Mister Mav: Welcome one and all to another exciting edition
of Lockdown! We are only three days away from what may turn out to be one of
the biggest shows so far this year!
Joshman: Hey, aren't you supposed to introduce me, too?
Mister Mav: I was kind of hoping you'd disappear if I ignored you...
Joshman: So now you are siding with that Cover Jay lunatic?
Mister Mav: Actually, I want him to disappear as well. Ideally, Arelas would
then become the full-time announcer once more.
Joshman: I hate you.
Red Fusion
versus Diablo; Cross-Hemisphere Title Match
"In Time" hits to a fair pop and Red Fusion walks out onto the stage,
tag title around his waist and ready for his match. He skips down the ramp,
slapping the hands of some fans as he makes his way down to the ring.
"Hells Bells" hits to a strong pop as Diablo comes out onto the
stage, the Cross-Hemisphere Title slung over one shoulder. He slowly makes his
way down the ramp and climbs onto the apron, stepping through the ropes and
into the ring as his music fades. The bell rings and the two men lock up in the
center of the ring. Diablo gets the upper-hand first, pulling Fusion into a
fireman's carry. Fusion pops back onto his feet and charges at Diablo, who
lifts him into a fallaway slam. Fusion hits the mat hard and clutches his lower
back before struggling onto his feet. The two men meet once more in the center
of the ring and they lock up, this time Fusion manages to pull Diablo into a
russian leg sweep.
Mister Mav: So far Diablo seems to be getting the better of Fusion in this
Joshman: Yawn! He does every time.
Mister Mav: Which is why he is one of the favorites of the Lord of the Ring
Joshman: No, it is because he is taller than anyone else in it.
Diablo pops back onto his feet and grabs Fusion, whipping him across the ring.
Fusion bounces off the ropes and walks into a sidewalk slam from Diablo. Diablo
floats into the cover, but Fusion kicks out after one. Diablo gets up and pulls
Fusion to his feet, hitting a snapmare. Diablo goes to lift Fusion back up
again, but Fusion sweeps his legs out from under him, sending Diablo crashing
onto the mat. Fusion follows up and grabs Diablo's legs, turning him over into
a texas cloverleaf! Diablo reaches for the ropes, his face turning red as he
writhes in pain. Fusion tightens the hold as Diablo reaches out, his hand
falling just short of the ropes. His hand tightens into a fist and his eyes
clench shut, the pain coursing through his body. He makes one final, desperate
lunge for the ropes and his hand closes around the ropes!
Mister Mav: A narrow escape by Diablo, whose title reign nearly ended there.
Joshman: He wouldn't have tapped, Mav. We all know that.
Mister Mav: Because he is ninja, and ninjas don't tap, right?
Joshman: Huh?
Mister Mav: Oops...that is Covert Jay's thing, isn't it?
Joshman: How can you possibly get us mixed up? I'm calling your mother.
Fusion releases the hold and gets to his feet, slinking to the other side of
the ring as Diablo slowly gets onto his feet. Fusion signals for the Derailer,
which brings a pop from the crowd. Diablo finally gets to his feet, leaning
against the ropes for support as he turns around. Fusion charges, lunging his
right shoulder forward, but Diablo swiftly hits a swinging neckbreaker, using
Fusion's momentum against him. Diablo pulls Fusion up and grabs his throat with
both hands, tossing Fusion into the turnbuckle! Diablo tears into Fusion with
hard jabs, alternating hands with every blow. He finishes up with a massive
right that sends Fusion staggering out of the corner. Fusion walks right into
Diablo, who lifts him into Hell's Grasp! Diablo covers! One...two...three!
Winner: Diablo via pinfall to retain the
Cross-Hemisphere Title
Fiddler on
the Roof Match; Ruff Rabbi versus Killer Krash
The camera switches to the view of a barren rooftop, the stars filling the
night sky overhead. The light from several streetlights illuminates the roof.
In the center of the roof is a door, which swings open as Ruff Rabbi comes onto
the roof, a fiddle in his hand and a smirk on his face. As the door shuts it
slams back open, the door coming off its hinges as Killer Krash comes out onto
the roof, a determined look on his face. He charges at Rabbi, swinging with a
clothesline. Rabbi ducks, cracking Krash over the head with the fiddle as he
rushes past. The fiddle bashes into bits as it cracks on Krash's skull,
splinters flying everywhere. Krash stumbles forward, falling onto his knees.
Rabbi follows up with a dropkick to Krash's skull, knocking the larger man
Mister Mav: Already Ruff Rabbi has the advantage in this unorthodox match.
Joshman: I'd like to throw you off that roof right about now.
Mister Mav: I don't think you could do that, Joshman.
Joshman: Would you like me to try? I'd be glad to do that, Mav.
Krash gets to his feet and turns around, walking right into a DDT from Rabbi.
Rabbi grabs Krash's arm and goes to lock in an arm bar, but Krash rolls and
pulls Rabbi over him. Both men get onto their feet and Rabbi charges at Krash,
but Krash lifts him into a powerslam. Killer Krash floats into a cover, but
Rabbi kicks out after two. Both men get back onto their feet and Krash lifts
Rabbi into the Gunslinger, but a bird passing by overhead takes a @#%$, the
droppings falling directly into Killer Krash's eye. He releases the hold,
staggering backward as he wipes the @#%$ from his eye. Rabbi takes advantage
and hits a flying forearm on Krash, knocking the man off his feet.
Mister Mav: A lucky break for Ruff Rabbi, since Killer Krash almost had the
match put away.
Joshman: You know, he could just have your mom sit on Ruff Rabbi and the match
would be over.
Mister Mav: Just shut up.
Rabbi pulls Killer Krash to his feet and lifts him into a suplex. Krash gets
back onto his feet and swings at Rabbi, but Rabbi ducks and hits a back body
drop. Krash hits the concrete and clutches his back in agony, rolling on the
ground. Rabbi pulls him to his feet and hits the Meshungator! Rabbi covers!
Winner: Ruff Rabbi via pinfall
Psiko and
Fear versus Phoenix and Metalhead Matt Marauder
"Fallen Angel" hits to a pop and Metalhead Matt Marauder comes out
onto the stage, wearing his new WWMMMD? t-shirt. He salutes the crowd as he
heads down the ramp and the pyro goes off on the stage behind him. He slides
into the ring as "Rise" hits to a tremendous pop and Phoenix rises
from the flames. The fans are all on their feet, cheering for their hero as he
makes his way down to the ring. Phoenix slides into the ring and nods slightly
at Triple M as "No More Mister Nice Guy" hits to massive heat and
Psiko creeps out onto the stage, the Federation Title strapped around his waist.
Hesitantly, Psiko makes his way down the ramp, nervously watching Phoenix as he
approaches. Psiko hops onto the apron as "Faint" hits to very strong
heat, but there is no sign of Fear anywhere. Psiko steps into the ring, showing
off his title in front of his opponents. While Phoenix and Triple M are
distracted, Fear slides in the ring behind them and lays them out with a steel
chair! Fear tosses the chair out of the ring and hops onto the apron and the
bell rings to begin the match.
Mister Mav: What an underhanded tactic utilized by Fear and Psiko to do some
damage early on to their opponents.
Joshman: Brilliant, I tell you! Perhaps Lock and I should do that to Jay and
Mister Mav: So you want to cheat to win?
Joshman: Did I not make myself clear enough? I'm teaming with Lock, you idiot!
Triple M and Psiko lock up in the center of the ring, Matt using his size
advantage to gain the upper hand over the Federation Champion. Psiko takes a
forced step backward, giving ground to his opponent as Matt continues to
overpower his undersized competition. Psiko manages to slip free and pops
behind Matt and looks to hit a reverse DDT, but Matt blocks the maneuver. Psiko
drills a knee into Matt's back before trying once again, and this time connects
with the reverse DDT! Matt pops back onto his feet and goes to tag in Phoenix,
but Psiko hurriedly catches Matt and spins him around. Psiko goes to hit a
neckbreaker, but Matt powers out and lifts Psiko overhead, tossing him into a
turnbuckle. Psiko hits the corner hand and flops onto the mat as Matt tags in
Phoenix to a massive pop from the crowd.
Mister Mav: The fans here are completely behind Phoenix and Metalhead Matt
Joshman: They actually like that traitor?
Mister Mav: No, they don't like Psiko at all. Didn't you hear the jeers?
Joshman: I was referring to Matt, who has strayed from the path of the chosen
to befriend one of my opponents. What Psiko did at Lockmania was a great,
overdue move for his career.
Mister Mav: I'm sure you are one of a select few who feels that way.
Joshman: No, I think everyone hates Matt, too. He isn't a popular guy, you
Phoenix comes into the ring and watches Psiko laying in the corner, a small
smirk on his face. Psiko begins to get on his feet, moving very slowly, and he
has not seen Phoenix yet. Phoenix slips behind the groggy Psiko, shadowing his
every turn with graceful ease. Unable to contain themselves, the fans are
cheering loudly, throwing their full support behind Phoenix. Psiko searches for
his opponent and, seeing no one, leans back on the turnbuckle, but ends up
leaning straight into Phoenix. Psiko's eyes grow wide and his face becomes pale
as he realizes who is behind him, and he slowly steps forward. He spins around,
backing away while shaking his head as Phoenix moves forward. Psiko backs
straight into the opposite corner, trapped like a cornered kitten. The roar of
the crowd is deafening as Psiko's knees begin to wobble. Phoenix stops a few
steps in front of Psiko, gesturing for the champion to come forward and fight
him. Psiko shakes his head and turns to leave the ring, but Phoenix grabs him
and drags him into the center of the ring before hitting a snap suplex.
Mister Mav: It seems we have a preview here of what Joshman will do when he
faces Arelas this Sunday.
Joshman: Yeah, you'd better believe Arelas will be running from me. Who can
blame him.
Mister Mav: As always, you completely missed my point.
Joshman: You have a point?
Psiko scrambles back onto his feet and leaps toward the corner, tagging in Fear
who is shaking his head in shame. Fear hops into the ring and locks up with
Phoenix and Phoenix lifts him into a belly to belly suplex. Both men are back
on their feet and Fear swings, jarring Phoenix with a stiff right. Phoenix
repays the favor, and the two men begin to brawl in the center of the ring.
Fear backs Phoenix into the ropes and whips him across the ring and goes for a
back body drop, but Phoenix leapfrogs it, bouncing off the other side and
coming back with a body splash! Fear goes down, and Phoenix looks to lock in
Ashes to Ashes! Phoenix locks in Ashes to Ashes in the center of the ring! Fear
reaches for the ropes, but Psiko comes in and breaks the hold. Psiko goes to
retreat to the outside, but Phoenix grabs him! Matt is in the ring and pulls
Fear to his feet, hitting a swinging backbreaker! Phoenix backs Psiko into the
ropes, hitting a clothesline that sends Psiko falling to ringside. Fear is back
on his feet and charges at Phoenix , but Phoenix ducks and grabs the top rope,
pulling it down so that Fear falls outside the ring on top of Psiko.
Mister Mav: Phoenix has single-handedly cleared the ring of his two opponents,
and listen to this crowd!
Joshman: Yeah, but he can't pin Fear unless Fear is in the ring. What an idiot!
Mister Mav: Why don't you get in there so he can pin you.
Joshman: I may support the Regime, but I don't think Psiko and Fear would want
a win thanks to me beating up their opponents for them.
Phoenix and Matt both slide out of the ring together as Psiko and Fear get onto
their feet. Phoenix brawls with Psiko while Matt drags Fear over to the
barricade, slamming his head onto the barricade. Matt goes to do it a second
time, but Fear blocks it and hits a right hook on Matt, followed by a spinning
heel kick. Phoenix lifts Psiko into Rise No More, laying the champion out at
ringside! Phoenix slides back into the ring, and Fear follows soon thereafter.
The two lock up in the center of the ring and Fear pulls Phoenix into a
fireman's carry. Fear looks to lock in Ashes to Ashes on Phoenix, but Phoenix
rolls out of it and kicks Fear in the face. Both men are on their feet and Fear
walks into Rise No More, but Fear floats out and hits the Numbing! Fear climbs
the turnbuckle, going for the Meteor Press, but Matt hits him in the back with
the chair Fear brought to the ring, sending Fear crashing into the mat. Triple
M slides into the ring and lifts Fear up, hitting an Emerald Fusion before the
ref herds him out of the ring.
Mister Mav: Both men are down, and both Triple M and Psiko are on the apron.
The first man to get the tag here will have a clear advantage.
Joshman: You know, I can't count how many times I've heard that line.
Mister Mav: Some things are true, no matter how many times they are said.
Joshman: Yeah, like how ugly your mom is.
Fear begins to crawl to his corner, and Phoenix is still down. Phoenix begins
to stir, crawling toward his corner as well. Fear lunges and tags in Psiko, who
rushes into the ring and grabs Phoenix right as Phoenix lunges for the tag.
Psiko drags Phoenix back to the center of the ring and goes to lock in the
People's Punishment! Phoenix kicks Psiko away and Psiko bounces into the ropes
and Phoenix lifts him into a powerslam but Psiko floats out. Psiko kicks
Phoenix in the chest and hits a Psikotik as Emperor comes out of the crowd.
Psiko covers, and Emperor takes out Matt with the scepter! One...Emperor hits
the Death Bow on Matt. Two...Emperor slides into the ring. Thr...Emperor kicks
the ref, breaking up the count! Psiko gets up, a frustrated look on his face.
Mister Mav: Psiko was less than a second away from finally scoring his first
clean victory over Phoenix, and Emperor just ruined that moment.
Joshman: Yeah, so the ref should just say that was close enough and give the
match to Psiko and Fear.
Mister Mav: Or how about not?
Emperor swings the scepter at Psiko, and Psiko ducks, kicking Emperor in the
chest. Psiko sets up the Psikotik, but Emperor reverses it into Lights Out!
Fear is in the ring, and looks for a spear but Emperor steps aside and Fear crashes
into Phoenix, who had been getting back onto his feet. Emperor grabs his
scepter again as Fear gets to his feet and bashes Fear in the skull, busting
him open! Phoenix is back on his feet, and Emperor tosses the scepter aside.
The two begin to brawl, and Phoenix backs Emperor into a corner and lifts him
into Rise No More, but Emperor floats out. Emperor sets up Lights Out, but
Phoenix floats out and sets up Rise No More once again. Emperor barely escapes
in time and kicks Phoenix in the chest, hitting Death Bow! Death Bow to
Phoenix! Emperor stands tall in the ring, all four opponents laid out in the
ring. Emperor grabs the Federation Title and holds it overhead to a fair pop,
dropping it in the ring before heading up the ramp.
Winner: No Contest
Mister Mav: And with that comes the end to Lockdown, and you all know what that
Joshman: We don't have to hear you talk anymore?
Mister Mav: No, that means it is time for the Lord of the Ring rundown! Kicking
off the Pay Per View will be Metalhead Matt Marauder squaring off in the
infamous Hall of Mirrors match to determine who enters the Federation Title
match and who enters the Lord of the Ring tournament.
Joshman: Nomad and CoolJ will be challenging Iceman for the Imperial Title, and
we all know one of the Technicians will win that match.
Mister Mav: Arelas will be teaming with Covert Jay to take on Lock and Joshman
with Lock's Havok title on the line.
Joshman: Psiko will look to increase his reign and possibly gain the longest
Federation Title reign in history as he squares off with Phoenix and Emperor,
as well as the winner of the Hall of Mirrors match.
Mister Mav: And finally we will have the Lord of the Ring tournament. Sergeant
Savage, Alan Fernandez and Metalhead Matt Marauder have all won that respectable
title. This Sunday Red Fusion, Lone Wolf, Doctor K, JJ Massacre, Diablo, Ruff
Rabbi, Killer Krash and either Triple M or Fear will try to place their name
alongside those others and become the 2004 Lord of the Ring.
End Show