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*History from 11/19's PPV, Survivor Series*


On November 13th, the two Commissioners made a matchup for Survivor Series, consisting of the T&APA taking on Molly Holly, Steve Blackman, and Crash Holly! This match would be Molly's WWF Wrestling debut, but not Nora's. Nora actually wrestled once before in the WWF under the name Starla Saxton, where she jobbed to Jackie for the Women's title. But that was the past, lets go to the present. The match finally went underway at Survivor Series 2000. First Test, Albert, & Trish came out to boo's, but the crowd cheered up when they saw Crash & Molly come out! Molly even had a new shirt and new pants! Blackman and Albert begin the match and Blackman is getting the best of Albert. Crash is tagged in and jumps on Albert, but Albert catches him. Blackman then dropkicks them down. Crash pinned Albert for a two count. Albert got a clothesline on Crash and tags in Trish, who wanted her share of kicking Holly butt. Albert held Crash for her and Trish went for a low blow but Crash jumped and she hit Albert. Crash tags in Molly (her first ever tag :) and she runs after Trish but coward Trish ran away to tag in Test. Molly tags out to Crash, and Test gets the better of him. Crash did however get in some right hands and gave Test an elbow to the face, and he was even able to get a Hurracanrana on Test for a two count! Test gave Crash a horrible boot to the face and some right hands, and then gave Albert the tag. T&A double teamed Crash and went as far as to throw him from over both their heads. Albert made the ropes catch poor Crash's neck. Test got the tag and went for the Pumphandle Slam, but Crash countered and threw Test into Albert! Trish tagged herself in, and goes for an elbow drop on Crash, but Crash tags in Molly!

Molly Holly gave Trish a hiptoss, and an awesome BODY SLAM! Then she gave the downed Trish a quick elbow drop. Molly picked up Trish and got some wicked Chops to Trish's chest. Trish whipped Molly off the ropes, and Test grabbed Molly by the hair and knocks her down. Trish went for a SUPLEX but Molly turned it into a suplex of her own! Steve Blackman tried to get in the ring, but the ref told him to go back in his corner. The T&APA triple-teamed poor Molly and Albert picked Molly up over his head, like he did to Crash earlier. Test went on the top rope, ready to pounce on Molly, but Crash ran in the ring and pushed Test down!! Trish slammed Molly into the corner and got some sort of Bulldog on Molly, with Albert, Test, Blackman, and Crash fighting elsewhere. Trish got a two-count out of Molly! Trish wasn't satisfied and backed Molly to the corner, where she got some kicks. Trish set up Molly on the top turnbuckle but Molly kicked Trish down to the mat and jumped off the top rope in Molly's new trademark -- the Molly-Go-Round! Molly landed on Trish and hit with an effect, as she got a 3-count and won her very first match!!

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Pictures from SurvivorSeries.com:

Pictures from WWFDivas.com:

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