*Mobile's Molly*

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*History from 12/7's SmackDown*

On the last SmackDown before Armageddon 2K, Molly Holly faced Trish Stratus in a singles match for the spot of Women's Title #1 Contendor. In other words, who ever won this match would fight Ivory for her belt at Armageddon! Molly came out first with a new TitanTron Movie, and to a huge crowd responce. Molly waited in the ring and gave Trish dirty looks as Trish entered, to a chorus of boo's.

Molly gave Trish a drop toe-hold to start off the match. With Trish down, Molly took the opportunity to do her trademark arm-twister, where she spun quickly holding Trish's arm. Molly let Trish get up and then got her in a hammer lock. Of course, Trish being Trish, knows the counter to this move, much to Stephanie's unhappiness *LoL*! Trish gave Molly a SnapMare (Whoa) but Molly landed on her feet with grace (Double Whoa)!! Molly gave Trish a hip-toss and Trish ran outside the ring. Trish went to the apron, and Molly ran to her, but only for Trish to do that "neck-to-the-ropes-that-makes-you-fall-back" move (that Molly did to Trish on her debut)! Trish threw Molly across the ring as her boys, T&A, made their way to the ring. T&A were cheering Trish on as Trish threw Molly around and got her in a front face lock, and even got Molly in a big suplex! Someone, but hopefully not Triple H, has been teaching Trish new moves!

Trish got a two-count out of Molly, and then got Molly in a (get this) HURRACANRANA! Can you believe that? Trish? A hurracanrana? Very impressive...well anyways, Trish again pinned Molly for a two count and got into an arguement with the ref. Trish went back to Molly and tried to punch her. Molly blocked it, but Trish still got a fore-arm. Molly gave Trish a huge chop, and went for the Northern Lights Suplex pin. Albert put Trish's foot on the ropes in what would have been a three count! Crash came out and nailed Test & Albert's head with a Trash Can lid! However, Albert grabbed Crash and threw him into the barricade. Molly went to the top rope but Trish grabbed her down. Test gave Trish the trash lid and she hit Molly with it! The bell rung and Molly won by DQ. But, since there was no pinfall, there was no #1 Contender!

Shortly after this match, Crash confronted Debra & Mick Foley, the commissioners, and said Molly should've been #1 Contender. Debra said that it will be Molly vs Trish vs Ivory at Armageddon for the title, because thats fair to both divas. Crash said Molly would like that, and he ran off to tell her.

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