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*History from 11/27's RAW*

It was November 27th, a little over a week after Molly's wrestling debut! Tonight on RAW, Molly, Crash, & Hardcore would be taking on Trish Stratus and T&A! All the Hollys entered the ring together. Molly started the match against Trish. Trish surprisingly knocked Molly down and gave her some stomps. Trish got Molly into the corner of the ring and went for a Monkey Flip, but with Molly's grace, Molly landed on her feet! Molly got Trish in a drop toe-hold and grabbed Trish's arm. She spun around on the mat, still holding Trish's arm, as she twisted it *Ouch*. Molly & Trish got up and Molly gave Trish a huge chop (You could hear it!). Trish Irish-Whipped Molly into the ropes and Albert knocked poor Molly down. Trish did some damage to the downed Molly and then tagged in Test. Just as Test was about to do his share of damage, Molly crawled under his legs, and ran to her corner, where she tagged in Hardcore Holly!

Test gave Hardcore Holly some boot, and also a lot of right-hands. Test Irish-Whipped Harecore into the corner, and ran for Holly, but Hardcore Holly gave Test a boot-to-the-face as he went for Holly. Hardcore gave Test a great looking crossbody from the top rope, like Molly does :)! He pinned Test for a two-count. Hardcore tagged in Crash, and Crash gave Test a Missle Drop-Kick from the top rope like Molly does, too! Crash went for a Crashacanrana but Test turned it into a big powerbomb. Crash was down, and Test punched him repeatedly.

Test tagged in Albert and Albert got some punches & stuff in there on Crash. Albert gave Crash an Irish-Whip into the ropes and Crash bounced back with a Sunset Flip! But, Albert was too big and Crash was too small for that to have been pulled off successfully :(. Albert tried to sit down on Crash but Crash fortunately moved out of the way! Albert suplexed Crash for a two-count. Albert beat up both Crash and Hardcore Holly. Test started to help Albert double-team Crash. Crash came back with a chin-breaker on Albert, and tagged in his cousin, Hardcore Holly.

Hardcore quickly got the advantage over Albert, with some punches and a flying forearm from the top rope. Hardcore also got in his trademark lowblow, where he sits a wrestler's neck on the ropes, holds their legs, and kicks their groin. Hardcore grabbed Trish and threw her into the ring from the apron! Molly saw the opportunity and she tossed Trish outta the ring, through the ropes! Molly then got on the apron and gave Trish (on the concrete) the coolest looking somersault in mid air! It was like a mini-version of the Molly-Go-Round! Test threw Crash to the outside and Hardcore was left in the ring with T&A. T&A set Hardcore up for a boot to the face, but Holly moved, and Test accidentally hit Albert! Crash grabbed the confused Test's leg, and dragged him out of the ring, as he delivered several punches to Test! Hardcore Holly gave Albert a beautiful drop kick, one of the best today, his boots landing on Albert's head, which knocked Albert down for a three count! Molly clapped for her cousins because she knew that the Hollys kicked the A in T&A!

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