The pyros explode as Tourniquet plays.


Mister Mav:  Welcome, one and all, to Lockdown!

Joshman:  We’ve got three big matches here tonight, Mav, and the card for Revolution might get a little clearer!

Mister Mav:  Let’s get right to the action!



Tag Title Match

The New Blood © versus the Degenerate World Order


Lunchbox hits to loud heat, and John Hard and Pink Fairy come out from backstage and make their way to the ring. 


Mister Mav:  Here comes the DWO for a shot at the Tag Titles, and John Hard himself is a former tag champion here.

Joshman:  That’s right, late last summer he and Dirtay Hollywood unified the UWF and LWF Tag Titles. 

Mister Mav: You are a fountain of knowledge tonight.


Evolution hits to a loud pop, and Red Fusion and Lone Wolf make their way to the ring. 


Mister Mav:  The New Blood have had a very strong reign with the Tag Titles since they won them at Resurrection in a TLC Match, but those titles could be in jeopardy here tonight against the dangerous DWO.


The four men brawl, but Lone Wolf and Red Fusion are soon overpowered by their opponents.  The referee forces Red Fusion out of the ring, and John Hard and Pink Fairy doubleteam Lone Wolf behind the referee’s back.  They whip Lone Wolf into the ropes, but Lone Wolf comes back with a leaping double clothesline!  John Hard rolls out of the ring, leaving Pink Fairy against Lone Wolf.  Pink Fairy starts to get up, but Lone Wolf bounces off the ropes and hits the Wolf Charge, then floats into the cover, but Pink Fairy kicks out at one and a half.  Lone Wolf pulls Pink Fairy up, but Pink Fairy punches Lone Wolf in the chest and hits a scoop slam.  Pink Fairy grabs Lone Wolf by the head, then pulls him up and hits a neckbreaker.  Pink Fairy covers, one, two, Lone Wolf kicks out.  Pink Fairy bounces off the ropes as Lone Wolf staggers up and hits a spinning wheel kick.  Pink Fairy tags John Hard, then goes back and pulls up Lone Wolf.  Pink Fairy whips Lone Wolf right into a super kick from John Hard!  John Hard covers as Pink Fairy climbs out of the ring, one, two, Lone Wolf gets the shoulder up!  John Hard pulls up Lone Wolf and goes to lift him into the Hardbomb, but Lone Wolf floats off and hits a DDT, and both men are down! 


Joshman:  The first man to his feet will have a clear advantage!

Mister Mav:  Brilliant.


Lone Wolf starts to crawl towards his corner, and John Hard sits up.  Red Fusion stretches for the tag, and Lone Wolf is almost there, but John Hard grabs his leg and pulls him back into the center of the ring.  Lone Wolf hops on one foot, and hits an Enziguri!  Lone Wolf falls back to his corner and makes the tag to Red Fusion!  Red Fusion comes into the ring and clotheslines John Hard.  John Hard gets right back up, and Red Fusion knocks him away with a dropkick.  Pink Fairy charges into the ring, but Red Fusion nails him with the Derailer, knocking Pink Fairy through the ropes to the outside.  John Hard grabs Red Fusion from behind with a waistlock, but Red Fusion elbows out of it, then hits a spear on John Hard!  Red Fusion gets to his feet and signals, then lifts John Hard onto his shoulders for the Fuse-Box, but Pink Fairy is in the ring and kicks Fusion in the face, and Fusion stumbles away and falls onto the second rope as Hard rolls out of the ring.  Lone Wolf charges into the ring, but Pink Fairy backdrops him, and Lone Wolf rolls out of the ring.  Pink Fairy stares at Red Fusion, hung up on the second rope, and Pink Fairy bounces off the ropes and hits the 612, knocking Fusion back into the ring as John Hard gets up at ringside.  Hard grabs Lone Wolf and whips him into the steel steps, then goes under the ring and pulls out a table.  Red Fusion starts to stagger up as Pink Fairy is standing on the apron, and Pink Fairy goes for the Midwest Pop, but Red Fusion counters it into a powerbomb!  Red Fusion lays motionless for a moment, then rolls over and covers Pink Fairy, but Fairy isn’t the legal man!  Red Fusion stares at the referee as John Hard sets up the table at ringside and fumbles with something in his hand, and John Hard lights the table on fire to a roar from the crowd!  Hard slides into the ring and catches Fusion with a boot to the chest, then pulls him to a corner as Pink Fairy gets up and comes over, and Pink Fairy gets up on the top rope as Hard clubs Fusion in the back.  Pink Fairy is on the top rope, and John Hard gives Fusion to him.  The referee warns Hard, but John Hard shoves him down as Pink Fairy lifts Red Fusion into a Fairy Bomb that sends him over the ropes and crashing through the flaming table!  The referee calls for the bell!


Winners:  The New Blood via Disqualification to retain the Tag Titles


John Hard and Pink Fairy laugh about the chaos they have caused as the ring crew rushes to extinguish the fire, when suddenly Angel of Death hits to a strong pop, and Arelas walks out to the stage, mic in hand.


Arelas:  Nice mess.  Very nice.  I’m torn now on what to do with you guys, truth be told I’m very skeptical of your intentions, the DWO.  On the one hand you two just got yourselves disqualified from your shot at the tag titles, on the other hand you’ve devastated the tag champs, and should that qualify you for another shot?  So I’ll tell you what I’m going to do.  At Revolution, the Tag Titles will be on the line in a five team gauntlet match.  Our five tag teams will enter in a random order, and as each team is beaten the next team will come out, with the last remaining team taking home the gold, and the titles will be considered on the line in every match after whenever the New Blood enter.  So who are these five teams?  Well, I’m glad you asked.  There will of course be the New Blood, but add to that Dr. K and JJ Massacre from the Regime, the Technicians, the Imperialists, and finally, two members from the DWO.  Which two?  I’ll leave that up to you guys to figure out, but two of you get in the match, the other gets to watch.  And if you don’t like that…get over it.


Angel of Death hits again, and Arelas heads backstage.





Lock and Psiko are in a hallway.


Psiko:  You know, I’m feeling good about tonight.


Lock:  Oh?


Psiko:  I’ve got Dr. K on my side, and he’s beaten Phoenix.  But you know, the man is so resourceful…you don’t beat him twice.  I’ve watched a lot of footage, I’ve seen what he can do.  I’d better go talk to Doc about it…give him the warning.  With my advice, maybe we can eek out a win here.


Lock:  You’re going to tell Dr. K how to beat Phoenix?


Psiko:  I’m gonna try.


Lock:  You may as well just tell him to smack Phoenix with a frozen squid, he’ll do just as well.


Psiko:  Hey, that’s not a bad idea!


Psiko hurries off as Lock stares at him, stunned.


Arelas:  That’s not going to end well.


Lock looks back over his shoulder and sees that Arelas has come up behind him.


Lock:  No, it’s not.  What the hell do you want.


Arelas:  I was just wondering if this match is actually going to happen tonight.


Lock:  Yeah.  Messing with your card isn’t pissing you off enough.


Arelas:  I’ve been drinking herbal teas.


Lock:  I’ll think of something.


Arelas:  I don’t doubt you will.


Arelas walks off, as Lock looks frustrated.





Emperor is shown in his locker room, polishing his scepter.  He looks it over briefly.


Emperor:  Time to go Diablo hunting. 


Emperor turns around, and Diablo is standing in front of him, wearing a paper party hat.  He blows into a blowout [Note – one of those party favor thingies, you blow into it and it rolls out, makes a stupid little noise…those are apparently called blowouts…whatever] as Emperor stares at him with a stunned expression on his face, and Diablo boots him right in the face.


Diablo:  Happy birthday, jackass.





Phoenix is walking down a hallway, when he hears a screaming kamikaze roar, and he spins and takes down the charging Dr. K with a drop toe hold, and Dr. K falls face first into the weapon he was trying to use.  Phoenix nudges Dr. K out of the way, and stares at the frozen squid on the floor.


Phoenix:  That’s a new one.



Dirtay Hollywood versus Nomad


Dirty Hollywood hits to loud heat, and Dirtay Hollywood comes out from backstage and makes his way to the ring.


Mister Mav:  A few days ago on Warzone we saw John Hard of the DWO in singles actions while his two stablemates fought a tag match, and tonight the solo man is Dirtay Hollywood.

Joshman:  You think we’ll see Pink Fairy in singles action on Warzone?

Mister Mav:  I suppose it’s possible, but we may also see Dirtay Hollywood if he wins this match, because the winner will face Iceman for the Imperial Title on Warzone!


The Outlaw Torn hits to a loud pop, and Nomad comes out of the crowd and slides into the ring as the bell rings.  Nomad charges and delivers multiple blows to Hollywood, forcing him into the ropes.  Nomad whips Hollywood across the ring, then charges and spears him to the mat.  Nomad hits several mounted punches, then climbs the turnbuckle.  Hollywood gets up and Nomad goes for a missile dropkick, but Hollywood sidesteps it.  Nomad scurries up into a hard scoop slam from Hollywood.  Hollywood whips Nomad across the ring, then floors him with a Dirtay Kick.  Nomad tries to get up, and Hollywood hits springboard diving facecrusher.  Hollywood covers, one, two, Nomad gets the shoulder up! 


Mister Mav:  An innovative move by Dirtay Hollywood gets a two count Nomad.


Hollywood whips Nomad across the ring and goes for a backdrop, but Nomad counters with a facebuster.  Nomad pulls Hollywood up and shoves him into the corner, stomping away on the challenger.  Nomad goes to whip him to the opposite corner, but Hollywood reverses it, then follows Nomad,  but Nomad boots him down.  Nomad goes right into the cover, one, two, Hollywood shoves Nomad off.  Nomad rolls to his feet, but Dirtay Hollywood is back and is Layin Down the Dirt, backing Nomad into the corner, and Hollywood stomps him down.  Dirtay Hollywood pulls him out and sets up the Down and Dirtay, but Nomad elbows out of it, then kicks him in the chest and hits a DDT.  Nomad covers, one, two, Hollywood kicks out. 


Mister Mav:  And that is a rare cover by Nomad, who typically tries to end his matches with the Leash.

Joshman:  He’s trying to get some culture and expand his horizons.   


Nomad starts to pull Hollywood up, but Hollywood catches him with a low blow, and the referee missed it as Nomad goes down hard to the mat.  Hollywood sets him up for the Dirtay Bomb, but Nomad backdrops out of it.  Hollywood tries to get right up, but Nomad kicks him in the chest and hits a piledriver!  Nomad grimaces, but shrugs of the pain and heads for the top rope, then leaps and hits a driving elbow, driving it deep into the chest of Dirtay Hollywood!  Nomad covers and hooks the leg, one, two, Hollywood gets the shoulder up!


Mister Mav:  Hollywood gets the shoulder up, and Nomad is calling for the Leash!

Joshman:  They don’t allow leashes in Hollywood!

Mister Mav:  Actually they’re pretty bizarre out there.


Nomad signals for his submission holds, then starts to try to put Dirtay Hollywood into the body scissors, but Hollywood rolls over and gets Nomad onto his back, his shoulders on the mat, one, two, Nomad kicks out!  Dirtay Hollywood rolls to his feet, and as Nomad is getting up Dirtay Hollywood lifts him into the Down and Dirtay!  Dirtay Hollywood stands over Nomad, then bounces off the ropes and hits the Dirtay Drop!  Hollywood covers, one, two, three!


Winner:  Dirtay Hollywood via Pinfall





Lock puts some change into a soda machine and presses a button, but nothing happens.  Lock smacks the machine a few times, but still nothing happens as Psiko walks up.


Psiko:  Our problems should be solved shortly.


Lock:  Please tell me you didn’t do what I think you did.


The frozen squid suddenly comes flying out of nowhere and soars between Lock and Psiko, crashing into the machine, and there is a loud chunk as a can of soda comes out.  The two look for the source as the camera pans over, and Phoenix is shown grinning.  He waves and walks off, as Lock and Psiko look back at each other.


Lock:  Nicely done.





Triple M is walking through a hallway backstage, when a window that he is walking past suddenly shatters as Fear comes flying through it, tackling Triple M.  Fear rolls back to his feet and snatches up a steel chair, smacking Triple M with it and knocking him down.  Fear sets up the chair and puts it down across Triple M’s neck, choking him as Fear sits down backwards on the chair, looking down over the back at Triple M.


Fear:  Hey, champ.  You know, you’re really pissing me off.  I went to all this trouble to train for a brutal match, and this is what you give us?  You think you and I will be doing some Greco-Roman wrestling?  Let’s get serious.  This is your warning, Marauder.  You’ve got some time left.  I recommend you change your mind, or you won’t make it to Revolution.


Fear glances up and sees something down the hallway.


Fear:  Whoops, time to go.  Think about it.


Fear slides off the chair and heads off down the hallway as Arelas comes running into the picture from the other direction, knocking the chair off of Triple M.  Arelas helps Triple M up as the LWF Champion gasps for air.  Arelas stares down the hall as Triple M rubs his neck.


Arelas:  You can’t let him get away with this, Matt.  I want to see you punish him.  Give yourself a situation where you can give him what he deserves.


Triple M:  You mean give him what he wants.  I’m in control, not him.  I’m not going to give in to him just because he tries to push me.  You of all people should appreciate that.  You know…this match will not be a Hell in a Cell match.


Arelas stares at Triple M for a moment, then slowly nods his head.



A commercial is shown for LWF: Revolution.  The theme for Revolution is Enemy by Sevendust.



Phoenix and Killer Krash versus Psiko and Dr. K


Instruments of Destruction hits to strong heat, and Psiko and Dr. K make their way to the ring, with Dr. K rubbing his forehead where he fell on it earlier.


Mister Mav:  If Dr. K looks like he has a headache, it’s because he managed to accidentally hit himself in the head with a frozen squid earlier tonight.

Joshman:  Where did he even get one of those?

Mister Mav:  I don’t ask such questions.


Master of Puppets hits, and Killer Krash comes down and waits on the ramp.  Rise hits to a tremendous pop, and Phoenix rises from the flames to the stage.  He joins Killer Krash on the ramp and they head to ringside.


Dr. K charges at his opponent, but Killer Krash takes him down with a scoop slam. Killer Krash bounces off the ropes and goes for a big boot, but Dr. K sidesteps it and hits a suplex. Killer Krash tries to get right up, but Dr. K kicks him in the chest and hits a DDT. Dr. K floats into the cover, one, two, Killer Krash kicks out. Dr. K goes to pull Killer Krash up, but Killer Krash kidney punches him, then puls his legs out from under him and turns Dr. K over into a sharpshooter! Dr. K stretches, and he reaches the ropes! The referee forces Killer Krash to break the hold, and Killer Krash argues with him, giving Dr. K time to get up. Killer Krash swings and knocks Dr. K down with a clothesline.  Killer Krash lifts Dr. K to his feet and hits a suplex, and Phoenix is signaling for a tag. Killer Krash walks over to tag in Phoenix, but changes his mind and turns back to Dr. K. He whips Dr. K into the ropes and takes him down with a powerslam. Dr. K slowly staggers back to his feet and Killer Krash bounces off the ropes, looking to hit a superkick, but Psiko grabs his foot and trips Killer Krash.  Psiko begins to laugh while Dr. K whips Killer Krash off the ropes and hits a hip toss into a neckbreaker.  Dr. K pulls Killer Krash to his feet, whipping him off the ropes, but Phoenix makes a blind tag. Dr. K pulls Killer Krash into body press drop, but turns into a hard right from Phoenix. Killer Krash falls hard onto the mat, rolling out of the ring while Phoenix hits an inverted neckbreaker on Dr. K.  Phoenix pulls Dr. K back onto his feet and hits a swinging neckbreaker before climbing the turnbuckle.  Dr. K is laying in the center of the ring, clutching his right knee as Phoenix leaps off for Ashes to Ashes, but Dr. K rolls out of the way and Phoenix hits nothing but mat!


Mister Mav: A lucky break for Doctor K, managing to avoid Ashes to Ashes!

Joshman:  That almost reminded me of Iceman.


The ref begins the count and Phoenix gets onto his feet at six, with Dr. K right behind him, and Doc K goes to lift Phoenix into a suplex, but Phoenix floats out.  Dr. K spins around and Phoenix lifts him into Rise No More, but Dr. K floats out of it and shoves Phoenix away, then swings for a clothesline, but Phoenix ducks, then pulls the legs out from under him and goes to lock in Ashes to Ashes, but Dr. K kicks him away, and Killer Krash slaps Phoenix on the back for a blind tag as Psiko rushes into the ring and swings for a clothesline, but Killer Krash ducks and backdrops him, and Phoenix comes off the top rope with Ashes to Ashes as Dr. K pulls Killer Krash out of the ring.  The referee is occupied with trying to get Phoenix and Psiko out of the ring, meanwhile Dr. K is at ringside, and he smacks Killer Krash with a frozen squid!


Mister Mav:  Where in the hell did he get another frozen squid?

Joshman:  You probably shouldn’t ask.

Mister Mav:  Yeah, I don’t want to know.


Phoenix tosses Psiko out of the ring and goes out after him as Dr. K rolls Killer Krash back into the ring, then slides in and covers as the referee turns back around, one, two, three!


Winners:  Psiko and Dr. K via Pinfall


Mister Mav:  Psiko and Dr. K steal the win, and give the assist to, of all things, a frozen squid! 

Joshman:  Bizarre.

Mister Mav:  Folks, we are just ten days away from Revolution, and you don’t want to miss Warzone!  Dirtay Hollywood challenges Iceman for the Imperial Title!  Which two DWO members will challenge for the Tag Titles at Revolution?  What will Fear do next to try and get his way?  How will Psiko prepare for facing Phoenix in the Inferno Pit?  Don’t miss Warzone!


End Show