CoolJ spins around and goes for a Shader, but Iceman shoves him away, then scoops him off the ropes into the Icy Depths, and Iceman covers, one, two, three!


Winners:  Iceman and Psiko via Pinfall


Psiko still has Nomad in the People’s Punishment, but Emperor comes out of the crowd and is standing on the barricade, and he jumps off the barricade and hits the Leap of Royalty on Psiko at ringside!  The fans are cheering loudly as Emperor poses with the LWF Title!





Commissioner Arelas is shown at his desk.


Arelas:  Commissioner Arelas here, with not one, not two, but five matches prepared to be added to Lord of the Ring, a title match, and the tournament first round matches.  First item of business, the title match.  Earlier tonight we saw CoolJ’s return to the ring, and at Lord of the Ring we will see if he returns to gold, as he challenges Iceman for the Imperial Title.  But wait!  It gets better.  The Book of Imperialist reads as follows, that Iceman defends the Imperial Title in a triple threat match, against CoolJ and his partner from earlier tonight, Nomad.


A graphic is shown of the title match.  Graphics are then shown of the tournament matches as Arelas lists each matchup.


Arelas:  And now, you first round matches.  Fear and Triple M will indeed square off in a Hall of Mirrors Match, and the loser enters the tournament and will face JJ Massacre in the first round.  The other half of that bracket will see Dr. K against Red Fusion.  On the other half of things, Fusion’s partner, Lone Wolf, will face the Cross-Hemisphere Champion, Diablo.  In our final first round match, Ruff Rabbi will face Killer Krash, and fans, those matches are all signed, sealed, and slashed.



A commercial is shown for LWF: Lord of the Ring.  The theme for Lord of the Ring is Superstar by Saliva.



Phoenix versus Doctor K


Piggy Pie hits to strong heat as Dr. K comes down the ramp.  He slides into the ring, then spins around and drops to his knees with his arms extended.  Rise hits to a massive pop as Phoenix rises from the flames and makes his way down to the ring.  The two circle in the ring before locking up.  Dr. K locks Phoenix into a hammerlock before taking him down with a russian leg sweep.  He follows up with a quick elbow drop, driving his weight into the chest of Phoenix.  Dr. K lifts Phoenix to his feet, pulling him into a fisherman suplex.


Phoenix slowly gets back to his feet, slightly dazed from this swift offensive from Dr. K.  Dr. K goes to take Phoenix down with a clothesline, but Phoenix ducks the swing and hits a t-bone suplex on Dr. K.  Dr. K pops back onto his feet and walks right into a hard right from Phoenix that sends Dr. K staggering.  Phoenix swings again, and again, staggering Dr. K into the ropes before whipping him across the ring and taking him down with a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker.  Phoenix goes to lift Dr. K to his feet, but Dr. K brings his knee up, nailing Phoenix with a low blow.  Dr. K lifts Phoenix into an inverted brainbuster and then goes for the cover, but Phoenix kicks out before two.


Dr. K waits for Phoenix to start to get onto his feet, but when Phoenix is halfway up Dr. K kicks him in the head, sending Phoenix back down onto the mat.  The crowd jeers as Phoenix struggles to get to his feet and is met once more by a swift kick to the head.  Dr. K tries to kick Phoenix a third time, but Phoenix catches his foot.  Dr. K hops on one foot as Phoenix gets onto his feet, taking Dr. K down with a leg sweep.  Phoenix keeps his grip on Dr. K's ankle and goes to lock in Dust to Dust.  Phoenix has Dr. K in Dust to Dust!  Dr. K struggles to reach the ropes, clawing his way across the ring.  His hand gets within inches of the ropes, but Phoenix pulls him back into the center of the ring.  Dr. K cries out in agony, reaching out once more in desperation.  He lunges forward and manages to grasp the bottom rope and Phoenix releases the hold.  Dr. K gets to his feet, using the ropes for support.  Phoenix goes to hit a superkick, but Dr. K's legs give out and he slumps to the ground.  Phoenix pulls Dr. K back onto his feet and hits a swinging neckbreaker before climbing the turnbuckle.  Dr. K is laying in the center of the ring, clutching his right knee as Phoenix leaps off for Ashes to Ashes, but Dr. K rolls out of the way and Phoenix hits nothing but mat!


The ref begins the count and Phoenix gets onto his feet at six, with Dr. K right behind him, and Doc K goes to lift Phoenix into a suplex, but Phoenix floats out.  Dr. K spins around and Phoenix lifts him into Rise No More, but Dr. K floats out of it and shoves Phoenix away, then swings for a clothesline, but Phoenix ducks, then pulls the legs out from under him and goes to lock in Ashes to Ashes, but Dr. K kicks him away.  Phoenix staggers off the ropes and Dr. K takes him down with a drop toe hold.  Dr. K bounces off the ropes, but Phoenix catches him in a spinebuster, slamming him hard to the mat, and the crowd suddenly jeers loudly as Lock comes out from backstage, with Psiko cautiously following a few steps behind.  Lock is on the apron and the referee shouts at him to get off, but Phoenix drills him with a superkick and knocks him off himself.  Psiko freezes at the bottom of the ramp and starts to slowly back away as Phoenix stares at him, and Phoenix turns back to his opponent, but Dr. K is up and lifts him into the Medication!  Dr. K covers, one, two, three! 


Winner:  Dr. K via Pinfall


Mister Mav:  What an upset!  You have to give the assist to Lock, who caused the distraction, but Dr. K just pinned Phoenix!  Dr. K has a ton of momentum behind him, could he be the next Lord of the Ring?


Dr. K rolls out of the ring and celebrates with Lock to strong heat, and Psiko slides in and points at Phoenix and laughs.  Psiko turns and points at Dr. K as he stands with Lock on the ramp, and Phoenix kips up behind Psiko.  Psiko hears the crowd erupt and slowly turns around, and when he sees Phoenix he bails out of the ring, scrambling up the ramp and hiding behind his stablemates, as Phoenix stares at him from the ring.


End Show