Justin Credible
The ex-ECWer now has a job in The WWF.Teaming with X-Pac on his return Wrecked Havoc.But will he be on RAW every week,or Heat.
Body Type 2
- Face
- Nose 001/Eyes 025/Mouth 007/Figure 02
- Facial Hair 018
- Upper Body
- Base M-Type 009/Figure Normal 02
- Wrist Band (Both)Wrist 017
Lower Body
- Feet
- Socks Acce. 002 65/128/55/128
- Shoes 001 50/128/0/88
- Short Pants Shorts 001 90/128/128/128
- Knee Pad(Both) Knee Pad 005 128/0/88
- Belt 007 128/128/88
Other stuff
- Weapons Kendo Stick
- Music X-Pac
- Moves Just make sure he has Tombstone Piledriver as his Finisher