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Welcome To The Darkside.Prepare to Rest in Piece.And most Importantly...Keep Rollin'Rollin'Rollin'Rollin'.Whether It be Dead Man or Bad Ass,The Undertaker is still the most dominant force in the World Wrestling Federation Today and for the last decade,The Decade of Destruction.The Undertaker,My Favourite,Has been the Darkest Superstar ever in the WWF.You would be called evil too if all you did was walk around with your eyes Rolled up,Sleeping in a Coffin,Throwing People off Cells and Burning your little brother(Don't try that at home).'Taker has also gone through many Gimmick and Name changes such as The Armaggedon Reign,Ministry,Lord of Darkness,He was Kain The Undertaker,Mean Mark Callous and most recently The American Bad Ass.He may be getting on and he won't be around for much longer,but while he is around you better not step out of line when you walk through his yard.

Classic Undertaker

Undertaker Now

Career Highlights