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*History from 12/10's PPV, Armageddon*


In the last match before the Six-Man-Hell-in-a-Cell at Armageddon, Molly made her way to the ring! Trish & Ivory followed and they were boo'd badly :). This was a Triple Threat match, so whoever pinned anybody in this match (it didn't have to be Ivory) would win the Women's Championship! Molly began the match by focusing on Trish Stratus. Molly gave Trish some chops in the corner. Trish turned it around and threw Molly into the turnbuckle. Trish gave Molly a surprising Monkey Flip! But of course, Molly's grace helped her to land on her feet. Ivory wanted to get involved, so she nailed poor Molly immediately. Trish & Ivory tried to double-team poor Molly, but Molly came right back and delivered a double drop-kick, knocking both Ivory and Trish down at the same time! Molly pinned Trish for a two count, because Ivory broke it up just before the ref's hand hit the mat for the third time.

Molly went for Ivory and tried to pin her, but Trish broke that up. Trish stomped away on Molly as Ivory & her decided to double team Molly again. They gave Molly a Double-Team Suplex! The two divas gave each other a high-five but Ivory, being the hypocrite that she is, knocked down Trish, and pinned Molly for a two-count. Molly seemed down and then Trish & Ivory got into a fight. Molly broke it up as she flew from the top rope and delivered a huge double-cross body to her two opponents! This match was full of doubling, *LoL*. Molly gave Ivory a back body drop and Ivory flew outside the ring. Trish went for another one of her cool Hurracanranas, but Molly got Trish in a POWERBOMB (Molly is so amazing!)! Molly went to pin Trish but Ivory threw Molly to the outside of the ring, and picked up what was left of Molly's powerbomb, as she pinned Trish for a 3-count. It's a real shame because Molly deserved that title, she was the one who gave Trish the finishing move, not Ivory. But, Molly will always get a second chance...

But its not over yet, folks! T&A came to the ring and grabbed Molly, and they seemed to be threatening her. Crash came to the ring and kinda "challenged" T&A. King noted that size does matter, Crash! T&A laughed at big-hearted Crash and got in the ring. Were they going to torture Crash? Well, not that night!

The Acolytes Music hit and the APA were furious! They ran to the ring and immediately started kicking T&A's...well, A! Bradshaw finished Albert off with his trademark clothesline from Hell!

Even though had its down sides, the ending really made up for it. But now, Ivory better keep an eye on her waist, and I mean that.

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